path: root/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon
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Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon')
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ClientRequestTracingSpec.scala b/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ClientRequestTracingSpec.scala
index eae0c992..e204cd02 100644
--- a/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ClientRequestTracingSpec.scala
+++ b/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ClientRequestTracingSpec.scala
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ class ClientRequestTracingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("server-request-traci
"the client instrumentation" should {
"record segments for a client http request" in {
- Trace.start("record-segments", None)(system)
+ /* Trace.start("record-segments", None)(system)
send {
// We don't care about the response, just make sure we finish the Trace after the response has been received.
- } map (rsp ⇒ Trace.finish())
+ } map (rsp ⇒ Trace.finish())*/
val trace = expectMsgType[UowTrace]
diff --git a/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ServerRequestTracingSpec.scala b/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ServerRequestTracingSpec.scala
index 177e23c4..904047ed 100644
--- a/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ServerRequestTracingSpec.scala
+++ b/kamon-spray/src/test/scala/kamon/spray/ServerRequestTracingSpec.scala
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ package kamon.spray
import _root_.spray.httpx.RequestBuilding
import _root_.spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
-import akka.testkit.TestKit
-import akka.actor.ActorSystem
+import akka.testkit.{ TestProbe, TestKit }
+import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem }
import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpecLike }
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
@@ -28,27 +28,29 @@ import kamon.trace.{ UowTrace, Trace }
import kamon.Kamon
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{ PatienceConfiguration, ScalaFutures }
import spray.http.HttpHeaders.RawHeader
-import spray.http.HttpRequest
+import spray.http.{ HttpResponse, HttpRequest }
import spray.http.HttpHeaders.Host
+import akka.io.{ Tcp, IO }
+import spray.can.Http
+import akka.io.Tcp.Bound
-class ServerRequestTracingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("server-request-tracing-spec")) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with RequestBuilding with ScalaFutures with PatienceConfiguration with TestServer {
+class ServerRequestTracingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("spec")) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with RequestBuilding with ScalaFutures with PatienceConfiguration with TestServer {
"the spray server request tracing instrumentation" should {
- "trace a request start/finish sequence when proper TraceContext is received" in {
- val response = send {
- Get("/ok")
- }
+ "reply back with a trace token header" in {
+ val (connection, server) = buildServer()
+ val client = TestProbe()
- within(5 seconds) {
- fishForNamedTrace("ok")
- }
+ client.send(connection, Get("/"))
+ server.expectMsgType[HttpRequest]
+ server.reply(HttpResponse(entity = "ok"))
+ client.expectMsgType[HttpResponse]
+ fail()
- whenReady(response) { rsp ⇒
- rsp.headers should contain(RawHeader("X-Trace-Token", ""))
- }
- "finish a request even if no TraceContext is received in the response" in {
+ /* "finish a request even if no TraceContext is received in the response" in {
send {
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ class ServerRequestTracingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("server-request-traci
within(5 seconds) {
- }
+ }*/
- si no llega uow, crear una
@@ -82,27 +84,23 @@ class ServerRequestTracingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("server-request-traci
trait TestServer extends SimpleRoutingApp {
self: TestKit ⇒
- Kamon(Trace).api.tell(Trace.Register, testActor)
- implicit val timeout = Timeout(20 seconds)
- val port: Int = Await.result(
- startServer(interface = "", port = 0)(
- get {
- path("ok") {
- complete("ok")
- } ~
- path("clearcontext") {
- complete {
- Trace.clear
- "ok"
- }
- }
- }), timeout.duration).localAddress.getPort
- val send = includeHost("", port) ~> sendReceive(system, system.dispatcher, timeout)
- def includeHost(host: String, port: Int) = { request: HttpRequest ⇒
- request.withEffectiveUri(port == 443, Host(host, port))
+ def buildServer(): (ActorRef, TestProbe) = {
+ val serverHandler = TestProbe()
+ IO(Http).tell(Http.Bind(listener = serverHandler.ref, interface = "", port = 0), serverHandler.ref)
+ val bound = serverHandler.expectMsgType[Bound]
+ val client = buildClient(bound)
+ serverHandler.expectMsgType[Http.Connected]
+ serverHandler.reply(Http.Register(serverHandler.ref))
+ (client, serverHandler)
+ }
+ def buildClient(connectionInfo: Http.Bound): ActorRef = {
+ val probe = TestProbe()
+ probe.send(IO(Http), Http.Connect(connectionInfo.localAddress.getHostName, connectionInfo.localAddress.getPort))
+ probe.expectMsgType[Http.Connected]
+ probe.sender