path: root/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/catalog/SessionCatalog.scala
blob: 1417bccf657cd0da04c15b8ee141920fe51bb1a4 (plain) (tree)





































































































































































































 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog

import java.net.URI
import java.util.Locale
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.collection.mutable

import com.google.common.cache.{Cache, CacheBuilder}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.FunctionRegistry.FunctionBuilder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, ExpressionInfo}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.{CatalystSqlParser, ParserInterface}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, SubqueryAlias, View}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.StringUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType}

object SessionCatalog {
  val DEFAULT_DATABASE = "default"

 * An internal catalog that is used by a Spark Session. This internal catalog serves as a
 * proxy to the underlying metastore (e.g. Hive Metastore) and it also manages temporary
 * tables and functions of the Spark Session that it belongs to.
 * This class must be thread-safe.
class SessionCatalog(
    val externalCatalog: ExternalCatalog,
    globalTempViewManager: GlobalTempViewManager,
    functionRegistry: FunctionRegistry,
    conf: SQLConf,
    hadoopConf: Configuration,
    parser: ParserInterface,
    functionResourceLoader: FunctionResourceLoader) extends Logging {
  import SessionCatalog._
  import CatalogTypes.TablePartitionSpec

  // For testing only.
  def this(
      externalCatalog: ExternalCatalog,
      functionRegistry: FunctionRegistry,
      conf: SQLConf) {
      new GlobalTempViewManager("global_temp"),
      new Configuration(),

  // For testing only.
  def this(externalCatalog: ExternalCatalog) {
      new SimpleFunctionRegistry,
      new SQLConf().copy(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE -> true))

  /** List of temporary tables, mapping from table name to their logical plan. */
  protected val tempTables = new mutable.HashMap[String, LogicalPlan]

  // Note: we track current database here because certain operations do not explicitly
  // specify the database (e.g. DROP TABLE my_table). In these cases we must first
  // check whether the temporary table or function exists, then, if not, operate on
  // the corresponding item in the current database.
  protected var currentDb: String = formatDatabaseName(DEFAULT_DATABASE)

   * Checks if the given name conforms the Hive standard ("[a-zA-z_0-9]+"),
   * i.e. if this name only contains characters, numbers, and _.
   * This method is intended to have the same behavior of
   * org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.MetaStoreUtils.validateName.
  private def validateName(name: String): Unit = {
    val validNameFormat = "([\\w_]+)".r
    if (!validNameFormat.pattern.matcher(name).matches()) {
      throw new AnalysisException(s"`$name` is not a valid name for tables/databases. " +
        "Valid names only contain alphabet characters, numbers and _.")

   * Format table name, taking into account case sensitivity.
  protected[this] def formatTableName(name: String): String = {
    if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) name else name.toLowerCase

   * Format database name, taking into account case sensitivity.
  protected[this] def formatDatabaseName(name: String): String = {
    if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) name else name.toLowerCase

   * A cache of qualified table names to table relation plans.
  val tableRelationCache: Cache[QualifiedTableName, LogicalPlan] = {
    val cacheSize = conf.tableRelationCacheSize
    CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(cacheSize).build[QualifiedTableName, LogicalPlan]()

   * This method is used to make the given path qualified before we
   * store this path in the underlying external catalog. So, when a path
   * does not contain a scheme, this path will not be changed after the default
   * FileSystem is changed.
  private def makeQualifiedPath(path: URI): URI = {
    val hadoopPath = new Path(path)
    val fs = hadoopPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)

  private def requireDbExists(db: String): Unit = {
    if (!databaseExists(db)) {
      throw new NoSuchDatabaseException(db)

  private def requireTableExists(name: TableIdentifier): Unit = {
    if (!tableExists(name)) {
      val db = name.database.getOrElse(currentDb)
      throw new NoSuchTableException(db = db, table = name.table)

  private def requireTableNotExists(name: TableIdentifier): Unit = {
    if (tableExists(name)) {
      val db = name.database.getOrElse(currentDb)
      throw new TableAlreadyExistsException(db = db, table = name.table)

  private def checkDuplication(fields: Seq[StructField]): Unit = {
    val columnNames = if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
    } else {
    if (columnNames.distinct.length != columnNames.length) {
      val duplicateColumns = columnNames.groupBy(identity).collect {
        case (x, ys) if ys.length > 1 => x
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Found duplicate column(s): ${duplicateColumns.mkString(", ")}")
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Databases
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // All methods in this category interact directly with the underlying catalog.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  def createDatabase(dbDefinition: CatalogDatabase, ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(dbDefinition.name)
    if (dbName == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      throw new AnalysisException(
        s"${globalTempViewManager.database} is a system preserved database, " +
          "you cannot create a database with this name.")
    val qualifiedPath = makeQualifiedPath(dbDefinition.locationUri)
      dbDefinition.copy(name = dbName, locationUri = qualifiedPath),

  def dropDatabase(db: String, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean, cascade: Boolean): Unit = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)
    if (dbName == DEFAULT_DATABASE) {
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Can not drop default database")
    externalCatalog.dropDatabase(dbName, ignoreIfNotExists, cascade)

  def alterDatabase(dbDefinition: CatalogDatabase): Unit = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(dbDefinition.name)
    externalCatalog.alterDatabase(dbDefinition.copy(name = dbName))

  def getDatabaseMetadata(db: String): CatalogDatabase = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)

  def databaseExists(db: String): Boolean = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)

  def listDatabases(): Seq[String] = {

  def listDatabases(pattern: String): Seq[String] = {

  def getCurrentDatabase: String = synchronized { currentDb }

  def setCurrentDatabase(db: String): Unit = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)
    if (dbName == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      throw new AnalysisException(
        s"${globalTempViewManager.database} is a system preserved database, " +
          "you cannot use it as current database. To access global temporary views, you should " +
          "use qualified name with the GLOBAL_TEMP_DATABASE, e.g. SELECT * FROM " +
    synchronized { currentDb = dbName }

   * Get the path for creating a non-default database when database location is not provided
   * by users.
  def getDefaultDBPath(db: String): URI = {
    val database = formatDatabaseName(db)
    new Path(new Path(conf.warehousePath), database + ".db").toUri

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Tables
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // There are two kinds of tables, temporary tables and metastore tables.
  // Temporary tables are isolated across sessions and do not belong to any
  // particular database. Metastore tables can be used across multiple
  // sessions as their metadata is persisted in the underlying catalog.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // | Methods that interact with metastore tables only |
  // ----------------------------------------------------

   * Create a metastore table in the database specified in `tableDefinition`.
   * If no such database is specified, create it in the current database.
  def createTable(tableDefinition: CatalogTable, ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableDefinition.identifier.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableDefinition.identifier.table)

    val newTableDefinition = if (tableDefinition.storage.locationUri.isDefined
      && !tableDefinition.storage.locationUri.get.isAbsolute) {
      // make the location of the table qualified.
      val qualifiedTableLocation =
        storage = tableDefinition.storage.copy(locationUri = Some(qualifiedTableLocation)),
        identifier = TableIdentifier(table, Some(db)))
    } else {
      tableDefinition.copy(identifier = TableIdentifier(table, Some(db)))

    externalCatalog.createTable(newTableDefinition, ignoreIfExists)

   * Alter the metadata of an existing metastore table identified by `tableDefinition`.
   * If no database is specified in `tableDefinition`, assume the table is in the
   * current database.
   * Note: If the underlying implementation does not support altering a certain field,
   * this becomes a no-op.
  def alterTable(tableDefinition: CatalogTable): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableDefinition.identifier.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableDefinition.identifier.table)
    val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(table, Some(db))
    val newTableDefinition = tableDefinition.copy(identifier = tableIdentifier)

   * Alter the schema of a table identified by the provided table identifier. The new schema
   * should still contain the existing bucket columns and partition columns used by the table. This
   * method will also update any Spark SQL-related parameters stored as Hive table properties (such
   * as the schema itself).
   * @param identifier TableIdentifier
   * @param newSchema Updated schema to be used for the table (must contain existing partition and
   *                  bucket columns, and partition columns need to be at the end)
  def alterTableSchema(
      identifier: TableIdentifier,
      newSchema: StructType): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(identifier.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(identifier.table)
    val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(table, Some(db))

    val catalogTable = externalCatalog.getTable(db, table)
    val oldSchema = catalogTable.schema

    // not supporting dropping columns yet
    val nonExistentColumnNames = oldSchema.map(_.name).filterNot(columnNameResolved(newSchema, _))
    if (nonExistentColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
      throw new AnalysisException(
           |Some existing schema fields (${nonExistentColumnNames.mkString("[", ",", "]")}) are
           |not present in the new schema. We don't support dropping columns yet.

    // assuming the newSchema has all partition columns at the end as required
    externalCatalog.alterTableSchema(db, table, newSchema)

  private def columnNameResolved(schema: StructType, colName: String): Boolean = {
    schema.fields.map(_.name).exists(conf.resolver(_, colName))

   * Return whether a table/view with the specified name exists. If no database is specified, check
   * with current database.
  def tableExists(name: TableIdentifier): Boolean = synchronized {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(currentDb))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    externalCatalog.tableExists(db, table)

   * Retrieve the metadata of an existing permanent table/view. If no database is specified,
   * assume the table/view is in the current database. If the specified table/view is not found
   * in the database then a [[NoSuchTableException]] is thrown.
  def getTableMetadata(name: TableIdentifier): CatalogTable = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Some(db)))
    externalCatalog.getTable(db, table)

   * Retrieve the metadata of an existing metastore table.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
   * If the specified table is not found in the database then return None if it doesn't exist.
  def getTableMetadataOption(name: TableIdentifier): Option[CatalogTable] = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    externalCatalog.getTableOption(db, table)

   * Load files stored in given path into an existing metastore table.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
   * If the specified table is not found in the database then a [[NoSuchTableException]] is thrown.
  def loadTable(
      name: TableIdentifier,
      loadPath: String,
      isOverwrite: Boolean,
      isSrcLocal: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Some(db)))
    externalCatalog.loadTable(db, table, loadPath, isOverwrite, isSrcLocal)

   * Load files stored in given path into the partition of an existing metastore table.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
   * If the specified table is not found in the database then a [[NoSuchTableException]] is thrown.
  def loadPartition(
      name: TableIdentifier,
      loadPath: String,
      spec: TablePartitionSpec,
      isOverwrite: Boolean,
      inheritTableSpecs: Boolean,
      isSrcLocal: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Some(db)))
      db, table, loadPath, spec, isOverwrite, inheritTableSpecs, isSrcLocal)

  def defaultTablePath(tableIdent: TableIdentifier): URI = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(tableIdent.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val dbLocation = getDatabaseMetadata(dbName).locationUri

    new Path(new Path(dbLocation), formatTableName(tableIdent.table)).toUri

  // ----------------------------------------------
  // | Methods that interact with temp views only |
  // ----------------------------------------------

   * Create a local temporary view.
  def createTempView(
      name: String,
      tableDefinition: LogicalPlan,
      overrideIfExists: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
    val table = formatTableName(name)
    if (tempTables.contains(table) && !overrideIfExists) {
      throw new TempTableAlreadyExistsException(name)
    tempTables.put(table, tableDefinition)

   * Create a global temporary view.
  def createGlobalTempView(
      name: String,
      viewDefinition: LogicalPlan,
      overrideIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    globalTempViewManager.create(formatTableName(name), viewDefinition, overrideIfExists)

   * Alter the definition of a local/global temp view matching the given name, returns true if a
   * temp view is matched and altered, false otherwise.
  def alterTempViewDefinition(
      name: TableIdentifier,
      viewDefinition: LogicalPlan): Boolean = synchronized {
    val viewName = formatTableName(name.table)
    if (name.database.isEmpty) {
      if (tempTables.contains(viewName)) {
        createTempView(viewName, viewDefinition, overrideIfExists = true)
      } else {
    } else if (formatDatabaseName(name.database.get) == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      globalTempViewManager.update(viewName, viewDefinition)
    } else {

   * Return a local temporary view exactly as it was stored.
  def getTempView(name: String): Option[LogicalPlan] = synchronized {

   * Return a global temporary view exactly as it was stored.
  def getGlobalTempView(name: String): Option[LogicalPlan] = {

   * Drop a local temporary view.
   * Returns true if this view is dropped successfully, false otherwise.
  def dropTempView(name: String): Boolean = synchronized {

   * Drop a global temporary view.
   * Returns true if this view is dropped successfully, false otherwise.
  def dropGlobalTempView(name: String): Boolean = {

  // -------------------------------------------------------------
  // | Methods that interact with temporary and metastore tables |
  // -------------------------------------------------------------

   * Retrieve the metadata of an existing temporary view or permanent table/view.
   * If a database is specified in `name`, this will return the metadata of table/view in that
   * database.
   * If no database is specified, this will first attempt to get the metadata of a temporary view
   * with the same name, then, if that does not exist, return the metadata of table/view in the
   * current database.
  def getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(name: TableIdentifier): CatalogTable = synchronized {
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    if (name.database.isEmpty) {
      getTempView(table).map { plan =>
          identifier = TableIdentifier(table),
          tableType = CatalogTableType.VIEW,
          storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty,
          schema = plan.output.toStructType)
    } else if (formatDatabaseName(name.database.get) == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      globalTempViewManager.get(table).map { plan =>
          identifier = TableIdentifier(table, Some(globalTempViewManager.database)),
          tableType = CatalogTableType.VIEW,
          storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty,
          schema = plan.output.toStructType)
      }.getOrElse(throw new NoSuchTableException(globalTempViewManager.database, table))
    } else {

   * Rename a table.
   * If a database is specified in `oldName`, this will rename the table in that database.
   * If no database is specified, this will first attempt to rename a temporary table with
   * the same name, then, if that does not exist, rename the table in the current database.
   * This assumes the database specified in `newName` matches the one in `oldName`.
  def renameTable(oldName: TableIdentifier, newName: TableIdentifier): Unit = synchronized {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(oldName.database.getOrElse(currentDb))
    newName.database.map(formatDatabaseName).foreach { newDb =>
      if (db != newDb) {
        throw new AnalysisException(
          s"RENAME TABLE source and destination databases do not match: '$db' != '$newDb'")

    val oldTableName = formatTableName(oldName.table)
    val newTableName = formatTableName(newName.table)
    if (db == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      globalTempViewManager.rename(oldTableName, newTableName)
    } else {
      if (oldName.database.isDefined || !tempTables.contains(oldTableName)) {
        requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(oldTableName, Some(db)))
        requireTableNotExists(TableIdentifier(newTableName, Some(db)))
        externalCatalog.renameTable(db, oldTableName, newTableName)
      } else {
        if (newName.database.isDefined) {
          throw new AnalysisException(
            s"RENAME TEMPORARY TABLE from '$oldName' to '$newName': cannot specify database " +
              s"name '${newName.database.get}' in the destination table")
        if (tempTables.contains(newTableName)) {
          throw new AnalysisException(s"RENAME TEMPORARY TABLE from '$oldName' to '$newName': " +
            "destination table already exists")
        val table = tempTables(oldTableName)
        tempTables.put(newTableName, table)

   * Drop a table.
   * If a database is specified in `name`, this will drop the table from that database.
   * If no database is specified, this will first attempt to drop a temporary table with
   * the same name, then, if that does not exist, drop the table from the current database.
  def dropTable(
      name: TableIdentifier,
      ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean,
      purge: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(currentDb))
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    if (db == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      val viewExists = globalTempViewManager.remove(table)
      if (!viewExists && !ignoreIfNotExists) {
        throw new NoSuchTableException(globalTempViewManager.database, table)
    } else {
      if (name.database.isDefined || !tempTables.contains(table)) {
        // When ignoreIfNotExists is false, no exception is issued when the table does not exist.
        // Instead, log it as an error message.
        if (tableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))) {
          externalCatalog.dropTable(db, table, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = purge)
        } else if (!ignoreIfNotExists) {
          throw new NoSuchTableException(db = db, table = table)
      } else {

   * Return a [[LogicalPlan]] that represents the given table or view.
   * If a database is specified in `name`, this will return the table/view from that database.
   * If no database is specified, this will first attempt to return a temporary table/view with
   * the same name, then, if that does not exist, return the table/view from the current database.
   * Note that, the global temp view database is also valid here, this will return the global temp
   * view matching the given name.
   * If the relation is a view, we generate a [[View]] operator from the view description, and
   * wrap the logical plan in a [[SubqueryAlias]] which will track the name of the view.
   * @param name The name of the table/view that we look up.
  def lookupRelation(name: TableIdentifier): LogicalPlan = {
    synchronized {
      val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(currentDb))
      val table = formatTableName(name.table)
      if (db == globalTempViewManager.database) {
        globalTempViewManager.get(table).map { viewDef =>
          SubqueryAlias(table, viewDef)
        }.getOrElse(throw new NoSuchTableException(db, table))
      } else if (name.database.isDefined || !tempTables.contains(table)) {
        val metadata = externalCatalog.getTable(db, table)
        if (metadata.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
          val viewText = metadata.viewText.getOrElse(sys.error("Invalid view without text."))
          // The relation is a view, so we wrap the relation by:
          // 1. Add a [[View]] operator over the relation to keep track of the view desc;
          // 2. Wrap the logical plan in a [[SubqueryAlias]] which tracks the name of the view.
          val child = View(
            desc = metadata,
            output = metadata.schema.toAttributes,
            child = parser.parsePlan(viewText))
          SubqueryAlias(table, child)
        } else {
          val tableRelation = CatalogRelation(
            // we assume all the columns are nullable.
          SubqueryAlias(table, tableRelation)
      } else {
        SubqueryAlias(table, tempTables(table))

   * Return whether a table with the specified name is a temporary table.
   * Note: The temporary table cache is checked only when database is not
   * explicitly specified.
  def isTemporaryTable(name: TableIdentifier): Boolean = synchronized {
    val table = formatTableName(name.table)
    if (name.database.isEmpty) {
    } else if (formatDatabaseName(name.database.get) == globalTempViewManager.database) {
    } else {

   * List all tables in the specified database, including local temporary tables.
   * Note that, if the specified database is global temporary view database, we will list global
   * temporary views.
  def listTables(db: String): Seq[TableIdentifier] = listTables(db, "*")

   * List all matching tables in the specified database, including local temporary tables.
   * Note that, if the specified database is global temporary view database, we will list global
   * temporary views.
  def listTables(db: String, pattern: String): Seq[TableIdentifier] = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)
    val dbTables = if (dbName == globalTempViewManager.database) {
      globalTempViewManager.listViewNames(pattern).map { name =>
        TableIdentifier(name, Some(globalTempViewManager.database))
    } else {
      externalCatalog.listTables(dbName, pattern).map { name =>
        TableIdentifier(name, Some(dbName))
    val localTempViews = synchronized {
      StringUtils.filterPattern(tempTables.keys.toSeq, pattern).map { name =>
    dbTables ++ localTempViews

   * Refresh the cache entry for a metastore table, if any.
  def refreshTable(name: TableIdentifier): Unit = synchronized {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(currentDb))
    val tableName = formatTableName(name.table)

    // Go through temporary tables and invalidate them.
    // If the database is defined, this may be a global temporary view.
    // If the database is not defined, there is a good chance this is a temp table.
    if (name.database.isEmpty) {
    } else if (dbName == globalTempViewManager.database) {

    // Also invalidate the table relation cache.
    val qualifiedTableName = QualifiedTableName(dbName, tableName)

   * Drop all existing temporary tables.
   * For testing only.
  def clearTempTables(): Unit = synchronized {

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Partitions
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // All methods in this category interact directly with the underlying catalog.
  // These methods are concerned with only metastore tables.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // TODO: We need to figure out how these methods interact with our data source
  // tables. For such tables, we do not store values of partitioning columns in
  // the metastore. For now, partition values of a data source table will be
  // automatically discovered when we load the table.

   * Create partitions in an existing table, assuming it exists.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
  def createPartitions(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      parts: Seq[CatalogTablePartition],
      ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(parts.map(_.spec), getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.createPartitions(db, table, parts, ignoreIfExists)

   * Drop partitions from a table, assuming they exist.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
  def dropPartitions(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      specs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec],
      ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean,
      purge: Boolean,
      retainData: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    requirePartialMatchedPartitionSpec(specs, getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.dropPartitions(db, table, specs, ignoreIfNotExists, purge, retainData)

   * Override the specs of one or many existing table partitions, assuming they exist.
   * This assumes index i of `specs` corresponds to index i of `newSpecs`.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
  def renamePartitions(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      specs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec],
      newSpecs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec]): Unit = {
    val tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(tableName)
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(specs, tableMetadata)
    requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(newSpecs, tableMetadata)
    externalCatalog.renamePartitions(db, table, specs, newSpecs)

   * Alter one or many table partitions whose specs that match those specified in `parts`,
   * assuming the partitions exist.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
   * Note: If the underlying implementation does not support altering a certain field,
   * this becomes a no-op.
  def alterPartitions(tableName: TableIdentifier, parts: Seq[CatalogTablePartition]): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(parts.map(_.spec), getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.alterPartitions(db, table, parts)

   * Retrieve the metadata of a table partition, assuming it exists.
   * If no database is specified, assume the table is in the current database.
  def getPartition(tableName: TableIdentifier, spec: TablePartitionSpec): CatalogTablePartition = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(Seq(spec), getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.getPartition(db, table, spec)

   * List the names of all partitions that belong to the specified table, assuming it exists.
   * A partial partition spec may optionally be provided to filter the partitions returned.
   * For instance, if there exist partitions (a='1', b='2'), (a='1', b='3') and (a='2', b='4'),
   * then a partial spec of (a='1') will return the first two only.
  def listPartitionNames(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      partialSpec: Option[TablePartitionSpec] = None): Seq[String] = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    partialSpec.foreach { spec =>
      requirePartialMatchedPartitionSpec(Seq(spec), getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.listPartitionNames(db, table, partialSpec)

   * List the metadata of all partitions that belong to the specified table, assuming it exists.
   * A partial partition spec may optionally be provided to filter the partitions returned.
   * For instance, if there exist partitions (a='1', b='2'), (a='1', b='3') and (a='2', b='4'),
   * then a partial spec of (a='1') will return the first two only.
  def listPartitions(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      partialSpec: Option[TablePartitionSpec] = None): Seq[CatalogTablePartition] = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    partialSpec.foreach { spec =>
      requirePartialMatchedPartitionSpec(Seq(spec), getTableMetadata(tableName))
    externalCatalog.listPartitions(db, table, partialSpec)

   * List the metadata of partitions that belong to the specified table, assuming it exists, that
   * satisfy the given partition-pruning predicate expressions.
  def listPartitionsByFilter(
      tableName: TableIdentifier,
      predicates: Seq[Expression]): Seq[CatalogTablePartition] = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(tableName.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val table = formatTableName(tableName.table)
    requireTableExists(TableIdentifier(table, Option(db)))
    externalCatalog.listPartitionsByFilter(db, table, predicates, conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)

   * Verify if the input partition spec has any empty value.
  private def requireNonEmptyValueInPartitionSpec(specs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec]): Unit = {
    specs.foreach { s =>
      if (s.values.exists(_.isEmpty)) {
        val spec = s.map(p => p._1 + "=" + p._2).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
        throw new AnalysisException(
          s"Partition spec is invalid. The spec ($spec) contains an empty partition column value")

   * Verify if the input partition spec exactly matches the existing defined partition spec
   * The columns must be the same but the orders could be different.
  private def requireExactMatchedPartitionSpec(
      specs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec],
      table: CatalogTable): Unit = {
    val defined = table.partitionColumnNames.sorted
    specs.foreach { s =>
      if (s.keys.toSeq.sorted != defined) {
        throw new AnalysisException(
          s"Partition spec is invalid. The spec (${s.keys.mkString(", ")}) must match " +
            s"the partition spec (${table.partitionColumnNames.mkString(", ")}) defined in " +
            s"table '${table.identifier}'")

   * Verify if the input partition spec partially matches the existing defined partition spec
   * That is, the columns of partition spec should be part of the defined partition spec.
  private def requirePartialMatchedPartitionSpec(
      specs: Seq[TablePartitionSpec],
      table: CatalogTable): Unit = {
    val defined = table.partitionColumnNames
    specs.foreach { s =>
      if (!s.keys.forall(defined.contains)) {
        throw new AnalysisException(
          s"Partition spec is invalid. The spec (${s.keys.mkString(", ")}) must be contained " +
            s"within the partition spec (${table.partitionColumnNames.mkString(", ")}) defined " +
            s"in table '${table.identifier}'")

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Functions
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // There are two kinds of functions, temporary functions and metastore
  // functions (permanent UDFs). Temporary functions are isolated across
  // sessions. Metastore functions can be used across multiple sessions as
  // their metadata is persisted in the underlying catalog.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // -------------------------------------------------------
  // | Methods that interact with metastore functions only |
  // -------------------------------------------------------

   * Create a metastore function in the database specified in `funcDefinition`.
   * If no such database is specified, create it in the current database.
  def createFunction(funcDefinition: CatalogFunction, ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(funcDefinition.identifier.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val identifier = FunctionIdentifier(funcDefinition.identifier.funcName, Some(db))
    val newFuncDefinition = funcDefinition.copy(identifier = identifier)
    if (!functionExists(identifier)) {
      externalCatalog.createFunction(db, newFuncDefinition)
    } else if (!ignoreIfExists) {
      throw new FunctionAlreadyExistsException(db = db, func = identifier.toString)

   * Drop a metastore function.
   * If no database is specified, assume the function is in the current database.
  def dropFunction(name: FunctionIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    val identifier = name.copy(database = Some(db))
    if (functionExists(identifier)) {
      // TODO: registry should just take in FunctionIdentifier for type safety
      if (functionRegistry.functionExists(identifier.unquotedString)) {
        // If we have loaded this function into the FunctionRegistry,
        // also drop it from there.
        // For a permanent function, because we loaded it to the FunctionRegistry
        // when it's first used, we also need to drop it from the FunctionRegistry.
      externalCatalog.dropFunction(db, name.funcName)
    } else if (!ignoreIfNotExists) {
      throw new NoSuchFunctionException(db = db, func = identifier.toString)

   * Retrieve the metadata of a metastore function.
   * If a database is specified in `name`, this will return the function in that database.
   * If no database is specified, this will return the function in the current database.
  def getFunctionMetadata(name: FunctionIdentifier): CatalogFunction = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    externalCatalog.getFunction(db, name.funcName)

   * Check if the specified function exists.
  def functionExists(name: FunctionIdentifier): Boolean = {
    val db = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
    functionRegistry.functionExists(name.unquotedString) ||
      externalCatalog.functionExists(db, name.funcName)

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // | Methods that interact with temporary and metastore functions |
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------

   * Construct a [[FunctionBuilder]] based on the provided class that represents a function.
   * This performs reflection to decide what type of [[Expression]] to return in the builder.
  protected def makeFunctionBuilder(name: String, functionClassName: String): FunctionBuilder = {
    // TODO: at least support UDAFs here
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use sqlContext.udf.register(...) instead.")

   * Loads resources such as JARs and Files for a function. Every resource is represented
   * by a tuple (resource type, resource uri).
  def loadFunctionResources(resources: Seq[FunctionResource]): Unit = {

   * Registers a temporary or permanent function into a session-specific [[FunctionRegistry]]
  def registerFunction(
      funcDefinition: CatalogFunction,
      ignoreIfExists: Boolean,
      functionBuilder: Option[FunctionBuilder] = None): Unit = {
    val func = funcDefinition.identifier
    if (functionRegistry.functionExists(func.unquotedString) && !ignoreIfExists) {
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Function $func already exists")
    val info = new ExpressionInfo(funcDefinition.className, func.database.orNull, func.funcName)
    val builder =
      functionBuilder.getOrElse(makeFunctionBuilder(func.unquotedString, funcDefinition.className))
    functionRegistry.registerFunction(func.unquotedString, info, builder)

   * Drop a temporary function.
  def dropTempFunction(name: String, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean): Unit = {
    if (!functionRegistry.dropFunction(name) && !ignoreIfNotExists) {
      throw new NoSuchTempFunctionException(name)

   * Returns whether it is a temporary function. If not existed, returns false.
  def isTemporaryFunction(name: FunctionIdentifier): Boolean = {
    // copied from HiveSessionCatalog
    val hiveFunctions = Seq("histogram_numeric")

    // A temporary function is a function that has been registered in functionRegistry
    // without a database name, and is neither a built-in function nor a Hive function
    name.database.isEmpty &&
      functionRegistry.functionExists(name.funcName) &&
      !FunctionRegistry.builtin.functionExists(name.funcName) &&

  protected def failFunctionLookup(name: String): Nothing = {
    throw new NoSuchFunctionException(db = currentDb, func = name)

   * Look up the [[ExpressionInfo]] associated with the specified function, assuming it exists.
  def lookupFunctionInfo(name: FunctionIdentifier): ExpressionInfo = synchronized {
    // TODO: just make function registry take in FunctionIdentifier instead of duplicating this
    val database = name.database.orElse(Some(currentDb)).map(formatDatabaseName)
    val qualifiedName = name.copy(database = database)
      .getOrElse {
        val db = qualifiedName.database.get
        if (externalCatalog.functionExists(db, name.funcName)) {
          val metadata = externalCatalog.getFunction(db, name.funcName)
          new ExpressionInfo(
        } else {

   * Return an [[Expression]] that represents the specified function, assuming it exists.
   * For a temporary function or a permanent function that has been loaded,
   * this method will simply lookup the function through the
   * FunctionRegistry and create an expression based on the builder.
   * For a permanent function that has not been loaded, we will first fetch its metadata
   * from the underlying external catalog. Then, we will load all resources associated
   * with this function (i.e. jars and files). Finally, we create a function builder
   * based on the function class and put the builder into the FunctionRegistry.
   * The name of this function in the FunctionRegistry will be `databaseName.functionName`.
  def lookupFunction(
      name: FunctionIdentifier,
      children: Seq[Expression]): Expression = synchronized {
    // Note: the implementation of this function is a little bit convoluted.
    // We probably shouldn't use a single FunctionRegistry to register all three kinds of functions
    // (built-in, temp, and external).
    if (name.database.isEmpty && functionRegistry.functionExists(name.funcName)) {
      // This function has been already loaded into the function registry.
      return functionRegistry.lookupFunction(name.funcName, children)

    // If the name itself is not qualified, add the current database to it.
    val database = name.database.orElse(Some(currentDb)).map(formatDatabaseName)
    val qualifiedName = name.copy(database = database)

    if (functionRegistry.functionExists(qualifiedName.unquotedString)) {
      // This function has been already loaded into the function registry.
      // Unlike the above block, we find this function by using the qualified name.
      return functionRegistry.lookupFunction(qualifiedName.unquotedString, children)

    // The function has not been loaded to the function registry, which means
    // that the function is a permanent function (if it actually has been registered
    // in the metastore). We need to first put the function in the FunctionRegistry.
    // TODO: why not just check whether the function exists first?
    val catalogFunction = try {
      externalCatalog.getFunction(currentDb, name.funcName)
    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException => failFunctionLookup(name.funcName)
      case e: NoSuchPermanentFunctionException => failFunctionLookup(name.funcName)
    // Please note that qualifiedName is provided by the user. However,
    // catalogFunction.identifier.unquotedString is returned by the underlying
    // catalog. So, it is possible that qualifiedName is not exactly the same as
    // catalogFunction.identifier.unquotedString (difference is on case-sensitivity).
    // At here, we preserve the input from the user.
    registerFunction(catalogFunction.copy(identifier = qualifiedName), ignoreIfExists = false)
    // Now, we need to create the Expression.
    functionRegistry.lookupFunction(qualifiedName.unquotedString, children)

   * List all functions in the specified database, including temporary functions. This
   * returns the function identifier and the scope in which it was defined (system or user
   * defined).
  def listFunctions(db: String): Seq[(FunctionIdentifier, String)] = listFunctions(db, "*")

   * List all matching functions in the specified database, including temporary functions. This
   * returns the function identifier and the scope in which it was defined (system or user
   * defined).
  def listFunctions(db: String, pattern: String): Seq[(FunctionIdentifier, String)] = {
    val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)
    val dbFunctions = externalCatalog.listFunctions(dbName, pattern)
      .map { f => FunctionIdentifier(f, Some(dbName)) }
    val loadedFunctions = StringUtils.filterPattern(functionRegistry.listFunction(), pattern)
      .map { f => FunctionIdentifier(f) }
    val functions = dbFunctions ++ loadedFunctions
    functions.map {
      case f if FunctionRegistry.functionSet.contains(f.funcName) => (f, "SYSTEM")
      case f => (f, "USER")

  // -----------------
  // | Other methods |
  // -----------------

   * Drop all existing databases (except "default"), tables, partitions and functions,
   * and set the current database to "default".
   * This is mainly used for tests.
  def reset(): Unit = synchronized {
    listDatabases().filter(_ != DEFAULT_DATABASE).foreach { db =>
      dropDatabase(db, ignoreIfNotExists = false, cascade = true)
    listTables(DEFAULT_DATABASE).foreach { table =>
      dropTable(table, ignoreIfNotExists = false, purge = false)
    listFunctions(DEFAULT_DATABASE).map(_._1).foreach { func =>
      if (func.database.isDefined) {
        dropFunction(func, ignoreIfNotExists = false)
      } else {
        dropTempFunction(func.funcName, ignoreIfNotExists = false)
    // restore built-in functions
    FunctionRegistry.builtin.listFunction().foreach { f =>
      val expressionInfo = FunctionRegistry.builtin.lookupFunction(f)
      val functionBuilder = FunctionRegistry.builtin.lookupFunctionBuilder(f)
      require(expressionInfo.isDefined, s"built-in function '$f' is missing expression info")
      require(functionBuilder.isDefined, s"built-in function '$f' is missing function builder")
      functionRegistry.registerFunction(f, expressionInfo.get, functionBuilder.get)

   * Copy the current state of the catalog to another catalog.
   * This function is synchronized on this [[SessionCatalog]] (the source) to make sure the copied
   * state is consistent. The target [[SessionCatalog]] is not synchronized, and should not be
   * because the target [[SessionCatalog]] should not be published at this point. The caller must
   * synchronize on the target if this assumption does not hold.
  private[sql] def copyStateTo(target: SessionCatalog): Unit = synchronized {
    target.currentDb = currentDb
    // copy over temporary tables
    tempTables.foreach(kv => target.tempTables.put(kv._1, kv._2))