path: root/vfd-dashboard/src/main/scala/vfd/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
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diff --git a/vfd-dashboard/src/main/scala/vfd/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala b/vfd-dashboard/src/main/scala/vfd/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
index 0264e5f..f17e91a 100644
--- a/vfd-dashboard/src/main/scala/vfd/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
+++ b/vfd-dashboard/src/main/scala/vfd/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
@@ -1,67 +1,25 @@
package vfd.dashboard.ui
-import org.scalajs.dom.html
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.ExtendedString
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.Int2CssNumber
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.`class`
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.div
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.header
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.height
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.iframe
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.p
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.src
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.stringAttr
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.stringFrag
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.stringPixelStyle
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.style
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.width
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.button
-import scalatags.JsDom.all.id
+import org.mavlink.messages.Attitude
+import org.mavlink.messages.Motor
+import org.mavlink.messages.Power
+import rx.Obs
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
-import scalatags.jsdom._
-import scalatags.jsdom.Frag
import vfd.dashboard.Environment
import vfd.dashboard.MavlinkSocket
-import vfd.dashboard.ui.panels.Communication
-import vfd.dashboard.ui.panels.Primary
-import org.scalajs.dom.MouseEvent
-import org.scalajs.dom
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Altimeter
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Balance
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Bar
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Compass
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Generic
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments.Horizon
class Layout(socket: MavlinkSocket)(implicit env: Environment) {
private def panel(contents: Frag*) = div(`class` := "d-panel")(contents: _*)
- def layout =
- div(`class` := "d-container d-column")(
- div(`class` := "d-above")(
- top),
- div(`class` := "d-above d-container d-row")(
- panel(modes),
- panel(infos)),
- div(`class` := "d-container d-row")(
- div(`class` := "d-container d-details")(
- panel("foo")),
- div(`class` := "d-container d-left")(
- left),
- div(`class` := "d-container d-column d-middle")(
- div(`class` := "d-container d-center")(
- center),
- div(`class` := "d-container d-below")(
- below)),
- div(`class` := "d-container d-right")(
- right)))
- def top = header(
- div("Flight Control Panel"),
- div("00:00:00"),
- div("System #"))
- def left = panel(map)
- def center = panel(feed)
- def below = panel(Primary(socket))
- def right = panel(Communication(socket))
- def mode(name: String, kind: String, on: Boolean = false) = div(`class` := s"mode $kind ${if (!on) "off"}")(name)
+ private def mode(name: String, kind: String, on: Boolean = false) = div(`class` := s"mode $kind ${if (!on) "off"}")(name)
val modes = div(
mode("MANUAL", "warning", true),
@@ -91,5 +49,106 @@ class Layout(socket: MavlinkSocket)(implicit env: Environment) {
val feed = div(style := "width: 100%; height: 460px; color: #ffffff; background-color: #c2c2c2; text-align: center;")(
p(style := "padding-top: 220px")("video feed"))
- def element: html.Element = layout.render
+ val altimeter = new Altimeter
+ val horizon = new Horizon
+ val compass = new Compass
+ val motor0 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%")
+ val motor1 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%")
+ val motor2 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%")
+ val motor3 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%")
+ val powerDistribution = new Balance()
+ val batteryLevel = new Bar()
+ val top = header(
+ div("Flight Control Panel"),
+ div("00:00:00"),
+ div("System #"))
+ val left = panel(
+ map,
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ thead("Motors"),
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td(motor0.element),
+ td(),
+ td(motor1.element),
+ td()
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td(),
+ td(powerDistribution.element),
+ td(),
+ td()
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td(motor2.element),
+ td(),
+ td(motor3.element),
+ td()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ val center = panel(feed)
+ val below = panel(
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td(compass.element),
+ td(horizon.element),
+ td(altimeter.element)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ val right = panel()
+ val element = div(`class` := "d-container d-column")(
+ div(`class` := "d-above")(
+ top),
+ div(`class` := "d-above d-container d-row")(
+ panel(modes),
+ panel(infos)),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-row")(
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-details")(
+ panel("foo")),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-left")(
+ left),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-column d-middle")(
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-center")(
+ center),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-below")(
+ below)
+ ),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-right")(
+ right
+ )
+ )
+ ).render
+ //message router
+ Obs(socket.message, skipInitial = true) {
+ socket.message() match {
+ case Motor(m0, m1, m2, m3) =>
+ motor0.value() = m0
+ motor1.value() = m1
+ motor2.value() = m2
+ motor3.value() = m3
+ powerDistribution.value() = (m0, m1, m2, m3)
+ case Power(mV) =>
+ batteryLevel.value() = (100 * (mV - 9600) / 12600)
+ case Attitude(roll, pitch, yaw) =>
+ horizon.value() = (pitch, roll)
+ compass.value() = (yaw)
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file