path: root/src/main
diff options
authorvlad <vlad@driver.xyz>2017-04-25 20:46:52 -0700
committervlad <vlad@driver.xyz>2017-04-25 20:46:52 -0700
commit1298f52dd824dfff134d86fc1463433fbe30c136 (patch)
tree65127a94f002ca7a5624b2b5dc337433d4c279d8 /src/main
parent0cd38d6cf6d6f343659693ce06c77394834be55c (diff)
Library and Service configurations, Plugins updates
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/xyz.driver.sbt/SbtSettings.scala b/src/main/scala/xyz.driver.sbt/SbtSettings.scala
index 0a40865..ec6f74a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/xyz.driver.sbt/SbtSettings.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/xyz.driver.sbt/SbtSettings.scala
@@ -30,44 +30,49 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
object autoImport {
- lazy val formatSettings = Seq(
- resourceGenerators in Test += Def.task {
- val contents =
- """|# scalafmt sbt plugin config
- |# refer to https://olafurpg.github.io/scalafmt/#Configuration for properties
- |
- |style = defaultWithAlign
- |maxColumn = 120
- |
- |docstrings = ScalaDoc
- |
- |continuationIndent.callSite = 2
- |continuationIndent.defnSite = 8
- |
- |rewriteTokens: {
- | "⇒" = "=>"
- | "←" = "<-"
- |}
- |danglingParentheses = false
- |align.arrowEnumeratorGenerator = true
- |align.openParenCallSite = true
- |spaces.afterTripleEquals = true
- |spaces.inImportCurlyBraces = false
- |newlines.alwaysBeforeCurlyBraceLambdaParams = false
- |newlines.sometimesBeforeColonInMethodReturnType = false
- |binPack.parentConstructors = true
- |assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
- |
- |# align.openParenCallSite = <value>
- |# align.openParenDefnSite = <value>
- |""".stripMargin
- val formatFile = file(".scalafmt.conf")
- IO.write(formatFile, contents)
- Seq(formatFile)
- }.taskValue,
- scalafmtConfig in ThisBuild := Some(file(".scalafmt.conf")),
- testExecution in (Test, test) <<=
- (testExecution in (Test, test)) dependsOn (scalafmtTest in Compile, scalafmtTest in Test))
+ lazy val formatSettings = {
+ Seq(
+ resourceGenerators in Test += Def.task {
+ val contents =
+ """|# scalafmt sbt plugin config
+ |# refer to https://olafurpg.github.io/scalafmt/#Configuration for properties
+ |
+ |project.git = true
+ |
+ |style = defaultWithAlign
+ |maxColumn = 120
+ |
+ |docstrings = ScalaDoc
+ |
+ |continuationIndent.callSite = 2
+ |continuationIndent.defnSite = 8
+ |
+ |rewriteTokens: {
+ | "⇒" = "=>"
+ | "←" = "<-"
+ |}
+ |danglingParentheses = false
+ |align.arrowEnumeratorGenerator = true
+ |align.openParenCallSite = true
+ |spaces.afterTripleEquals = true
+ |spaces.inImportCurlyBraces = false
+ |newlines.alwaysBeforeCurlyBraceLambdaParams = false
+ |newlines.sometimesBeforeColonInMethodReturnType = false
+ |binPack.parentConstructors = true
+ |assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
+ |
+ |# align.openParenCallSite = <value>
+ |# align.openParenDefnSite = <value>
+ |""".stripMargin
+ val formatFile = file(".scalafmt.conf")
+ IO.write(formatFile, contents)
+ Seq(formatFile)
+ }.taskValue,
+ scalafmtConfig in ThisBuild := Some(file(".scalafmt.conf")),
+ testExecution in (Test, test) <<=
+ (testExecution in (Test, test)) dependsOn (scalafmtTest in Compile, scalafmtTest in Test)
+ )
+ }
lazy val testScalastyle = taskKey[Unit]("testScalastyle")
@@ -204,14 +209,14 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
lazy val lintingSettings = scalastyleSettings ++ wartRemoverSettings
- lazy val repositoriesSettings = {
+ lazy val repositoriesSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = {
resolvers += "releases" at "https://drivergrp.jfrog.io/drivergrp/releases",
resolvers += "snapshots" at "https://drivergrp.jfrog.io/drivergrp/snapshots",
credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "drivergrp.jfrog.io", "sbt-publisher", "***REMOVED***"))
- lazy val publicationSettings = Seq(
+ lazy val publicationSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
publishTo := {
val jfrog = "https://drivergrp.jfrog.io/drivergrp/"
@@ -220,7 +225,30 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "drivergrp.jfrog.io", "sbt-publisher", "***REMOVED***"))
- lazy val releaseSettings = {
+ def ServiceReleaseProcess = {
+ Seq[ReleaseStep](
+ checkSnapshotDependencies,
+ inquireVersions,
+ setReleaseVersion,
+ runTest,
+ tagRelease,
+ pushChanges // also checks that an upstream branch is properly configured
+ )
+ }
+ def LibraryReleaseProcess = {
+ Seq[ReleaseStep](
+ checkSnapshotDependencies,
+ inquireVersions,
+ setReleaseVersion,
+ runTest,
+ tagRelease,
+ publishArtifacts,
+ pushChanges // also checks that an upstream branch is properly configured
+ )
+ }
+ def releaseSettings(releaseProcessSteps: Seq[ReleaseStep]): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
def setVersionOnly(selectVersion: Versions => String): ReleaseStep = { st: State =>
val vs = st.get(ReleaseKeys.versions).getOrElse(
@@ -250,18 +278,7 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
showReleaseVersion <<= (version, releaseVersion)((v,f) => f(v)),
showNextVersion <<= (version, releaseNextVersion)((v,f) => f(v)),
- releaseProcess := Seq[ReleaseStep](
- checkSnapshotDependencies,
- inquireVersions,
- setReleaseVersion,
- runTest,
- // commitReleaseVersion, // performs the initial git checks
- tagRelease,
- publishArtifacts,
- // setNextVersion,
- // commitNextVersion,
- pushChanges // also checks that an upstream branch is properly configured
- )
+ releaseProcess := releaseProcessSteps
@@ -362,11 +379,11 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
def deploymentConfiguration(imageName: String,
- exposedPorts: Seq[Int],
- clusterName: String = "dev-uw1a-1",
+ exposedPorts: Seq[Int] = Seq(8080),
+ clusterName: String = "sand-uw1a-1",
clusterZone: String = "us-west1-a",
- gCloudProject: String = "driverinc-dev",
- baseImage: String = "openjdk:8-jre-alpine",
+ gCloudProject: String = "driverinc-sandbox",
+ baseImage: String = "java:openjdk-8-jre-alpine",
dockerCustomCommands: List[String] = List.empty[String],
aggregateSubprojects: Boolean = false) = {
@@ -403,6 +420,32 @@ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin {
+ def driverLibrary(libraryName: String): Project = {
+ project
+ .settings(name := libraryName)
+ .gitPluginConfiguration
+ .settings(repositoriesSettings ++ publicationSettings ++ releaseSettings(LibraryReleaseProcess))
+ }
+ def driverService(appName: String,
+ exposedPorts: Seq[Int] = Seq(8080),
+ clusterName: String = "sand-uw1a-1",
+ clusterZone: String = "us-west1-a",
+ gCloudProject: String = "driverinc-dev",
+ baseImage: String = "openjdk:8-jre-alpine",
+ dockerCustomCommands: List[String] = List.empty[String],
+ aggregateSubprojects: Boolean = false): Project = {
+ project
+ .settings(name := appName)
+ .settings(repositoriesSettings ++ releaseSettings(ServiceReleaseProcess))
+ .buildInfoConfiguration()
+ .gitPluginConfiguration
+ .deploymentConfiguration(
+ appName, exposedPorts,
+ clusterName, clusterZone, gCloudProject,
+ baseImage, dockerCustomCommands, aggregateSubprojects)
+ }