path: root/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala
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1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d007d4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-core/src/legacy-test/scala/kamon/metric/instrument/MinMaxCounterSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* =========================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * =========================================================================================
+ */
+package kamon.metric.instrument
+import java.nio.LongBuffer
+import akka.actor._
+import akka.testkit.TestProbe
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.{DynamicRange, MutableRecord}
+import kamon.testkit.BaseKamonSpec
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class MinMaxCounterSpec extends BaseKamonSpec("min-max-counter-spec") {
+ "the MinMaxCounter" should {
+ "track ascending tendencies" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ mmCounter.increment()
+ mmCounter.increment(3)
+ mmCounter.increment()
+ val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
+ snapshot.min should be(0)
+ snapshot.max should be(5)
+ snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
+ MutableRecord(0, 1), // min
+ MutableRecord(5, 2)
+ ) // max and current
+ }
+ "track descending tendencies" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ mmCounter.increment(5)
+ mmCounter.decrement()
+ mmCounter.decrement(3)
+ mmCounter.decrement()
+ val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
+ snapshot.min should be(0)
+ snapshot.max should be(5)
+ snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
+ MutableRecord(0, 2), // min and current
+ MutableRecord(5, 1)
+ ) // max
+ }
+ "reset the min and max to the current value after taking a snapshot" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ mmCounter.increment(5)
+ mmCounter.decrement(3)
+ val firstSnapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
+ firstSnapshot.min should be(0)
+ firstSnapshot.max should be(5)
+ firstSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain allOf (
+ MutableRecord(0, 1), // min
+ MutableRecord(2, 1), // current
+ MutableRecord(5, 1)
+ ) // max
+ val secondSnapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
+ secondSnapshot.min should be(2)
+ secondSnapshot.max should be(2)
+ secondSnapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain(
+ MutableRecord(2, 3)
+ ) // min, max and current
+ }
+ "report zero as the min and current values if the current value fell bellow zero" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ mmCounter.decrement(3)
+ val snapshot = collectCounterSnapshot()
+ snapshot.min should be(0)
+ snapshot.max should be(0)
+ snapshot.recordsIterator.toStream should contain(
+ MutableRecord(0, 3)
+ ) // min, max and current (even while current really is -3
+ }
+ "never record values bellow zero in very busy situations" in new MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ val monitor = TestProbe()
+ val workers = for (workers ← 1 to 50) yield {
+ system.actorOf(Props(new MinMaxCounterUpdateActor(mmCounter, monitor.ref)))
+ }
+ workers foreach (_ ! "increment")
+ for (refresh ← 1 to 1000) {
+ collectCounterSnapshot()
+ Thread.sleep(1)
+ }
+ monitor.expectNoMsg()
+ workers foreach (_ ! PoisonPill)
+ }
+ }
+ trait MinMaxCounterFixture {
+ val collectionContext = new CollectionContext {
+ val buffer: LongBuffer = LongBuffer.allocate(64)
+ }
+ val mmCounter = MinMaxCounter(DynamicRange(1, 1000, 2), 1 hour, Kamon.metrics.settings.refreshScheduler)
+ mmCounter.cleanup // cancel the refresh schedule
+ def collectCounterSnapshot(): Histogram.Snapshot = mmCounter.collect(collectionContext)
+ }
+class MinMaxCounterUpdateActor(mmc: MinMaxCounter, monitor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
+ val x = Array.ofDim[Int](4)
+ def receive = {
+ case "increment" ⇒
+ mmc.increment()
+ self ! "decrement"
+ case "decrement" ⇒
+ mmc.decrement()
+ self ! "increment"
+ try {
+ mmc.refreshValues()
+ } catch {
+ case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException ⇒ monitor ! "failed"
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file