path: root/kamon-datadog
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2 files changed, 143 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-datadog/src/main/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricsSender.scala b/kamon-datadog/src/main/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricsSender.scala
index 9d7b34e6..50911093 100644
--- a/kamon-datadog/src/main/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricsSender.scala
+++ b/kamon-datadog/src/main/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricsSender.scala
@@ -62,14 +62,15 @@ class DatadogMetricsSender(remote: InetSocketAddress, maxPacketSizeInBytes: Long
def encodeMeasurement(measurement: Measurement, instrumentType: InstrumentType): String = {
- def statsDMetricFormat(value: String, metricType: String, samplingRate: Double = 1D): String =
+ def dataDogDMetricFormat(value: String, metricType: String, samplingRate: Double = 1D): String =
value + "|" + metricType + (if (samplingRate != 1D) "|@" + samplingRateFormat.format(samplingRate) else "")
instrumentType match {
- case Histogram ⇒ statsDMetricFormat(measurement.value.toString, "ms", (1D / measurement.count))
- case Gauge ⇒ statsDMetricFormat(measurement.value.toString, "g")
- case Counter ⇒ "" // TODO: Need to decide how to report counters, when we have them!
+ case Histogram ⇒ dataDogDMetricFormat(measurement.value.toString, "ms", (1D / measurement.count))
+ case Gauge ⇒ dataDogDMetricFormat(measurement.value.toString, "g")
+ case Counter ⇒ dataDogDMetricFormat(measurement.count.toString, "c")
diff --git a/kamon-datadog/src/test/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricSenderSpec.scala b/kamon-datadog/src/test/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricSenderSpec.scala
index cd41a112..781a73c5 100644
--- a/kamon-datadog/src/test/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricSenderSpec.scala
+++ b/kamon-datadog/src/test/scala/kamon/datadog/DatadogMetricSenderSpec.scala
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
package kamon.datadog
import akka.testkit.{ TestKitBase, TestProbe }
-import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, Props, ActorSystem }
+import akka.actor.{Props, ActorRef, ActorSystem}
+import kamon.metrics.instruments.CounterRecorder
import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpecLike }
import kamon.metrics._
import akka.io.Udp
@@ -28,4 +29,140 @@ import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
class DatadogMetricSenderSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with Matchers {
+ implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem("datadog-metric-sender-spec",
+ ConfigFactory.parseString("kamon.datadog.max-packet-size = 256 bytes"))
+ "the DataDogMetricSender" should {
+ "flush the metrics data after processing the tick, even if the max-packet-size is not reached" in new UdpListenerFixture {
+ val testMetricName = "test-metric"
+ val testMetricKey = buildMetricKey(testMetricName)
+ val testRecorder = HdrRecorder(1000L, 2, Scale.Unit)
+ testRecorder.record(10L)
+ val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect()))
+ val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send]
+ data.utf8String should be(s"$testMetricKey:10|ms")
+ }
+ "render several measurements of the same key under a single (key + multiple measurements) packet" in new UdpListenerFixture {
+ val testMetricName = "test-metric"
+ val testMetricKey = buildMetricKey(testMetricName)
+ val testRecorder = HdrRecorder(1000L, 2, Scale.Unit)
+ testRecorder.record(10L)
+ testRecorder.record(11L)
+ testRecorder.record(12L)
+ val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect()))
+ val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send]
+ data.utf8String should be(s"$testMetricKey:10|ms:11|ms:12|ms")
+ }
+ "include the correspondent sampling rate when rendering multiple occurrences of the same value" in new UdpListenerFixture {
+ val testMetricName = "test-metric"
+ val testMetricKey = buildMetricKey(testMetricName)
+ val testRecorder = HdrRecorder(1000L, 2, Scale.Unit)
+ testRecorder.record(10L)
+ testRecorder.record(10L)
+ val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect()))
+ val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send]
+ data.utf8String should be(s"$testMetricKey:10|ms|@0.5")
+ }
+ "flush the packet when the max-packet-size is reached" in new UdpListenerFixture {
+ val testMetricName = "test-metric"
+ val testMetricKey = buildMetricKey(testMetricName)
+ val testRecorder = HdrRecorder(testMaxPacketSize, 3, Scale.Unit)
+ var bytes = testMetricKey.length
+ var level = 0
+ while (bytes <= testMaxPacketSize) {
+ level += 1
+ testRecorder.record(level)
+ bytes += s":$level|ms".length
+ }
+ val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect()))
+ udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] // let the first flush pass
+ val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send]
+ data.utf8String should be(s"$testMetricKey:$level|ms")
+ }
+ "render multiple keys in the same packet using newline as separator" in new UdpListenerFixture {
+ val firstTestMetricName = "first-test-metric"
+ val firstTestMetricKey = buildMetricKey(firstTestMetricName)
+ val secondTestMetricName = "second-test-metric"
+ val secondTestMetricKey = buildMetricKey(secondTestMetricName)
+ val thirdTestMetricName = "third-test-metric"
+ val thirdTestMetricKey = buildMetricKey(thirdTestMetricName)
+ val firstTestRecorder = HdrRecorder(1000L, 2, Scale.Unit)
+ val secondTestRecorder = HdrRecorder(1000L, 2, Scale.Unit)
+ val thirdTestRecorder = CounterRecorder()
+ firstTestRecorder.record(10L)
+ firstTestRecorder.record(10L)
+ firstTestRecorder.record(11L)
+ secondTestRecorder.record(20L)
+ secondTestRecorder.record(21L)
+ thirdTestRecorder.record(1L)
+ thirdTestRecorder.record(1L)
+ thirdTestRecorder.record(1L)
+ thirdTestRecorder.record(1L)
+ val udp = setup(Map(
+ firstTestMetricName -> firstTestRecorder.collect(),
+ secondTestMetricName -> secondTestRecorder.collect(),
+ thirdTestMetricName -> thirdTestRecorder.collect()))
+ val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send]
+ data.utf8String should be(s"$firstTestMetricKey:10|ms|@0.5:11|ms\n$secondTestMetricKey:20|ms:21|ms\n$thirdTestMetricKey:4|c")
+ }
+ }
+ trait UdpListenerFixture {
+ val localhostName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split('@')(1)
+ val testMaxPacketSize = system.settings.config.getBytes("kamon.datadog.max-packet-size")
+ def buildMetricKey(metricName: String): String = s"kamon.$localhostName.test-metric-category.test-group.$metricName"
+ def setup(metrics: Map[String, MetricSnapshotLike]): TestProbe = {
+ val udp = TestProbe()
+ val metricsSender = system.actorOf(Props(new DatadogMetricsSender(new InetSocketAddress(localhostName, 0), testMaxPacketSize) {
+ override def udpExtension(implicit system: ActorSystem): ActorRef = udp.ref
+ }))
+ // Setup the SimpleSender
+ udp.expectMsgType[Udp.SimpleSender]
+ udp.reply(Udp.SimpleSenderReady)
+ val testGroupIdentity = new MetricGroupIdentity {
+ val name: String = "test-group"
+ val category: MetricGroupCategory = new MetricGroupCategory {
+ val name: String = "test-metric-category"
+ }
+ }
+ val testMetrics = for ((metricName, snapshot) ← metrics) yield {
+ val testMetricIdentity = new MetricIdentity {
+ val name: String = metricName
+ val tag: String = ""
+ }
+ (testMetricIdentity, snapshot)
+ }
+ metricsSender ! TickMetricSnapshot(0, 0, Map(testGroupIdentity -> new MetricGroupSnapshot {
+ val metrics: Map[MetricIdentity, MetricSnapshotLike] = testMetrics.toMap
+ }))
+ udp
+ }
+ }