path: root/resource-managers/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/config.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resource-managers/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/config.scala')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resource-managers/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/config.scala b/resource-managers/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/config.scala
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/resource-managers/yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/config.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import org.apache.spark.internal.config.ConfigBuilder
+import org.apache.spark.network.util.ByteUnit
+package object config {
+ /* Common app configuration. */
+ private[spark] val APPLICATION_TAGS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.tags")
+ .doc("Comma-separated list of strings to pass through as YARN application tags appearing " +
+ "in YARN Application Reports, which can be used for filtering when querying YARN.")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createOptional
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.attemptFailuresValidityInterval")
+ .doc("Interval after which AM failures will be considered independent and " +
+ "not accumulate towards the attempt count.")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val AM_PORT =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.port")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(0)
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.executor.failuresValidityInterval")
+ .doc("Interval after which Executor failures will be considered independent and not " +
+ "accumulate towards the attempt count.")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts")
+ .doc("Maximum number of AM attempts before failing the app.")
+ .intConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val USER_CLASS_PATH_FIRST = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.user.classpath.first")
+ .doc("Whether to place user jars in front of Spark's classpath.")
+ .booleanConf
+ .createWithDefault(false)
+ private[spark] val GATEWAY_ROOT_PATH = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.config.gatewayPath")
+ .doc("Root of configuration paths that is present on gateway nodes, and will be replaced " +
+ "with the corresponding path in cluster machines.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createWithDefault(null)
+ private[spark] val REPLACEMENT_ROOT_PATH = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.config.replacementPath")
+ .doc(s"Path to use as a replacement for ${GATEWAY_ROOT_PATH.key} when launching processes " +
+ "in the YARN cluster.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createWithDefault(null)
+ private[spark] val QUEUE_NAME = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.queue")
+ .stringConf
+ .createWithDefault("default")
+ private[spark] val HISTORY_SERVER_ADDRESS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.historyServer.address")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ /* File distribution. */
+ private[spark] val SPARK_ARCHIVE = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.archive")
+ .doc("Location of archive containing jars files with Spark classes.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val SPARK_JARS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.jars")
+ .doc("Location of jars containing Spark classes.")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val ARCHIVES_TO_DISTRIBUTE = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.dist.archives")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val FILES_TO_DISTRIBUTE = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.dist.files")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val JARS_TO_DISTRIBUTE = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.dist.jars")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val PRESERVE_STAGING_FILES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.preserve.staging.files")
+ .doc("Whether to preserve temporary files created by the job in HDFS.")
+ .booleanConf
+ .createWithDefault(false)
+ private[spark] val STAGING_FILE_REPLICATION = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.submit.file.replication")
+ .doc("Replication factor for files uploaded by Spark to HDFS.")
+ .intConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val STAGING_DIR = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.stagingDir")
+ .doc("Staging directory used while submitting applications.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ /* Cluster-mode launcher configuration. */
+ private[spark] val WAIT_FOR_APP_COMPLETION = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion")
+ .doc("In cluster mode, whether to wait for the application to finish before exiting the " +
+ "launcher process.")
+ .booleanConf
+ .createWithDefault(true)
+ private[spark] val REPORT_INTERVAL = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.report.interval")
+ .doc("Interval between reports of the current app status in cluster mode.")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefaultString("1s")
+ /* Shared Client-mode AM / Driver configuration. */
+ private[spark] val AM_MAX_WAIT_TIME = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.waitTime")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefaultString("100s")
+ private[spark] val AM_NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.nodeLabelExpression")
+ .doc("Node label expression for the AM.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val CONTAINER_LAUNCH_MAX_THREADS =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.containerLauncherMaxThreads")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(25)
+ private[spark] val MAX_EXECUTOR_FAILURES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.max.executor.failures")
+ .intConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val MAX_REPORTER_THREAD_FAILURES =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.scheduler.reporterThread.maxFailures")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(5)
+ private[spark] val RM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.scheduler.heartbeat.interval-ms")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefaultString("3s")
+ private[spark] val INITIAL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.scheduler.initial-allocation.interval")
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefaultString("200ms")
+ private[spark] val SCHEDULER_SERVICES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.services")
+ .doc("A comma-separated list of class names of services to add to the scheduler.")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ /* Client-mode AM configuration. */
+ private[spark] val AM_CORES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.cores")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(1)
+ private[spark] val AM_JAVA_OPTIONS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.extraJavaOptions")
+ .doc("Extra Java options for the client-mode AM.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val AM_LIBRARY_PATH = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.extraLibraryPath")
+ .doc("Extra native library path for the client-mode AM.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val AM_MEMORY_OVERHEAD = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.memoryOverhead")
+ .bytesConf(ByteUnit.MiB)
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val AM_MEMORY = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.am.memory")
+ .bytesConf(ByteUnit.MiB)
+ .createWithDefaultString("512m")
+ /* Driver configuration. */
+ private[spark] val DRIVER_CORES = ConfigBuilder("spark.driver.cores")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(1)
+ private[spark] val DRIVER_MEMORY_OVERHEAD = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead")
+ .bytesConf(ByteUnit.MiB)
+ .createOptional
+ /* Executor configuration. */
+ private[spark] val EXECUTOR_CORES = ConfigBuilder("spark.executor.cores")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(1)
+ private[spark] val EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead")
+ .bytesConf(ByteUnit.MiB)
+ .createOptional
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.executor.nodeLabelExpression")
+ .doc("Node label expression for executors.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ /* Security configuration. */
+ private[spark] val CREDENTIAL_FILE_MAX_COUNT =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.credentials.file.retention.count")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(5)
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.credentials.file.retention.days")
+ .intConf
+ .createWithDefault(5)
+ private[spark] val NAMENODES_TO_ACCESS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.access.namenodes")
+ .doc("Extra NameNode URLs for which to request delegation tokens. The NameNode that hosts " +
+ "fs.defaultFS does not need to be listed here.")
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ /* Rolled log aggregation configuration. */
+ private[spark] val ROLLED_LOG_INCLUDE_PATTERN =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.rolledLog.includePattern")
+ .doc("Java Regex to filter the log files which match the defined include pattern and those " +
+ "log files will be aggregated in a rolling fashion.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val ROLLED_LOG_EXCLUDE_PATTERN =
+ ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.rolledLog.excludePattern")
+ .doc("Java Regex to filter the log files which match the defined exclude pattern and those " +
+ "log files will not be aggregated in a rolling fashion.")
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ /* Private configs. */
+ private[spark] val CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.credentials.file")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .createWithDefault(null)
+ // Internal config to propagate the location of the user's jar to the driver/executors
+ private[spark] val APP_JAR = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.user.jar")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ // Internal config to propagate the locations of any extra jars to add to the classpath
+ // of the executors
+ private[spark] val SECONDARY_JARS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.secondary.jars")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createOptional
+ /* Configuration and cached file propagation. */
+ private[spark] val CACHED_FILES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.filenames")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val CACHED_FILES_SIZES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.sizes")
+ .internal()
+ .longConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val CACHED_FILES_TIMESTAMPS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.timestamps")
+ .internal()
+ .longConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ private[spark] val CACHED_FILES_VISIBILITIES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.visibilities")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ // Either "file" or "archive", for each file.
+ private[spark] val CACHED_FILES_TYPES = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.types")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .toSequence
+ .createWithDefault(Nil)
+ // The location of the conf archive in HDFS.
+ private[spark] val CACHED_CONF_ARCHIVE = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.cache.confArchive")
+ .internal()
+ .stringConf
+ .createOptional
+ private[spark] val CREDENTIALS_RENEWAL_TIME = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.credentials.renewalTime")
+ .internal()
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefault(Long.MaxValue)
+ private[spark] val CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_TIME = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.credentials.updateTime")
+ .internal()
+ .timeConf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ .createWithDefault(Long.MaxValue)
+ // The list of cache-related config entries. This is used by Client and the AM to clean
+ // up the environment so that these settings do not appear on the web UI.
+ private[yarn] val CACHE_CONFIGS = Seq(