path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala
diff options
authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-04-24 13:54:40 +0200
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2017-04-24 13:54:40 +0200
commit4d828e1a3195e55365c865aa3a78af9668742643 (patch)
tree07fff2683933c96297a8ba577bbdc89888da16e1 /kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala
parent469c11dc1ddb140f407a33f48033e533bf60611c (diff)
Prepare for the major cleanup
Moved all the original files from src/main to src/legacy-main, same with test files. Also removed the autoweave module, examples and bench as I'm planning to have them in separate repositories.
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 552962eb..00000000
--- a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/TracerModule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2016 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.trace
-import java.util
-import akka.actor._
-import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter}
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.MetricsModule
-import kamon.util._
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-trait TracerModule {
- def newContext(name: String): TraceContext
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String]): TraceContext
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String]): TraceContext
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String], timestamp: RelativeNanoTimestamp, state: Status, isLocal: Boolean): TraceContext
- def subscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit
- def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit
-object Tracer {
- private[kamon] val _traceContextStorage = new ThreadLocal[TraceContext] {
- override def initialValue(): TraceContext = EmptyTraceContext
- }
- def currentContext: TraceContext =
- _traceContextStorage.get()
- def setCurrentContext(context: TraceContext): Unit =
- _traceContextStorage.set(context)
- def clearCurrentContext: Unit =
- _traceContextStorage.remove()
- def withContext[T](context: TraceContext)(code: ⇒ T): T = {
- val oldContext = _traceContextStorage.get()
- _traceContextStorage.set(context)
- try code finally _traceContextStorage.set(oldContext)
- }
- // Java variant.
- def withContext[T](context: TraceContext, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withContext(context)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String], autoFinish: Boolean)(code: ⇒ T): T = {
- withContext(Kamon.tracer.newContext(traceName, traceToken, tags)) {
- val codeResult = code
- if (autoFinish)
- currentContext.finish()
- codeResult
- }
- }
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String)(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None)(code)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, tags: Map[String, String])(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, tags)(code)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String])(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, Map.empty[String, String])(code)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String])(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, tags, autoFinish = false)(code)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, autoFinish: Boolean)(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, Map.empty[String, String], autoFinish)(code)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, tags: Map[String, String], autoFinish: Boolean)(code: ⇒ T): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, tags, autoFinish)(code)
- // Java variants.
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], autoFinish: Boolean, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, Map.empty[String, String], autoFinish)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], tags: util.Map[String, String], autoFinish: Boolean, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, tags.asScala.toMap, autoFinish)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, Map.empty[String, String], autoFinish = false)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, tags: util.Map[String, String], code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, tags.asScala.toMap, autoFinish = false)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, Map.empty[String, String], autoFinish = false)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, traceToken: Option[String], tags: util.Map[String, String], code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, traceToken, tags.asScala.toMap, autoFinish = false)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, autoFinish: Boolean, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, Map.empty[String, String], autoFinish)(code.get)
- def withNewContext[T](traceName: String, tags: util.Map[String, String], autoFinish: Boolean, code: Supplier[T]): T =
- withNewContext(traceName, None, tags.asScala.toMap, autoFinish)(code.get)
-private[kamon] class TracerModuleImpl(metricsExtension: MetricsModule, config: Config) extends TracerModule {
- @volatile private var _settings = TraceSettings(config)
- private val _subscriptions = new LazyActorRef
- private val _incubator = new LazyActorRef
- private def newToken: String = _settings.tokenGenerator()
- def newContext(name: String): TraceContext =
- createTraceContext(name, None)
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String]): TraceContext =
- createTraceContext(name, token)
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String]): TraceContext =
- createTraceContext(name, token, tags)
- def newContext(name: String, token: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String], timestamp: RelativeNanoTimestamp, status: Status, isLocal: Boolean): TraceContext =
- createTraceContext(name, token, tags, timestamp, status, isLocal)
- private def createTraceContext(traceName: String, token: Option[String], tags: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, startTimestamp: RelativeNanoTimestamp = RelativeNanoTimestamp.now,
- status: Status = Status.Open, isLocal: Boolean = true): TraceContext = {
- def newMetricsOnlyContext(token: String): TraceContext =
- new MetricsOnlyContext(traceName, token, tags, status, _settings.levelOfDetail, startTimestamp, _logger)
- val traceToken = token.getOrElse(newToken)
- _settings.levelOfDetail match {
- case LevelOfDetail.MetricsOnly ⇒
- newMetricsOnlyContext(traceToken)
- case _ if !isLocal || !_settings.sampler.shouldTrace ⇒
- newMetricsOnlyContext(traceToken)
- case _ ⇒
- new TracingContext(traceName, traceToken, tags, currentStatus = Status.Open, _settings.levelOfDetail, isLocal, startTimestamp, _logger, dispatchTracingContext)
- }
- }
- def subscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
- _subscriptions.tell(TraceSubscriptions.Subscribe(subscriber))
- def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
- _subscriptions.tell(TraceSubscriptions.Unsubscribe(subscriber))
- private[kamon] def dispatchTracingContext(trace: TracingContext): Unit =
- if (_settings.sampler.shouldReport(trace.elapsedTime))
- if (trace.shouldIncubate)
- _incubator.tell(trace)
- else
- _subscriptions.tell(trace.generateTraceInfo)
- /**
- * Tracer Extension initialization.
- */
- private var _system: ActorSystem = null
- private var _logger: LoggingAdapter = null
- private lazy val _start = {
- val subscriptions = _system.actorOf(Props[TraceSubscriptions], "trace-subscriptions")
- _subscriptions.point(subscriptions)
- _incubator.point(_system.actorOf(Incubator.props(subscriptions)))
- }
- def start(system: ActorSystem, newConfig: Config): Unit = synchronized {
- _settings = TraceSettings(newConfig)
- _system = system
- _logger = Logging(_system, "TracerModule")
- _start
- _system = null
- }
-private[kamon] object TracerModuleImpl {
- def apply(metricsExtension: MetricsModule, config: Config) =
- new TracerModuleImpl(metricsExtension, config)
-case class TraceInfo(name: String, token: String, timestamp: NanoTimestamp, elapsedTime: NanoInterval, metadata: Map[String, String], tags: Map[String, String], segments: List[SegmentInfo], status: Status)
-case class SegmentInfo(name: String, category: String, library: String, timestamp: NanoTimestamp, elapsedTime: NanoInterval, metadata: Map[String, String], tags: Map[String, String], status: Status) \ No newline at end of file