path: root/kamon-newrelic/src
diff options
authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2014-11-06 16:29:54 +0100
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2014-11-09 18:01:35 +0100
commitf498749274bc9f25ede7221d6bd8b3f0c3822dda (patch)
tree9371eb98b88830b5c61619a29f53fd4d45040e71 /kamon-newrelic/src
parent6e3d9ae88ecce10420eeac82294c54c1b43dedf4 (diff)
! newrelic: major refactor of the newrelic reporter
Most notable changes: - The agent connection setup is separated from the actual metrics reporting, this will be important in the near future when we start sending errors too. - The metrics subscriptions are delayed until the connection to the agent is established. - The Tick metrics buffer is only created if necessary. - Introduced the kamon.newrelic.max-initialize-retries and initialize-retry-delay settings. - External service calls via HTTP clients are reported as external services.
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-newrelic/src')
-rw-r--r--kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetricExtractor.scala (renamed from kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetrics.scala)11
-rw-r--r--kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/JsonProtocol.scala (renamed from kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentJsonProtocol.scala)34
-rw-r--r--kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetricExtractor.scala (renamed from kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetrics.scala)35
13 files changed, 614 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/resources/reference.conf b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/resources/reference.conf
index 059420f9..c86e64ae 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/resources/reference.conf
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/resources/reference.conf
@@ -4,17 +4,22 @@
kamon {
newrelic {
+ # General ApdexT that applies to all Trace metrics reported.
apdexT = 1 second
+ # The application name that will be shown in the New Relic dashboard.
app-name = "Kamon[Development]"
- license-key = e7d350b14228f3d28f35bc3140df2c3e565ea5d5
- # delay between connection attempts to NewRelic collector
- retry-delay = 30 seconds
+ # Your New Relic license key.
+ license-key = e7d350b14228f3d28f35bc3140df2c3e565ea5d5
# attempts to send pending metrics in the next tick,
# combining the current metrics plus the pending, after max-retry, deletes all pending metrics
- max-retry = 3
+ max-initialize-retries = 3
+ # delay between connection attempts to NewRelic collector
+ initialize-retry-delay = 30 seconds
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Agent.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Agent.scala
index 25fbc9db..f71ecd7f 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Agent.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Agent.scala
@@ -18,88 +18,73 @@ package kamon.newrelic
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.{ MILLISECONDS ⇒ milliseconds }
-import akka.actor.{ ActorLogging, Actor }
+import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, ActorLogging, Actor }
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import akka.io.IO
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.metric.{ CollectionContext, Metrics }
+import spray.can.Http
import spray.json._
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
-import spray.httpx.{ SprayJsonSupport, RequestBuilding, ResponseTransformation }
-import spray.httpx.encoding.Deflate
+import spray.httpx.{ SprayJsonSupport, ResponseTransformation }
import spray.http._
import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
-import spray.client.pipelining._
-import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import spray.http.Uri.Query
-import kamon.newrelic.MetricTranslator.TimeSliceMetrics
import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import Agent._
-class Agent extends Actor with RequestBuilding with ResponseTransformation with SprayJsonSupport with ActorLogging {
+import akka.pattern.pipe
+// TODO: Setup a proper host connector with custom timeout configuration for use with this.
+class Agent extends Actor with ClientPipelines with ResponseTransformation with SprayJsonSupport with ActorLogging {
+ import JsonProtocol._
import context.dispatcher
- import Agent._
- import Retry._
- self ! Initialize
- val agentInfo = {
- val config = context.system.settings.config.getConfig("kamon.newrelic")
- val appName = config.getString("app-name")
- val licenseKey = config.getString("license-key")
- // Name has the format of pid@host
- val runtimeName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split('@')
- val retryDelay = FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("retry-delay", milliseconds), milliseconds)
- val maxRetry = config.getInt("max-retry")
- AgentInfo(licenseKey, appName, runtimeName(1), runtimeName(0).toInt, maxRetry, retryDelay)
- }
+ implicit val operationTimeout = Timeout(30 seconds)
+ val collectorClient = compressedToJsonPipeline(IO(Http)(context.system))
+ val settings = buildAgentSettings(context.system)
val baseQuery = Query(
- "license_key" -> agentInfo.licenseKey,
+ "license_key" -> settings.licenseKey,
"marshal_format" -> "json",
"protocol_version" -> "12")
- def receive: Receive = uninitialized
- def uninitialized: Receive = {
- case Initialize ⇒ {
- connectToCollector onComplete {
- case Success(agent) ⇒ {
- log.info("Agent initialized with runID: [{}] and collector: [{}]", agent.runId, agent.collector)
- context become reporting(agent.runId, agent.collector)
- }
- case Failure(reason) ⇒ self ! InitializationFailed(reason)
- }
- }
- case InitializationFailed(reason) ⇒ {
- log.info("Initialization failed: {}, retrying in {} seconds", reason.getMessage, agentInfo.retryDelay.toSeconds)
- context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(agentInfo.retryDelay, self, Initialize)
- }
- case everythingElse ⇒ //ignore
- }
+ // Start the connection to the New Relic collector.
+ self ! Initialize
- def reporting(runId: Long, collector: String): Receive = {
- case metrics: TimeSliceMetrics ⇒ sendMetricData(runId, collector, metrics)
- }
+ def receive: Receive = uninitialized(settings.maxRetries)
- def connectToCollector: Future[Initialized] = for {
- collector ← selectCollector
- runId ← connect(collector, agentInfo)
- } yield Initialized(runId, collector)
+ def uninitialized(attemptsLeft: Int): Receive = {
+ case Initialize ⇒ pipe(connectToCollector) to self
+ case Initialized(runID, collector) ⇒
+ log.info("Agent initialized with runID: [{}] and collector: [{}]", runID, collector)
- import AgentJsonProtocol._
+ val baseCollectorUri = Uri(s"http://$collector/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(baseQuery)
+ context.actorOf(MetricReporter.props(settings, runID, baseCollectorUri), "metric-reporter")
- val compressedPipeline: HttpRequest ⇒ Future[HttpResponse] = encode(Deflate) ~> sendReceive
- val compressedToJsonPipeline: HttpRequest ⇒ Future[JsValue] = compressedPipeline ~> toJson
+ case InitializationFailed(reason) if (attemptsLeft > 0) ⇒
+ log.error(reason, "Initialization failed, retrying in {} seconds", settings.retryDelay.toSeconds)
+ context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(settings.retryDelay, self, Initialize)
+ context become (uninitialized(attemptsLeft - 1))
- def toJson(response: HttpResponse): JsValue = response.entity.asString.parseJson
+ case InitializationFailed(reason) ⇒
+ log.error(reason, "Giving up while trying to set up a connection with the New Relic collector.")
+ context.stop(self)
+ }
+ def connectToCollector: Future[InitResult] = {
+ (for {
+ collector ← selectCollector
+ runId ← connect(collector, settings)
+ } yield Initialized(runId, collector)) recover { case error ⇒ InitializationFailed(error) }
+ }
def selectCollector: Future[String] = {
val query = ("method" -> "get_redirect_host") +: baseQuery
val getRedirectHostUri = Uri("http://collector.newrelic.com/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(query)
- compressedToJsonPipeline {
+ collectorClient {
Post(getRedirectHostUri, JsArray())
} map { json ⇒
@@ -107,67 +92,39 @@ class Agent extends Actor with RequestBuilding with ResponseTransformation with
- def connect(collectorHost: String, connect: AgentInfo): Future[Long] = {
+ def connect(collectorHost: String, connect: Settings): Future[Long] = {
log.debug("Connecting to NewRelic Collector [{}]", collectorHost)
val query = ("method" -> "connect") +: baseQuery
val connectUri = Uri(s"http://$collectorHost/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(query)
- compressedToJsonPipeline {
+ collectorClient {
Post(connectUri, connect)
} map { json ⇒
json.extract[Long]('return_value / 'agent_run_id)
- def sendMetricData(runId: Long, collector: String, metrics: TimeSliceMetrics) = {
- val query = ("method" -> "metric_data") +: ("run_id" -> runId.toString) +: baseQuery
- val sendMetricDataUri = Uri(s"http://$collector/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(query)
- withMaxAttempts(agentInfo.maxRetry, metrics, log) { currentMetrics ⇒
- compressedPipeline {
- log.info("Sending metrics to NewRelic collector")
- Post(sendMetricDataUri, MetricData(runId, currentMetrics))
- }
- }
- }
object Agent {
- case class Initialize()
- case class Initialized(runId: Long, collector: String)
- case class InitializationFailed(reason: Throwable)
- case class CollectorSelection(return_value: String)
- case class AgentInfo(licenseKey: String, appName: String, host: String, pid: Int, maxRetry: Int = 0, retryDelay: FiniteDuration)
- case class MetricData(runId: Long, timeSliceMetrics: TimeSliceMetrics)
+ case object Initialize
+ sealed trait InitResult
+ case class Initialized(runId: Long, collector: String) extends InitResult
+ case class InitializationFailed(reason: Throwable) extends InitResult
+ case class Settings(licenseKey: String, appName: String, host: String, pid: Int, maxRetries: Int, retryDelay: FiniteDuration, apdexT: Double)
+ def buildAgentSettings(system: ActorSystem) = {
+ val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("kamon.newrelic")
+ val appName = config.getString("app-name")
+ val licenseKey = config.getString("license-key")
+ val maxRetries = config.getInt("max-initialize-retries")
+ val retryDelay = FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("initialize-retry-delay", milliseconds), milliseconds)
+ val apdexT: Double = config.getDuration("apdexT", MILLISECONDS) / 1E3 // scale to seconds.
-object Retry {
- @volatile private var attempts: Int = 0
- @volatile private var pendingMetrics: Option[TimeSliceMetrics] = None
- def withMaxAttempts[T](maxRetry: Int, metrics: TimeSliceMetrics, log: LoggingAdapter)(block: TimeSliceMetrics ⇒ Future[T])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit = {
- val currentMetrics = metrics.merge(pendingMetrics)
- if (currentMetrics.metrics.nonEmpty) {
- block(currentMetrics) onComplete {
- case Success(_) ⇒
- pendingMetrics = None
- attempts = 0
- case Failure(_) ⇒
- attempts += 1
- if (maxRetry > attempts) {
- log.info("Trying to send metrics to NewRelic collector, attempt [{}] of [{}]", attempts, maxRetry)
- pendingMetrics = Some(currentMetrics)
- } else {
- log.info("Max attempts achieved, proceeding to remove all pending metrics")
- pendingMetrics = None
- attempts = 0
- }
- }
- }
+ // Name has the format of 'pid'@'host'
+ val runtimeName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split('@')
+ Agent.Settings(licenseKey, appName, runtimeName(1), runtimeName(0).toInt, maxRetries, retryDelay, apdexT)
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/ClientPipelines.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/ClientPipelines.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca003646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/ClientPipelines.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package kamon.newrelic
+import akka.actor.ActorRef
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import spray.http.{ HttpResponse, HttpRequest }
+import spray.httpx.RequestBuilding
+import spray.httpx.encoding.Deflate
+import spray.json._
+import spray.client.pipelining.sendReceive
+import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
+trait ClientPipelines extends RequestBuilding {
+ def compressedPipeline(transport: ActorRef)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, to: Timeout): HttpRequest ⇒ Future[HttpResponse] =
+ encode(Deflate) ~> sendReceive(transport)
+ def compressedToJsonPipeline(transport: ActorRef)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, to: Timeout): HttpRequest ⇒ Future[JsValue] =
+ compressedPipeline(transport) ~> toJson
+ def toJson(response: HttpResponse): JsValue = response.entity.asString.parseJson
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetrics.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetricExtractor.scala
index a2b208dc..84472593 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetrics.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/CustomMetricExtractor.scala
@@ -16,19 +16,18 @@
package kamon.newrelic
-import akka.actor.Actor
import kamon.metric.UserMetrics.UserMetricGroup
import kamon.metric._
+import kamon.newrelic.Agent.Settings
-trait CustomMetrics {
- self: Actor ⇒
+object CustomMetricExtractor extends MetricExtractor {
- def collectCustomMetrics(metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Seq[NewRelic.Metric] = {
+ def extract(settings: Settings, collectionContext: CollectionContext, metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Map[MetricID, MetricData] = {
metrics.collect {
case (mg: UserMetricGroup, groupSnapshot) ⇒
groupSnapshot.metrics collect {
- case (name, snapshot) ⇒ toNewRelicMetric(Scale.Unit)(s"Custom/${mg.name}", None, snapshot)
+ case (name, snapshot) ⇒ Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(snapshot, s"Custom/${mg.name}", None, Scale.Unit)
- }.flatten.toSeq
+ }.flatten.toMap
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentJsonProtocol.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/JsonProtocol.scala
index 9b3e6dea..c573d04d 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentJsonProtocol.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/JsonProtocol.scala
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ package kamon.newrelic
import spray.json._
import kamon.newrelic.Agent._
-object AgentJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
+object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
- implicit object ConnectJsonWriter extends RootJsonWriter[AgentInfo] {
- def write(obj: AgentInfo): JsValue =
+ implicit object ConnectJsonWriter extends RootJsonWriter[Settings] {
+ def write(obj: Settings): JsValue =
"agent_version" -> JsString("3.1.0"),
@@ -36,28 +36,30 @@ object AgentJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def write(seq: Seq[T]) = JsArray(seq.map(_.toJson).toVector)
- implicit object MetricDetailWriter extends JsonWriter[NewRelic.Metric] {
- def write(obj: NewRelic.Metric): JsValue = {
+ implicit object MetricDetailWriter extends JsonWriter[Metric] {
+ def write(obj: Metric): JsValue = {
+ val (metricID, metricData) = obj
- "name" -> JsString(obj.name) // TODO Include scope
+ "name" -> JsString(metricID.name) // TODO Include scope
- JsNumber(obj.callCount),
- JsNumber(obj.total),
- JsNumber(obj.totalExclusive),
- JsNumber(obj.min),
- JsNumber(obj.max),
- JsNumber(obj.sumOfSquares)))
+ JsNumber(metricData.callCount),
+ JsNumber(metricData.total),
+ JsNumber(metricData.totalExclusive),
+ JsNumber(metricData.min),
+ JsNumber(metricData.max),
+ JsNumber(metricData.sumOfSquares)))
- implicit object MetricDataWriter extends RootJsonWriter[MetricData] {
- def write(obj: MetricData): JsValue =
+ implicit object MetricBatchWriter extends RootJsonWriter[MetricBatch] {
+ def write(obj: MetricBatch): JsValue =
- JsNumber(obj.runId),
+ JsNumber(obj.runID),
- obj.timeSliceMetrics.metrics.values.toSeq.toJson)
+ obj.timeSliceMetrics.metrics.toSeq.toJson)
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Metric.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Metric.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14541483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/Metric.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package kamon.newrelic
+import kamon.metric.instrument.{ Counter, Histogram }
+import kamon.metric.{ MetricSnapshot, Scale }
+case class MetricID(name: String, scope: Option[String])
+case class MetricData(callCount: Long, total: Double, totalExclusive: Double, min: Double, max: Double, sumOfSquares: Double) {
+ def merge(that: MetricData): MetricData =
+ MetricData(
+ callCount + that.callCount,
+ total + that.total,
+ totalExclusive + that.totalExclusive,
+ math.min(min, that.min),
+ math.max(max, that.max),
+ sumOfSquares + that.sumOfSquares)
+object Metric {
+ def fromKamonMetricSnapshot(snapshot: MetricSnapshot, name: String, scope: Option[String], targetScale: Scale): Metric = {
+ snapshot match {
+ case hs: Histogram.Snapshot ⇒
+ var total: Double = 0D
+ var sumOfSquares: Double = 0D
+ val scaledMin = Scale.convert(hs.scale, targetScale, hs.min)
+ val scaledMax = Scale.convert(hs.scale, targetScale, hs.max)
+ hs.recordsIterator.foreach { record ⇒
+ val scaledValue = Scale.convert(hs.scale, targetScale, record.level)
+ total += scaledValue * record.count
+ sumOfSquares += (scaledValue * scaledValue) * record.count
+ }
+ (MetricID(name, scope), MetricData(hs.numberOfMeasurements, total, total, scaledMin, scaledMax, sumOfSquares))
+ case cs: Counter.Snapshot ⇒
+ (MetricID(name, scope), MetricData(cs.count, cs.count, cs.count, 0, cs.count, cs.count * cs.count))
+ }
+ }
+case class TimeSliceMetrics(from: Long, to: Long, metrics: Map[MetricID, MetricData]) {
+ import kamon.metric.combineMaps
+ def merge(that: TimeSliceMetrics): TimeSliceMetrics = {
+ val mergedFrom = math.min(from, that.from)
+ val mergedTo = math.max(to, that.to)
+ val mergedMetrics = combineMaps(metrics, that.metrics)((l, r) ⇒ l.merge(r))
+ TimeSliceMetrics(mergedFrom, mergedTo, mergedMetrics)
+ }
+case class MetricBatch(runID: Long, timeSliceMetrics: TimeSliceMetrics) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporter.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b09973ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package kamon.newrelic
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import akka.actor.{ Props, ActorLogging, Actor }
+import akka.pattern.pipe
+import akka.io.IO
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.TickMetricSnapshot
+import kamon.metric.UserMetrics.{ UserGauges, UserMinMaxCounters, UserCounters, UserHistograms }
+import kamon.metric._
+import kamon.newrelic.MetricReporter.{ UnexpectedStatusCodeException, PostFailed, PostSucceeded, MetricDataPostResult }
+import spray.can.Http
+import spray.http.Uri
+import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport
+import spray.json.CompactPrinter
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
+class MetricReporter(settings: Agent.Settings, runID: Long, baseUri: Uri) extends Actor
+ with ClientPipelines with ActorLogging with SprayJsonSupport {
+ import JsonProtocol._
+ import MetricReporter.Extractors
+ import context.dispatcher
+ val metricDataQuery = ("method" -> "metric_data") +: ("run_id" -> runID.toString) +: baseUri.query
+ val metricDataUri = baseUri.withQuery(metricDataQuery)
+ implicit val operationTimeout = Timeout(30 seconds)
+ val metricsExtension = Kamon(Metrics)(context.system)
+ val collectionContext = metricsExtension.buildDefaultCollectionContext
+ val collectorClient = compressedPipeline(IO(Http)(context.system))
+ val subscriber = {
+ val tickInterval = context.system.settings.config.getDuration("kamon.metrics.tick-interval", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ if (tickInterval == 60000)
+ self
+ else
+ context.actorOf(TickMetricSnapshotBuffer.props(1 minute, self), "metric-buffer")
+ }
+ // Subscribe to Trace Metrics
+ metricsExtension.subscribe(TraceMetrics, "*", subscriber, permanently = true)
+ // Subscribe to all User Metrics
+ metricsExtension.subscribe(UserHistograms, "*", subscriber, permanently = true)
+ metricsExtension.subscribe(UserCounters, "*", subscriber, permanently = true)
+ metricsExtension.subscribe(UserMinMaxCounters, "*", subscriber, permanently = true)
+ metricsExtension.subscribe(UserGauges, "*", subscriber, permanently = true)
+ def receive = reporting(None)
+ def reporting(pendingMetrics: Option[TimeSliceMetrics]): Receive = {
+ case TickMetricSnapshot(from, to, metrics) ⇒
+ val fromInSeconds = (from / 1E3).toInt
+ val toInSeconds = (to / 1E3).toInt
+ val extractedMetrics = Extractors.flatMap(_.extract(settings, collectionContext, metrics)).toMap
+ val tickMetrics = TimeSliceMetrics(fromInSeconds, toInSeconds, extractedMetrics)
+ val metricsToReport = pendingMetrics.foldLeft(tickMetrics)((p, n) ⇒ p.merge(n))
+ context become reporting(Some(metricsToReport))
+ pipe(sendMetricData(metricsToReport)) to self
+ case PostSucceeded ⇒
+ context become (reporting(None))
+ case PostFailed(reason) ⇒
+ log.error(reason, "Metric POST to the New Relic collector failed, metrics will be accumulated with the next tick.")
+ }
+ def sendMetricData(slice: TimeSliceMetrics): Future[MetricDataPostResult] = {
+ log.debug("Sending [{}] metrics to New Relic for the time slice between {} and {}.", slice.metrics.size, slice.from, slice.to)
+ collectorClient {
+ Post(metricDataUri, MetricBatch(runID, slice))(sprayJsonMarshaller(MetricBatchWriter, CompactPrinter))
+ } map { response ⇒
+ if (response.status.isSuccess)
+ PostSucceeded
+ else
+ PostFailed(new UnexpectedStatusCodeException(s"Received unsuccessful status code [${response.status.value}] from collector."))
+ } recover { case t: Throwable ⇒ PostFailed(t) }
+ }
+object MetricReporter {
+ val Extractors: List[MetricExtractor] = WebTransactionMetricExtractor :: CustomMetricExtractor :: Nil
+ def props(settings: Agent.Settings, runID: Long, baseUri: Uri): Props =
+ Props(new MetricReporter(settings, runID, baseUri))
+ sealed trait MetricDataPostResult
+ case object PostSucceeded extends MetricDataPostResult
+ case class PostFailed(reason: Throwable) extends MetricDataPostResult
+ class UnexpectedStatusCodeException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message) with NoStackTrace
+trait MetricExtractor {
+ def extract(settings: Agent.Settings, collectionContext: CollectionContext, metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Map[MetricID, MetricData]
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricTranslator.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricTranslator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa571e1..00000000
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricTranslator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon.newrelic
-import akka.actor.{ Props, ActorRef, Actor }
-import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.TickMetricSnapshot
-import kamon.newrelic.MetricTranslator.TimeSliceMetrics
-class MetricTranslator(receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor
- with WebTransactionMetrics with CustomMetrics {
- def receive = {
- case TickMetricSnapshot(from, to, metrics) ⇒
- val fromInSeconds = (from / 1E3).toInt
- val toInSeconds = (to / 1E3).toInt
- val allMetrics = collectWebTransactionMetrics(metrics) ++ collectCustomMetrics(metrics)
- val groupedMetrics: Map[String, NewRelic.Metric] = allMetrics.map(metric ⇒ metric.name -> metric)(collection.breakOut) // avoid intermediate tuple
- receiver ! TimeSliceMetrics(fromInSeconds, toInSeconds, groupedMetrics)
- }
-object MetricTranslator {
- case class TimeSliceMetrics(from: Long, to: Long, metrics: Map[String, NewRelic.Metric]) {
- import kamon.metric._
- def merge(thatMetrics: Option[TimeSliceMetrics]): TimeSliceMetrics = {
- thatMetrics.map(that ⇒ TimeSliceMetrics(from + that.from, to + that.to, combineMaps(metrics, that.metrics)((l, r) ⇒ l.merge(r)))).getOrElse(this)
- }
- }
- def props(receiver: ActorRef): Props = Props(new MetricTranslator(receiver))
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/NewRelic.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/NewRelic.scala
index b270d228..a4be4c0b 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/NewRelic.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/NewRelic.scala
@@ -16,61 +16,19 @@
package kamon.newrelic
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
import akka.actor
import akka.actor._
+import akka.event.Logging
import kamon.Kamon
-import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.TickMetricSnapshot
-import kamon.metric.UserMetrics.{ UserCounters, UserGauges, UserHistograms, UserMinMaxCounters }
-import kamon.metric.{ Metrics, TickMetricSnapshotBuffer, TraceMetrics }
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
class NewRelicExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Kamon.Extension {
- val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("kamon.newrelic")
- val collectionContext = Kamon(Metrics)(system).buildDefaultCollectionContext
- val metricsListener = system.actorOf(Props[NewRelicMetricsListener], "kamon-newrelic")
- val apdexT: Double = config.getDuration("apdexT", MILLISECONDS) / 1E3 // scale to seconds.
+ val log = Logging(system, classOf[NewRelicExtension])
- Kamon(Metrics)(system).subscribe(TraceMetrics, "*", metricsListener, permanently = true)
- // Subscribe to all user metrics
- Kamon(Metrics)(system).subscribe(UserHistograms, "*", metricsListener, permanently = true)
- Kamon(Metrics)(system).subscribe(UserCounters, "*", metricsListener, permanently = true)
- Kamon(Metrics)(system).subscribe(UserMinMaxCounters, "*", metricsListener, permanently = true)
- Kamon(Metrics)(system).subscribe(UserGauges, "*", metricsListener, permanently = true)
-class NewRelicMetricsListener extends Actor with ActorLogging {
log.info("Starting the Kamon(NewRelic) extension")
- val agent = context.actorOf(Props[Agent], "agent")
- val translator = context.actorOf(MetricTranslator.props(agent), "translator")
- val buffer = context.actorOf(TickMetricSnapshotBuffer.props(1 minute, translator), "metric-buffer")
- def receive = {
- case tick: TickMetricSnapshot ⇒ buffer.forward(tick)
- }
+ val agent = system.actorOf(Props[Agent], "newrelic-agent")
object NewRelic extends ExtensionId[NewRelicExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
def lookup(): ExtensionId[_ <: actor.Extension] = NewRelic
def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): NewRelicExtension = new NewRelicExtension(system)
- case class Metric(name: String, scope: Option[String], callCount: Long, total: Double, totalExclusive: Double,
- min: Double, max: Double, sumOfSquares: Double) {
- def merge(that: Metric): Metric = {
- Metric(name, scope,
- callCount + that.callCount,
- total + that.total,
- totalExclusive + that.totalExclusive,
- math.min(min, that.min),
- math.max(max, that.max),
- sumOfSquares + that.sumOfSquares)
- }
- }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetrics.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetricExtractor.scala
index a8c54684..cfb0e721 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetrics.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/WebTransactionMetricExtractor.scala
@@ -18,39 +18,46 @@ package kamon.newrelic
import kamon.metric._
import kamon.metric.TraceMetrics.ElapsedTime
-import akka.actor.Actor
-import kamon.Kamon
import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram
+import kamon.trace.SegmentMetricIdentityLabel.HttpClient
+import kamon.trace.SegmentMetricIdentity
-trait WebTransactionMetrics {
- self: Actor ⇒
+object WebTransactionMetricExtractor extends MetricExtractor {
- def collectWebTransactionMetrics(metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Seq[NewRelic.Metric] = {
- val newRelicExtension = Kamon(NewRelic)(context.system)
- val apdexBuilder = new ApdexBuilder("Apdex", None, newRelicExtension.apdexT)
- val collectionContext = newRelicExtension.collectionContext
+ def extract(settings: Agent.Settings, collectionContext: CollectionContext, metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Map[MetricID, MetricData] = {
+ val apdexBuilder = new ApdexBuilder("Apdex", None, settings.apdexT)
// Trace metrics are recorded in nanoseconds.
var accumulatedHttpDispatcher: Histogram.Snapshot = Histogram.Snapshot.empty(Scale.Nano)
+ var accumulatedExternalServices: Histogram.Snapshot = Histogram.Snapshot.empty(Scale.Nano)
- val webTransactionMetrics = metrics.collect {
+ val transactionMetrics = metrics.collect {
case (TraceMetrics(name), groupSnapshot) ⇒
groupSnapshot.metrics collect {
+ // Extract WebTransaction metrics and accumulate HttpDispatcher
case (ElapsedTime, snapshot: Histogram.Snapshot) ⇒
accumulatedHttpDispatcher = accumulatedHttpDispatcher.merge(snapshot, collectionContext)
snapshot.recordsIterator.foreach { record ⇒
apdexBuilder.record(Scale.convert(snapshot.scale, Scale.Unit, record.level), record.count)
- toNewRelicMetric(Scale.Unit)(s"WebTransaction/Custom/$name", None, snapshot)
+ Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(snapshot, s"WebTransaction/Custom/$name", None, Scale.Unit)
+ // Extract all external services.
+ case (SegmentMetricIdentity(segmentName, label), snapshot: Histogram.Snapshot) if label.equals(HttpClient)⇒
+ accumulatedExternalServices = accumulatedExternalServices.merge(snapshot, collectionContext)
+ Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(snapshot, s"External/$segmentName/all", None, Scale.Unit)
- val httpDispatcher = toNewRelicMetric(Scale.Unit)("HttpDispatcher", None, accumulatedHttpDispatcher)
- val webTransaction = toNewRelicMetric(Scale.Unit)("WebTransaction", None, accumulatedHttpDispatcher)
+ val httpDispatcher = Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(accumulatedHttpDispatcher, "HttpDispatcher", None, Scale.Unit)
+ val webTransaction = Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(accumulatedHttpDispatcher, "WebTransaction", None, Scale.Unit)
+ val external = Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(accumulatedExternalServices, "External", None, Scale.Unit)
+ val externalAllWeb = Metric.fromKamonMetricSnapshot(accumulatedExternalServices, "External/allWeb", None, Scale.Unit)
- Seq(httpDispatcher, webTransaction, apdexBuilder.build) ++ webTransactionMetrics.flatten.toSeq
+ Map(httpDispatcher, webTransaction, external, externalAllWeb, apdexBuilder.build) ++ transactionMetrics.flatten.toMap
@@ -70,5 +77,5 @@ class ApdexBuilder(name: String, scope: Option[String], apdexT: Double) {
frustrating += count
// NewRelic reuses the same metric structure for recording the Apdex.. weird, but that's how it works.
- def build: NewRelic.Metric = NewRelic.Metric(name, scope, satisfying, tolerating, frustrating, apdexT, apdexT, 0)
+ def build: Metric = (MetricID(name, scope), MetricData(satisfying, tolerating, frustrating, apdexT, apdexT, 0))
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/package.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/package.scala
index 89a8b15b..06c3dad0 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/package.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/main/scala/kamon/newrelic/package.scala
@@ -1,45 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- *
- */
package kamon
-import kamon.metric.instrument.{ Counter, Histogram }
-import kamon.metric.{ MetricSnapshot, Scale }
package object newrelic {
- def toNewRelicMetric(scale: Scale)(name: String, scope: Option[String], snapshot: MetricSnapshot): NewRelic.Metric = {
- snapshot match {
- case hs: Histogram.Snapshot ⇒
- var total: Double = 0D
- var sumOfSquares: Double = 0D
- val scaledMin = Scale.convert(hs.scale, scale, hs.min)
- val scaledMax = Scale.convert(hs.scale, scale, hs.max)
- hs.recordsIterator.foreach { record ⇒
- val scaledValue = Scale.convert(hs.scale, scale, record.level)
- total += scaledValue * record.count
- sumOfSquares += (scaledValue * scaledValue) * record.count
- }
- NewRelic.Metric(name, scope, hs.numberOfMeasurements, total, total, scaledMin, scaledMax, sumOfSquares)
- case cs: Counter.Snapshot ⇒
- NewRelic.Metric(name, scope, cs.count, cs.count, cs.count, 0, cs.count, cs.count * cs.count)
- }
- }
+ type Metric = (MetricID, MetricData)
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentSpec.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentSpec.scala
index 8b61c241..7db9f2d0 100644
--- a/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentSpec.scala
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/AgentSpec.scala
@@ -16,20 +16,23 @@
package kamon.newrelic
+import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props }
import akka.io.IO
-import akka.testkit.TestActor.{ AutoPilot, KeepRunning }
import akka.testkit._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import kamon.AkkaExtensionSwap
-import kamon.newrelic.MetricTranslator.TimeSliceMetrics
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, WordSpecLike }
import spray.can.Http
-import spray.http.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _ }
-class AgentSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with BeforeAndAfterAll {
+import spray.http._
+import spray.httpx.encoding.Deflate
+import spray.httpx.{ SprayJsonSupport, RequestBuilding }
+import spray.json.JsArray
+import spray.json._
- import kamon.newrelic.AgentSpec._
+class AgentSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with BeforeAndAfterAll with RequestBuilding with SprayJsonSupport {
+ import JsonProtocol._
implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Agent-Spec", ConfigFactory.parseString(
@@ -39,120 +42,180 @@ class AgentSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with BeforeAndAfterAll {
|kamon {
| newrelic {
- | retry-delay = 1 second
- | max-retry = 3
+ | app-name = kamon
+ | license-key = 1111111111
+ | initialize-retry-delay = 1 second
+ | max-initialize-retries = 3
| }
- var agent: ActorRef = _
- setupFakeHttpManager
- "the Newrelic Agent" should {
- "try to connect upon creation, retry to connect if an error occurs" in {
- EventFilter.info(message = "Initialization failed: Unexpected response from HTTP transport: None, retrying in 1 seconds", occurrences = 3).intercept {
- system.actorOf(Props[Agent])
- Thread.sleep(1000)
- }
- }
- "when everything is fine should select a NewRelic collector" in {
+ "the New Relic Agent" should {
+ "try to establish a connection to the collector upon creation" in {
+ val httpManager = setHttpManager(TestProbe())
+ val agent = system.actorOf(Props[Agent])
+ // Request NR for a collector
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector.newrelic.com", "get_redirect_host"), JsArray())
+ })
+ // Receive the assigned collector
+ httpManager.reply(jsonResponse(
+ """
+ | {
+ | "return_value": "collector-8.newrelic.com"
+ | }
+ | """.stripMargin))
+ // Connect to the collector
+ val (host, pid) = getHostAndPid()
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector-8.newrelic.com", "connect"),
+ s"""
+ | [
+ | {
+ | "agent_version": "3.1.0",
+ | "app_name": [ "kamon" ],
+ | "host": "$host",
+ | "identifier": "java:kamon",
+ | "language": "java",
+ | "pid": $pid
+ | }
+ | ]
+ """.stripMargin.parseJson)(sprayJsonMarshaller(JsValueFormat))
+ })
+ // Receive the runID
EventFilter.info(message = "Agent initialized with runID: [161221111] and collector: [collector-8.newrelic.com]", occurrences = 1).intercept {
- system.actorOf(Props[Agent])
+ httpManager.reply(jsonResponse(
+ """
+ | {
+ | "return_value": {
+ | "agent_run_id": 161221111
+ | }
+ | }
+ | """.stripMargin))
- "merge the metrics if not possible send them and do it in the next post" in {
- EventFilter.info(pattern = "Trying to send metrics to NewRelic collector, attempt.*", occurrences = 2).intercept {
- agent = system.actorOf(Props[Agent].withDispatcher(CallingThreadDispatcher.Id))
+ "retry the connection in case it fails" in {
+ val httpManager = setHttpManager(TestProbe())
+ val agent = system.actorOf(Props[Agent])
- for (_ ← 1 to 3) {
- sendDelayedMetric(agent)
- }
- }
- }
+ // Request NR for a collector
+ val request = httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector.newrelic.com", "get_redirect_host"), JsArray())
+ })
- "when the connection is re-established, the metrics should be send" in {
- EventFilter.info(message = "Sending metrics to NewRelic collector", occurrences = 2).intercept {
- sendDelayedMetric(agent)
+ // Fail the request.
+ EventFilter[RuntimeException](start = "Initialization failed, retrying in 1 seconds", occurrences = 1).intercept {
+ httpManager.reply(Timedout(request))
+ // Request NR for a collector, second attempt
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector.newrelic.com", "get_redirect_host"), JsArray())
+ })
+ // Receive the assigned collector
+ httpManager.reply(jsonResponse(
+ """
+ | {
+ | "return_value": "collector-8.newrelic.com"
+ | }
+ | """.stripMargin))
+ // Connect to the collector
+ val (host, pid) = getHostAndPid()
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector-8.newrelic.com", "connect"),
+ s"""
+ | [
+ | {
+ | "agent_version": "3.1.0",
+ | "app_name": [ "kamon" ],
+ | "host": "$host",
+ | "identifier": "java:kamon",
+ | "language": "java",
+ | "pid": $pid
+ | }
+ | ]
+ """.stripMargin.parseJson)(sprayJsonMarshaller(JsValueFormat))
+ })
+ // Receive the runID
+ EventFilter.info(
+ message = "Agent initialized with runID: [161221112] and collector: [collector-8.newrelic.com]", occurrences = 1).intercept {
+ httpManager.reply(jsonResponse(
+ """
+ | {
+ | "return_value": {
+ | "agent_run_id": 161221112
+ | }
+ | }
+ | """.stripMargin))
+ }
- }
- def setupFakeHttpManager: Unit = {
- val ConnectionAttempts = 3 // an arbitrary value only for testing purposes
- val PostAttempts = 3 // if the number is achieved, the metrics should be discarded
- val fakeHttpManager = TestProbe()
- var attemptsToConnect: Int = 0 // should retry grab an NewRelic collector after retry-delay
- var attemptsToSendMetrics: Int = 0
- fakeHttpManager.setAutoPilot(new TestActor.AutoPilot {
- def run(sender: ActorRef, msg: Any): AutoPilot = {
- msg match {
- case HttpRequest(_, uri, _, _, _) if rawMethodIs("get_redirect_host", uri) ⇒
- if (attemptsToConnect == ConnectionAttempts) {
- sender ! jsonResponse(
- """
- | {
- | "return_value": "collector-8.newrelic.com"
- | }
- | """.stripMargin)
- system.log.info("Selecting Collector")
- } else {
- sender ! None
- attemptsToConnect += 1
- system.log.info("Network Error or Connection Refuse")
- }
- case HttpRequest(_, uri, _, _, _) if rawMethodIs("connect", uri) ⇒
- sender ! jsonResponse(
- """
- | {
- | "return_value": {
- | "agent_run_id": 161221111
- | }
- | }
- | """.stripMargin)
- system.log.info("Connecting")
- case HttpRequest(_, uri, _, _, _) if rawMethodIs("metric_data", uri) ⇒
- if (attemptsToSendMetrics < PostAttempts) {
- sender ! None
- attemptsToSendMetrics += 1
- system.log.info("Error when trying to send metrics to NewRelic collector, the metrics will be merged")
- } else {
- system.log.info("Sending metrics to NewRelic collector")
- }
+ "give up the connection after max-initialize-retries" in {
+ val httpManager = setHttpManager(TestProbe())
+ val agent = system.actorOf(Props[Agent])
+ // First attempt and two retries
+ for (_ ← 1 to 3) {
+ // Request NR for a collector
+ val request = httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector.newrelic.com", "get_redirect_host"), JsArray())
+ })
+ // Fail the request.
+ EventFilter[RuntimeException](start = "Initialization failed, retrying in 1 seconds", occurrences = 1).intercept {
+ httpManager.reply(Timedout(request))
- KeepRunning
- def jsonResponse(json: String): HttpResponse = {
- HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, json))
- }
+ // Final retry. Request NR for a collector
+ val request = httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ Post(rawMethodUri("collector.newrelic.com", "get_redirect_host"), JsArray())
+ })
- def rawMethodIs(method: String, uri: Uri): Boolean = {
- uri.query.get("method").filter(_ == method).isDefined
+ // Give up on connecting.
+ EventFilter[RuntimeException](message = "Giving up while trying to set up a connection with the New Relic collector.", occurrences = 1).intercept {
+ httpManager.reply(Timedout(request))
- })
+ }
+ }
+ def setHttpManager(probe: TestProbe): TestProbe = {
AkkaExtensionSwap.swap(system, Http, new IO.Extension {
- def manager: ActorRef = fakeHttpManager.ref
+ def manager: ActorRef = probe.ref
+ probe
+ }
+ def rawMethodUri(host: String, methodName: String): Uri = {
+ Uri(s"http://$host/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(
+ "method" -> methodName,
+ "license_key" -> "1111111111",
+ "marshal_format" -> "json",
+ "protocol_version" -> "12")
+ }
+ def jsonResponse(json: String): HttpResponse = {
+ HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, json))
- override def afterAll() {
- super.afterAll()
- system.shutdown()
+ def getHostAndPid(): (String, String) = {
+ val runtimeName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split('@')
+ (runtimeName(1), runtimeName(0))
-object AgentSpec {
- def sendDelayedMetric(agent: ActorRef, delay: Int = 1000): Unit = {
- agent ! TimeSliceMetrics(100000L, 200000L, Map("Latency" -> NewRelic.Metric("Latency", None, 1000L, 2000D, 3000D, 1D, 100000D, 300D)))
- Thread.sleep(delay)
+ implicit def JsValueFormat = new RootJsonFormat[JsValue] {
+ def write(value: JsValue) = value
+ def read(value: JsValue) = value
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporterSpec.scala b/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporterSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cf4bbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-newrelic/src/test/scala/kamon/newrelic/MetricReporterSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.newrelic
+import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem }
+import akka.io.IO
+import akka.testkit._
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.metric.{ TraceMetrics, Metrics }
+import kamon.{ Kamon, AkkaExtensionSwap }
+import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.TickMetricSnapshot
+import org.scalatest.WordSpecLike
+import spray.can.Http
+import spray.http.Uri.Query
+import spray.http._
+import spray.httpx.encoding.Deflate
+import spray.httpx.{ RequestBuilding, SprayJsonSupport }
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class MetricReporterSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with RequestBuilding with SprayJsonSupport {
+ import kamon.newrelic.JsonProtocol._
+ implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("metric-reporter-spec", ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |akka {
+ | loggers = ["akka.testkit.TestEventListener"]
+ | loglevel = "INFO"
+ |}
+ |kamon {
+ | metric {
+ | tick-interval = 1 hour
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ """.stripMargin))
+ val agentSettings = Agent.Settings("1111111111", "kamon", "test-host", 1, 1, 30 seconds, 1D)
+ val baseQuery = Query(
+ "license_key" -> agentSettings.licenseKey,
+ "marshal_format" -> "json",
+ "protocol_version" -> "12")
+ val baseCollectorUri = Uri("http://collector-1.newrelic.com/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(baseQuery)
+ "the MetricReporter" should {
+ "report metrics to New Relic upon arrival" in new FakeTickSnapshotsFixture {
+ val httpManager = setHttpManager(TestProbe())
+ val metricReporter = system.actorOf(MetricReporter.props(agentSettings, 9999, baseCollectorUri))
+ metricReporter ! firstSnapshot
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = rawMethodUri("collector-1.newrelic.com", "metric_data"), entity = compactJsonEntity(
+ s"""
+ |[9999,0,0,
+ |[
+ | [{"name":"Apdex"},[3,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0]],
+ | [{"name":"WebTransaction"},[3,0.005996544,0.005996544,0.000999424,0.002998272,0.000013983876644864]],
+ | [{"name":"External"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
+ | [{"name":"WebTransaction/Custom/example-trace"},[3,0.005996544,0.005996544,0.000999424,0.002998272,0.000013983876644864]],
+ | [{"name":"HttpDispatcher"},[3,0.005996544,0.005996544,0.000999424,0.002998272,0.000013983876644864]],
+ | [{"name":"External/allWeb"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
+ |]
+ |]
+ """.stripMargin))
+ })
+ }
+ "accumulate metrics if posting fails" in new FakeTickSnapshotsFixture {
+ val httpManager = setHttpManager(TestProbe())
+ val metricReporter = system.actorOf(MetricReporter.props(agentSettings, 9999, baseCollectorUri))
+ metricReporter ! firstSnapshot
+ val request = httpManager.expectMsgType[HttpRequest]
+ httpManager.reply(Timedout(request))
+ metricReporter ! secondSnapshot
+ httpManager.expectMsg(Deflate.encode {
+ HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = rawMethodUri("collector-1.newrelic.com", "metric_data"), entity = compactJsonEntity(
+ s"""
+ |[9999,0,0,
+ |[
+ | [{"name":"Apdex"},[6,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0]],
+ | [{"name":"WebTransaction"},[6,0.02097152,0.02097152,0.000999424,0.005996544,0.000090731720998912]],
+ | [{"name": "External"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
+ | [{"name":"WebTransaction/Custom/example-trace"},[6,0.02097152,0.02097152,0.000999424,0.005996544,0.000090731720998912]],
+ | [{"name":"HttpDispatcher"},[6,0.02097152,0.02097152,0.000999424,0.005996544,0.000090731720998912]],
+ | [{"name": "External/allWeb"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
+ |]
+ |]
+ """.stripMargin))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ [9999, 0, 0, [
+ [{"name": "Apdex"}, [6, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]],
+ [{"name": "WebTransaction"}, [6, 0.02097152, 0.02097152, 0.000999424, 0.005996544, 0.000090731720998912]],
+ [{"name": "External"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
+ [{"name": "WebTransaction/Custom/example-trace"}, [6, 0.02097152, 0.02097152, 0.000999424, 0.005996544, 0.000090731720998912]],
+ [{"name": "HttpDispatcher"}, [6, 0.02097152, 0.02097152, 0.000999424, 0.005996544, 0.000090731720998912]],
+ [{"name": "External/allWeb"}, [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]]*/
+ def setHttpManager(probe: TestProbe): TestProbe = {
+ AkkaExtensionSwap.swap(system, Http, new IO.Extension {
+ def manager: ActorRef = probe.ref
+ })
+ probe
+ }
+ def rawMethodUri(host: String, methodName: String): Uri = {
+ Uri(s"http://$host/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method").withQuery(
+ "method" -> methodName,
+ "run_id" -> "9999",
+ "license_key" -> "1111111111",
+ "marshal_format" -> "json",
+ "protocol_version" -> "12")
+ }
+ def compactJsonEntity(jsonString: String): HttpEntity = {
+ import spray.json._
+ val compactJson = jsonString.parseJson.compactPrint
+ HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, compactJson)
+ }
+ trait FakeTickSnapshotsFixture {
+ val testTraceID = TraceMetrics("example-trace")
+ val recorder = Kamon(Metrics).register(testTraceID, TraceMetrics.Factory).get
+ val collectionContext = Kamon(Metrics).buildDefaultCollectionContext
+ def collectRecorder = recorder.collect(collectionContext)
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(1000000)
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(2000000)
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(3000000)
+ val firstSnapshot = TickMetricSnapshot(1, 100, Map(testTraceID -> collectRecorder))
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(6000000)
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(5000000)
+ recorder.elapsedTime.record(4000000)
+ val secondSnapshot = TickMetricSnapshot(100, 200, Map(testTraceID -> collectRecorder))
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file