path: root/core-types/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'core-types/src')
10 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/core.scala b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/core.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67ac5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/core.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+package xyz.driver
+import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, Validate}
+import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty
+import scalaz.{Equal, Monad, OptionT}
+import xyz.driver.core.tagging.Tagged
+// TODO: this package seems too complex, look at all the features we need!
+import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions, reflectiveCalls}
+package object core {
+ def make[T](v: => T)(f: T => Unit): T = {
+ val value = v
+ f(value)
+ value
+ }
+ def using[R <: { def close() }, P](r: => R)(f: R => P): P = {
+ val resource = r
+ try {
+ f(resource)
+ } finally {
+ resource.close()
+ }
+ }
+ type @@[+V, +Tag] = V with Tagged[V, Tag]
+ implicit class OptionTExtensions[H[_]: Monad, T](optionTValue: OptionT[H, T]) {
+ def returnUnit: H[Unit] = optionTValue.fold[Unit](_ => (), ())
+ def continueIgnoringNone: OptionT[H, Unit] =
+ optionTValue.map(_ => ()).orElse(OptionT.some[H, Unit](()))
+ def subflatMap[B](f: T => Option[B]): OptionT[H, B] =
+ OptionT.optionT[H](implicitly[Monad[H]].map(optionTValue.run)(_.flatMap(f)))
+ }
+ implicit class MonadicExtensions[H[_]: Monad, T](monadicValue: H[T]) {
+ private implicit val monadT = implicitly[Monad[H]]
+ def returnUnit: H[Unit] = monadT(monadicValue)(_ => ())
+ def toOptionT: OptionT[H, T] =
+ OptionT.optionT[H](monadT(monadicValue)(value => Option(value)))
+ def toUnitOptionT: OptionT[H, Unit] =
+ OptionT.optionT[H](monadT(monadicValue)(_ => Option(())))
+ }
+package core {
+ final case class Id[+Tag](value: String) extends AnyVal {
+ @inline def length: Int = value.length
+ override def toString: String = value
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings(Array("org.wartremover.warts.ImplicitConversion"))
+ object Id {
+ implicit def idEqual[T]: Equal[Id[T]] = Equal.equal[Id[T]](_ == _)
+ implicit def idOrdering[T]: Ordering[Id[T]] = Ordering.by[Id[T], String](_.value)
+ sealed class Mapper[E, R] {
+ def apply[T >: E](id: Id[R]): Id[T] = Id[E](id.value)
+ def apply[T >: R](id: Id[E])(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit): Id[T] = Id[R](id.value)
+ }
+ object Mapper {
+ def apply[E, R] = new Mapper[E, R]
+ }
+ implicit def convertRE[R, E](id: Id[R])(implicit mapper: Mapper[E, R]): Id[E] = mapper[E](id)
+ implicit def convertER[E, R](id: Id[E])(implicit mapper: Mapper[E, R]): Id[R] = mapper[R](id)
+ }
+ final case class Name[+Tag](value: String) extends AnyVal {
+ @inline def length: Int = value.length
+ override def toString: String = value
+ }
+ object Name {
+ implicit def nameEqual[T]: Equal[Name[T]] = Equal.equal[Name[T]](_ == _)
+ implicit def nameOrdering[T]: Ordering[Name[T]] = Ordering.by(_.value)
+ implicit def nameValidator[T, P](implicit stringValidate: Validate[String, P]): Validate[Name[T], P] = {
+ Validate.instance[Name[T], P, stringValidate.R](
+ name => stringValidate.validate(name.value),
+ name => stringValidate.showExpr(name.value))
+ }
+ }
+ final case class NonEmptyName[+Tag](value: String Refined NonEmpty) {
+ @inline def length: Int = value.value.length
+ override def toString: String = value.value
+ }
+ object NonEmptyName {
+ implicit def nonEmptyNameEqual[T]: Equal[NonEmptyName[T]] =
+ Equal.equal[NonEmptyName[T]](_.value.value == _.value.value)
+ implicit def nonEmptyNameOrdering[T]: Ordering[NonEmptyName[T]] = Ordering.by(_.value.value)
+ }
+ final case class Revision[T](id: String)
+ object Revision {
+ implicit def revisionEqual[T]: Equal[Revision[T]] = Equal.equal[Revision[T]](_.id == _.id)
+ }
+ final case class Base64(value: String)
diff --git a/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/date.scala b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/date.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5454093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/date.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import java.util.Calendar
+import enumeratum._
+import scalaz.std.anyVal._
+import scalaz.syntax.equal._
+import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
+import scala.util.Try
+ * Driver Date type and related validators/extractors.
+ * Day, Month, and Year extractors are from ISO 8601 strings => driver...Date integers.
+ * TODO: Decouple extractors from ISO 8601, as we might want to parse other formats.
+ */
+object date {
+ sealed trait DayOfWeek extends EnumEntry
+ object DayOfWeek extends Enum[DayOfWeek] {
+ case object Monday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Tuesday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Wednesday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Thursday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Friday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Saturday extends DayOfWeek
+ case object Sunday extends DayOfWeek
+ val values: IndexedSeq[DayOfWeek] = findValues
+ val All: Set[DayOfWeek] = values.toSet
+ def fromString(day: String): Option[DayOfWeek] = withNameInsensitiveOption(day)
+ }
+ type Day = Int @@ Day.type
+ object Day {
+ def apply(value: Int): Day = {
+ require(1 to 31 contains value, "Day must be in range 1 <= value <= 31")
+ value.asInstanceOf[Day]
+ }
+ def unapply(dayString: String): Option[Int] = {
+ require(dayString.length === 2, s"ISO 8601 day string, DD, must have length 2: $dayString")
+ Try(dayString.toInt).toOption.map(apply)
+ }
+ }
+ type Month = Int @@ Month.type
+ object Month {
+ def apply(value: Int): Month = {
+ require(0 to 11 contains value, "Month is zero-indexed: 0 <= value <= 11")
+ value.asInstanceOf[Month]
+ }
+ val JANUARY = Month(Calendar.JANUARY)
+ val FEBRUARY = Month(Calendar.FEBRUARY)
+ val MARCH = Month(Calendar.MARCH)
+ val APRIL = Month(Calendar.APRIL)
+ val MAY = Month(Calendar.MAY)
+ val JUNE = Month(Calendar.JUNE)
+ val JULY = Month(Calendar.JULY)
+ val AUGUST = Month(Calendar.AUGUST)
+ val SEPTEMBER = Month(Calendar.SEPTEMBER)
+ val OCTOBER = Month(Calendar.OCTOBER)
+ val NOVEMBER = Month(Calendar.NOVEMBER)
+ val DECEMBER = Month(Calendar.DECEMBER)
+ def unapply(monthString: String): Option[Month] = {
+ require(monthString.length === 2, s"ISO 8601 month string, MM, must have length 2: $monthString")
+ Try(monthString.toInt).toOption.map(isoM => apply(isoM - 1))
+ }
+ }
+ type Year = Int @@ Year.type
+ object Year {
+ def apply(value: Int): Year = value.asInstanceOf[Year]
+ def unapply(yearString: String): Option[Int] = {
+ require(yearString.length === 4, s"ISO 8601 year string, YYYY, must have length 4: $yearString")
+ Try(yearString.toInt).toOption.map(apply)
+ }
+ }
+ final case class Date(year: Int, month: Month, day: Int) {
+ override def toString = f"$year%04d-${month + 1}%02d-$day%02d"
+ }
+ object Date {
+ implicit def dateOrdering: Ordering[Date] = Ordering.fromLessThan { (date1, date2) =>
+ if (date1.year != date2.year) {
+ date1.year < date2.year
+ } else if (date1.month != date2.month) {
+ date1.month < date2.month
+ } else {
+ date1.day < date2.day
+ }
+ }
+ def fromString(dateString: String): Option[Date] = {
+ dateString.split('-') match {
+ case Array(Year(year), Month(month), Day(day)) => Some(Date(year, month, day))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/domain.scala b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/domain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3b8337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/domain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil
+import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.PhoneNumberFormat
+import scalaz.Equal
+import scalaz.std.string._
+import scalaz.syntax.equal._
+import scala.util.Try
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+object domain {
+ final case class Email(username: String, domain: String) {
+ def value: String = toString
+ override def toString: String = username + "@" + domain
+ }
+ object Email {
+ implicit val emailEqual: Equal[Email] = Equal.equal {
+ case (left, right) => left.toString.toLowerCase === right.toString.toLowerCase
+ }
+ def parse(emailString: String): Option[Email] = {
+ Some(emailString.split("@")) collect {
+ case Array(username, domain) => Email(username, domain)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final case class PhoneNumber(countryCode: String, number: String, extension: Option[String] = None) {
+ def hasExtension: Boolean = extension.isDefined
+ /** This is a more human-friendly alias for #toE164String() */
+ def toCompactString: String = s"+$countryCode$number${extension.fold("")(";ext=" + _)}"
+ /** Outputs the phone number in a E.164-compliant way, e.g. +14151234567 */
+ def toE164String: String = toCompactString
+ /**
+ * Outputs the phone number in a "readable" way, e.g. "+1 415-123-45-67 ext. 1234"
+ * @throws IllegalStateException if the contents of this object is not a valid phone number
+ */
+ @throws[IllegalStateException]
+ def toHumanReadableString: String =
+ try {
+ val phoneNumber = PhoneNumber.phoneUtil.parse(toE164String, "US")
+ PhoneNumber.phoneUtil.format(phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)
+ } catch {
+ case NonFatal(e) => throw new IllegalStateException(s"$toString is not a valid number", e)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = s"+$countryCode $number${extension.fold("")(" ext. " + _)}"
+ }
+ object PhoneNumber {
+ private[PhoneNumber] val phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance()
+ def parse(phoneNumber: String): Option[PhoneNumber] = {
+ val validated = Try(phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phoneNumber, "US")).toOption.filter(phoneUtil.isValidNumber)
+ validated.map { pn =>
+ PhoneNumber(
+ pn.getCountryCode.toString,
+ pn.getNationalNumber.toString,
+ Option(pn.getExtension).filter(_.nonEmpty))
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/tagging.scala b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/tagging.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6599e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/tagging.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
+import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
+ * @author sergey
+ * @since 9/11/18
+ */
+package object tagging {
+ implicit class Taggable[V <: Any](val v: V) extends AnyVal {
+ def tagged[Tag]: V @@ Tag = v.asInstanceOf[V @@ Tag]
+ }
+package tagging {
+ sealed trait Tagged[+V, +Tag]
+ object Tagged {
+ implicit class TaggedOps[V, Tag](val v: V @@ Tag) extends AnyVal {
+ def tagless: V = v
+ }
+ implicit def orderingMagnet[V, Tag](implicit ord: Ordering[V]): Ordering[V @@ Tag] =
+ ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[V @@ Tag]]
+ }
+ sealed trait Trimmed
+ object Trimmed {
+ implicit def apply[V](trimmable: V)(implicit ev: CanBeTrimmed[V]): V @@ Trimmed = {
+ ev.trim(trimmable).tagged[Trimmed]
+ }
+ sealed trait CanBeTrimmed[T] {
+ def trim(trimmable: T): T
+ }
+ implicit object StringCanBeTrimmed extends CanBeTrimmed[String] {
+ def trim(str: String): String = str.trim()
+ }
+ implicit def nameCanBeTrimmed[T]: CanBeTrimmed[Name[T]] = new CanBeTrimmed[Name[T]] {
+ def trim(name: Name[T]): Name[T] = Name[T](name.value.trim())
+ }
+ implicit def option2Trimmed[V: CanBeTrimmed](option: Option[V]): Option[V @@ Trimmed] =
+ option.map(Trimmed(_))
+ implicit def coll2Trimmed[T, C[_] <: Traversable[_]](coll: C[T])(
+ implicit ev: C[T] <:< Traversable[T],
+ tr: CanBeTrimmed[T],
+ bf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T @@ Trimmed, C[T @@ Trimmed]]): C[T @@ Trimmed] =
+ ev(coll).map(Trimmed(_)(tr)).to[C]
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/time.scala b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/time.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1622068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/time.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
+import java.time.{Clock, Instant, ZoneId, ZoneOffset}
+import java.util._
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import xyz.driver.core.date.Month
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.util.Try
+object time {
+ // The most useful time units
+ val Second = 1000L
+ val Seconds = Second
+ val Minute = 60 * Seconds
+ val Minutes = Minute
+ val Hour = 60 * Minutes
+ val Hours = Hour
+ val Day = 24 * Hours
+ val Days = Day
+ val Week = 7 * Days
+ val Weeks = Week
+ final case class Time(millis: Long) extends AnyVal {
+ def isBefore(anotherTime: Time): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[Time]].lt(this, anotherTime)
+ def isAfter(anotherTime: Time): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[Time]].gt(this, anotherTime)
+ def advanceBy(duration: Duration): Time = Time(millis + duration.toMillis)
+ def durationTo(anotherTime: Time): Duration = Duration.apply(anotherTime.millis - millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ def durationFrom(anotherTime: Time): Duration = Duration.apply(millis - anotherTime.millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ def toDate(timezone: TimeZone): date.Date = {
+ val cal = Calendar.getInstance(timezone)
+ cal.setTimeInMillis(millis)
+ date.Date(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), date.Month(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))
+ }
+ def toInstant: Instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis)
+ }
+ object Time {
+ implicit def timeOrdering: Ordering[Time] = Ordering.by(_.millis)
+ implicit def apply(instant: Instant): Time = Time(instant.toEpochMilli)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encapsulates a time and timezone without a specific date.
+ */
+ final case class TimeOfDay(localTime: java.time.LocalTime, timeZone: TimeZone) {
+ /**
+ * Is this time before another time on a specific day. Day light savings safe. These are zero-indexed
+ * for month/day.
+ */
+ def isBefore(other: TimeOfDay, day: Int, month: Month, year: Int): Boolean = {
+ toCalendar(day, month, year).before(other.toCalendar(day, month, year))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is this time after another time on a specific day. Day light savings safe.
+ */
+ def isAfter(other: TimeOfDay, day: Int, month: Month, year: Int): Boolean = {
+ toCalendar(day, month, year).after(other.toCalendar(day, month, year))
+ }
+ def sameTimeAs(other: TimeOfDay, day: Int, month: Month, year: Int): Boolean = {
+ toCalendar(day, month, year).equals(other.toCalendar(day, month, year))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enforces the same formatting as expected by [[java.sql.Time]]
+ * @return string formatted for `java.sql.Time`
+ */
+ def timeString: String = {
+ localTime.format(TimeOfDay.getFormatter)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return a string parsable by [[java.util.TimeZone]]
+ */
+ def timeZoneString: String = {
+ timeZone.getID
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return this [[TimeOfDay]] as [[java.sql.Time]] object, [[java.sql.Time.valueOf]] will
+ * throw when the string is not valid, but this is protected by [[timeString]] method.
+ */
+ def toTime: java.sql.Time = {
+ java.sql.Time.valueOf(timeString)
+ }
+ private def toCalendar(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int): Calendar = {
+ val cal = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone)
+ cal.set(year, month, day, localTime.getHour, localTime.getMinute, localTime.getSecond)
+ cal.clear(Calendar.MILLISECOND)
+ cal
+ }
+ }
+ object TimeOfDay {
+ def now(): TimeOfDay = {
+ TimeOfDay(java.time.LocalTime.now(), TimeZone.getDefault)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Throws when [s] is not parsable by [[java.time.LocalTime.parse]], uses default [[java.util.TimeZone]]
+ */
+ def parseTimeString(tz: TimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault)(s: String): TimeOfDay = {
+ TimeOfDay(java.time.LocalTime.parse(s), tz)
+ }
+ def fromString(tz: TimeZone)(s: String): Option[TimeOfDay] = {
+ val op = Try(java.time.LocalTime.parse(s)).toOption
+ op.map(lt => TimeOfDay(lt, tz))
+ }
+ def fromStrings(zoneId: String)(s: String): Option[TimeOfDay] = {
+ val op = Try(TimeZone.getTimeZone(zoneId)).toOption
+ op.map(tz => TimeOfDay.parseTimeString(tz)(s))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Formatter that enforces `HH:mm:ss` which is expected by [[java.sql.Time]]
+ */
+ def getFormatter: java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter = {
+ java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss")
+ }
+ }
+ final case class TimeRange(start: Time, end: Time) {
+ def duration: Duration = FiniteDuration(end.millis - start.millis, MILLISECONDS)
+ }
+ def startOfMonth(time: Time) = {
+ Time(make(new GregorianCalendar()) { cal =>
+ cal.setTime(new Date(time.millis))
+ cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))
+ }.getTime.getTime)
+ }
+ def textualDate(timezone: TimeZone)(time: Time): String =
+ make(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy"))(_.setTimeZone(timezone)).format(new Date(time.millis))
+ def textualTime(timezone: TimeZone)(time: Time): String =
+ make(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a"))(_.setTimeZone(timezone)).format(new Date(time.millis))
+ class ChangeableClock(@volatile var instant: Instant, val zone: ZoneId = ZoneOffset.UTC) extends Clock {
+ def tick(duration: FiniteDuration): Unit =
+ instant = instant.plusNanos(duration.toNanos)
+ val getZone: ZoneId = zone
+ def withZone(zone: ZoneId): Clock = new ChangeableClock(instant, zone = zone)
+ override def toString: String = "ChangeableClock(" + instant + "," + zone + ")"
+ }
+ object provider {
+ /**
+ * Time providers are supplying code with current times
+ * and are extremely useful for testing to check how system is going
+ * to behave at specific moments in time.
+ *
+ * All the calls to receive current time must be made using time
+ * provider injected to the caller.
+ */
+ @deprecated(
+ "Use java.time.Clock instead. Note that xyz.driver.core.Time and xyz.driver.core.date.Date will also be deprecated soon!",
+ "0.13.0")
+ trait TimeProvider {
+ def currentTime(): Time
+ def toClock: Clock
+ }
+ final implicit class ClockTimeProvider(clock: Clock) extends TimeProvider {
+ def currentTime(): Time = Time(clock.instant().toEpochMilli)
+ val toClock: Clock = clock
+ }
+ final class SystemTimeProvider extends TimeProvider {
+ def currentTime() = Time(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ lazy val toClock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC()
+ }
+ final val SystemTimeProvider = new SystemTimeProvider
+ final class SpecificTimeProvider(time: Time) extends TimeProvider {
+ def currentTime(): Time = time
+ lazy val toClock: Clock = Clock.fixed(time.toInstant, ZoneOffset.UTC)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/CoreTest.scala b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/CoreTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f448d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/CoreTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
+import org.mockito.Mockito._
+import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
+import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
+class CoreTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar {
+ "'make' function" should "allow initialization for objects" in {
+ val createdAndInitializedValue = make(new ByteArrayOutputStream(128)) { baos =>
+ baos.write(Array(1.toByte, 1.toByte, 0.toByte))
+ }
+ createdAndInitializedValue.toByteArray should be(Array(1.toByte, 1.toByte, 0.toByte))
+ }
+ "'using' function" should "call close after performing action on resource" in {
+ val baos = mock[ByteArrayOutputStream]
+ using(baos /* usually new ByteArrayOutputStream(128) */ ) { baos =>
+ baos.write(Array(1.toByte, 1.toByte, 0.toByte))
+ }
+ verify(baos).close()
+ }
+ "Id" should "have equality and ordering working correctly" in {
+ (Id[String]("1234213") === Id[String]("1234213")) should be(true)
+ (Id[String]("1234213") === Id[String]("213414")) should be(false)
+ (Id[String]("213414") === Id[String]("1234213")) should be(false)
+ val ids = Seq(Id[String]("4"), Id[String]("3"), Id[String]("2"), Id[String]("1"))
+ val sorted = Seq(Id[String]("1"), Id[String]("2"), Id[String]("3"), Id[String]("4"))
+ ids.sorted should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs sorted
+ }
+ it should "have type-safe conversions" in {
+ final case class X(id: Id[X])
+ final case class Y(id: Id[Y])
+ final case class Z(id: Id[Z])
+ implicit val xy = Id.Mapper[X, Y]
+ implicit val yz = Id.Mapper[Y, Z]
+ // Test that implicit conversions work correctly
+ val x = X(Id("0"))
+ val y = Y(x.id)
+ val z = Z(y.id)
+ val y2 = Y(z.id)
+ val x2 = X(y2.id)
+ (x2 === x) should be(true)
+ (y2 === y) should be(true)
+ // Test that type inferrence for explicit conversions work correctly
+ val yid = y.id
+ val xid = xy(yid)
+ val zid = yz(yid)
+ (xid: Id[X]) should be(zid: Id[Z])
+ }
+ "Name" should "have equality and ordering working correctly" in {
+ (Name[String]("foo") === Name[String]("foo")) should be(true)
+ (Name[String]("foo") === Name[String]("bar")) should be(false)
+ (Name[String]("bar") === Name[String]("foo")) should be(false)
+ val names = Seq(Name[String]("d"), Name[String]("cc"), Name[String]("a"), Name[String]("bbb"))
+ val sorted = Seq(Name[String]("a"), Name[String]("bbb"), Name[String]("cc"), Name[String]("d"))
+ names.sorted should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs sorted
+ }
+ "Revision" should "have equality working correctly" in {
+ val bla = Revision[String]("85569dab-a3dc-401b-9f95-d6fb4162674b")
+ val foo = Revision[String]("f54b3558-bdcd-4646-a14b-8beb11f6b7c4")
+ (bla === bla) should be(true)
+ (bla === foo) should be(false)
+ (foo === bla) should be(false)
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/DateTest.scala b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/DateTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0432040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/DateTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
+import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
+import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
+import xyz.driver.core.date.Date
+class DateTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Checkers {
+ val dateGenerator = for {
+ year <- Gen.choose(0, 3000)
+ month <- Gen.choose(0, 11)
+ day <- Gen.choose(1, 31)
+ } yield Date(year, date.Month(month), day)
+ implicit val arbitraryDate = Arbitrary[Date](dateGenerator)
+ "Date" should "correctly convert to and from String" in {
+ import xyz.driver.core.generators.nextDate
+ import date._
+ for (date <- 1 to 100 map (_ => nextDate())) {
+ Some(date) should be(Date.fromString(date.toString))
+ }
+ }
+ it should "have ordering defined correctly" in {
+ Seq(
+ Date.fromString("2013-05-10"),
+ Date.fromString("2020-02-15"),
+ Date.fromString("2017-03-05"),
+ Date.fromString("2013-05-12")).sorted should
+ contain theSameElementsInOrderAs Seq(
+ Date.fromString("2013-05-10"),
+ Date.fromString("2013-05-12"),
+ Date.fromString("2017-03-05"),
+ Date.fromString("2020-02-15"))
+ check { dates: List[Date] =>
+ dates.sorted.sliding(2).filter(_.size == 2).forall {
+ case Seq(a, b) =>
+ if (a.year == b.year) {
+ if (a.month == b.month) {
+ a.day <= b.day
+ } else {
+ a.month < b.month
+ }
+ } else {
+ a.year < b.year
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/PhoneNumberTest.scala b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/PhoneNumberTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729302b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/PhoneNumberTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
+import xyz.driver.core.domain.PhoneNumber
+class PhoneNumberTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
+ "PhoneNumber.parse" should "recognize US numbers in international format, ignoring non-digits" in {
+ // format: off
+ val numbers = List(
+ "+18005252225",
+ "+1 800 525 2225",
+ "+1 (800) 525-2225",
+ "+1.800.525.2225")
+ // format: on
+ val parsed = numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse)
+ parsed should have size numbers.size
+ parsed should contain only PhoneNumber("1", "8005252225")
+ }
+ it should "recognize US numbers without the plus sign" in {
+ PhoneNumber.parse("18005252225") shouldBe Some(PhoneNumber("1", "8005252225"))
+ }
+ it should "recognize US numbers without country code" in {
+ // format: off
+ val numbers = List(
+ "8005252225",
+ "800 525 2225",
+ "(800) 525-2225",
+ "800.525.2225")
+ // format: on
+ val parsed = numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse)
+ parsed should have size numbers.size
+ parsed should contain only PhoneNumber("1", "8005252225")
+ }
+ it should "recognize CN numbers in international format" in {
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+868005252225") shouldBe Some(PhoneNumber("86", "8005252225"))
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+86 134 52 52 2256") shouldBe Some(PhoneNumber("86", "13452522256"))
+ }
+ it should "parse numbers with extensions in different formats" in {
+ // format: off
+ val numbers = List(
+ "+1 800 525 22 25 x23",
+ "+18005252225 ext. 23",
+ "+18005252225,23"
+ )
+ // format: on
+ val parsed = numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse)
+ parsed should have size numbers.size
+ parsed should contain only PhoneNumber("1", "8005252225", Some("23"))
+ }
+ it should "return None on numbers that are shorter than the minimum number of digits for the country (i.e. US - 10, AR - 11)" in {
+ withClue("US and CN numbers are 10 digits - 9 digit (and shorter) numbers should not fit") {
+ // format: off
+ val numbers = List(
+ "+1 800 525-222",
+ "+1 800 525-2",
+ "+86 800 525-222",
+ "+86 800 525-2")
+ // format: on
+ numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse) shouldBe empty
+ }
+ withClue("Argentinian numbers are 11 digits (when prefixed with 0) - 10 digit numbers shouldn't fit") {
+ // format: off
+ val numbers = List(
+ "+54 011 525-22256",
+ "+54 011 525-2225",
+ "+54 011 525-222")
+ // format: on
+ numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse) should contain theSameElementsAs List(PhoneNumber("54", "1152522256"))
+ }
+ }
+ it should "return None on numbers that are longer than the maximum number of digits for the country (i.e. DK - 8, CN - 11)" in {
+ val numbers = List("+45 27 45 25 22", "+45 135 525 223", "+86 134 525 22256", "+86 135 525 22256 7")
+ numbers.flatMap(PhoneNumber.parse) should contain theSameElementsAs
+ List(PhoneNumber("45", "27452522"), PhoneNumber("86", "13452522256"))
+ }
+ "PhoneNumber.toCompactString/toE164String" should "produce phone number in international format without whitespaces" in {
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+1 800 5252225").get.toCompactString shouldBe "+18005252225"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+1 800 5252225").get.toE164String shouldBe "+18005252225"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+1 800 5252225 x23").get.toCompactString shouldBe "+18005252225;ext=23"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+1 800 5252225 x23").get.toE164String shouldBe "+18005252225;ext=23"
+ }
+ "PhoneNumber.toHumanReadableString" should "produce nice readable result for different countries" in {
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+14154234567").get.toHumanReadableString shouldBe "+1 415-423-4567"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+14154234567,23").get.toHumanReadableString shouldBe "+1 415-423-4567 ext. 23"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+78005252225").get.toHumanReadableString shouldBe "+7 800 525-22-25"
+ PhoneNumber.parse("+41219437898").get.toHumanReadableString shouldBe "+41 21 943 78 98"
+ }
+ it should "throw an IllegalArgumentException if the PhoneNumber object is not parsable/valid" in {
+ intercept[IllegalStateException] {
+ PhoneNumber("+123", "1238123120938120938").toHumanReadableString
+ }.getMessage should include("+123 1238123120938120938 is not a valid number")
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/TimeTest.scala b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/TimeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1019f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/TimeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import java.util.TimeZone
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop.BooleanOperators
+import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
+import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
+import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
+import xyz.driver.core.date.Month
+import xyz.driver.core.time.{Time, _}
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.language.postfixOps
+class TimeTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Checkers {
+ implicit val arbDuration = Arbitrary[Duration](Gen.chooseNum(0L, 9999999999L).map(_.milliseconds))
+ implicit val arbTime = Arbitrary[Time](Gen.chooseNum(0L, 9999999999L).map(millis => Time(millis)))
+ "Time" should "have correct methods to compare" in {
+ Time(234L).isAfter(Time(123L)) should be(true)
+ Time(123L).isAfter(Time(123L)) should be(false)
+ Time(123L).isAfter(Time(234L)) should be(false)
+ check((a: Time, b: Time) => (a.millis > b.millis) ==> a.isAfter(b))
+ Time(234L).isBefore(Time(123L)) should be(false)
+ Time(123L).isBefore(Time(123L)) should be(false)
+ Time(123L).isBefore(Time(234L)) should be(true)
+ check { (a: Time, b: Time) =>
+ (a.millis < b.millis) ==> a.isBefore(b)
+ }
+ }
+ it should "not modify time" in {
+ Time(234L).millis should be(234L)
+ check { millis: Long =>
+ Time(millis).millis == millis
+ }
+ }
+ it should "support arithmetic with scala.concurrent.duration" in {
+ Time(123L).advanceBy(0 minutes).millis should be(123L)
+ Time(123L).advanceBy(1 second).millis should be(123L + Second)
+ Time(123L).advanceBy(4 days).millis should be(123L + 4 * Days)
+ check { (time: Time, duration: Duration) =>
+ time.advanceBy(duration).millis == (time.millis + duration.toMillis)
+ }
+ }
+ it should "have ordering defined correctly" in {
+ Seq(Time(321L), Time(123L), Time(231L)).sorted should
+ contain theSameElementsInOrderAs Seq(Time(123L), Time(231L), Time(321L))
+ check { times: List[Time] =>
+ times.sorted.sliding(2).filter(_.size == 2).forall {
+ case Seq(a, b) =>
+ a.millis <= b.millis
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it should "reset to the start of the period, e.g. month" in {
+ startOfMonth(Time(1468937089834L)) should be(Time(1467381889834L))
+ startOfMonth(Time(1467381889834L)) should be(Time(1467381889834L)) // idempotent
+ }
+ it should "have correct textual representations" in {
+ import java.util.Locale
+ import java.util.Locale._
+ Locale.setDefault(US)
+ textualDate(TimeZone.getTimeZone("EDT"))(Time(1468937089834L)) should be("July 19, 2016")
+ textualTime(TimeZone.getTimeZone("PDT"))(Time(1468937089834L)) should be("Jul 19, 2016 02:04:49 PM")
+ }
+ "TimeRange" should "have duration defined as a difference of start and end times" in {
+ TimeRange(Time(321L), Time(432L)).duration should be(111.milliseconds)
+ TimeRange(Time(432L), Time(321L)).duration should be((-111).milliseconds)
+ TimeRange(Time(333L), Time(333L)).duration should be(0.milliseconds)
+ }
+ "Time" should "use TimeZone correctly when converting to Date" in {
+ val EST = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST")
+ val PST = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST")
+ val timestamp = {
+ import java.util.Calendar
+ val cal = Calendar.getInstance(EST)
+ cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1)
+ Time(cal.getTime().getTime())
+ }
+ textualDate(EST)(timestamp) should not be textualDate(PST)(timestamp)
+ timestamp.toDate(EST) should not be timestamp.toDate(PST)
+ }
+ "TimeOfDay" should "be created from valid strings and convert to java.sql.Time" in {
+ val s = "07:30:45"
+ val defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault()
+ val todFactory = TimeOfDay.parseTimeString(defaultTimeZone)(_)
+ val tod = todFactory(s)
+ tod.timeString shouldBe s
+ tod.timeZoneString shouldBe defaultTimeZone.getID
+ val sqlTime = tod.toTime
+ sqlTime.toLocalTime shouldBe tod.localTime
+ a[java.time.format.DateTimeParseException] should be thrownBy {
+ val illegal = "7:15"
+ todFactory(illegal)
+ }
+ }
+ "TimeOfDay" should "have correct temporal relationships" in {
+ val s = "07:30:45"
+ val t = "09:30:45"
+ val pst = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")
+ val est = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")
+ val pstTodFactory = TimeOfDay.parseTimeString(pst)(_)
+ val estTodFactory = TimeOfDay.parseTimeString(est)(_)
+ val day = 1
+ val month = Month.JANUARY
+ val year = 2018
+ val sTodPst = pstTodFactory(s)
+ val sTodPst2 = pstTodFactory(s)
+ val tTodPst = pstTodFactory(t)
+ val tTodEst = estTodFactory(t)
+ sTodPst.isBefore(tTodPst, day, month, year) shouldBe true
+ tTodPst.isAfter(sTodPst, day, month, year) shouldBe true
+ tTodEst.isBefore(sTodPst, day, month, year) shouldBe true
+ sTodPst.sameTimeAs(sTodPst2, day, month, year) shouldBe true
+ }
diff --git a/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/TaggingTest.scala b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/TaggingTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14dfaf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-types/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/tagging/TaggingTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package xyz.driver.core.tagging
+import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
+import xyz.driver.core.{@@, Name}
+ * @author sergey
+ * @since 9/11/18
+ */
+class TaggingTest extends WordSpec with Matchers {
+ "@@ Trimmed" should {
+ "produce values transparently from Strings and Names (by default)" in {
+ val s: String @@ Trimmed = " trimmed "
+ val n: Name[Int] @@ Trimmed = Name(" trimmed ")
+ s shouldBe "trimmed"
+ n shouldBe Name[Int]("trimmed")
+ }
+ "produce values transparently from values that have an implicit conversion defined" in {
+ import scala.language.implicitConversions
+ implicit def stringSeq2Trimmed(stringSeq: Seq[String]): Seq[String] @@ Trimmed =
+ stringSeq.map(_.trim()).tagged[Trimmed]
+ val strings: Seq[String] @@ Trimmed = Seq(" trimmed1 ", " trimmed2 ")
+ strings shouldBe Seq("trimmed1", "trimmed2")
+ }
+ "produce values transparently from Options of values that have Trimmed implicits" in {
+ val maybeStringDirect: Option[String @@ Trimmed] = Some(" trimmed ")
+ val maybeStringFromMap: Option[String @@ Trimmed] = Map("s" -> " trimmed ").get("s")
+ val maybeNameDirect: Option[Name[Int] @@ Trimmed] = Some(Name(" trimmed "))
+ val maybeNameFromMap: Option[Name[Int] @@ Trimmed] = Map("s" -> Name[Int](" trimmed ")).get("s")
+ maybeStringDirect shouldBe Some("trimmed")
+ maybeStringFromMap shouldBe Some("trimmed")
+ maybeNameDirect shouldBe Some(Name[Int]("trimmed"))
+ maybeNameFromMap shouldBe Some(Name[Int]("trimmed"))
+ }
+ "produce values transparently from collections of values that have Trimmed implicits" in {
+ val strings = Seq("s" -> " trimmed1 ", "s" -> " trimmed2 ")
+ val names = strings.map {
+ case (k, v) => k -> Name[Int](v)
+ }
+ val trimmedStrings: Seq[String @@ Trimmed] = strings.groupBy(_._1)("s").map(_._2)
+ val trimmedNames: Seq[Name[Int] @@ Trimmed] = names.groupBy(_._1)("s").map(_._2)
+ trimmedStrings shouldBe Seq("trimmed1", "trimmed2")
+ trimmedNames shouldBe Seq("trimmed1", "trimmed2").map(Name[Int])
+ }
+ "have Ordering" in {
+ val names: Seq[Name[Int] @@ Trimmed] = Seq(" 2 ", " 1 ", "3").map(Name[Int])
+ names.sorted should contain inOrderOnly (Name("1"), Name("2"), Name("3"))
+ }
+ }