path: root/kamon-akka/src/test
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7 files changed, 1100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/ActorMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/ActorMetricsSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d8d41e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/ActorMetricsSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.akka
+import java.nio.LongBuffer
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.testkit.TestProbe
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.akka.ActorMetricsTestActor._
+import kamon.metric.EntitySnapshot
+import kamon.metric.instrument.CollectionContext
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class ActorMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("actor-metrics-spec") {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |kamon.metric {
+ | tick-interval = 1 hour
+ | default-collection-context-buffer-size = 10
+ |
+ | filters {
+ | akka-actor {
+ | includes = [ "user/tracked-*", "user/measuring-*", "user/clean-after-collect", "user/stop" ]
+ | excludes = [ "user/tracked-explicitly-excluded", "user/non-tracked-actor" ]
+ | }
+ | }
+ |
+ | instrument-settings {
+ | akka-actor.mailbox-size.refresh-interval = 1 hour
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ |akka.loglevel = OFF
+ |
+ """.stripMargin)
+ "the Kamon actor metrics" should {
+ "respect the configured include and exclude filters" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("tracked-actor")
+ actorMetricsRecorderOf(trackedActor) should not be empty
+ val nonTrackedActor = createTestActor("non-tracked-actor")
+ actorMetricsRecorderOf(nonTrackedActor) shouldBe empty
+ val trackedButExplicitlyExcluded = createTestActor("tracked-explicitly-excluded")
+ actorMetricsRecorderOf(trackedButExplicitlyExcluded) shouldBe empty
+ }
+ "reset all recording instruments after taking a snapshot" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("clean-after-collect")
+ for (_ ← 1 to 100) {
+ for (i ← 1 to 100) {
+ trackedActor ! Discard
+ }
+ trackedActor ! Fail
+ trackedActor ! Ping
+ expectMsg(Pong)
+ val firstSnapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get
+ firstSnapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(1L)
+ firstSnapshot.minMaxCounter("mailbox-size").get.numberOfMeasurements should be > 0L
+ firstSnapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(102L) // 102 examples
+ firstSnapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(102L) // 102 examples
+ val secondSnapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get // Ensure that the recorders are clean
+ secondSnapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(0L)
+ secondSnapshot.minMaxCounter("mailbox-size").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(3L) // min, max and current
+ secondSnapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(0L)
+ secondSnapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(0L)
+ }
+ }
+ "record the processing-time of the receive function" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("measuring-processing-time")
+ trackedActor ! TrackTimings(sleep = Some(100 millis))
+ val timings = expectMsgType[TrackedTimings]
+ val snapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get
+ snapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1L)
+ snapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.recordsIterator.next().count should be(1L)
+ snapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.recordsIterator.next().level should be(timings.approximateProcessingTime +- 10.millis.toNanos)
+ }
+ "record the number of errors" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("measuring-errors")
+ for (i ← 1 to 10) { trackedActor ! Fail }
+ trackedActor ! Ping
+ expectMsg(Pong)
+ val snapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get
+ snapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(10)
+ }
+ "record the mailbox-size" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("measuring-mailbox-size")
+ trackedActor ! TrackTimings(sleep = Some(100 millis))
+ for (i ← 1 to 10) {
+ trackedActor ! Discard
+ }
+ trackedActor ! Ping
+ val timings = expectMsgType[TrackedTimings]
+ expectMsg(Pong)
+ val snapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get
+ snapshot.minMaxCounter("mailbox-size").get.min should be(0L)
+ snapshot.minMaxCounter("mailbox-size").get.max should be(11L +- 1L)
+ }
+ "record the time-in-mailbox" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("measuring-time-in-mailbox")
+ trackedActor ! TrackTimings(sleep = Some(100 millis))
+ val timings = expectMsgType[TrackedTimings]
+ val snapshot = collectMetricsOf(trackedActor).get
+ snapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1L)
+ snapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.recordsIterator.next().count should be(1L)
+ snapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.recordsIterator.next().level should be(timings.approximateTimeInMailbox +- 10.millis.toNanos)
+ }
+ "clean up the associated recorder when the actor is stopped" in new ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedActor = createTestActor("stop")
+ val firstRecorder = actorMetricsRecorderOf(trackedActor).get
+ // Killing the actor should remove it's ActorMetrics and registering again bellow should create a new one.
+ val deathWatcher = TestProbe()
+ deathWatcher.watch(trackedActor)
+ trackedActor ! PoisonPill
+ deathWatcher.expectTerminated(trackedActor)
+ actorMetricsRecorderOf(trackedActor).get shouldNot be theSameInstanceAs (firstRecorder)
+ }
+ }
+ trait ActorMetricsFixtures {
+ val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
+ val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(10000)
+ }
+ def actorRecorderName(ref: ActorRef): String = ref.path.elements.mkString("/")
+ def actorMetricsRecorderOf(ref: ActorRef): Option[ActorMetrics] =
+ Kamon.metrics.register(ActorMetrics, actorRecorderName(ref)).map(_.recorder)
+ def collectMetricsOf(ref: ActorRef): Option[EntitySnapshot] = {
+ Thread.sleep(5) // Just in case the test advances a bit faster than the actor being tested.
+ actorMetricsRecorderOf(ref).map(_.collect(collectionContext))
+ }
+ def createTestActor(name: String): ActorRef = {
+ val actor = system.actorOf(Props[ActorMetricsTestActor], name)
+ val initialiseListener = TestProbe()
+ // Ensure that the router has been created before returning.
+ actor.tell(Ping, initialiseListener.ref)
+ initialiseListener.expectMsg(Pong)
+ // Cleanup all the metric recording instruments:
+ collectMetricsOf(actor)
+ actor
+ }
+ }
+class ActorMetricsTestActor extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case Discard ⇒
+ case Fail ⇒ throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero.")
+ case Ping ⇒ sender ! Pong
+ case TrackTimings(sendTimestamp, sleep) ⇒ {
+ val dequeueTimestamp = System.nanoTime()
+ sleep.map(s ⇒ Thread.sleep(s.toMillis))
+ val afterReceiveTimestamp = System.nanoTime()
+ sender ! TrackedTimings(sendTimestamp, dequeueTimestamp, afterReceiveTimestamp)
+ }
+ }
+object ActorMetricsTestActor {
+ case object Ping
+ case object Pong
+ case object Fail
+ case object Discard
+ case class TrackTimings(sendTimestamp: Long = System.nanoTime(), sleep: Option[Duration] = None)
+ case class TrackedTimings(sendTimestamp: Long, dequeueTimestamp: Long, afterReceiveTimestamp: Long) {
+ def approximateTimeInMailbox: Long = dequeueTimestamp - sendTimestamp
+ def approximateProcessingTime: Long = afterReceiveTimestamp - dequeueTimestamp
+ }
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/DispatcherMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/DispatcherMetricsSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd5cfa45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/DispatcherMetricsSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+/* =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.akka
+import akka.actor.ActorRef
+import akka.dispatch.MessageDispatcher
+import akka.testkit.TestProbe
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.metric.{ EntityRecorder, EntitySnapshot }
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
+class DispatcherMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("dispatcher-metrics-spec") {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |kamon.metric {
+ | tick-interval = 1 hour
+ | default-collection-context-buffer-size = 10
+ |
+ | filters = {
+ | akka-dispatcher {
+ | includes = [ "*" ]
+ | excludes = [ "explicitly-excluded" ]
+ | }
+ | }
+ |
+ | default-instrument-settings {
+ | gauge.refresh-interval = 1 hour
+ | min-max-counter.refresh-interval = 1 hour
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ |explicitly-excluded {
+ | type = "Dispatcher"
+ | executor = "fork-join-executor"
+ |}
+ |
+ |tracked-fjp {
+ | type = "Dispatcher"
+ | executor = "fork-join-executor"
+ |
+ | fork-join-executor {
+ | parallelism-min = 8
+ | parallelism-factor = 100.0
+ | parallelism-max = 22
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ |tracked-tpe {
+ | type = "Dispatcher"
+ | executor = "thread-pool-executor"
+ |
+ | thread-pool-executor {
+ | core-pool-size-min = 7
+ | core-pool-size-factor = 100.0
+ | max-pool-size-factor = 100.0
+ | max-pool-size-max = 21
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ """.stripMargin)
+ "the Kamon dispatcher metrics" should {
+ "respect the configured include and exclude filters" in {
+ val defaultDispatcher = forceInit(system.dispatchers.lookup("akka.actor.default-dispatcher"))
+ val fjpDispatcher = forceInit(system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-fjp"))
+ val tpeDispatcher = forceInit(system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-tpe"))
+ val excludedDispatcher = forceInit(system.dispatchers.lookup("explicitly-excluded"))
+ findDispatcherRecorder(defaultDispatcher) shouldNot be(empty)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(fjpDispatcher) shouldNot be(empty)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(tpeDispatcher) shouldNot be(empty)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(excludedDispatcher) should be(empty)
+ }
+ "record metrics for a dispatcher with thread-pool-executor" in {
+ implicit val tpeDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-tpe")
+ refreshDispatcherInstruments(tpeDispatcher)
+ collectDispatcherMetrics(tpeDispatcher)
+ Await.result({
+ Future.sequence {
+ for (_ ← 1 to 100) yield submit(tpeDispatcher)
+ }
+ }, 5 seconds)
+ refreshDispatcherInstruments(tpeDispatcher)
+ val snapshot = collectDispatcherMetrics(tpeDispatcher)
+ snapshot.gauge("active-threads") should not be empty
+ snapshot.gauge("pool-size").get.min should be >= 7L
+ snapshot.gauge("pool-size").get.max should be <= 21L
+ snapshot.gauge("max-pool-size").get.max should be(21)
+ snapshot.gauge("core-pool-size").get.max should be(21)
+ snapshot.gauge("processed-tasks").get.max should be(102L +- 5L)
+ // The processed tasks should be reset to 0 if no more tasks are submitted.
+ val secondSnapshot = collectDispatcherMetrics(tpeDispatcher)
+ secondSnapshot.gauge("processed-tasks").get.max should be(0)
+ }
+ "record metrics for a dispatcher with fork-join-executor" in {
+ implicit val fjpDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-fjp")
+ collectDispatcherMetrics(fjpDispatcher)
+ Await.result({
+ Future.sequence {
+ for (_ ← 1 to 100) yield submit(fjpDispatcher)
+ }
+ }, 5 seconds)
+ refreshDispatcherInstruments(fjpDispatcher)
+ val snapshot = collectDispatcherMetrics(fjpDispatcher)
+ snapshot.minMaxCounter("parallelism").get.max should be(22)
+ snapshot.gauge("pool-size").get.min should be >= 0L
+ snapshot.gauge("pool-size").get.max should be <= 22L
+ snapshot.gauge("active-threads").get.max should be >= 0L
+ snapshot.gauge("running-threads").get.max should be >= 0L
+ snapshot.gauge("queued-task-count").get.max should be(0)
+ }
+ "clean up the metrics recorders after a dispatcher is shut down" in {
+ implicit val tpeDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-tpe")
+ implicit val fjpDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup("tracked-fjp")
+ findDispatcherRecorder(fjpDispatcher) shouldNot be(empty)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(tpeDispatcher) shouldNot be(empty)
+ shutdownDispatcher(tpeDispatcher)
+ shutdownDispatcher(fjpDispatcher)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(fjpDispatcher) should be(empty)
+ findDispatcherRecorder(tpeDispatcher) should be(empty)
+ }
+ }
+ def actorRecorderName(ref: ActorRef): String = ref.path.elements.mkString("/")
+ def findDispatcherRecorder(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): Option[EntityRecorder] =
+ Kamon.metrics.find(dispatcher.id, "akka-dispatcher")
+ def collectDispatcherMetrics(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): EntitySnapshot =
+ findDispatcherRecorder(dispatcher).map(_.collect(collectionContext)).get
+ def refreshDispatcherInstruments(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): Unit = {
+ findDispatcherRecorder(dispatcher) match {
+ case Some(tpe: ThreadPoolExecutorDispatcherMetrics) ⇒
+ tpe.processedTasks.refreshValue()
+ tpe.activeThreads.refreshValue()
+ tpe.maxPoolSize.refreshValue()
+ tpe.poolSize.refreshValue()
+ tpe.corePoolSize.refreshValue()
+ case Some(fjp: ForkJoinPoolDispatcherMetrics) ⇒
+ fjp.activeThreads.refreshValue()
+ fjp.poolSize.refreshValue()
+ fjp.queuedTaskCount.refreshValue()
+ fjp.paralellism.refreshValues()
+ fjp.runningThreads.refreshValue()
+ case other ⇒
+ }
+ }
+ def forceInit(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): MessageDispatcher = {
+ val listener = TestProbe()
+ Future {
+ listener.ref ! "init done"
+ }(dispatcher)
+ listener.expectMsg("init done")
+ dispatcher
+ }
+ def submit(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): Future[String] = Future {
+ "hello"
+ }(dispatcher)
+ def shutdownDispatcher(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher): Unit = {
+ val shutdownMethod = dispatcher.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("shutdown")
+ shutdownMethod.setAccessible(true)
+ shutdownMethod.invoke(dispatcher)
+ }
+ override protected def afterAll(): Unit = system.shutdown()
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/RouterMetricsSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/RouterMetricsSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4c1d9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/RouterMetricsSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.akka
+import java.nio.LongBuffer
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.routing._
+import akka.testkit.TestProbe
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.akka.RouterMetricsTestActor._
+import kamon.metric.EntitySnapshot
+import kamon.metric.instrument.CollectionContext
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class RouterMetricsSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("router-metrics-spec") {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |kamon.metric {
+ | tick-interval = 1 hour
+ | default-collection-context-buffer-size = 10
+ |
+ | filters = {
+ | akka-router {
+ | includes = [ "user/tracked-*", "user/measuring-*", "user/stop-*" ]
+ | excludes = [ "user/tracked-explicitly-excluded-*"]
+ | }
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ |akka.loglevel = OFF
+ |
+ """.stripMargin)
+ "the Kamon router metrics" should {
+ "respect the configured include and exclude filters" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ createTestRouter("tracked-router")
+ createTestRouter("non-tracked-router")
+ createTestRouter("tracked-explicitly-excluded-router")
+ routerMetricsRecorderOf("user/tracked-router") should not be empty
+ routerMetricsRecorderOf("user/non-tracked-router") shouldBe empty
+ routerMetricsRecorderOf("user/tracked-explicitly-excluded-router") shouldBe empty
+ }
+ "record the routing-time of the receive function for routers" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val listener = TestProbe()
+ val router = createTestRouter("measuring-routing-time-in-router")
+ router.tell(Ping, listener.ref)
+ listener.expectMsg(Pong)
+ val routerSnapshot = collectMetricsOf("user/measuring-routing-time-in-router").get
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("routing-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1L)
+ }
+ "record the processing-time of the receive function for routers" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val timingsListener = TestProbe()
+ val router = createTestRouter("measuring-processing-time-in-router")
+ router.tell(RouterTrackTimings(sleep = Some(1 second)), timingsListener.ref)
+ val timings = timingsListener.expectMsgType[RouterTrackedTimings]
+ val routerSnapshot = collectMetricsOf("user/measuring-processing-time-in-router").get
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1L)
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.recordsIterator.next().count should be(1L)
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("processing-time").get.recordsIterator.next().level should be(timings.approximateProcessingTime +- 10.millis.toNanos)
+ }
+ "record the number of errors for routers" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val listener = TestProbe()
+ val router = createTestRouter("measuring-errors-in-router")
+ for (i ← 1 to 10) {
+ router.tell(Fail, listener.ref)
+ }
+ router.tell(Ping, listener.ref)
+ listener.expectMsg(Pong)
+ val routerSnapshot = collectMetricsOf("user/measuring-errors-in-router").get
+ routerSnapshot.counter("errors").get.count should be(10L)
+ }
+ "record the time-in-mailbox for routers" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val timingsListener = TestProbe()
+ val router = createTestRouter("measuring-time-in-mailbox-in-router")
+ router.tell(RouterTrackTimings(sleep = Some(1 second)), timingsListener.ref)
+ val timings = timingsListener.expectMsgType[RouterTrackedTimings]
+ val routerSnapshot = collectMetricsOf("user/measuring-time-in-mailbox-in-router").get
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.numberOfMeasurements should be(1L)
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.recordsIterator.next().count should be(1L)
+ routerSnapshot.histogram("time-in-mailbox").get.recordsIterator.next().level should be(timings.approximateTimeInMailbox +- 10.millis.toNanos)
+ }
+ "clean up the associated recorder when the router is stopped" in new RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val trackedRouter = createTestRouter("stop-in-router")
+ val firstRecorder = routerMetricsRecorderOf("user/stop-in-router").get
+ // Killing the router should remove it's RouterMetrics and registering again bellow should create a new one.
+ val deathWatcher = TestProbe()
+ deathWatcher.watch(trackedRouter)
+ trackedRouter ! PoisonPill
+ deathWatcher.expectTerminated(trackedRouter)
+ routerMetricsRecorderOf("user/stop-in-router").get shouldNot be theSameInstanceAs (firstRecorder)
+ }
+ }
+ trait RouterMetricsFixtures {
+ val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
+ val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(10000)
+ }
+ def routerMetricsRecorderOf(routerName: String): Option[RouterMetrics] =
+ Kamon.metrics.register(RouterMetrics, routerName).map(_.recorder)
+ def collectMetricsOf(routerName: String): Option[EntitySnapshot] = {
+ Thread.sleep(5) // Just in case the test advances a bit faster than the actor being tested.
+ routerMetricsRecorderOf(routerName).map(_.collect(collectionContext))
+ }
+ def createTestRouter(routerName: String): ActorRef = {
+ val router = system.actorOf(Props[RouterMetricsTestActor].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)), routerName)
+ val initialiseListener = TestProbe()
+ // Ensure that the router has been created before returning.
+ router.tell(Ping, initialiseListener.ref)
+ initialiseListener.expectMsg(Pong)
+ // Cleanup all the metric recording instruments:
+ collectMetricsOf("user/" + routerName)
+ router
+ }
+ }
+class RouterMetricsTestActor extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case Discard ⇒
+ case Fail ⇒ throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero.")
+ case Ping ⇒ sender ! Pong
+ case RouterTrackTimings(sendTimestamp, sleep) ⇒ {
+ val dequeueTimestamp = System.nanoTime()
+ sleep.map(s ⇒ Thread.sleep(s.toMillis))
+ val afterReceiveTimestamp = System.nanoTime()
+ sender ! RouterTrackedTimings(sendTimestamp, dequeueTimestamp, afterReceiveTimestamp)
+ }
+ }
+object RouterMetricsTestActor {
+ case object Ping
+ case object Pong
+ case object Fail
+ case object Discard
+ case class RouterTrackTimings(sendTimestamp: Long = System.nanoTime(), sleep: Option[Duration] = None)
+ case class RouterTrackedTimings(sendTimestamp: Long, dequeueTimestamp: Long, afterReceiveTimestamp: Long) {
+ def approximateTimeInMailbox: Long = dequeueTimestamp - sendTimestamp
+ def approximateProcessingTime: Long = afterReceiveTimestamp - dequeueTimestamp
+ }
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorCellInstrumentationSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorCellInstrumentationSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..593a7baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorCellInstrumentationSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/* ===================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ========================================================== */
+package kamon.instrumentation.akka
+import akka.actor.{ Actor, Props }
+import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe }
+import akka.routing._
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import kamon.trace.TraceContext
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class ActorCellInstrumentationSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("actor-cell-instrumentation-spec") {
+ implicit lazy val executionContext = system.dispatcher
+ "the message passing instrumentation" should {
+ "propagate the TraceContext using bang" in new EchoActorFixture {
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("bang-reply")) {
+ ctxEchoActor ! "test"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ "propagate the TraceContext using tell" in new EchoActorFixture {
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("tell-reply")) {
+ ctxEchoActor.tell("test", testActor)
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ "propagate the TraceContext using ask" in new EchoActorFixture {
+ implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("ask-reply")) {
+ // The pipe pattern use Futures internally, so FutureTracing test should cover the underpinnings of it.
+ (ctxEchoActor ? "test") pipeTo (testActor)
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ "propagate the TraceContext to actors behind a pool router" in new RoundRobinRouterFixture {
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("router-reply")) {
+ router ! "test"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ }
+ trait EchoActorFixture {
+ val ctxEchoActor = system.actorOf(Props[TraceContextEcho])
+ }
+ trait RoundRobinRouterFixture {
+ val router = system.actorOf(Props[TraceContextEcho].withRouter(
+ RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)), "pool-router")
+ }
+class TraceContextEcho extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case msg: String ⇒ sender ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorLoggingInstrumentationSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorLoggingInstrumentationSpec.scala
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+/* ===================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ========================================================== */
+package kamon.instrumentation.akka
+import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorLogging, Props }
+import akka.event.Logging.LogEvent
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import kamon.trace.TraceLocal.AvailableToMdc
+import kamon.trace.logging.MdcKeysSupport
+import kamon.trace.{ TraceContextAware, TraceLocal, TraceContext }
+import org.scalatest.Inspectors
+import org.slf4j.MDC
+class ActorLoggingInstrumentationSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("actor-logging-instrumentation-spec") with Inspectors with MdcKeysSupport {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |akka {
+ | loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin)
+ "the ActorLogging instrumentation" should {
+ "attach the TraceContext (if available) to log events" in {
+ val loggerActor = system.actorOf(Props[LoggerActor])
+ system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[LogEvent])
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("logging")) {
+ loggerActor ! "info"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ fishForMessage() {
+ case event: LogEvent if event.message.toString startsWith "TraceContext" ⇒
+ val ctxInEvent = event.asInstanceOf[TraceContextAware].traceContext
+ ctxInEvent === testTraceContext
+ case event: LogEvent ⇒ false
+ }
+ }
+ "allow retrieve a value from the MDC when was created a key of type AvailableToMdc" in {
+ val testString = "Hello World"
+ TraceContext.withContext(newContext("logging-with-mdc")) {
+ TraceLocal.store(AvailableToMdc("some-cool-key"))(testString)
+ withMdc {
+ MDC.get("other-key") shouldBe (null)
+ MDC.get("some-cool-key") should equal(testString)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class LoggerActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
+ def receive = {
+ case "info" ⇒ log.info("TraceContext(name = {}, token = {})", TraceContext.currentContext.name, TraceContext.currentContext.token)
+ }
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorSystemMessageInstrumentationSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/ActorSystemMessageInstrumentationSpec.scala
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+ * =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.instrumentation.akka
+import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.{ Escalate, Restart, Resume, Stop }
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.testkit.ImplicitSender
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import kamon.trace.{ EmptyTraceContext, TraceContext }
+import org.scalatest.WordSpecLike
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+class ActorSystemMessageInstrumentationSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("actor-system-message-instrumentation-spec") with WordSpecLike {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |akka {
+ | loglevel = OFF
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin)
+ implicit lazy val executionContext = system.dispatcher
+ "the system message passing instrumentation" should {
+ "keep the TraceContext while processing the Create message in top level actors" in {
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("creating-top-level-actor")) {
+ system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
+ testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ def receive: Actor.Receive = { case any ⇒ }
+ }))
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ "keep the TraceContext while processing the Create message in non top level actors" in {
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("creating-non-top-level-actor")) {
+ system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
+ def receive: Actor.Receive = {
+ case any ⇒
+ context.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
+ testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ def receive: Actor.Receive = { case any ⇒ }
+ }))
+ }
+ })) ! "any"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext)
+ }
+ "keep the TraceContext in the supervision cycle" when {
+ "the actor is resumed" in {
+ val supervisor = supervisorWithDirective(Resume)
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("fail-and-resume")) {
+ supervisor ! "fail"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the parent executing the supervision strategy
+ // Ensure we didn't tie the actor with the context
+ supervisor ! "context"
+ expectMsg(EmptyTraceContext)
+ }
+ "the actor is restarted" in {
+ val supervisor = supervisorWithDirective(Restart, sendPreRestart = true, sendPostRestart = true)
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("fail-and-restart")) {
+ supervisor ! "fail"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the parent executing the supervision strategy
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the preRestart hook
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the postRestart hook
+ // Ensure we didn't tie the actor with the context
+ supervisor ! "context"
+ expectMsg(EmptyTraceContext)
+ }
+ "the actor is stopped" in {
+ val supervisor = supervisorWithDirective(Stop, sendPostStop = true)
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("fail-and-stop")) {
+ supervisor ! "fail"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the parent executing the supervision strategy
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the postStop hook
+ expectNoMsg(1 second)
+ }
+ "the failure is escalated" in {
+ val supervisor = supervisorWithDirective(Escalate, sendPostStop = true)
+ val testTraceContext = TraceContext.withContext(newContext("fail-and-escalate")) {
+ supervisor ! "fail"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the parent executing the supervision strategy
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the grandparent executing the supervision strategy
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the postStop hook in the child
+ expectMsg(testTraceContext) // From the postStop hook in the parent
+ expectNoMsg(1 second)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def supervisorWithDirective(directive: SupervisorStrategy.Directive, sendPreRestart: Boolean = false, sendPostRestart: Boolean = false,
+ sendPostStop: Boolean = false, sendPreStart: Boolean = false): ActorRef = {
+ class GrandParent extends Actor {
+ val child = context.actorOf(Props(new Parent))
+ override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
+ case NonFatal(throwable) ⇒ testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext; Stop
+ }
+ def receive = {
+ case any ⇒ child forward any
+ }
+ }
+ class Parent extends Actor {
+ val child = context.actorOf(Props(new Child))
+ override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
+ case NonFatal(throwable) ⇒ testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext; directive
+ }
+ def receive: Actor.Receive = {
+ case any ⇒ child forward any
+ }
+ override def postStop(): Unit = {
+ if (sendPostStop) testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ super.postStop()
+ }
+ }
+ class Child extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case "fail" ⇒ throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero.")
+ case "context" ⇒ sender ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
+ if (sendPreRestart) testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ super.preRestart(reason, message)
+ }
+ override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = {
+ if (sendPostRestart) testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ super.postRestart(reason)
+ }
+ override def postStop(): Unit = {
+ if (sendPostStop) testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ super.postStop()
+ }
+ override def preStart(): Unit = {
+ if (sendPreStart) testActor ! TraceContext.currentContext
+ super.preStart()
+ }
+ }
+ system.actorOf(Props(new GrandParent))
+ }
diff --git a/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/AskPatternInstrumentationSpec.scala b/kamon-akka/src/test/scala/kamon/akka/instrumentation/AskPatternInstrumentationSpec.scala
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+ * =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.instrumentation.akka
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.event.Logging.Warning
+import akka.pattern.ask
+import akka.testkit.TestProbe
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.akka.Akka
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import kamon.trace.{ TraceContext, TraceContextAware }
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class AskPatternInstrumentationSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("ask-pattern-tracing-spec") {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |akka {
+ | loglevel = OFF
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin)
+ implicit lazy val ec = system.dispatcher
+ implicit val askTimeout = Timeout(10 millis)
+ // TODO: Make this work with ActorSelections
+ "the AskPatternInstrumentation" when {
+ "configured in heavyweight mode" should {
+ "log a warning with a full stack trace and the TraceContext taken from the moment the ask was triggered for a actor" in new NoReplyFixture {
+ setAskPatternTimeoutWarningMode("heavyweight")
+ expectTimeoutWarning() {
+ TraceContext.withContext(newContext("ask-timeout-warning")) {
+ noReplyActorRef ? "hello"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "configured in lightweight mode" should {
+ "log a warning with a short source location description and the TraceContext taken from the moment the ask was triggered for a actor" in new NoReplyFixture {
+ setAskPatternTimeoutWarningMode("lightweight")
+ expectTimeoutWarning(messageSizeLimit = Some(1)) {
+ TraceContext.withContext(newContext("ask-timeout-warning")) {
+ noReplyActorRef ? "hello"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "configured in off mode" should {
+ "should not log any warning messages" in new NoReplyFixture {
+ setAskPatternTimeoutWarningMode("off")
+ expectTimeoutWarning(expectWarning = false) {
+ TraceContext.withContext(newContext("ask-timeout-warning")) {
+ noReplyActorRef ? "hello"
+ TraceContext.currentContext
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def expectTimeoutWarning(messageSizeLimit: Option[Int] = None, expectWarning: Boolean = true)(thunk: ⇒ TraceContext): Unit = {
+ val listener = warningListener()
+ val testTraceContext = thunk
+ if (expectWarning) {
+ val warning = listener.fishForMessage() {
+ case Warning(_, _, msg) if msg.toString.startsWith("Timeout triggered for ask pattern registered at") ⇒ true
+ case others ⇒ false
+ }.asInstanceOf[Warning]
+ warning.asInstanceOf[TraceContextAware].traceContext should equal(testTraceContext)
+ messageSizeLimit.map { messageLimit ⇒
+ warning.message.toString.lines.size should be(messageLimit)
+ }
+ } else {
+ listener.expectNoMsg()
+ }
+ }
+ def warningListener(): TestProbe = {
+ val listener = TestProbe()
+ system.eventStream.subscribe(listener.ref, classOf[Warning])
+ listener
+ }
+ def setAskPatternTimeoutWarningMode(mode: String): Unit = {
+ val target = Kamon(Akka)
+ val field = target.getClass.getDeclaredField("askPatternTimeoutWarning")
+ field.setAccessible(true)
+ field.set(target, mode)
+ }
+ val fixtureCounter = new AtomicInteger(0)
+ trait NoReplyFixture {
+ def noReplyActorRef: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[NoReply], "no-reply-" + fixtureCounter.incrementAndGet())
+ def noReplyActorSelection: ActorSelection = {
+ val target = noReplyActorRef
+ system.actorSelection(target.path)
+ }
+ }
+class NoReply extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case any ⇒
+ }