path: root/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala
diff options
authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-06-06 14:15:15 +0200
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-06-06 14:15:15 +0200
commitc52f8eaca0d1ccc4c992cba039e35e099b5b478b (patch)
treef9e78e2f929627e7547bef39fdf6cbcd544cb8d8 /kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala
parent1f5d9876dedb715ae1c31203ea4f15ebf031612c (diff)
make it compile for Scala 2.11 and 2.12
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 2076 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/KamonLifecycleSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/KamonLifecycleSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3847d6b8..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/KamonLifecycleSpec.scala
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-package kamon
-import akka.actor.ActorSystem
-import akka.testkit.{TestKitBase, TestProbe}
-import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher
-import kamon.util.LazyActorRef
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike}
-import org.scalactic.TimesOnInt._
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class KamonLifecycleSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with Matchers {
- override implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("kamon-lifecycle-spec")
- "The Kamon lifecycle" should {
- "allow Kamon to be used before it gets started" in {
- val someMetric = Kamon.metrics.histogram("allow-me-before-start")
- }
- "allow Kamon to be started/shutdown several times" in {
- 10 times {
- Kamon.shutdown()
- Kamon.start()
- Kamon.start()
- Kamon.shutdown()
- Kamon.shutdown()
- }
- }
- "not dispatch subscriptions before Kamon startup" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("only-after-startup").record(100)
- Kamon.metrics.subscribe("**", "**", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectNoMsg(300 millis)
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("only-after-startup").record(100)
- Kamon.start()
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- Kamon.shutdown()
- }
- "not dispatch subscriptions after Kamon shutdown" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- Kamon.start()
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("only-before-shutdown").record(100)
- Kamon.metrics.subscribe("**", "**", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("only-before-shutdown").record(100)
- Kamon.shutdown()
- Thread.sleep(500)
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectNoMsg(300 millis)
- }
- "reconfigure filters after being started" in {
- val customConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(
- """
- |kamon.metric.filters.histogram {
- | includes = [ "**" ]
- | excludes = ["untracked-histogram"]
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- Kamon.metrics.shouldTrack("untracked-histogram", "histogram") shouldBe true
- Kamon.start(customConfig.withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()))
- Kamon.metrics.shouldTrack("untracked-histogram", "histogram") shouldBe false
- }
- }
- def takeSnapshotOf(name: String, category: String): EntitySnapshot = {
- val collectionContext = Kamon.metrics.buildDefaultCollectionContext
- val recorder = Kamon.metrics.find(name, category).get
- recorder.collect(collectionContext)
- }
- def flushSubscriptions(): Unit = {
- val subscriptionsField = Kamon.metrics.getClass.getDeclaredField("_subscriptions")
- subscriptionsField.setAccessible(true)
- val subscriptions = subscriptionsField.get(Kamon.metrics).asInstanceOf[LazyActorRef]
- subscriptions.tell(SubscriptionsDispatcher.Tick)
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/MetricScaleDecoratorSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/MetricScaleDecoratorSpec.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/MetricScaleDecoratorSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
-import kamon.metric.instrument.{InstrumentFactory, Memory, Time, UnitOfMeasurement}
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.util.MilliTimestamp
-import org.scalatest.OptionValues._
-class MetricScaleDecoratorSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("metrics-scale-decorator-spec") with SnapshotFixtures {
- "the MetricScaleDecorator" when {
- "receives a snapshot" which {
- val scaleDecorator = system.actorOf(MetricScaleDecorator.props(
- Some(Time.Milliseconds), Some(Memory.KiloBytes), testActor
- ))
- "is empty" should {
- "do nothing for empty snapshots" in {
- scaleDecorator ! emptySnapshot
- expectMsg(emptySnapshot)
- }
- }
- "is non empty" should {
- scaleDecorator ! nonEmptySnapshot
- val scaled = expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- val snapshot = scaled.metrics(testEntity)
- "scale time metrics" in {
- snapshot.histogram("nano-time").value.max should be(10L +- 1L)
- snapshot.counter("micro-time").value.count should be(1000L)
- }
- "scale memory metrics" in {
- snapshot.histogram("byte-memory").value.max should be(1)
- snapshot.counter("kbyte-memory").value.count should be(100L)
- }
- "do nothing with unknown metrics" in {
- snapshot.histogram("unknown-histogram").value.max should be(1000L)
- snapshot.counter("unknown-counter").value.count should be(10L)
- }
- "not change from and to" in {
- scaled.from.millis should be(1000)
- scaled.to.millis should be(2000)
- }
- }
- }
- }
-trait SnapshotFixtures {
- self: BaseKamonSpec ⇒
- class ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics(instrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory)
- extends GenericEntityRecorder(instrumentFactory) {
- val nanoTime = histogram("nano-time", Time.Nanoseconds)
- val microTime = counter("micro-time", Time.Microseconds)
- val byteMemory = histogram("byte-memory", Memory.Bytes)
- val kbyteMemory = counter("kbyte-memory", Memory.KiloBytes)
- val unknownHistogram = histogram("unknown-histogram", UnitOfMeasurement.Unknown)
- val unknownCounter = counter("unknown-counter", UnitOfMeasurement.Unknown)
- }
- object ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics extends EntityRecorderFactory[ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics] {
- override def category: String = "decorator-spec"
- override def createRecorder(instrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory): ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics =
- new ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics(instrumentFactory)
- }
- val testEntity = Entity("metrics-scale-decorator-spec", "decorator-spec")
- val recorder = Kamon.metrics.entity(ScaleDecoratorTestMetrics, "metrics-scale-decorator-spec")
- val emptySnapshot = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(1000), new MilliTimestamp(2000), Map.empty)
- recorder.unknownCounter.increment(10)
- recorder.unknownHistogram.record(1000L)
- recorder.nanoTime.record(10000000L)
- recorder.microTime.increment(1000000L)
- recorder.byteMemory.record(1024L)
- recorder.kbyteMemory.increment(100L)
- val nonEmptySnapshot = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(1000), new MilliTimestamp(2000), Map(
- (testEntity → recorder.collect(collectionContext))
- ))
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SimpleMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SimpleMetricsSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d753888..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SimpleMetricsSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.DynamicRange
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class SimpleMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("simple-metrics-spec") {
- "the SimpleMetrics extension" should {
- "allow registering a fully configured Histogram and get the same Histogram if registering again" in {
- val histogramA = Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2))
- val histogramB = Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2))
- histogramA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(histogramB)
- }
- "return the original Histogram when registering a fully configured Histogram for second time but with different settings" in {
- val histogramA = Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2))
- val histogramB = Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 50000, 2))
- histogramA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(histogramB)
- }
- "allow registering a Histogram that takes the default configuration from the kamon.metrics.precision settings" in {
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-default-configuration")
- }
- "allow registering a Counter and get the same Counter if registering again" in {
- val counterA = Kamon.metrics.counter("counter")
- val counterB = Kamon.metrics.counter("counter")
- counterA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(counterB)
- }
- "allow registering a fully configured MinMaxCounter and get the same MinMaxCounter if registering again" in {
- val minMaxCounterA = Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)
- val minMaxCounterB = Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)
- minMaxCounterA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(minMaxCounterB)
- }
- "return the original MinMaxCounter when registering a fully configured MinMaxCounter for second time but with different settings" in {
- val minMaxCounterA = Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)
- val minMaxCounterB = Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 50000, 2), 1 second)
- minMaxCounterA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(minMaxCounterB)
- }
- "allow registering a MinMaxCounter that takes the default configuration from the kamon.metrics.precision settings" in {
- Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-with-default-configuration")
- }
- "allow registering a fully configured Gauge and get the same Gauge if registering again" in {
- val gaugeA = Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)(1L)
- val gaugeB = Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)(1L)
- gaugeA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(gaugeB)
- }
- "return the original Gauge when registering a fully configured Gauge for second time but with different settings" in {
- val gaugeA = Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)(1L)
- val gaugeB = Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-with-settings", DynamicRange(1, 10000, 2), 1 second)(1L)
- gaugeA shouldBe theSameInstanceAs(gaugeB)
- }
- "allow registering a Gauge that takes the default configuration from the kamon.metrics.precision settings" in {
- Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-with-default-configuration")(2L)
- }
- "allow un-registering user metrics" in {
- val counter = Kamon.metrics.counter("counter-for-remove")
- val histogram = Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-for-remove")
- val minMaxCounter = Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-for-remove")
- val gauge = Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-for-remove")(2L)
- Kamon.metrics.removeCounter("counter-for-remove")
- Kamon.metrics.removeHistogram("histogram-for-remove")
- Kamon.metrics.removeMinMaxCounter("min-max-counter-for-remove")
- Kamon.metrics.removeGauge("gauge-for-remove")
- counter should not be (theSameInstanceAs(Kamon.metrics.counter("counter-for-remove")))
- histogram should not be (theSameInstanceAs(Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-for-remove")))
- minMaxCounter should not be (theSameInstanceAs(Kamon.metrics.minMaxCounter("min-max-counter-for-remove")))
- gauge should not be (theSameInstanceAs(Kamon.metrics.gauge("gauge-for-remove")(2L)))
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala
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index ee34acc7..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric
-import akka.actor._
-import akka.testkit.{TestProbe, ImplicitSender}
-import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class SubscriptionsProtocolSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("subscriptions-protocol-spec") with ImplicitSender {
- override lazy val config =
- ConfigFactory.parseString(
- """
- |kamon.metric {
- | tick-interval = 1 hour
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- lazy val metricsModule = Kamon.metrics
- import metricsModule.{entity, subscribe, unsubscribe}
- val defaultTags: Map[String, String] = Kamon.metrics.defaultTags
- "the Subscriptions messaging protocol" should {
- "allow subscribing for a single tick" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- entity(TraceMetrics, "one-shot")
- subscribe("trace", "one-shot", subscriber.ref, permanently = false)
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("one-shot", "trace", defaultTags))
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectNoMsg(1 second)
- }
- "subscriptions should include default tags" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-tags").record(1)
- Kamon.metrics.subscribe("**", "**", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSubscription = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("name") shouldBe Some("jason")
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("number") shouldBe Some("42")
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("username").isDefined shouldBe true
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("object.nested-bool") shouldBe Some("true")
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("object.nested-string") shouldBe Some("a string")
- tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("list") shouldBe None
- }
- "allow subscribing permanently to a metric" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- entity(TraceMetrics, "permanent")
- subscribe("trace", "permanent", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("permanent", "trace", defaultTags))
- }
- }
- "allow subscribing to metrics matching a glob pattern" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- entity(TraceMetrics, "include-one")
- entity(TraceMetrics, "exclude-two")
- entity(TraceMetrics, "include-three")
- subscribe("trace", "include-*", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(2)
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-one", "trace", defaultTags))
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-three", "trace", defaultTags))
- }
- }
- "send a single TickMetricSnapshot to each subscriber, even if subscribed multiple times" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- entity(TraceMetrics, "include-one")
- entity(TraceMetrics, "exclude-two")
- entity(TraceMetrics, "include-three")
- subscribe("trace", "include-one", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- subscribe("trace", "include-three", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(2)
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-one", "trace", defaultTags))
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-three", "trace", defaultTags))
- }
- }
- "allow un-subscribing a subscriber" in {
- val subscriber = TestProbe()
- entity(TraceMetrics, "one-shot")
- subscribe("trace", "one-shot", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
- flushSubscriptions()
- val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
- tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("one-shot", "trace", defaultTags))
- unsubscribe(subscriber.ref)
- flushSubscriptions()
- subscriber.expectNoMsg(1 second)
- }
- }
- def subscriptionsActor: ActorRef = {
- val listener = TestProbe()
- system.actorSelection("/user/kamon/kamon-metrics").tell(Identify(1), listener.ref)
- listener.expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get
- }
-class ForwarderSubscriber(target: ActorRef) extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case anything ⇒ target.forward(anything)
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TickMetricSnapshotBufferSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TickMetricSnapshotBufferSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6172a9e0..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TickMetricSnapshotBufferSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric
-import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.MutableRecord
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.util.MilliTimestamp
-import akka.testkit.ImplicitSender
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
-class TickMetricSnapshotBufferSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("trace-metrics-spec") with ImplicitSender {
- "the TickMetricSnapshotBuffer" should {
- "merge TickMetricSnapshots received until the flush timeout is reached and fix the from/to fields" in new SnapshotFixtures {
- val buffer = system.actorOf(TickMetricSnapshotBuffer.props(3 seconds, testActor))
- buffer ! firstEmpty
- buffer ! secondEmpty
- buffer ! thirdEmpty
- within(2 seconds)(expectNoMsg())
- val mergedSnapshot = expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- mergedSnapshot.from.millis should equal(1000)
- mergedSnapshot.to.millis should equal(4000)
- mergedSnapshot.metrics should be('empty)
- }
- "merge empty and non-empty snapshots" in new SnapshotFixtures {
- val buffer = system.actorOf(TickMetricSnapshotBuffer.props(3 seconds, testActor))
- buffer ! firstNonEmpty
- buffer ! secondNonEmpty
- buffer ! thirdEmpty
- within(2 seconds)(expectNoMsg())
- val mergedSnapshot = expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
- mergedSnapshot.from.millis should equal(1000)
- mergedSnapshot.to.millis should equal(4000)
- mergedSnapshot.metrics should not be ('empty)
- val testMetricSnapshot = mergedSnapshot.metrics(testTraceIdentity).histogram("elapsed-time").get
- testMetricSnapshot.min should equal(10)
- testMetricSnapshot.max should equal(300)
- testMetricSnapshot.numberOfMeasurements should equal(6)
- testMetricSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
- MutableRecord(10, 3),
- MutableRecord(20, 1),
- MutableRecord(30, 1),
- MutableRecord(300, 1)
- )
- }
- }
- trait SnapshotFixtures {
- val collectionContext = Kamon.metrics.buildDefaultCollectionContext
- val testTraceIdentity = Entity("buffer-spec-test-trace", "trace")
- val traceRecorder = Kamon.metrics.entity(TraceMetrics, "buffer-spec-test-trace")
- val firstEmpty = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(1000), new MilliTimestamp(2000), Map.empty)
- val secondEmpty = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(2000), new MilliTimestamp(3000), Map.empty)
- val thirdEmpty = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(3000), new MilliTimestamp(4000), Map.empty)
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(10L)
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(20L)
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(30L)
- val firstNonEmpty = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(1000), new MilliTimestamp(2000), Map(
- (testTraceIdentity → traceRecorder.collect(collectionContext))
- ))
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(10L)
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(10L)
- traceRecorder.elapsedTime.record(300L)
- val secondNonEmpty = TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(1000), new MilliTimestamp(2000), Map(
- (testTraceIdentity → traceRecorder.collect(collectionContext))
- ))
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TraceMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TraceMetricsSpec.scala
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index 4c44dc07..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/TraceMetricsSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2016 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric
-import akka.testkit.ImplicitSender
-import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.trace.Tracer
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram
-import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
-class TraceMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("trace-metrics-spec") with ImplicitSender {
- "the TraceMetrics" should {
- "record the elapsed time between a trace creation and finish" in {
- for (repetitions ← 1 to 10) {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("record-elapsed-time")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- }
- val snapshot = takeSnapshotOf("record-elapsed-time", "trace")
- snapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(10)
- }
- "record the elapsed time for segments that occur inside a given trace" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-with-segments")) {
- val segment = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("test-segment", "test-category", "test-library")
- segment.finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- val snapshot = takeSnapshotOf("test-segment", "trace-segment",
- tags = Map(
- "trace" → "trace-with-segments",
- "category" → "test-category",
- "library" → "test-library"
- ))
- snapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1)
- }
- "record the elapsed time for segments that finish after their correspondent trace has finished" in {
- val segment = Tracer.withContext(newContext("closing-segment-after-trace")) {
- val s = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("test-segment", "test-category", "test-library")
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- s
- }
- val beforeFinishSegmentSnapshot = takeSnapshotOf("closing-segment-after-trace", "trace")
- beforeFinishSegmentSnapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1)
- intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
- // The segment metric should not exist before we it has finished.
- takeSnapshotOf("test-segment", "trace-segment",
- tags = Map(
- "trace" → "closing-segment-after-trace",
- "category" → "test-category",
- "library" → "test-library"
- ))
- }
- segment.finish()
- val afterFinishSegmentSnapshot = takeSnapshotOf("test-segment", "trace-segment",
- tags = Map(
- "trace" → "closing-segment-after-trace",
- "category" → "test-category",
- "library" → "test-library"
- ))
- afterFinishSegmentSnapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1)
- }
- "record the elapsed time between a trace creation and finish with an error" in {
- for (repetitions ← 1 to 10) {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("record-elapsed-time-with-error")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.finishWithError(new RuntimeException("awesome-trace-error") with NoStackTrace)
- }
- }
- val snapshot = takeSnapshotOf("record-elapsed-time-with-error", "trace")
- snapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(10)
- snapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(10)
- }
- "record the elapsed time for segments that finish with an error and that occur inside a given trace" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-with-segments")) {
- val segment = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("test-segment-with-error", "test-category", "test-library")
- segment.finishWithError(new RuntimeException("awesome-segment-error") with NoStackTrace)
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- val snapshot = takeSnapshotOf("test-segment-with-error", "trace-segment",
- tags = Map(
- "trace" → "trace-with-segments",
- "category" → "test-category",
- "library" → "test-library"
- ))
- snapshot.histogram("elapsed-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1)
- snapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(1)
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/CounterSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/CounterSpec.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/CounterSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric.instrument
-import java.nio.LongBuffer
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
-class CounterSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
- "a Counter" should {
- "allow increment only operations" in new CounterFixture {
- counter.increment()
- counter.increment(10)
- intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
- counter.increment(-10)
- }
- }
- "reset to zero when a snapshot is taken" in new CounterFixture {
- counter.increment(100)
- takeSnapshotFrom(counter).count should be(100)
- takeSnapshotFrom(counter).count should be(0)
- takeSnapshotFrom(counter).count should be(0)
- counter.increment(50)
- takeSnapshotFrom(counter).count should be(50)
- takeSnapshotFrom(counter).count should be(0)
- }
- "produce a snapshot that can be merged with others" in new CounterFixture {
- val counterA = Counter()
- val counterB = Counter()
- counterA.increment(100)
- counterB.increment(200)
- val counterASnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(counterA)
- val counterBSnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(counterB)
- counterASnapshot.merge(counterBSnapshot, collectionContext).count should be(300)
- counterBSnapshot.merge(counterASnapshot, collectionContext).count should be(300)
- }
- "produce a snapshot that can be scaled" in new CounterFixture {
- counter.increment(100)
- val counterSnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(counter)
- val scaledSnapshot = counterSnapshot.scale(Time.Milliseconds, Time.Microseconds)
- scaledSnapshot.count should be(100000)
- }
- }
- trait CounterFixture {
- val counter = Counter()
- val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
- val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(1)
- }
- def takeSnapshotFrom(counter: Counter): Counter.Snapshot = counter.collect(collectionContext)
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/GaugeSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/GaugeSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric.instrument
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.DynamicRange
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class GaugeSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("gauge-spec") {
- "a Gauge" should {
- "automatically record the current value using the configured refresh-interval" in new GaugeFixture {
- val (numberOfValuesRecorded, gauge) = createGauge()
- Thread.sleep(1.second.toMillis)
- numberOfValuesRecorded.get() should be(10L +- 1L)
- gauge.cleanup
- }
- "stop automatically recording after a call to cleanup" in new GaugeFixture {
- val (numberOfValuesRecorded, gauge) = createGauge()
- Thread.sleep(1.second.toMillis)
- gauge.cleanup
- numberOfValuesRecorded.get() should be(10L +- 1L)
- Thread.sleep(1.second.toMillis)
- numberOfValuesRecorded.get() should be(10L +- 1L)
- }
- "produce a Histogram snapshot including all the recorded values" in new GaugeFixture {
- val (numberOfValuesRecorded, gauge) = createGauge()
- Thread.sleep(1.second.toMillis)
- gauge.cleanup
- val snapshot = gauge.collect(Kamon.metrics.buildDefaultCollectionContext)
- snapshot.numberOfMeasurements should be(10L +- 1L)
- snapshot.min should be(1)
- snapshot.max should be(10L +- 1L)
- }
- "not record the current value when doing a collection" in new GaugeFixture {
- val (numberOfValuesRecorded, gauge) = createGauge(10 seconds)
- val snapshot = gauge.collect(Kamon.metrics.buildDefaultCollectionContext)
- snapshot.numberOfMeasurements should be(0)
- numberOfValuesRecorded.get() should be(0)
- }
- }
- trait GaugeFixture {
- def createGauge(refreshInterval: FiniteDuration = 100 millis): (AtomicLong, Gauge) = {
- val recordedValuesCounter = new AtomicLong(0)
- val gauge = Gauge(DynamicRange(1, 100, 2), refreshInterval, Kamon.metrics.settings.refreshScheduler, {
- () ⇒ recordedValuesCounter.addAndGet(1)
- })
- (recordedValuesCounter, gauge)
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/HistogramSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/HistogramSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric.instrument
-import java.nio.LongBuffer
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.DynamicRange
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
-import scala.util.Random
-class HistogramSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
- "a Histogram" should {
- "allow record values within the configured range" in new HistogramFixture {
- histogram.record(1000)
- histogram.record(5000, count = 100)
- histogram.record(10000)
- }
- "not fail when recording values higher than the highest trackable value" in new HistogramFixture {
- histogram.record(Long.MaxValue)
- }
- "reset all recorded levels to zero after a snapshot collection" in new HistogramFixture {
- histogram.record(100)
- histogram.record(200)
- histogram.record(300)
- takeSnapshot().numberOfMeasurements should be(3)
- takeSnapshot().numberOfMeasurements should be(0)
- }
- "produce a snapshot" which {
- "supports min, max, percentile, sum, numberOfMeasurements and recordsIterator operations" in new HistogramFixture {
- histogram.record(100)
- histogram.record(200, count = 200)
- histogram.record(300)
- histogram.record(900)
- val snapshot = takeSnapshot()
- snapshot.min should equal(100L +- 1L)
- snapshot.max should equal(900L +- 9L)
- snapshot.percentile(50.0D) should be(200)
- snapshot.percentile(99.5D) should be(300)
- snapshot.percentile(99.9D) should be(900)
- snapshot.sum should be(41300)
- snapshot.numberOfMeasurements should be(203)
- val records = snapshot.recordsIterator.map(r ⇒ r.level → r.count).toSeq
- records.size should be(4)
- records(0) should be(100 → 1)
- records(1) should be(200 → 200)
- records(2) should be(300 → 1)
- records(3) should be(900 → 1)
- }
- "can be scaled" in new HistogramFixture {
- histogram.record(100)
- histogram.record(200, count = 200)
- histogram.record(300)
- histogram.record(900)
- val snapshot = takeSnapshot().scale(Time.Seconds, Time.Milliseconds)
- snapshot.min should equal(100000L +- 1000L)
- snapshot.max should equal(900000L +- 9000L)
- snapshot.percentile(50.0D) should be(200000)
- snapshot.percentile(99.5D) should be(300000)
- snapshot.percentile(99.9D) should be(900000)
- snapshot.sum should be(41300000)
- snapshot.numberOfMeasurements should be(203)
- val records = snapshot.recordsIterator.map(r ⇒ r.level → r.count).toSeq
- records.size should be(4)
- records(0) should be(100000 → 1)
- records(1) should be(200000 → 200)
- records(2) should be(300000 → 1)
- records(3) should be(900000 → 1)
- }
- "can be merged with another snapshot" in new MultipleHistogramFixture {
- val random = new Random(System.nanoTime())
- for (repetitions ← 1 to 1000) {
- // Put some values on A and Control
- for (_ ← 1 to 1000) {
- val newRecording = random.nextInt(100000)
- controlHistogram.record(newRecording)
- histogramA.record(newRecording)
- }
- // Put some values on B and Control
- for (_ ← 1 to 2000) {
- val newRecording = random.nextInt(100000)
- controlHistogram.record(newRecording)
- histogramB.record(newRecording)
- }
- val controlSnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(controlHistogram)
- val histogramASnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(histogramA)
- val histogramBSnapshot = takeSnapshotFrom(histogramB)
- assertEquals(controlSnapshot, histogramASnapshot.merge(histogramBSnapshot, collectionContext))
- assertEquals(controlSnapshot, histogramBSnapshot.merge(histogramASnapshot, collectionContext))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- trait HistogramFixture {
- val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
- val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(10000)
- }
- val histogram = Histogram(DynamicRange(1, 100000, 2))
- def takeSnapshot(): Histogram.Snapshot = histogram.collect(collectionContext)
- }
- trait MultipleHistogramFixture {
- val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
- val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(10000)
- }
- val controlHistogram = Histogram(DynamicRange(1, 100000, 2))
- val histogramA = Histogram(DynamicRange(1, 100000, 2))
- val histogramB = Histogram(DynamicRange(1, 100000, 2))
- def takeSnapshotFrom(histogram: Histogram): InstrumentSnapshot = histogram.collect(collectionContext)
- def assertEquals(left: InstrumentSnapshot, right: InstrumentSnapshot): Unit = {
- val leftSnapshot = left.asInstanceOf[Histogram.Snapshot]
- val rightSnapshot = right.asInstanceOf[Histogram.Snapshot]
- leftSnapshot.numberOfMeasurements should equal(rightSnapshot.numberOfMeasurements)
- leftSnapshot.min should equal(rightSnapshot.min)
- leftSnapshot.max should equal(rightSnapshot.max)
- leftSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain theSameElementsAs (rightSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream)
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala
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-/* =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric.instrument
-import java.nio.LongBuffer
-import akka.actor._
-import akka.testkit.TestProbe
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.{DynamicRange, MutableRecord}
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class MinMaxCounterSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("min-max-counter-spec") {
- "the MinMaxCounter" should {
- "track ascending tendencies" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
- mmCounter.increment()
- mmCounter.increment(3)
- mmCounter.increment()
- val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
- snapshot.min should be(0)
- snapshot.max should be(5)
- snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
- MutableRecord(0, 1), // min
- MutableRecord(5, 2)
- ) // max and current
- }
- "track descending tendencies" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
- mmCounter.increment(5)
- mmCounter.decrement()
- mmCounter.decrement(3)
- mmCounter.decrement()
- val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
- snapshot.min should be(0)
- snapshot.max should be(5)
- snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
- MutableRecord(0, 2), // min and current
- MutableRecord(5, 1)
- ) // max
- }
- "reset the min and max to the current value after taking a snapshot" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
- mmCounter.increment(5)
- mmCounter.decrement(3)
- val firstSnapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
- firstSnapshot.min should be(0)
- firstSnapshot.max should be(5)
- firstSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
- MutableRecord(0, 1), // min
- MutableRecord(2, 1), // current
- MutableRecord(5, 1)
- ) // max
- val secondSnapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
- secondSnapshot.min should be(2)
- secondSnapshot.max should be(2)
- secondSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain(
- MutableRecord(2, 3)
- ) // min, max and current
- }
- "report zero as the min and current values if the current value fell bellow zero" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
- mmCounter.decrement(3)
- val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
- snapshot.min should be(0)
- snapshot.max should be(0)
- snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain(
- MutableRecord(0, 3)
- ) // min, max and current (even while current really is -3
- }
- "never record values bellow zero in very busy situations" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
- val monitor = TestProbe()
- val workers = for (workers ← 1 to 50) yield {
- system.actorOf(Props(new MinMaxCounterUpdateActor(mmCounter, monitor.ref)))
- }
- workers foreach (_ ! "increment")
- for (refresh ← 1 to 1000) {
- collectCounterSnapshot()
- Thread.sleep(1)
- }
- monitor.expectNoMsg()
- workers foreach (_ ! PoisonPill)
- }
- }
- trait MinMaxCounterFixture {
- val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
- val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(64)
- }
- val mmCounter = MinMaxCounter(DynamicRange(1, 1000, 2), 1 hour, Kamon.metrics.settings.refreshScheduler)
- mmCounter.cleanup // cancel the refresh schedule
- def collectCounterSnapshot(): Histogram.Snapshot = mmCounter.collect(collectionContext)
- }
-class MinMaxCounterUpdateActor(mmc: MinMaxCounter, monitor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
- val x = Array.ofDim[Int](4)
- def receive = {
- case "increment" ⇒
- mmc.increment()
- self ! "decrement"
- case "decrement" ⇒
- mmc.decrement()
- self ! "increment"
- try {
- mmc.refreshValues()
- } catch {
- case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException ⇒ monitor ! "failed"
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/UnitOfMeasurementSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/UnitOfMeasurementSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.metric.instrument
-import kamon.metric.instrument.UnitOfMeasurement.Unknown
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
-class UnitOfMeasurementSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
- "Time unit" should {
- "resolve Time Unit by valid name" in {
- Time("s") should be(Time.Seconds)
- Time("n") should be(Time.Nanoseconds)
- Time("ms") should be(Time.Milliseconds)
- Time("µs") should be(Time.Microseconds)
- }
- "fail to resolve Time Unit by invalid name" in {
- val ex = intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time("boo"))
- ex.getMessage should be("Can't recognize time unit 'boo'")
- }
- "scale time properly" in {
- val epsilon = 0.0001
- Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Nanoseconds)(1000000D) should be(1000000D +- epsilon)
- Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Microseconds)(1000000D) should be(1000D +- epsilon)
- Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Milliseconds)(1000000D) should be(1D +- epsilon)
- Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Seconds)(1000000D) should be(0.001D +- epsilon)
- Time.Seconds.scale(Time.Nanoseconds)(1D) should be(1000000000D +- epsilon)
- }
- "allow scale only time" in {
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Unknown)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `time` and `unknown`")
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `time` and `bytes`")
- val epsilon = 0.0001
- Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100D) should be(100D +- epsilon)
- }
- }
- "Memory unit" should {
- "resolve Memory Unit by valid name" in {
- Memory("b") should be(Memory.Bytes)
- Memory("Kb") should be(Memory.KiloBytes)
- Memory("Mb") should be(Memory.MegaBytes)
- Memory("Gb") should be(Memory.GigaBytes)
- }
- "fail to resolve Memory Unit by invalid name" in {
- val ex = intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory("boo"))
- ex.getMessage should be("Can't recognize memory unit 'boo'")
- }
- "scale memory properly" in {
- val epsilon = 0.0001
- Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.Bytes)(1000000D) should be(1000000D +- epsilon)
- Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.KiloBytes)(1000000D) should be(976.5625D +- epsilon)
- Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.MegaBytes)(1000000D) should be(0.9536D +- epsilon)
- Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.GigaBytes)(1000000D) should be(9.3132E-4D +- epsilon)
- Memory.MegaBytes.scale(Memory.Bytes)(1D) should be(1048576D +- epsilon)
- }
- "allow scale only memory" in {
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Unknown)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `bytes` and `unknown`")
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `bytes` and `time`")
- val epsilon = 0.0001
- Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100D) should be(100D +- epsilon)
- }
- }
- "Unknown unit" should {
- "allow scale only Unknown" in {
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Unknown.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `unknown` and `bytes`")
- intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Unknown.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100))
- .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `unknown` and `time`")
- Unknown.scale(Unknown)(100D) should be(100D)
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/testkit/BaseKamonSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/testkit/BaseKamonSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.testkit
-import akka.actor.ActorSystem
-import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKitBase}
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import kamon.{ActorSystemTools, Kamon}
-import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher
-import kamon.trace.TraceContext
-import kamon.util.LazyActorRef
-import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, WordSpecLike}
-abstract class BaseKamonSpec(actorSystemName: String) extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with Matchers with ImplicitSender with BeforeAndAfterAll {
- lazy val collectionContext = Kamon.metrics.buildDefaultCollectionContext
- override implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem = {
- Kamon.start(mergedConfig)
- ActorSystem(actorSystemName, mergedConfig)
- }
- def config: Config = Kamon.config
- def mergedConfig: Config = config.withFallback(Kamon.config)
- def newContext(name: String): TraceContext =
- Kamon.tracer.newContext(name)
- def newContext(name: String, token: String): TraceContext =
- Kamon.tracer.newContext(name, Option(token))
- def newContext(name: String, token: String, tags: Map[String, String]): TraceContext =
- Kamon.tracer.newContext(name, Option(token), tags)
- def takeSnapshotOf(name: String, category: String): EntitySnapshot = {
- val recorder = Kamon.metrics.find(name, category).get
- recorder.collect(collectionContext)
- }
- def takeSnapshotOf(name: String, category: String, tags: Map[String, String]): EntitySnapshot = {
- val recorder = Kamon.metrics.find(Entity(name, category, tags)).get
- recorder.collect(collectionContext)
- }
- def flushSubscriptions(): Unit = {
- val subscriptionsField = Kamon.metrics.getClass.getDeclaredField("_subscriptions")
- subscriptionsField.setAccessible(true)
- val subscriptions = subscriptionsField.get(Kamon.metrics).asInstanceOf[LazyActorRef]
- subscriptions.tell(SubscriptionsDispatcher.Tick)
- }
- override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
- Kamon.shutdown()
- ActorSystemTools.terminateActorSystem(system)
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SamplerSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SamplerSpec.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SamplerSpec.scala
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-package kamon.trace
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.util.NanoInterval
-class SamplerSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("sampler-spec") {
- "the Sampler" should {
- "work as intended" when {
- "using all mode" in {
- val sampler = SampleAll
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(NanoInterval.default) should be(true)
- }
- "using random mode" in {
- val sampler = new RandomSampler(100)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(NanoInterval.default) should be(true)
- }
- "using ordered mode" in {
- var sampler = new OrderedSampler(1)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler = new OrderedSampler(2)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(NanoInterval.default) should be(true)
- }
- "using threshold mode" in {
- val sampler = new ThresholdSampler(new NanoInterval(10000000L))
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(new NanoInterval(5000000L)) should be(false)
- sampler.shouldReport(new NanoInterval(10000000L)) should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(new NanoInterval(15000000L)) should be(true)
- sampler.shouldReport(new NanoInterval(0L)) should be(false)
- }
- "using clock mode" in {
- val sampler = new ClockSampler(new NanoInterval(10000000L))
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- Thread.sleep(1L)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- Thread.sleep(10L)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(true)
- sampler.shouldTrace should be(false)
- sampler.shouldReport(NanoInterval.default) should be(true)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SimpleTraceSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SimpleTraceSpec.scala
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index fe7ad053..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/SimpleTraceSpec.scala
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@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2016 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.trace
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
-class SimpleTraceSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("simple-trace-spec") {
- "the simple tracing" should {
- "send a TraceInfo when the trace has finished and all segments are finished" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-without-segments")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one", "test-segment", "test").finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two", "test-segment", "test").finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-without-segments")
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one") should be('defined)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two") should be('defined)
- }
- "send a TraceInfo when the trace has finished with error and all segments are finished" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-with-error-and-without-segments")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one", "test-segment", "test").finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two", "test-segment", "test").finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.finishWithError(TraceException("awesome-trace-error"))
- }
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-with-error-and-without-segments")
- traceInfo.status should be(Status.FinishedWithError)
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one") should be('defined)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two") should be('defined)
- }
- "send a TraceInfo when the trace has finished with error and all segments are finished with error" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-with-error-and-without-segments")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one-finished-with-error", "test-segment", "test").finishWithError(SegmentException("awesome-segment-exception"))
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two-finished-with-error", "test-segment", "test").finishWithError(SegmentException("awesome-segment-exception"))
- Tracer.currentContext.finishWithError(TraceException("awesome-trace-error"))
- }
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-with-error-and-without-segments")
- traceInfo.status should be(Status.FinishedWithError)
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- val segmentOne = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one-finished-with-error")
- val segmentTwo = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two-finished-with-error")
- segmentOne.get.status should be(Status.FinishedWithError)
- segmentTwo.get.status should be(Status.FinishedWithError)
- }
- "send a TraceInfo when the trace has finished and all segments are finished and both contains tags" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-without-segments", "awesome-token", Map("environment" → "production"))) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one", "test-segment", "test", Map("segment-one-info" → "info")).finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two", "test-segment", "test", Map("segment-two-info" → "info")).finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-without-segments")
- traceInfo.tags should be(Map("environment" → "production"))
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- val segmentOne = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one")
- val segmentTwo = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two")
- segmentOne.get.tags should be(Map("segment-one-info" → "info"))
- segmentTwo.get.tags should be(Map("segment-two-info" → "info"))
- }
- "send a TraceInfo when the trace has finished and all segments are finished and contains added tag" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-without-segments", "awesome-token")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.addTag("environment", "production")
- val segmentOne = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one", "test-segment", "test")
- segmentOne.addTag("segment-one-info", "info")
- segmentOne.finish()
- val segmentTwo = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two", "test-segment", "test")
- segmentTwo.addTag("segment-two-info", "info")
- segmentTwo.finish()
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- }
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-without-segments")
- traceInfo.tags should be(Map("environment" → "production"))
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- val segmentOne = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one")
- val segmentTwo = traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two")
- segmentOne.get.tags should be(Map("segment-one-info" → "info"))
- segmentTwo.get.tags should be(Map("segment-two-info" → "info"))
- }
- "incubate the tracing context if there are open segments after finishing" in {
- Kamon.tracer.subscribe(testActor)
- val secondSegment = Tracer.withContext(newContext("simple-trace-without-segments")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-one", "test-segment", "test").finish()
- val segment = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-two", "test-segment", "test")
- Tracer.currentContext.finish()
- segment
- }
- expectNoMsg(2 seconds)
- secondSegment.finish()
- within(10 seconds) {
- val traceInfo = expectMsgType[TraceInfo]
- Kamon.tracer.unsubscribe(testActor)
- traceInfo.name should be("simple-trace-without-segments")
- traceInfo.segments.size should be(2)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-one") should be('defined)
- traceInfo.segments.find(_.name == "segment-two") should be('defined)
- }
- }
- }
-case class TraceException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message) with NoStackTrace
-case class SegmentException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message) with NoStackTrace \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/TraceContextManipulationSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/TraceContextManipulationSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.trace
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-class TraceContextManipulationSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("trace-metrics-spec") {
- "the TraceContext api" should {
- "allow starting a trace within a specified block of code, and only within that block of code" in {
- val createdContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("start-context")) {
- Tracer.currentContext should not be empty
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- createdContext.name shouldBe ("start-context")
- }
- "allow starting a trace within a specified block of code, providing a trace-token and only within that block of code" in {
- val createdContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("start-context-with-token", "token-1")) {
- Tracer.currentContext should not be empty
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- createdContext.name shouldBe ("start-context-with-token")
- createdContext.token should be("token-1")
- }
- "allow providing a TraceContext and make it available within a block of code" in {
- val createdContext = newContext("manually-provided-trace-context")
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- Tracer.withContext(createdContext) {
- Tracer.currentContext should be(createdContext)
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- }
- "allow renaming a trace" in {
- val createdContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-before-rename")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.rename("renamed-trace")
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- createdContext.name shouldBe "renamed-trace"
- }
- "allow tagging and untagging a trace" in {
- val createdContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-before-rename")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.addTag("trace-tag", "tag-1")
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- createdContext.tags shouldBe Map("trace-tag" → "tag-1")
- createdContext.removeTag("trace-tag", "tag-1")
- createdContext.tags shouldBe Map.empty
- }
- "allow creating a segment within a trace" in {
- val createdContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-with-segments")) {
- Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-1", "segment-1-category", "segment-library")
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- Tracer.currentContext shouldBe empty
- createdContext.name shouldBe "trace-with-segments"
- }
- "allow renaming a segment" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-with-renamed-segment")) {
- val segment = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("original-segment-name", "segment-label", "segment-library")
- segment.name should be("original-segment-name")
- segment.rename("new-segment-name")
- segment.name should be("new-segment-name")
- }
- }
- "allow tagging and untagging a segment" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("trace-with-renamed-segment")) {
- val segment = Tracer.currentContext.startSegment("segment-name", "segment-label", "segment-library")
- segment.tags should be(Map.empty)
- segment.addTag("segment-tag", "tag-1")
- segment.tags should be(Map("segment-tag" → "tag-1"))
- segment.removeTag("segment-tag", "tag-1")
- segment.tags should be(Map.empty)
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/TraceLocalSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/TraceLocalSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.trace
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.trace.TraceLocal.AvailableToMdc
-import kamon.trace.logging.MdcKeysSupport
-import kamon.util.Supplier
-import org.scalatest.concurrent.PatienceConfiguration
-import org.scalatest.OptionValues
-import org.slf4j.MDC
-class TraceLocalSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("trace-local-spec") with PatienceConfiguration with OptionValues with MdcKeysSupport {
- val SampleTraceLocalKeyAvailableToMDC = AvailableToMdc("someKey")
- object SampleTraceLocalKey extends TraceLocal.TraceLocalKey[String]
- "the TraceLocal storage" should {
- "allow storing and retrieving values" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("store-and-retrieve-trace-local")) {
- val testString = "Hello World"
- TraceLocal.store(SampleTraceLocalKey)(testString)
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey).value should equal(testString)
- }
- }
- "return None when retrieving a non existent key" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("non-existent-key")) {
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey) should equal(None)
- }
- }
- "throws an exception when trying to get a non existent key" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("non-existent-key")) {
- intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
- TraceLocal.get(SampleTraceLocalKey)
- }
- }
- }
- "return the given value when retrieving a non existent key" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("non-existent-key")) {
- TraceLocal.getOrElse(SampleTraceLocalKey, new Supplier[String] { def get = "optionalValue" }) should equal("optionalValue")
- }
- }
- "return None when retrieving a key without a current TraceContext" in {
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey) should equal(None)
- }
- "be attached to the TraceContext when it is propagated" in {
- val testString = "Hello World"
- val testContext = Tracer.withContext(newContext("manually-propagated-trace-local")) {
- TraceLocal.store(SampleTraceLocalKey)(testString)
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey).value should equal(testString)
- Tracer.currentContext
- }
- /** No TraceLocal should be available here */
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey) should equal(None)
- Tracer.withContext(testContext) {
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKey).value should equal(testString)
- }
- }
- "allow retrieve a value from the MDC when was created a key with AvailableToMdc(cool-key)" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("store-and-retrieve-trace-local-and-copy-to-mdc")) {
- val testString = "Hello MDC"
- TraceLocal.store(SampleTraceLocalKeyAvailableToMDC)(testString)
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKeyAvailableToMDC).value should equal(testString)
- withMdc {
- MDC.get("someKey") should equal(testString)
- }
- }
- }
- "allow retrieve a value from the MDC when was created a key with AvailableToMdc.storeForMdc(String, String)" in {
- Tracer.withContext(newContext("store-and-retrieve-trace-local-and-copy-to-mdc")) {
- val testString = "Hello MDC"
- TraceLocal.storeForMdc("someKey", testString)
- TraceLocal.retrieve(SampleTraceLocalKeyAvailableToMDC).value should equal(testString)
- withMdc {
- MDC.get("someKey") should equal(testString)
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/logging/MdcKeysSupportSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/trace/logging/MdcKeysSupportSpec.scala
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-package kamon.trace.logging
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-import kamon.trace.{EmptyTraceContext, Tracer}
-import org.slf4j.MDC
-class MdcKeysSupportSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("mdc-keys-support-spec") {
- "Running code with MDC support" should {
- "add nothing to the MDC" when {
- "the trace context is empty" in {
- // Given an empty trace context.
- Tracer.withContext(EmptyTraceContext) {
- // When some code is executed with MDC support.
- MdcKeysSupport.withMdc {
- // Then the MDC should not contain the trace token.
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceTokenKey)) should be(None)
- // Or name
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceNameKey)) should be(None)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- "add the trace token and name to the context" when {
- "the trace context is not empty" in {
- // Given a trace context.
- Tracer.withNewContext("name", Some("token")) {
- // When some code is executed with MDC support.
- MdcKeysSupport.withMdc {
- // Then the MDC should contain the trace token.
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceTokenKey)) should be(Some("token"))
- // And name
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceNameKey)) should be(Some("name"))
- }
- // Then after code is executed the MDC should have been cleared.
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceTokenKey)) should be(None)
- Option(MDC.get(MdcKeysSupport.traceNameKey)) should be(None)
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/GlobPathFilterSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/GlobPathFilterSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.util
-import kamon.metric.GlobPathFilter
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike}
-class GlobPathFilterSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers {
- "The GlobPathFilter" should {
- "match a single expression" in {
- val filter = new GlobPathFilter("/user/actor")
- filter.accept("/user/actor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor/something") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor/somethingElse") shouldBe false
- }
- "match all expressions in the same level" in {
- val filter = new GlobPathFilter("/user/*")
- filter.accept("/user/actor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/otherActor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/something/actor") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/something/otherActor") shouldBe false
- }
- "match all expressions in the same levelss" in {
- val filter = new GlobPathFilter("**")
- filter.accept("GET: /ping") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("GET: /ping/pong") shouldBe true
- }
- "match all expressions and crosses the path boundaries" in {
- val filter = new GlobPathFilter("/user/actor-**")
- filter.accept("/user/actor-") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-one") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-one/other") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/something/actor") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/something/otherActor") shouldBe false
- }
- "match exactly one character" in {
- val filter = new GlobPathFilter("/user/actor-?")
- filter.accept("/user/actor-1") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-2") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-3") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-one") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor-two") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor-tree") shouldBe false
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/NeedToScaleSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/NeedToScaleSpec.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/NeedToScaleSpec.scala
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- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.util
-import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
-import kamon.metric.instrument.{Memory, Time}
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
-class NeedToScaleSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
- "NeedToScale" should {
- "extract time unit to scale to from config" in {
- val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
- """
- |time-units = "ms"
- """.stripMargin
- )
- config match {
- case NeedToScale(timeUnits, memoryUnits) ⇒
- timeUnits should be(Some(Time.Milliseconds))
- memoryUnits should be(None)
- }
- }
- "extract memory unit to scale to from config" in {
- val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
- """
- |memory-units = "kb"
- """.stripMargin
- )
- config match {
- case NeedToScale(timeUnits, memoryUnits) ⇒
- timeUnits should be(None)
- memoryUnits should be(Some(Memory.KiloBytes))
- }
- }
- "extract nothing if config has no proper keys" in {
- val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
- """
- |some-other-key = "value"
- """.stripMargin
- )
- config match {
- case NeedToScale(timeUnits, memoryUnits) ⇒
- fail("Should not match")
- case _ ⇒
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/RegexPathFilterSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/RegexPathFilterSpec.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/RegexPathFilterSpec.scala
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.util
-import kamon.metric.RegexNameFilter
-import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike}
-class RegexPathFilterSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers {
- "The RegexPathFilter" should {
- "match a single expression" in {
- val filter = new RegexNameFilter("/user/actor")
- filter.accept("/user/actor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor/something") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor/somethingElse") shouldBe false
- }
- "match arbitray expressions ending with wildcard" in {
- val filter = new RegexNameFilter("/user/.*")
- filter.accept("/user/actor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/otherActor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/something/actor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/something/otherActor") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/otheruser/actor") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/otheruser/otherActor") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/otheruser/something/actor") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/otheruser/something/otherActor") shouldBe false
- }
- "match numbers" in {
- val filter = new RegexNameFilter("/user/actor-\\d")
- filter.accept("/user/actor-1") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-2") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-3") shouldBe true
- filter.accept("/user/actor-one") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor-two") shouldBe false
- filter.accept("/user/actor-tree") shouldBe false
- }
- }
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/executors/ExecutorServiceMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/executors/ExecutorServiceMetricsSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1d418a..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/util/executors/ExecutorServiceMetricsSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.util.executors
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.EntityRecorder
-import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
-class ExecutorServiceMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("executor-service-metrics-spec") {
- "the ExecutorServiceMetrics" should {
- "register a SingleThreadPool, collect their metrics and remove it" in {
- val singleThreadPoolExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
- val singleThreadPoolExecutorEntity = ExecutorServiceMetrics.register("single-thread-pool", singleThreadPoolExecutor)
- findExecutorRecorder(singleThreadPoolExecutorEntity) should not be empty
- ExecutorServiceMetrics.remove(singleThreadPoolExecutorEntity)
- findExecutorRecorder(singleThreadPoolExecutorEntity) should be(empty)
- }
- "register a ThreadPoolExecutor, collect their metrics and remove it" in {
- val threadPoolExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
- val threadPoolExecutorEntity = ExecutorServiceMetrics.register("thread-pool-executor", threadPoolExecutor)
- findExecutorRecorder(threadPoolExecutorEntity) should not be empty
- ExecutorServiceMetrics.remove(threadPoolExecutorEntity)
- findExecutorRecorder(threadPoolExecutorEntity) should be(empty)
- }
- "register a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, collect their metrics and remove it" in {
- val scheduledThreadPoolExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
- val scheduledThreadPoolEntity = ExecutorServiceMetrics.register("scheduled-thread-pool-executor", scheduledThreadPoolExecutor)
- findExecutorRecorder(scheduledThreadPoolEntity) should not be empty
- ExecutorServiceMetrics.remove(scheduledThreadPoolEntity)
- findExecutorRecorder(scheduledThreadPoolEntity) should be(empty)
- }
- "register a Java ForkJoinPool, collect their metrics and remove it" in {
- val javaForkJoinPool = Executors.newWorkStealingPool()
- val javaForkJoinPoolEntity = ExecutorServiceMetrics.register("java-fork-join-pool", javaForkJoinPool)
- findExecutorRecorder(javaForkJoinPoolEntity) should not be empty
- ExecutorServiceMetrics.remove(javaForkJoinPoolEntity)
- findExecutorRecorder(javaForkJoinPoolEntity) should be(empty)
- }
- "register a Scala ForkJoinPool, collect their metrics and remove it" in {
- val scalaForkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool()
- val scalaForkJoinPoolEntity = ExecutorServiceMetrics.register("scala-fork-join-pool", scalaForkJoinPool)
- findExecutorRecorder(scalaForkJoinPoolEntity) should not be empty
- ExecutorServiceMetrics.remove(scalaForkJoinPoolEntity)
- findExecutorRecorder(scalaForkJoinPoolEntity) should be(empty)
- }
- def findExecutorRecorder(entity: Entity): Option[EntityRecorder] = Kamon.metrics.find(entity)
- }