path: root/docs/ml-migration-guides.md
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authorJoseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com>2016-07-15 13:38:23 -0700
committerJoseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com>2016-07-15 13:38:23 -0700
commit5ffd5d3838da40ad408a6f40071fe6f4dcacf2a1 (patch)
tree4d2c6476c38f84ef34eef20077f8e491b172681d /docs/ml-migration-guides.md
parent71ad945bbbdd154eae852cd7f841e98f7a83e8d4 (diff)
[SPARK-14817][ML][MLLIB][DOC] Made DataFrame-based API primary in MLlib guide
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Made DataFrame-based API primary * Spark doc menu bar and other places now link to ml-guide.html, not mllib-guide.html * mllib-guide.html keeps RDD-specific list of features, with a link at the top redirecting people to ml-guide.html * ml-guide.html includes a "maintenance mode" announcement about the RDD-based API * **Reviewers: please check this carefully** * (minor) Titles for DF API no longer include "- spark.ml" suffix. Titles for RDD API have "- RDD-based API" suffix * Moved migration guide to ml-guide from mllib-guide * Also moved past guides from mllib-migration-guides to ml-migration-guides, with a redirect link on mllib-migration-guides * **Reviewers**: I did not change any of the content of the migration guides. Reorganized DataFrame-based guide: * ml-guide.html mimics the old mllib-guide.html page in terms of content: overview, migration guide, etc. * Moved Pipeline description into ml-pipeline.html and moved tuning into ml-tuning.html * **Reviewers**: I did not change the content of these guides, except some intro text. * Sidebar remains the same, but with pipeline and tuning sections added Other: * ml-classification-regression.html: Moved text about linear methods to new section in page ## How was this patch tested? Generated docs locally Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com> Closes #14213 from jkbradley/ml-guide-2.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/ml-migration-guides.md')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
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+layout: global
+title: Old Migration Guides - MLlib
+displayTitle: Old Migration Guides - MLlib
+description: MLlib migration guides from before Spark SPARK_VERSION_SHORT
+The migration guide for the current Spark version is kept on the [MLlib Guide main page](ml-guide.html#migration-guide).
+## From 1.5 to 1.6
+There are no breaking API changes in the `spark.mllib` or `spark.ml` packages, but there are
+deprecations and changes of behavior.
+* [SPARK-11358](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11358):
+ In `spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans`, the `runs` parameter has been deprecated.
+* [SPARK-10592](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10592):
+ In `spark.ml.classification.LogisticRegressionModel` and
+ `spark.ml.regression.LinearRegressionModel`, the `weights` field has been deprecated in favor of
+ the new name `coefficients`. This helps disambiguate from instance (row) "weights" given to
+ algorithms.
+Changes of behavior:
+* [SPARK-7770](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-7770):
+ `spark.mllib.tree.GradientBoostedTrees`: `validationTol` has changed semantics in 1.6.
+ Previously, it was a threshold for absolute change in error. Now, it resembles the behavior of
+ `GradientDescent`'s `convergenceTol`: For large errors, it uses relative error (relative to the
+ previous error); for small errors (`< 0.01`), it uses absolute error.
+* [SPARK-11069](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11069):
+ `spark.ml.feature.RegexTokenizer`: Previously, it did not convert strings to lowercase before
+ tokenizing. Now, it converts to lowercase by default, with an option not to. This matches the
+ behavior of the simpler `Tokenizer` transformer.
+## From 1.4 to 1.5
+In the `spark.mllib` package, there are no breaking API changes but several behavior changes:
+* [SPARK-9005](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-9005):
+ `RegressionMetrics.explainedVariance` returns the average regression sum of squares.
+* [SPARK-8600](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-8600): `NaiveBayesModel.labels` become
+ sorted.
+* [SPARK-3382](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-3382): `GradientDescent` has a default
+ convergence tolerance `1e-3`, and hence iterations might end earlier than 1.4.
+In the `spark.ml` package, there exists one breaking API change and one behavior change:
+* [SPARK-9268](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-9268): Java's varargs support is removed
+ from `Params.setDefault` due to a
+ [Scala compiler bug](https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-9013).
+* [SPARK-10097](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10097): `Evaluator.isLargerBetter` is
+ added to indicate metric ordering. Metrics like RMSE no longer flip signs as in 1.4.
+## From 1.3 to 1.4
+In the `spark.mllib` package, there were several breaking changes, but all in `DeveloperApi` or `Experimental` APIs:
+* Gradient-Boosted Trees
+ * *(Breaking change)* The signature of the [`Loss.gradient`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.loss.Loss) method was changed. This is only an issues for users who wrote their own losses for GBTs.
+ * *(Breaking change)* The `apply` and `copy` methods for the case class [`BoostingStrategy`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.BoostingStrategy) have been changed because of a modification to the case class fields. This could be an issue for users who use `BoostingStrategy` to set GBT parameters.
+* *(Breaking change)* The return value of [`LDA.run`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA) has changed. It now returns an abstract class `LDAModel` instead of the concrete class `DistributedLDAModel`. The object of type `LDAModel` can still be cast to the appropriate concrete type, which depends on the optimization algorithm.
+In the `spark.ml` package, several major API changes occurred, including:
+* `Param` and other APIs for specifying parameters
+* `uid` unique IDs for Pipeline components
+* Reorganization of certain classes
+Since the `spark.ml` API was an alpha component in Spark 1.3, we do not list all changes here.
+However, since 1.4 `spark.ml` is no longer an alpha component, we will provide details on any API
+changes for future releases.
+## From 1.2 to 1.3
+In the `spark.mllib` package, there were several breaking changes. The first change (in `ALS`) is the only one in a component not marked as Alpha or Experimental.
+* *(Breaking change)* In [`ALS`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS), the extraneous method `solveLeastSquares` has been removed. The `DeveloperApi` method `analyzeBlocks` was also removed.
+* *(Breaking change)* [`StandardScalerModel`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.StandardScalerModel) remains an Alpha component. In it, the `variance` method has been replaced with the `std` method. To compute the column variance values returned by the original `variance` method, simply square the standard deviation values returned by `std`.
+* *(Breaking change)* [`StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD) remains an Experimental component. In it, there were two changes:
+ * The constructor taking arguments was removed in favor of a builder pattern using the default constructor plus parameter setter methods.
+ * Variable `model` is no longer public.
+* *(Breaking change)* [`DecisionTree`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.DecisionTree) remains an Experimental component. In it and its associated classes, there were several changes:
+ * In `DecisionTree`, the deprecated class method `train` has been removed. (The object/static `train` methods remain.)
+ * In `Strategy`, the `checkpointDir` parameter has been removed. Checkpointing is still supported, but the checkpoint directory must be set before calling tree and tree ensemble training.
+* `PythonMLlibAPI` (the interface between Scala/Java and Python for MLlib) was a public API but is now private, declared `private[python]`. This was never meant for external use.
+* In linear regression (including Lasso and ridge regression), the squared loss is now divided by 2.
+ So in order to produce the same result as in 1.2, the regularization parameter needs to be divided by 2 and the step size needs to be multiplied by 2.
+In the `spark.ml` package, the main API changes are from Spark SQL. We list the most important changes here:
+* The old [SchemaRDD](http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.2.1/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD) has been replaced with [DataFrame](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame) with a somewhat modified API. All algorithms in `spark.ml` which used to use SchemaRDD now use DataFrame.
+* In Spark 1.2, we used implicit conversions from `RDD`s of `LabeledPoint` into `SchemaRDD`s by calling `import sqlContext._` where `sqlContext` was an instance of `SQLContext`. These implicits have been moved, so we now call `import sqlContext.implicits._`.
+* Java APIs for SQL have also changed accordingly. Please see the examples above and the [Spark SQL Programming Guide](sql-programming-guide.html) for details.
+Other changes were in `LogisticRegression`:
+* The `scoreCol` output column (with default value "score") was renamed to be `probabilityCol` (with default value "probability"). The type was originally `Double` (for the probability of class 1.0), but it is now `Vector` (for the probability of each class, to support multiclass classification in the future).
+* In Spark 1.2, `LogisticRegressionModel` did not include an intercept. In Spark 1.3, it includes an intercept; however, it will always be 0.0 since it uses the default settings for [spark.mllib.LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.classification.LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS). The option to use an intercept will be added in the future.
+## From 1.1 to 1.2
+The only API changes in MLlib v1.2 are in
+which continues to be an experimental API in MLlib 1.2:
+1. *(Breaking change)* The Scala API for classification takes a named argument specifying the number
+of classes. In MLlib v1.1, this argument was called `numClasses` in Python and
+`numClassesForClassification` in Scala. In MLlib v1.2, the names are both set to `numClasses`.
+This `numClasses` parameter is specified either via
+or via [`DecisionTree`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.DecisionTree)
+static `trainClassifier` and `trainRegressor` methods.
+2. *(Breaking change)* The API for
+[`Node`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.Node) has changed.
+This should generally not affect user code, unless the user manually constructs decision trees
+(instead of using the `trainClassifier` or `trainRegressor` methods).
+The tree `Node` now includes more information, including the probability of the predicted label
+(for classification).
+3. Printing methods' output has changed. The `toString` (Scala/Java) and `__repr__` (Python) methods used to print the full model; they now print a summary. For the full model, use `toDebugString`.
+Examples in the Spark distribution and examples in the
+[Decision Trees Guide](mllib-decision-tree.html#examples) have been updated accordingly.
+## From 1.0 to 1.1
+The only API changes in MLlib v1.1 are in
+which continues to be an experimental API in MLlib 1.1:
+1. *(Breaking change)* The meaning of tree depth has been changed by 1 in order to match
+the implementations of trees in
+and in [rpart](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rpart/index.html).
+In MLlib v1.0, a depth-1 tree had 1 leaf node, and a depth-2 tree had 1 root node and 2 leaf nodes.
+In MLlib v1.1, a depth-0 tree has 1 leaf node, and a depth-1 tree has 1 root node and 2 leaf nodes.
+This depth is specified by the `maxDepth` parameter in
+or via [`DecisionTree`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.DecisionTree)
+static `trainClassifier` and `trainRegressor` methods.
+2. *(Non-breaking change)* We recommend using the newly added `trainClassifier` and `trainRegressor`
+methods to build a [`DecisionTree`](api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.DecisionTree),
+rather than using the old parameter class `Strategy`. These new training methods explicitly
+separate classification and regression, and they replace specialized parameter types with
+simple `String` types.
+Examples of the new, recommended `trainClassifier` and `trainRegressor` are given in the
+[Decision Trees Guide](mllib-decision-tree.html#examples).
+## From 0.9 to 1.0
+In MLlib v1.0, we support both dense and sparse input in a unified way, which introduces a few
+breaking changes. If your data is sparse, please store it in a sparse format instead of dense to
+take advantage of sparsity in both storage and computation. Details are described below.