path: root/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep')
7 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/BridgeUploadQueueGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/BridgeUploadQueueGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7cbd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/BridgeUploadQueueGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.core.generators.{nextBoolean, nextInt, nextOption, nextString}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.concurrent.BridgeUploadQueue
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common.nextLocalDateTime
+object BridgeUploadQueueGen {
+ private val maxAttemptsNumber = 100
+ def nextBridgeUploadQueueItem(): BridgeUploadQueue.Item = {
+ BridgeUploadQueue.Item(
+ kind = nextString(),
+ tag = nextString(),
+ created = nextLocalDateTime,
+ attempts = nextInt(maxAttemptsNumber, minValue = 0),
+ nextAttempt = nextLocalDateTime,
+ completed = nextBoolean(),
+ dependencyKind = nextOption(nextString()),
+ dependencyTag = nextOption(nextString())
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/Common.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/Common.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9618eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/Common.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.core.generators
+import xyz.driver.core.generators._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.FuzzyValue
+private[rep] object Common {
+ def genBoundedRange[T](from: T, to: T)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): (T, T) = {
+ if (ord.compare(from, to) > 0) {
+ to -> from
+ } else {
+ from -> to
+ }
+ }
+ def genBoundedRangeOption[T](from: T, to: T)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): (Option[T], Option[T]) = {
+ val ranges = nextOption(from)
+ .map(left => genBoundedRange(left, to))
+ .map {
+ case (left, right) =>
+ left -> nextOption(right)
+ }
+ ranges.map(_._1) -> ranges.flatMap(_._2)
+ }
+ def nextFuzzyValue(): FuzzyValue = {
+ generators.oneOf[FuzzyValue](FuzzyValue.All)
+ }
+ def nextStartAndEndPages: (Option[Double], Option[Double]) = {
+ genBoundedRangeOption[Double](nextDouble(), nextDouble())
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/DocumentGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/DocumentGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10349bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/DocumentGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import java.time.LocalDate
+import xyz.driver.core.generators
+import xyz.driver.core.generators.{nextBoolean, nextDouble, nextOption, nextString}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.{LongId, TextJson, User}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common.{nextLocalDate, nextLocalDateTime, nextLongId, nextStringId}
+object DocumentGen {
+ implicit private class LocalDateOrdering(localData: LocalDate) extends Ordered[LocalDate] {
+ override def compare(that: LocalDate): Int = {
+ this.localData.compareTo(that)
+ }
+ }
+ private def nextDates() =
+ Common.genBoundedRangeOption[LocalDate](nextLocalDate, nextLocalDate)
+ private def nextStartAndEndPagesOption() =
+ Common.nextStartAndEndPages
+ private def nextStartAndEndPage() =
+ Common.genBoundedRange(nextDouble(), nextDouble())
+ def nextDocumentStatus(): Document.Status =
+ Document.Status.New
+ def nextDocumentRequiredType(): Document.RequiredType =
+ generators.oneOf[Document.RequiredType](Document.RequiredType.All)
+ def nextDocumentHistoryState(): DocumentHistory.State =
+ generators.oneOf[DocumentHistory.State](DocumentHistory.State.All)
+ def nextDocumentHistoryAction(): DocumentHistory.Action =
+ generators.oneOf[DocumentHistory.Action](DocumentHistory.Action.All)
+ def nextDocumentMeta(): Document.Meta = {
+ val (startPage, endPage) = nextStartAndEndPage()
+ Document.Meta(
+ nextOption(nextBoolean()),
+ startPage,
+ endPage
+ )
+ }
+ def nextDocumentMetaJson(): TextJson[Document.Meta] = {
+ TextJson(nextDocumentMeta())
+ }
+ def nextDocument(): Document = {
+ val dates = nextDates()
+ Document(
+ id = nextLongId[Document],
+ status = nextDocumentStatus(),
+ previousStatus = None,
+ assignee = nextOption(nextStringId[User]),
+ previousAssignee = nextOption(nextStringId[User]),
+ lastActiveUserId = nextOption(nextStringId[User]),
+ recordId = nextLongId[MedicalRecord],
+ physician = nextOption(nextString()),
+ typeId = nextOption(nextLongId[DocumentType]),
+ providerName = nextOption(nextString()),
+ providerTypeId = nextOption(nextLongId[ProviderType]),
+ requiredType = nextOption(nextDocumentRequiredType()),
+ meta = nextOption(nextDocumentMetaJson()),
+ startDate = dates._1,
+ endDate = dates._2,
+ lastUpdate = nextLocalDateTime
+ )
+ }
+ def nextDocumentType(): DocumentType = {
+ DocumentType(
+ id = nextLongId[DocumentType],
+ name = nextString()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextDocumentIssue(documentId: LongId[Document] = nextLongId): DocumentIssue = {
+ val pages = nextStartAndEndPagesOption()
+ DocumentIssue(
+ id = nextLongId[DocumentIssue],
+ userId = nextStringId[User],
+ documentId = documentId,
+ startPage = pages._1,
+ endPage = pages._2,
+ lastUpdate = nextLocalDateTime,
+ isDraft = nextBoolean(),
+ text = nextString(),
+ archiveRequired = nextBoolean()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextDocumentHistory(documentId: LongId[Document] = nextLongId): DocumentHistory = {
+ DocumentHistory(
+ id = nextLongId[DocumentHistory],
+ executor = nextStringId[User],
+ documentId = documentId,
+ state = nextDocumentHistoryState(),
+ action = nextDocumentHistoryAction(),
+ created = nextLocalDateTime
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExportPatientGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExportPatientGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2909f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExportPatientGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.core.generators._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.{LongId, UuidId}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.export.patient.{
+ ExportPatientLabel,
+ ExportPatientLabelEvidence,
+ ExportPatientLabelEvidenceDocument,
+ ExportPatientWithLabels
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common.{nextLocalDate, nextLongId}
+object ExportPatientGen {
+ private val maxItemsInCollectionNumber = 3
+ def nextDocumentType(documentTypeId: LongId[DocumentType] = nextLongId): DocumentType = {
+ DocumentType(
+ documentTypeId,
+ nextString()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextProviderType(providerTypeId: LongId[ProviderType] = nextLongId): ProviderType = {
+ ProviderType(
+ providerTypeId,
+ nextString()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExportPatientLabelEvidenceDocument(documentId: LongId[Document]): ExportPatientLabelEvidenceDocument = {
+ ExportPatientLabelEvidenceDocument(
+ documentId = documentId,
+ requestId = RecordRequestId(nextUuid()),
+ documentType = nextDocumentType(),
+ providerType = nextProviderType(),
+ date = nextLocalDate
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExportPatientLabelEvidence(documentId: LongId[Document]): ExportPatientLabelEvidence = {
+ ExportPatientLabelEvidence(
+ id = nextLongId[ExtractedData],
+ value = Common.nextFuzzyValue(),
+ evidenceText = nextString(),
+ document = nextExportPatientLabelEvidenceDocument(documentId)
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExportPatientLabel(documentId: LongId[Document]): ExportPatientLabel = {
+ ExportPatientLabel(
+ id = nextLongId[Label],
+ evidences = List.fill(
+ nextInt(maxItemsInCollectionNumber, minValue = 0)
+ )(nextExportPatientLabelEvidence(documentId))
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExportPatientWithLabels(documentId: LongId[Document]): ExportPatientWithLabels = {
+ ExportPatientWithLabels(
+ patientId = UuidId[xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.Patient](nextUuid()),
+ labelVersion = scala.util.Random.nextLong(),
+ labels = List.fill(
+ nextInt(maxItemsInCollectionNumber, minValue = 0)
+ )(nextExportPatientLabel(documentId))
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExtractedDataGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExtractedDataGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac07d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ExtractedDataGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.core.generators._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.{LongId, TextJson}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.ExtractedData.Meta
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.services.ExtractedDataService.RichExtractedData
+object ExtractedDataGen {
+ private val maxItemsInCollectionNumber = 50
+ private val maxPageNumber = 100
+ private val maxIndexNumber = 100
+ private val maxOffsetNumber = 10
+ implicit private class TextLayerPositionOrdering(textLayerPosition: ExtractedData.Meta.TextLayerPosition)
+ extends Ordered[ExtractedData.Meta.TextLayerPosition] {
+ override def compare(that: Meta.TextLayerPosition): Int = {
+ if (this.textLayerPosition.page < that.page) -1
+ else if (this.textLayerPosition.page > that.page) 1
+ else if (this.textLayerPosition.index < that.index) -1
+ else if (this.textLayerPosition.index > that.index) 1
+ else if (this.textLayerPosition.offset < that.offset) -1
+ else if (this.textLayerPosition.offset > that.offset) 1
+ else 0
+ }
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataMetaKeyword(): Meta.Keyword = {
+ ExtractedData.Meta.Keyword(
+ page = nextInt(maxPageNumber, minValue = 0),
+ pageRatio = nextOption(nextDouble()),
+ index = nextInt(maxIndexNumber, minValue = 0),
+ sortIndex = nextString()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataMetaTextLayerPosition(): Meta.TextLayerPosition = {
+ ExtractedData.Meta.TextLayerPosition(
+ page = nextInt(maxPageNumber, minValue = 0),
+ index = nextInt(maxIndexNumber, minValue = 0),
+ offset = nextInt(maxOffsetNumber, minValue = 0)
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataMetaEvidence(): Meta.Evidence = {
+ val layersPosition =
+ Common.genBoundedRange[ExtractedData.Meta.TextLayerPosition](
+ nextExtractedDataMetaTextLayerPosition(),
+ nextExtractedDataMetaTextLayerPosition()
+ )
+ ExtractedData.Meta.Evidence(
+ pageRatio = nextDouble(),
+ start = layersPosition._1,
+ end = layersPosition._2
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataMeta(): Meta = {
+ ExtractedData.Meta(
+ nextExtractedDataMetaKeyword(),
+ nextExtractedDataMetaEvidence()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataMetaJson(): TextJson[Meta] = {
+ TextJson(
+ ExtractedData.Meta(
+ nextExtractedDataMetaKeyword(),
+ nextExtractedDataMetaEvidence()
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedData(documentId: LongId[Document]): ExtractedData = {
+ ExtractedData(
+ id = nextLongId[ExtractedData],
+ documentId = documentId,
+ keywordId = nextOption(nextLongId[xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.Keyword]),
+ evidenceText = nextOption(nextString()),
+ meta = nextOption(nextExtractedDataMetaJson())
+ )
+ }
+ def nextExtractedDataLabel(): ExtractedDataLabel = {
+ ExtractedDataLabel(
+ id = nextLongId[ExtractedDataLabel],
+ dataId = nextLongId[ExtractedData],
+ labelId = nextOption(nextLongId[Label]),
+ categoryId = nextOption(nextLongId[Category]),
+ value = nextOption(Common.nextFuzzyValue())
+ )
+ }
+ def nextRichExtractedData(documentId: LongId[Document] = nextLongId): RichExtractedData = {
+ RichExtractedData(
+ extractedData = nextExtractedData(documentId),
+ labels = List.fill(
+ nextInt(maxItemsInCollectionNumber, minValue = 0)
+ )(nextExtractedDataLabel())
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/MedicalRecordGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/MedicalRecordGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7221e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/MedicalRecordGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities._
+import xyz.driver.core.generators
+import xyz.driver.core.generators._
+import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.{LongId, TextJson, User}
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common.{nextLocalDateTime, nextLongId, nextStringId, nextUuidId}
+object MedicalRecordGen {
+ private val maxItemsInCollectionNumber: Int = 50
+ private val pageMaxNumber: Int = 1000
+ private val medicalRecordMetas: Set[() => MedicalRecord.Meta] = {
+ Set(
+ () => nextMedicalRecordMetaReorder(),
+ () => nextMedicalRecordMetaDuplicate(),
+ () => nextMedicalRecordMetaRotation()
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordMetas(count: Int): List[MedicalRecord.Meta] =
+ List.fill(count)(nextMedicalRecordMeta())
+ def nextMedicalRecordMetasJson(): TextJson[List[MedicalRecord.Meta]] =
+ TextJson(nextMedicalRecordMetas(nextInt(maxItemsInCollectionNumber, minValue = 0)))
+ private def nextDocument(): Document =
+ DocumentGen.nextDocument()
+ private def nextDocuments(count: Int): List[Document] =
+ List.fill(count)(nextDocument())
+ def nextDocuments(recordId: LongId[MedicalRecord]): TextJson[List[Document]] = {
+ val documents = nextDocuments(
+ nextInt(maxItemsInCollectionNumber, minValue = 0)
+ )
+ TextJson(documents.map(_.copy(recordId = recordId)))
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordStatus(): MedicalRecord.Status =
+ MedicalRecord.Status.New
+ def nextMedicalRecordHistoryState(): MedicalRecordHistory.State =
+ generators.oneOf[MedicalRecordHistory.State](MedicalRecordHistory.State.All)
+ def nextMedicalRecordHistoryAction(): MedicalRecordHistory.Action =
+ generators.oneOf[MedicalRecordHistory.Action](MedicalRecordHistory.Action.All)
+ def nextMedicalRecordMetaReorder(): MedicalRecord.Meta.Reorder = {
+ val itemsNumber =
+ maxItemsInCollectionNumber
+ val items = scala.util.Random
+ .shuffle(Seq.tabulate(itemsNumber)(identity))
+ MedicalRecord.Meta.Reorder(
+ predicted = nextOption(nextBoolean),
+ items = items
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordMetaDuplicate(): MedicalRecord.Meta.Duplicate = {
+ val startPageGen =
+ nextInt(pageMaxNumber, minValue = 0)
+ val endPageGen =
+ nextInt(pageMaxNumber, startPageGen)
+ MedicalRecord.Meta.Duplicate(
+ predicted = nextOption(nextBoolean),
+ startPage = startPageGen.toDouble,
+ endPage = endPageGen.toDouble,
+ startOriginalPage = startPageGen.toDouble,
+ endOriginalPage = nextOption(endPageGen.toDouble)
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordMetaRotation(): MedicalRecord.Meta.Rotation = {
+ val items =
+ Array
+ .tabulate(maxItemsInCollectionNumber)(
+ index => nextString() -> index
+ )
+ .toMap
+ MedicalRecord.Meta.Rotation(
+ predicted = nextOption(nextBoolean()),
+ items = items
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordMeta(): MedicalRecord.Meta = {
+ generators.oneOf(medicalRecordMetas)()
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecord(): MedicalRecord = {
+ val id = nextLongId[MedicalRecord]
+ MedicalRecord(
+ id = nextLongId[MedicalRecord],
+ status = nextMedicalRecordStatus(),
+ previousStatus = None,
+ assignee = nextOption(nextStringId),
+ previousAssignee = nextOption(nextStringId),
+ lastActiveUserId = nextOption(nextStringId),
+ patientId = nextUuidId,
+ requestId = RecordRequestId(generators.nextUuid()),
+ disease = generators.nextString(),
+ caseId = nextOption(CaseId(generators.nextString())),
+ physician = nextOption(generators.nextString()),
+ meta = nextOption(nextMedicalRecordMetasJson()),
+ predictedMeta = nextOption(nextMedicalRecordMetasJson()),
+ predictedDocuments = nextOption(nextDocuments(id)),
+ lastUpdate = nextLocalDateTime
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordHistory(): MedicalRecordHistory = {
+ MedicalRecordHistory(
+ id = nextLongId[MedicalRecordHistory],
+ executor = nextStringId[User],
+ recordId = nextLongId[MedicalRecord],
+ state = nextMedicalRecordHistoryState(),
+ action = nextMedicalRecordHistoryAction(),
+ created = nextLocalDateTime
+ )
+ }
+ def nextMedicalRecordIssue(): MedicalRecordIssue = {
+ val pages = Common.nextStartAndEndPages
+ MedicalRecordIssue(
+ id = nextLongId[MedicalRecordIssue],
+ userId = nextStringId[User],
+ recordId = nextLongId[MedicalRecord],
+ startPage = pages._1,
+ endPage = pages._2,
+ lastUpdate = nextLocalDateTime,
+ isDraft = nextBoolean(),
+ text = nextString(),
+ archiveRequired = nextBoolean()
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ProviderTypeGen.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ProviderTypeGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..168f7af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/pdsuidomain/fakes/entities/rep/ProviderTypeGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.rep
+import xyz.driver.core.generators.nextString
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.ProviderType
+import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.fakes.entities.common.nextLongId
+object ProviderTypeGen {
+ def nextProviderType(): ProviderType = {
+ ProviderType(
+ id = nextLongId[ProviderType],
+ name = nextString()
+ )
+ }