path: root/core/src/test/scala/com/softwaremill/sttp/testing/HttpTest.scala
blob: 5598aa24ffa701834f726e332b0862107a2ccb55 (plain) (tree)















package com.softwaremill.sttp.testing

import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, IOException}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.{ZoneId, ZonedDateTime}

import better.files._
import com.softwaremill.sttp._
import com.softwaremill.sttp.testing.CustomMatchers._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach, FreeSpec, Matchers, OptionValues}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.higherKinds

trait HttpTest[R[_]]
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with ForceWrapped
    with ScalaFutures
    with OptionValues
    with IntegrationPatience
    with BeforeAndAfterEach
    with BeforeAndAfterAll
    with TestHttpServer {

  override def afterEach() {
    val file = File(outPath)
    if (file.exists) file.delete()

  private val textFile = new java.io.File(getClass.getResource("/textfile.txt").getFile)
  private val binaryFile = new java.io.File(getClass.getResource("/binaryfile.jpg").getFile)
  private val outPath = File.newTemporaryDirectory().path
  private val textWithSpecialCharacters = "Żółć!"

  implicit val backend: SttpBackend[R, Nothing]
  implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[R]

  private def postEcho = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/echo")
  private val testBody = "this is the body"
  private val testBodyBytes = testBody.getBytes("UTF-8")
  private val expectedPostEchoResponse = "POST /echo this is the body"

  private val sttpIgnore = com.softwaremill.sttp.ignore

  "parse response" - {
    "as string" in {
      val response = postEcho.body(testBody).send().force()
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "as string with mapping using map" in {
      val response = postEcho
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse.length)

    "as string with mapping using mapResponse" in {
      val response = postEcho
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse.length)

    "as a byte array" in {
      val response =
      val fc = new String(response.unsafeBody, "UTF-8")
      fc should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "as parameters" in {
      val params = List("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d", "e=" -> "&f")
      val response = sttp
        .body(params: _*)
      response.unsafeBody.toList should be(params)

  "parameters" - {
    "make a get request with parameters" in {
      val response = sttp

      response.unsafeBody should be("GET /echo p1=v1 p2=v2")

  "body" - {
    "post a string" in {
      val response = postEcho.body(testBody).send().force()
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "post a byte array" in {
      val response =
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "post an input stream" in {
      val response = postEcho
        .body(new ByteArrayInputStream(testBodyBytes))
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "post a byte buffer" in {
      val response = postEcho
      response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)

    "post a file" in {
      val f = File.newTemporaryFile().write(testBody)
      try {
        val response = postEcho.body(f.toJava).send().force()
        response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)
      } finally f.delete()

    "post a path" in {
      val f = File.newTemporaryFile().write(testBody)
      try {
        val response =
        response.unsafeBody should be(expectedPostEchoResponse)
      } finally f.delete()

    "post form data" in {
      val response = sttp
        .body("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d")
      response.unsafeBody should be("a=b c=d")

    "post form data with special characters" in {
      val response = sttp
        .body("a=" -> "/b", "c:" -> "/d")
      response.unsafeBody should be("a==/b c:=/d")

    "post without a body" in {
      val response = postEcho.send().force()
      response.unsafeBody should be("POST /echo")

  "headers" - {
    def getHeaders = sttp.get(uri"$endpoint/set_headers")

    "read response headers" in {
      val response = getHeaders.response(sttpIgnore).send().force()
      response.headers should have length (6)
      response.headers("Cache-Control").toSet should be(Set("no-cache", "max-age=1000"))
      response.header("Server") should be('defined)
      response.header("server") should be('defined)
      response.header("Server").get should startWith("akka-http")
      response.contentType should be(Some("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"))
      response.contentLength should be(Some(2L))

  "errors" - {
    def getHeaders = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/set_headers")

    "return 405 when method not allowed" in {
      val response = getHeaders.response(sttpIgnore).send().force()
      response.code should be(405)
      response.isClientError should be(true)
      response.body should be('left)

  "cookies" - {
    "read response cookies" in {
      val response =
      response.cookies should have length (3)
      response.cookies.toSet should be(
          Cookie("cookie1", "value1", secure = true, httpOnly = true, maxAge = Some(123L)),
          Cookie("cookie2", "value2"),
          Cookie("cookie3", "", domain = Some("xyz"), path = Some("a/b/c"))

    "read response cookies with the expires attribute" in {
      val response = sttp
      response.cookies should have length (1)
      val c = response.cookies(0)

      c.name should be("c")
      c.value should be("v")
      c.expires.map(_.toInstant.toEpochMilli) should be(
            .of(1997, 12, 8, 12, 49, 12, 0, ZoneId.of("GMT"))

  "auth" - {
    def secureBasic = sttp.get(uri"$endpoint/secure_basic")

    "return a 401 when authorization fails" in {
      val req = secureBasic
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.code should be(401)
      resp.header("WWW-Authenticate") should be(Some("""Basic realm="test realm",charset=UTF-8"""))

    "perform basic authorization" in {
      val req = secureBasic.auth.basic("adam", "1234")
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be("Hello, adam!")

  "compression" - {
    def compress = sttp.get(uri"$endpoint/compress")
    val decompressedBody = "I'm compressed!"

    "decompress using the default accept encoding header" in {
      val req = compress
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be(decompressedBody)

    "decompress using gzip" in {
      val req =
        compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip", replaceExisting = true)
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be(decompressedBody)

    "decompress using deflate" in {
      val req =
        compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "deflate", replaceExisting = true)
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be(decompressedBody)

    "work despite providing an unsupported encoding" in {
      val req =
        compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "br", replaceExisting = true)
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be(decompressedBody)

  "download file" - {

    "download a binary file using asFile" in {
      val file = outPath.resolve("binaryfile.jpg").toFile
      val req =
      val resp = req.send().force()

      resp.unsafeBody shouldBe file
      file should exist
      file should haveSameContentAs(binaryFile)

    "download a text file using asFile" in {
      val file = outPath.resolve("textfile.txt").toFile
      val req =
      val resp = req.send().force()

      resp.unsafeBody shouldBe file
      file should exist
      file should haveSameContentAs(textFile)

    "download a binary file using asPath" in {
      val path = outPath.resolve("binaryfile.jpg")
      val req =
      val resp = req.send().force()

      resp.unsafeBody shouldBe path
      path.toFile should exist
      path.toFile should haveSameContentAs(binaryFile)

    "download a text file using asPath" in {
      val path = outPath.resolve("textfile.txt")
      val req =
      val resp = req.send().force()

      resp.unsafeBody shouldBe path
      path.toFile should exist
      path.toFile should haveSameContentAs(textFile)

    "fail at trying to save file to a restricted location" in {
      val path = Paths.get("/").resolve("textfile.txt")
      val req =
      val caught = intercept[IOException] {

      caught.getMessage shouldBe "Permission denied"

    "fail when file exists and overwrite flag is false" in {
      val path = outPath.resolve("textfile.txt")
      val req =

      val caught = intercept[IOException] {

      caught.getMessage shouldBe s"File ${path.toFile.getAbsolutePath} exists - overwriting prohibited"


    "not fail when file exists and overwrite flag is true" in {
      val path = outPath.resolve("textfile.txt")
      val req =
          .response(asPath(path, overwrite = true))
      val resp = req.send().force()

      resp.unsafeBody shouldBe path
      path.toFile should exist
      path.toFile should haveSameContentAs(textFile)

  "multipart" - {
    def mp = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/multipart")

    "send a multipart message" in {
      val req = mp.multipartBody(multipart("p1", "v1"), multipart("p2", "v2"))
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be("p1=v1, p2=v2")

    "send a multipart message with filenames" in {
      val req = mp.multipartBody(multipart("p1", "v1").fileName("f1"), multipart("p2", "v2").fileName("f2"))
      val resp = req.send().force()
      resp.unsafeBody should be("p1=v1 (f1), p2=v2 (f2)")

    "send a multipart message with a file" in {
      val f = File.newTemporaryFile().write(testBody)
      try {
        val req =
          mp.multipartBody(multipart("p1", f.toJava), multipart("p2", "v2"))
        val resp = req.send().force()
        resp.unsafeBody should be(s"p1=$testBody (${f.name}), p2=v2")
      } finally f.delete()

  "redirect" - {
    def r1 = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/redirect/r1")
    def r2 = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/redirect/r2")
    def r3 = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/redirect/r3")
    val r4response = "819"
    def loop = sttp.post(uri"$endpoint/redirect/loop")

    "not redirect when redirects shouldn't be followed (temporary)" in {
      val resp = r1.followRedirects(false).send().force()
      resp.code should be(307)
      resp.body should be('left)
      resp.history should be('empty)

    "not redirect when redirects shouldn't be followed (permanent)" in {
      val resp = r2.followRedirects(false).send().force()
      resp.code should be(308)
      resp.body should be('left)

    "redirect when redirects should be followed" in {
      val resp = r2.send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be(r4response)

    "redirect twice when redirects should be followed" in {
      val resp = r1.send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be(r4response)

    "redirect when redirects should be followed, and the response is parsed" in {
      val resp = r2.response(asString.map(_.toInt)).send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be(r4response.toInt)

    "keep a single history entry of redirect responses" in {
      val resp = r3.send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be(r4response)
      resp.history should have size (1)
      resp.history(0).code should be(302)

    "keep whole history of redirect responses" in {
      val resp = r1.send().force()
      resp.code should be(200)
      resp.unsafeBody should be(r4response)
      resp.history should have size (3)
      resp.history(0).code should be(307)
      resp.history(1).code should be(308)
      resp.history(2).code should be(302)

    "break redirect loops" in {
      val resp = loop.send().force()
      resp.code should be(0)
      resp.history should have size (FollowRedirectsBackend.MaxRedirects)

    "break redirect loops after user-specified count" in {
      val maxRedirects = 10
      val resp = loop.maxRedirects(maxRedirects).send().force()
      resp.code should be(0)
      resp.history should have size (maxRedirects)

    "not redirect when maxRedirects is less than or equal to 0" in {
      val resp = loop.maxRedirects(-1).send().force()
      resp.code should be(302)
      resp.body should be('left)
      resp.history should be('empty)

  "timeout" - {
    "fail if read timeout is not big enough" in {
      val request = sttp

      intercept[Throwable] {

    "not fail if read timeout is big enough" in {
      val request = sttp

      request.send().force().unsafeBody should be("Done")

  "empty response" - {
    def postEmptyResponse =

    "parse an empty error response as empty string" in {
      val response = postEmptyResponse.send().force()
      response.body should be(Left(""))

  "encoding" - {
    "read response body encoded using ISO-8859-2, as specified in the header, overriding the default" in {
      val request = sttp.get(uri"$endpoint/respond_with_iso_8859_2")

      request.send().force().unsafeBody should be(textWithSpecialCharacters)

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
