path: root/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala
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diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/SubscriptionsProtocolSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.metric
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.testkit.{TestProbe, ImplicitSender}
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class SubscriptionsProtocolSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("subscriptions-protocol-spec") with ImplicitSender {
+ override lazy val config =
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ """
+ |kamon.metric {
+ | tick-interval = 1 hour
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ lazy val metricsModule = Kamon.metrics
+ import metricsModule.{entity, subscribe, unsubscribe}
+ val defaultTags: Map[String, String] = Kamon.metrics.defaultTags
+ "the Subscriptions messaging protocol" should {
+ "allow subscribing for a single tick" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "one-shot")
+ subscribe("trace", "one-shot", subscriber.ref, permanently = false)
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("one-shot", "trace", defaultTags))
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ subscriber.expectNoMsg(1 second)
+ }
+ "subscriptions should include default tags" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ Kamon.metrics.histogram("histogram-with-tags").record(1)
+ Kamon.metrics.subscribe("**", "**", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSubscription = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("name") shouldBe Some("jason")
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("number") shouldBe Some("42")
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("username").isDefined shouldBe true
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("object.nested-bool") shouldBe Some("true")
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("object.nested-string") shouldBe Some("a string")
+ tickSubscription.metrics.head._1.tags.get("list") shouldBe None
+ }
+ "allow subscribing permanently to a metric" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "permanent")
+ subscribe("trace", "permanent", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("permanent", "trace", defaultTags))
+ }
+ }
+ "allow subscribing to metrics matching a glob pattern" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "include-one")
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "exclude-two")
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "include-three")
+ subscribe("trace", "include-*", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(2)
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-one", "trace", defaultTags))
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-three", "trace", defaultTags))
+ }
+ }
+ "send a single TickMetricSnapshot to each subscriber, even if subscribed multiple times" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "include-one")
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "exclude-two")
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "include-three")
+ subscribe("trace", "include-one", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ subscribe("trace", "include-three", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ for (repetition ← 1 to 5) {
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(2)
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-one", "trace", defaultTags))
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("include-three", "trace", defaultTags))
+ }
+ }
+ "allow un-subscribing a subscriber" in {
+ val subscriber = TestProbe()
+ entity(TraceMetrics, "one-shot")
+ subscribe("trace", "one-shot", subscriber.ref, permanently = true)
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ val tickSnapshot = subscriber.expectMsgType[TickMetricSnapshot]
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.size should be(1)
+ tickSnapshot.metrics.keys should contain(Entity("one-shot", "trace", defaultTags))
+ unsubscribe(subscriber.ref)
+ flushSubscriptions()
+ subscriber.expectNoMsg(1 second)
+ }
+ }
+ def subscriptionsActor: ActorRef = {
+ val listener = TestProbe()
+ system.actorSelection("/user/kamon/kamon-metrics").tell(Identify(1), listener.ref)
+ listener.expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get
+ }
+class ForwarderSubscriber(target: ActorRef) extends Actor {
+ def receive = {
+ case anything ⇒ target.forward(anything)
+ }