path: root/kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala
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authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-04-24 13:54:40 +0200
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-04-24 13:54:40 +0200
commit4d828e1a3195e55365c865aa3a78af9668742643 (patch)
tree07fff2683933c96297a8ba577bbdc89888da16e1 /kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala
parent469c11dc1ddb140f407a33f48033e533bf60611c (diff)
Prepare for the major cleanup
Moved all the original files from src/main to src/legacy-main, same with test files. Also removed the autoweave module, examples and bench as I'm planning to have them in separate repositories.
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..399f0880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-core/src/legacy-main/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/Histogram.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.metric.instrument
+import java.nio.LongBuffer
+import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.{DynamicRange, Snapshot}
+import kamon.util.logger.LazyLogger
+import org.HdrHistogram.ModifiedAtomicHistogram
+trait Histogram extends Instrument {
+ type SnapshotType = Histogram.Snapshot
+ def record(value: Long): Unit
+ def record(value: Long, count: Long): Unit
+object Histogram {
+ /**
+ * Scala API:
+ *
+ * Create a new High Dynamic Range Histogram ([[kamon.metric.instrument.HdrHistogram]]) using the given
+ * [[kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.DynamicRange]].
+ */
+ def apply(dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram = new HdrHistogram(dynamicRange)
+ /**
+ * Java API:
+ *
+ * Create a new High Dynamic Range Histogram ([[kamon.metric.instrument.HdrHistogram]]) using the given
+ * [[kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.DynamicRange]].
+ */
+ def create(dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram = apply(dynamicRange)
+ /**
+ * DynamicRange is a configuration object used to supply range and precision configuration to a
+ * [[kamon.metric.instrument.HdrHistogram]]. See the [[http://hdrhistogram.github.io/HdrHistogram/ HdrHistogram website]]
+ * for more details on how it works and the effects of these configuration values.
+ *
+ * @param lowestDiscernibleValue
+ * The lowest value that can be discerned (distinguished from 0) by the histogram.Must be a positive integer that
+ * is >= 1. May be internally rounded down to nearest power of 2.
+ * @param highestTrackableValue
+ * The highest value to be tracked by the histogram. Must be a positive integer that is >= (2 * lowestDiscernibleValue).
+ * Must not be larger than (Long.MAX_VALUE/2).
+ * @param precision
+ * The number of significant decimal digits to which the histogram will maintain value resolution and separation.
+ * Must be a non-negative integer between 1 and 3.
+ */
+ case class DynamicRange(lowestDiscernibleValue: Long, highestTrackableValue: Long, precision: Int)
+ trait Record {
+ def level: Long
+ def count: Long
+ private[kamon] def rawCompactRecord: Long
+ }
+ case class MutableRecord(var level: Long, var count: Long) extends Record {
+ var rawCompactRecord: Long = 0L
+ }
+ trait Snapshot extends InstrumentSnapshot {
+ def isEmpty: Boolean = numberOfMeasurements == 0
+ def numberOfMeasurements: Long
+ def min: Long
+ def max: Long
+ def sum: Long
+ def percentile(percentile: Double): Long
+ def recordsIterator: Iterator[Record]
+ def merge(that: InstrumentSnapshot, context: CollectionContext): InstrumentSnapshot
+ def merge(that: Histogram.Snapshot, context: CollectionContext): Histogram.Snapshot
+ override def scale(from: UnitOfMeasurement, to: UnitOfMeasurement): Histogram.Snapshot =
+ new ScaledSnapshot(from, to, this)
+ }
+ class ScaledSnapshot(from: UnitOfMeasurement, to: UnitOfMeasurement, snapshot: Snapshot) extends Snapshot {
+ private def doScale(v: Long) = from.tryScale(to)(v).toLong
+ override def numberOfMeasurements: Long = snapshot.numberOfMeasurements
+ override def max: Long = doScale(snapshot.max)
+ override def merge(that: InstrumentSnapshot, context: CollectionContext): InstrumentSnapshot = snapshot.merge(that, context)
+ override def merge(that: Snapshot, context: CollectionContext): Snapshot = snapshot.merge(that, context)
+ override def percentile(percentile: Double): Long = doScale(snapshot.percentile(percentile))
+ override def min: Long = doScale(snapshot.min)
+ override def sum: Long = doScale(snapshot.sum)
+ override def recordsIterator: Iterator[Record] = {
+ snapshot.recordsIterator.map(record ⇒ new Record {
+ override def count: Long = record.count
+ override def level: Long = doScale(record.level)
+ override private[kamon] def rawCompactRecord: Long = record.rawCompactRecord
+ })
+ }
+ override def scale(from: UnitOfMeasurement, to: UnitOfMeasurement): Histogram.Snapshot =
+ if (this.from == from && this.to == to) this else super.scale(from, to)
+ }
+ object Snapshot {
+ val empty = new Snapshot {
+ override def min: Long = 0L
+ override def max: Long = 0L
+ override def sum: Long = 0L
+ override def percentile(percentile: Double): Long = 0L
+ override def recordsIterator: Iterator[Record] = Iterator.empty
+ override def merge(that: InstrumentSnapshot, context: CollectionContext): InstrumentSnapshot = that
+ override def merge(that: Histogram.Snapshot, context: CollectionContext): Histogram.Snapshot = that
+ override def numberOfMeasurements: Long = 0L
+ override def scale(from: UnitOfMeasurement, to: UnitOfMeasurement): Histogram.Snapshot = this
+ }
+ }
+object HdrHistogram {
+ private val log = LazyLogger(classOf[HdrHistogram])
+ * This implementation is meant to be used for real time data collection where data snapshots are taken often over time.
+ * The collect(..) operation extracts all the recorded values from the histogram and resets the counts, but still
+ * leave it in a consistent state even in the case of concurrent modification while the snapshot is being taken.
+ */
+class HdrHistogram(dynamicRange: DynamicRange) extends ModifiedAtomicHistogram(
+ dynamicRange.lowestDiscernibleValue,
+ dynamicRange.highestTrackableValue, dynamicRange.precision
+) with Histogram {
+ import HdrHistogram.log
+ def record(value: Long): Unit = tryRecord(value, 1L)
+ def record(value: Long, count: Long): Unit = tryRecord(value, count)
+ private def tryRecord(value: Long, count: Long): Unit = {
+ try {
+ recordValueWithCount(value, count)
+ } catch {
+ case anyException: Throwable ⇒
+ log.warn(s"Failed to store value $value in HdrHistogram, please review your range configuration.", anyException)
+ }
+ }
+ def collect(context: CollectionContext): Histogram.Snapshot = {
+ import context.buffer
+ buffer.clear()
+ val nrOfMeasurements = writeSnapshotTo(buffer)
+ buffer.flip()
+ val measurementsArray = Array.ofDim[Long](buffer.limit())
+ buffer.get(measurementsArray, 0, measurementsArray.length)
+ new CompactHdrSnapshot(nrOfMeasurements, measurementsArray, protectedUnitMagnitude(), protectedSubBucketHalfCount(), protectedSubBucketHalfCountMagnitude())
+ }
+ def getCounts = countsArray().length()
+ def cleanup: Unit = {}
+ private def writeSnapshotTo(buffer: LongBuffer): Long = {
+ val counts = countsArray()
+ val countsLength = counts.length()
+ var nrOfMeasurements = 0L
+ var index = 0L
+ while (index < countsLength) {
+ val countAtIndex = counts.getAndSet(index.toInt, 0L)
+ if (countAtIndex > 0) {
+ buffer.put(CompactHdrSnapshot.compactRecord(index, countAtIndex))
+ nrOfMeasurements += countAtIndex
+ }
+ index += 1
+ }
+ nrOfMeasurements
+ }
+case class CompactHdrSnapshot(numberOfMeasurements: Long, compactRecords: Array[Long], unitMagnitude: Int,
+ subBucketHalfCount: Int, subBucketHalfCountMagnitude: Int) extends Histogram.Snapshot {
+ def min: Long = if (compactRecords.length == 0) 0 else levelFromCompactRecord(compactRecords(0))
+ def max: Long = if (compactRecords.length == 0) 0 else levelFromCompactRecord(compactRecords(compactRecords.length - 1))
+ def sum: Long = recordsIterator.foldLeft(0L)((a, r) ⇒ a + (r.count * r.level))
+ def percentile(p: Double): Long = {
+ val records = recordsIterator
+ val threshold = numberOfMeasurements * (p / 100D)
+ var countToCurrentLevel = 0L
+ var percentileLevel = 0L
+ while (countToCurrentLevel < threshold && records.hasNext) {
+ val record = records.next()
+ countToCurrentLevel += record.count
+ percentileLevel = record.level
+ }
+ percentileLevel
+ }
+ def merge(that: Histogram.Snapshot, context: CollectionContext): Snapshot =
+ merge(that.asInstanceOf[InstrumentSnapshot], context)
+ def merge(that: InstrumentSnapshot, context: CollectionContext): Histogram.Snapshot = that match {
+ case thatSnapshot: CompactHdrSnapshot ⇒
+ if (thatSnapshot.isEmpty) this else if (this.isEmpty) thatSnapshot else {
+ import context.buffer
+ buffer.clear()
+ val selfIterator = recordsIterator
+ val thatIterator = thatSnapshot.recordsIterator
+ var thatCurrentRecord: Histogram.Record = null
+ var mergedNumberOfMeasurements = 0L
+ def nextOrNull(iterator: Iterator[Histogram.Record]): Histogram.Record = if (iterator.hasNext) iterator.next() else null
+ def addToBuffer(compactRecord: Long): Unit = {
+ mergedNumberOfMeasurements += countFromCompactRecord(compactRecord)
+ buffer.put(compactRecord)
+ }
+ while (selfIterator.hasNext) {
+ val selfCurrentRecord = selfIterator.next()
+ // Advance that to no further than the level of selfCurrentRecord
+ thatCurrentRecord = if (thatCurrentRecord == null) nextOrNull(thatIterator) else thatCurrentRecord
+ while (thatCurrentRecord != null && thatCurrentRecord.level < selfCurrentRecord.level) {
+ addToBuffer(thatCurrentRecord.rawCompactRecord)
+ thatCurrentRecord = nextOrNull(thatIterator)
+ }
+ // Include the current record of self and optionally merge if has the same level as thatCurrentRecord
+ if (thatCurrentRecord != null && thatCurrentRecord.level == selfCurrentRecord.level) {
+ addToBuffer(mergeCompactRecords(thatCurrentRecord.rawCompactRecord, selfCurrentRecord.rawCompactRecord))
+ thatCurrentRecord = nextOrNull(thatIterator)
+ } else {
+ addToBuffer(selfCurrentRecord.rawCompactRecord)
+ }
+ }
+ // Include everything that might have been left from that
+ if (thatCurrentRecord != null) addToBuffer(thatCurrentRecord.rawCompactRecord)
+ while (thatIterator.hasNext) {
+ addToBuffer(thatIterator.next().rawCompactRecord)
+ }
+ buffer.flip()
+ val compactRecords = Array.ofDim[Long](buffer.limit())
+ buffer.get(compactRecords)
+ new CompactHdrSnapshot(mergedNumberOfMeasurements, compactRecords, unitMagnitude, subBucketHalfCount, subBucketHalfCountMagnitude)
+ }
+ case other ⇒
+ sys.error(s"Cannot merge a CompactHdrSnapshot with the incompatible [${other.getClass.getName}] type.")
+ }
+ @inline private def mergeCompactRecords(left: Long, right: Long): Long = {
+ val index = left >> 48
+ val leftCount = countFromCompactRecord(left)
+ val rightCount = countFromCompactRecord(right)
+ CompactHdrSnapshot.compactRecord(index, leftCount + rightCount)
+ }
+ @inline private def levelFromCompactRecord(compactRecord: Long): Long = {
+ val countsArrayIndex = (compactRecord >> 48).toInt
+ var bucketIndex: Int = (countsArrayIndex >> subBucketHalfCountMagnitude) - 1
+ var subBucketIndex: Int = (countsArrayIndex & (subBucketHalfCount - 1)) + subBucketHalfCount
+ if (bucketIndex < 0) {
+ subBucketIndex -= subBucketHalfCount
+ bucketIndex = 0
+ }
+ subBucketIndex.toLong << (bucketIndex + unitMagnitude)
+ }
+ @inline private def countFromCompactRecord(compactRecord: Long): Long =
+ compactRecord & CompactHdrSnapshot.CompactRecordCountMask
+ def recordsIterator: Iterator[Histogram.Record] = new Iterator[Histogram.Record] {
+ var currentIndex = 0
+ val mutableRecord = Histogram.MutableRecord(0, 0)
+ override def hasNext: Boolean = currentIndex < compactRecords.length
+ override def next(): Histogram.Record = {
+ if (hasNext) {
+ val measurement = compactRecords(currentIndex)
+ mutableRecord.rawCompactRecord = measurement
+ mutableRecord.level = levelFromCompactRecord(measurement)
+ mutableRecord.count = countFromCompactRecord(measurement)
+ currentIndex += 1
+ mutableRecord
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("The iterator has already been consumed.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+object CompactHdrSnapshot {
+ val CompactRecordCountMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL
+ def compactRecord(index: Long, count: Long): Long = (index << 48) | count