path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala
index f491cc57..87911352 100644
--- a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala
+++ b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/metric/MetricsExtension.scala
@@ -16,129 +16,126 @@
package kamon.metric
-import akka.event.Logging.Error
-import akka.event.EventStream
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
+import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.{ Unsubscribe, Subscribe }
+import kamon.metric.instrument.{ DefaultRefreshScheduler, InstrumentFactory, CollectionContext }
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import akka.actor._
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import kamon.util.GlobPathFilter
-import kamon.Kamon
-import akka.actor
-import kamon.metric.Metrics.MetricGroupFilter
-import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.{ Unsubscribe, Subscribe }
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-class MetricsExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Kamon.Extension {
- import Metrics.AtomicGetOrElseUpdateForTriemap
- val metricsExtConfig = system.settings.config.getConfig("kamon.metrics")
- printInitializationMessage(system.eventStream, metricsExtConfig.getBoolean("disable-aspectj-weaver-missing-error"))
- /** Configured Dispatchers */
- val metricSubscriptionsDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(metricsExtConfig.getString("dispatchers.metric-subscriptions"))
- val gaugeRecordingsDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(metricsExtConfig.getString("dispatchers.gauge-recordings"))
- /** Configuration Settings */
- val gaugeRecordingInterval: Long = metricsExtConfig.getMilliseconds("gauge-recording-interval")
- val storage = TrieMap[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupRecorder]()
- val filters = loadFilters(metricsExtConfig)
- lazy val subscriptions = system.actorOf(Props[Subscriptions], "kamon-metrics-subscriptions")
- def register(identity: MetricGroupIdentity, factory: MetricGroupFactory): Option[factory.GroupRecorder] = {
- if (shouldTrack(identity))
- Some(storage.atomicGetOrElseUpdate(identity, factory.create(metricsExtConfig, system)).asInstanceOf[factory.GroupRecorder])
- else
- None
- }
+import kamon.util.{ LazyActorRef, TriemapAtomicGetOrElseUpdate }
- def unregister(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Unit = {
- storage.remove(identity).map(_.cleanup)
- }
+case class EntityRegistration[T <: EntityRecorder](entity: Entity, recorder: T)
- def subscribe[C <: MetricGroupCategory](category: C, selection: String, subscriber: ActorRef, permanently: Boolean = false): Unit =
- subscriptions.tell(Subscribe(category, selection, subscriber, permanently), subscriber)
+trait MetricsExtension {
+ def settings: MetricsExtensionSettings
+ def shouldTrack(entity: Entity): Boolean
+ def shouldTrack(entityName: String, category: String): Boolean =
+ shouldTrack(Entity(entityName, category))
- def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
- subscriptions.tell(Unsubscribe(subscriber), subscriber)
+ def register[T <: EntityRecorder](recorderFactory: EntityRecorderFactory[T], entityName: String): Option[EntityRegistration[T]]
+ def register[T <: EntityRecorder](entity: Entity, recorder: T): EntityRegistration[T]
+ def unregister(entity: Entity): Unit
- def scheduleGaugeRecorder(body: ⇒ Unit): Cancellable = {
- import scala.concurrent.duration._
+ def find(entity: Entity): Option[EntityRecorder]
+ def find(name: String, category: String): Option[EntityRecorder]
- system.scheduler.schedule(gaugeRecordingInterval milliseconds, gaugeRecordingInterval milliseconds) {
- body
- }(gaugeRecordingsDispatcher)
- }
+ def subscribe(filter: SubscriptionFilter, subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
+ subscribe(filter, subscriber, permanently = false)
- private def shouldTrack(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Boolean = {
- filters.get(identity.category.name).map(filter ⇒ filter.accept(identity.name)).getOrElse(true)
- }
+ def subscribe(category: String, selection: String, subscriber: ActorRef, permanently: Boolean): Unit =
+ subscribe(SubscriptionFilter(category, selection), subscriber, permanently)
+ def subscribe(category: String, selection: String, subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
+ subscribe(SubscriptionFilter(category, selection), subscriber, permanently = false)
- def loadFilters(config: Config): Map[String, MetricGroupFilter] = {
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ def subscribe(filter: SubscriptionFilter, subscriber: ActorRef, permanently: Boolean): Unit
- val filters = config.getObjectList("filters").asScala
+ def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit
+ def buildDefaultCollectionContext: CollectionContext
+ def instrumentFactory(category: String): InstrumentFactory
+private[kamon] class MetricsExtensionImpl(config: Config) extends MetricsExtension {
+ private val _trackedEntities = TrieMap.empty[Entity, EntityRecorder]
+ private val _subscriptions = new LazyActorRef
+ val settings = MetricsExtensionSettings(config)
+ def shouldTrack(entity: Entity): Boolean =
+ settings.entityFilters.get(entity.category).map {
+ filter ⇒ filter.accept(entity.name)
- val allFilters =
- for (
- filter ← filters;
- entry ← filter.entrySet().asScala
- ) yield {
- val key = entry.getKey
- val keyBasedConfig = entry.getValue.atKey(key)
+ } getOrElse (settings.trackUnmatchedEntities)
- val includes = keyBasedConfig.getStringList(s"$key.includes").asScala.map(inc ⇒ new GlobPathFilter(inc)).toList
- val excludes = keyBasedConfig.getStringList(s"$key.excludes").asScala.map(exc ⇒ new GlobPathFilter(exc)).toList
+ def register[T <: EntityRecorder](recorderFactory: EntityRecorderFactory[T], entityName: String): Option[EntityRegistration[T]] = {
+ import TriemapAtomicGetOrElseUpdate.Syntax
+ val entity = Entity(entityName, recorderFactory.category)
- (key, MetricGroupFilter(includes, excludes))
- }
+ if (shouldTrack(entity)) {
+ val instrumentFactory = settings.instrumentFactories.get(recorderFactory.category).getOrElse(settings.defaultInstrumentFactory)
+ val recorder = _trackedEntities.atomicGetOrElseUpdate(entity, recorderFactory.createRecorder(instrumentFactory), _.cleanup).asInstanceOf[T]
- allFilters.toMap
+ Some(EntityRegistration(entity, recorder))
+ } else None
- def buildDefaultCollectionContext: CollectionContext =
- CollectionContext(metricsExtConfig.getInt("default-collection-context-buffer-size"))
- def printInitializationMessage(eventStream: EventStream, disableWeaverMissingError: Boolean): Unit = {
- if (!disableWeaverMissingError) {
- val weaverMissingMessage =
- """
- |
- | ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _
- | / _ \ | | |_ | | | | | | \/ |(_) (_)
- |/ /_\ \ ___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_ | | | | | | ___ __ _ __ __ ___ _ __ | . . | _ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _
- || _ |/ __|| '_ \ / _ \ / __|| __| | | | |/\| | / _ \ / _` |\ \ / // _ \| '__| | |\/| || |/ __|/ __|| || '_ \ / _` |
- || | | |\__ \| |_) || __/| (__ | |_ /\__/ / \ /\ /| __/| (_| | \ V /| __/| | | | | || |\__ \\__ \| || | | || (_| |
- |\_| |_/|___/| .__/ \___| \___| \__|\____/ \/ \/ \___| \__,_| \_/ \___||_| \_| |_/|_||___/|___/|_||_| |_| \__, |
- | | | __/ |
- | |_| |___/
- |
- | It seems like your application wasn't started with the -javaagent:/path-to-aspectj-weaver.jar option. Without that Kamon might
- | not work properly, if you need help on setting up the weaver go to http://kamon.io/introduction/get-started/ for more info. If
- | you are sure that you don't need the weaver (e.g. you are only using KamonStandalone) then you can disable this error message
- | by changing the kamon.metrics.disable-aspectj-weaver-missing-error setting in your configuration file.
- |
- """.stripMargin
- eventStream.publish(Error("MetricsExtension", classOf[MetricsExtension], weaverMissingMessage))
+ def register[T <: EntityRecorder](entity: Entity, recorder: T): EntityRegistration[T] = {
+ _trackedEntities.put(entity, recorder).map { oldRecorder ⇒
+ oldRecorder.cleanup
+ EntityRegistration(entity, recorder)
-object Metrics extends ExtensionId[MetricsExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
- def lookup(): ExtensionId[_ <: actor.Extension] = Metrics
- def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): MetricsExtension = new MetricsExtension(system)
+ def unregister(entity: Entity): Unit =
+ _trackedEntities.remove(entity).map(_.cleanup)
+ def find(entity: Entity): Option[EntityRecorder] =
+ _trackedEntities.get(entity)
- case class MetricGroupFilter(includes: List[GlobPathFilter], excludes: List[GlobPathFilter]) {
- def accept(name: String): Boolean = includes.exists(_.accept(name)) && !excludes.exists(_.accept(name))
+ def find(name: String, category: String): Option[EntityRecorder] =
+ find(Entity(name, category))
+ def subscribe(filter: SubscriptionFilter, subscriber: ActorRef, permanent: Boolean): Unit =
+ _subscriptions.tell(Subscribe(filter, subscriber, permanent))
+ def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit =
+ _subscriptions.tell(Unsubscribe(subscriber))
+ def buildDefaultCollectionContext: CollectionContext =
+ CollectionContext(settings.defaultCollectionContextBufferSize)
+ def instrumentFactory(category: String): InstrumentFactory =
+ settings.instrumentFactories.getOrElse(category, settings.defaultInstrumentFactory)
+ private[kamon] def collectSnapshots(collectionContext: CollectionContext): Map[Entity, EntitySnapshot] = {
+ val builder = Map.newBuilder[Entity, EntitySnapshot]
+ _trackedEntities.foreach {
+ case (identity, recorder) ⇒ builder += ((identity, recorder.collect(collectionContext)))
+ }
+ builder.result()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Metrics Extension initialization.
+ */
+ private var _system: ActorSystem = null
+ private lazy val _start = {
+ _subscriptions.point(_system.actorOf(SubscriptionsDispatcher.props(settings.tickInterval, this), "metrics"))
+ settings.pointScheduler(DefaultRefreshScheduler(_system.scheduler, _system.dispatcher))
- implicit class AtomicGetOrElseUpdateForTriemap[K, V](trieMap: TrieMap[K, V]) {
- def atomicGetOrElseUpdate(key: K, op: ⇒ V): V =
- trieMap.get(key) match {
- case Some(v) ⇒ v
- case None ⇒ val d = op; trieMap.putIfAbsent(key, d).getOrElse(d)
- }
+ def start(system: ActorSystem): Unit = synchronized {
+ _system = system
+ _start
+ _system = null
+private[kamon] object MetricsExtensionImpl {
+ def apply(config: Config) =
+ new MetricsExtensionImpl(config)