path: root/kamon-core/src
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2 files changed, 71 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf b/kamon-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
index cd8fa379..cc4da03e 100644
--- a/kamon-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
+++ b/kamon-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
@@ -107,6 +107,37 @@ kamon {
# Probability of a span being sampled. Must be a value between 0 and 1.
probability = 0.01
+ # The IdentityProvider used to generate Trace and Span Identifiers in Kamon. There are two default implementations
+ # that ship with Kamon:
+ # - kamon.trace.IdentityProvider.Default: Creates 8-byte identifiers for both Traces and Spans.
+ # - kamon.trace.IdentityProvider.DoubleSizeTraceID: Creates 16-byte identifiers for Traces and 8-byte identifiers
+ # for Spans.
+ #
+ # Any external implementation can be configured here, as long as it can be instantiated with a parameterless constructor.
+ identity-provider = "kamon.trace.IdentityProvider.Default"
+ # The SpanContextCodecs are used to encode/decode the SpanContext data into simple TextMaps, HTTP Headers or Binary
+ # carriers. The decision about which one to use is based on the kamon.trace.SpanContextCodec.Format instance passed
+ # to inject/extract calls.
+ #
+ # Any external implementation can be configured here, as long as it can be instantiated with a single parameter
+ # constructor that accepts a IdentityProvider.
+ span-context-codec {
+ # Encodes/Decodes the SpanContext data using a simple key/value pair. Since this is very rarely going to be used
+ # we default to using the same codec for HTTP Headers, as it is built on top of a TextMap.
+ text-map = "kamon.trace.SpanContextCodec.ExtendedB3"
+ # Encodes/Decodes the SpanContext into a TextMap with HTTP Header friendly, URLEncoded values. The default
+ # implementation follows the guidelines of B3 propagation. See more at https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation.
+ http-headers = "kamon.trace.SpanContextCodec.ExtendedB3"
+ # Encodes/Decodes the SpanContext using a binary representation.
+ binary = "TODO"
+ }
util {
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/Tracer.scala b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/Tracer.scala
index d7ca5609..f95a8cef 100644
--- a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/Tracer.scala
+++ b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/trace/Tracer.scala
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ import kamon.metric.MetricLookup
import kamon.trace.Span.TagValue
import kamon.trace.SpanContext.{SamplingDecision, Source}
import kamon.trace.Tracer.SpanBuilder
-import kamon.util.Clock
+import kamon.util.{Clock, DynamicAccess}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import scala.collection.immutable
+import scala.util.Try
trait ActiveSpanSource {
def activeSpan(): ActiveSpan
@@ -94,16 +97,44 @@ object Tracer {
private[kamon] def reconfigure(config: Config): Unit = synchronized {
- val traceConfig = config.getConfig("kamon.trace")
+ Try {
+ val dynamic = new DynamicAccess(classOf[Tracer].getClassLoader)
+ val traceConfig = config.getConfig("kamon.trace")
- configuredSampler = traceConfig.getString("sampler") match {
- case "always" => Sampler.Always
- case "never" => Sampler.Never
- case "random" => Sampler.random(traceConfig.getDouble("random-sampler.probability"))
- case other => sys.error(s"Unexpected sampler name $other.")
- }
+ val newSampler = traceConfig.getString("sampler") match {
+ case "always" => Sampler.Always
+ case "never" => Sampler.Never
+ case "random" => Sampler.random(traceConfig.getDouble("random-sampler.probability"))
+ case other => sys.error(s"Unexpected sampler name $other.")
+ }
+ val newJoinRemoteParentsWithSameSpanID = traceConfig.getBoolean("join-remote-parents-with-same-span-id")
+ val newIdentityProvider = dynamic.createInstanceFor[IdentityProvider](
+ traceConfig.getString("identity-provider"), immutable.Seq.empty[(Class[_], AnyRef)]
+ ).get
+ val spanContextCodecs = traceConfig.getConfig("span-context-codec")
+ val newTextMapSpanContextCodec = dynamic.createInstanceFor[SpanContextCodec[TextMap]](
+ spanContextCodecs.getString("text-map"), immutable.Seq((classOf[IdentityProvider], newIdentityProvider))
+ ).get
- joinRemoteParentsWithSameSpanID = traceConfig.getBoolean("join-remote-parents-with-same-span-id")
+ val newHttpHeadersSpanContextCodec = dynamic.createInstanceFor[SpanContextCodec[TextMap]](
+ spanContextCodecs.getString("http-headers"), immutable.Seq((classOf[IdentityProvider], newIdentityProvider))
+ ).get
+// val newBinarySpanContextCodec = dynamic.createInstanceFor[SpanContextCodec[TextMap]](
+// spanContextCodecs.getString("binary"), immutable.Seq((classOf[IdentityProvider], newIdentityProvider))
+// ).get // TODO: Make it happen!
+ configuredSampler = newSampler
+ joinRemoteParentsWithSameSpanID = newJoinRemoteParentsWithSameSpanID
+ identityProvider = newIdentityProvider
+ textMapSpanContextCodec = newTextMapSpanContextCodec
+ httpHeaderSpanContextCodec = newHttpHeadersSpanContextCodec
+ }