path: root/project
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'project')
7 files changed, 57 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index ccee261..5b157a7 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
import sbt._
import Keys._
-import NativeBuild._
-import JNIBuild._
+import com.github.jodersky.build.NativeKeys._
+import com.github.jodersky.build.NativePlugin._
+import Jni._
object FlowBuild extends Build {
val Organization = "com.github.jodersky"
val Version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
val ScalaVersion = "2.10.1"
- lazy val root = Project(
- id = "flow",
- base = file("main"),
- settings = buildSettings ++ jniSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.all))
+ lazy val main = Project("flow-main", file("flow-main")).settings(
+ buildSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.all): _*
+ )
+ lazy val native = NativeProject("flow-native", file("flow-native")).settings((Seq(
+ javahClasses := Seq("com.github.jodersky.flow.low.NativeSerial"),
+ includeDirectories in Native += jdkHome.value / "include" / "linux",
+ nativeSource in Native := baseDirectory.value / "src",
+ binaryType in Native := SharedLibrary,
+ binaryName in Native := "flow",
+ options in Native := Seq("-fPIC", "-O2"),
+ linkOptions in Native := Seq("-Wl,-soname,libflow.so.1")
+ ) ++ Jni.defaultSettings): _*).dependsOn(main)
lazy val example = Project(
id = "flow-example",
base = file("example"),
- settings = buildSettings ++ runSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.all)).dependsOn(root)
+ settings = buildSettings ++ runSettings ++ Seq(libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.all))
lazy val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
organization := Organization,
@@ -26,22 +37,6 @@ object FlowBuild extends Build {
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature"),
compileOrder in Compile := CompileOrder.Mixed)
- lazy val jniSettings = JNIBuild.defaults ++ Seq(
- jdkHome := file(System.getProperty("java.home")) / "..",
- javaClass := "com.github.jodersky.flow.low.NativeSerial",
- NativeBuild.compiler := "gcc",
- options := Seq("-fPIC"),
- NativeBuild.includeDirectories <<= jdkHome apply (jdk => Seq(jdk / "include", jdk / "include" / "linux")),
- linker := "gcc",
- linkerOptions := Seq("-shared", "-Wl,-soname,libflow.so.1"),
- linkerOutput <<= NativeBuild.outputDirectory(_ / "libflow.so"),
- Keys.packageBin in Compile <<= (Keys.packageBin in Compile).dependsOn(NativeBuild.link),
- mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <+= linkerOutput map { out =>
- out -> ("native/" + System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase + "/" + System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase + "/libflow.so")
- },
- exportJars := true
- )
lazy val runSettings = Seq(
fork := true,
connectInput in run := true,
diff --git a/project/JNIBuild.scala b/project/JNIBuild.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0d05e..0000000
--- a/project/JNIBuild.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-import sbt._
-import Keys._
-object JNIBuild {
- val jdkHome = SettingKey[File]("jdk-home", "Home of JDK.")
- val javaClass = SettingKey[String]("jni-class", "Fully qualified name of class containing native declarations.")
- val javah = TaskKey[Unit]("javah", "Generate JNI headers.")
- val javahTask = javah <<= (javaClass, NativeBuild.sourceDirectory, Keys.classDirectory in Compile) map { (j, src, cp) =>
- val cmd = "javah -d " + src.absolutePath + " -classpath " + cp.absolutePath + " " + j
- cmd !;
- {}
- } dependsOn (Keys.compile in Compile)
- val defaults: Seq[Setting[_]] = NativeBuild.defaults ++ Seq(
- javahTask,
- NativeBuild.compile <<= NativeBuild.compile.dependsOn(javah)
- )
diff --git a/project/Jni.scala b/project/Jni.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0263786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/Jni.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import sbt._
+import Keys._
+import com.github.jodersky.build.NativeKeys._
+object Jni {
+ val jdkHome = settingKey[File]("Home of JDK.")
+ val javahHeaderDirectory = settingKey[File]("Directory where generated javah header files are placed.")
+ val javahClasses = settingKey[Seq[String]]("Fully qualified names of classes containing native declarations.")
+ val javah = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate JNI headers.")
+ val defaultSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
+ jdkHome := file(sys.env("JAVA_HOME")),
+ javahHeaderDirectory := (sourceManaged in Native).value / "javah",
+ javah := {
+ val cp = (fullClasspath in Compile).value.map(_.data.getAbsolutePath).mkString(":")
+ for (clazz <- javahClasses.value) {
+ val parts = Seq(
+ "javah",
+ "-d", javahHeaderDirectory.value,
+ "-classpath", cp,
+ clazz)
+ val cmd = parts.mkString(" ")
+ val ev = Process(cmd) ! streams.value.log
+ if (ev != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Error occured running javah.")
+ }
+ IO.listFiles(javahHeaderDirectory.value)
+ },
+ sourceGenerators in Native <+= javah map {headers =>
+ headers
+ },
+ includeDirectories in Native += javahHeaderDirectory.value,
+ javah <<= (javah dependsOn (compile in Compile)),
+ includeDirectories in Native += jdkHome.value / "include"
+ )
diff --git a/project/NativeBuild.scala b/project/NativeBuild.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a77e8f8..0000000
--- a/project/NativeBuild.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-import sbt._
-import Keys._
-object NativeBuild {
- //settings
- val sourceDirectory = SettingKey[File]("native-source-directory", "Native source directory containing files to compile.")
- val compiler = SettingKey[String]("native-compiler", "Native compiler.")
- val options = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("native-options", "Flags for native compiler.")
- val includeDirectories = SettingKey[Seq[File]]("native-include-directories", "Include directories for native compiler.")
- val outputDirectory = SettingKey[File]("native-output-directory", "Directory for native output.")
- val linker = SettingKey[String]("native-linker", "Native linker.")
- val linkerOutput = SettingKey[File]("native-linker-output", "Name of linker output.")
- val linkerOptions = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("native-linker-options", "Native linker options.")
- val linkerLibraries = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("native-linker-libraries", "Libraries against which to link.")
- //tasks
- val outputFromSource = TaskKey[File => File]("native-output-from-source", "Get name of native binary from source file.")
- val sources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("native-source", "Native source files to compile.")
- val makeOutputDirectory = TaskKey[Unit]("native-make-output-directory", "Make native output directory.")
- val compile = TaskKey[Unit]("native-compile", "Compiles native sources.")
- val link = TaskKey[Unit]("native-link", "Link native sources.")
- //task implementations
- val outputFromSourceTask = outputFromSource <<= (outputDirectory) map {
- outputDir =>
- ((src: File) => {file((outputDir / src.base).absolutePath + ".o")})
- }
- val makeOutputDirectoryTask = makeOutputDirectory <<= (outputDirectory) map {o => o.mkdirs(); {}}
- def compileSingleFile(compiler: String, options: Seq[String], includeDirectories: Seq[File], source: File, s2o: File => File): Unit = {
- val cmdParts =
- List(compiler) ++
- options ++
- includeDirectories.map(i => "-I" + i.absolutePath) ++
- List("-c", source.absolutePath) ++
- List("-o", s2o(source))
- val cmd = cmdParts.mkString(" ")
- cmd !
- }
- val compileTask = compile <<= (compiler, options, includeDirectories, sources, outputFromSource) map {
- (c, f, i, srcs, out) => for (s <- srcs) compileSingleFile(c,f,i,s,out)
- } dependsOn(makeOutputDirectory)
- val linkTask = link <<= (linker, linkerOptions, linkerLibraries, linkerOutput, sources, outputFromSource) map { (l, opts, libs, out, srcs, s2o) =>
- val outs = srcs.map(s2o(_))
- val cmd: Seq[String] = Seq(l) ++ opts ++ Seq("-o", out.absolutePath) ++ outs.map(_.absolutePath) ++ libs.map(lib => "-l" + lib)
- cmd !;
- {}
- } dependsOn(compile)
- lazy val defaults = Seq(
- compiler := "gcc",
- options := Seq(),
- sourceDirectory <<= Keys.sourceDirectory(_ / "main" / "c"),
- sources <<= sourceDirectory map (dir => (dir ** "*.c").get),
- includeDirectories <<= sourceDirectory(dir => Seq(dir)),
- outputDirectory <<= target(_ / "c"),
- linker := "gcc",
- linkerOutput <<= outputDirectory(_ / "a.out"),
- linkerOptions := Seq(),
- linkerLibraries := Seq(),
- outputFromSourceTask,
- makeOutputDirectoryTask,
- compileTask,
- linkTask
- )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/NativeSettings.foo b/project/NativeSettings.foo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a544c1..0000000
--- a/project/NativeSettings.foo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import sbt._
-import Keys._
-object NativeSettings {
- val jdkHome = SettingKey[File]("jdk-home", "Home of JDK.")
- val javaClass = SettingKey[String]("native-java-file", "Fully qualified name of class containing native declarations.")
- val sourceDirectory = SettingKey[File]("native-source-directory", "Native source directory ontaining files to compile.")
- val sources = SettingKey[File]("native-source", "Native source files to compile.")
- val compiler = SettingKey[String]("native-compiler", "Native compiler.")
- val flags = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("native-flags", "Flags for native compiler.")
- val includeDirectories = SettingKey[Seq[File]]("native-include-directories", "Include directories for native compiler.")
- val outputDirectory = SettingKey[File]("native-output-directory", "Directory for native output.")
- val makeOutputDirectory = TaskKey[Unit]("native-make-output-directory", "Make native output directory.")
- val compile = TaskKey[Unit]("native-compile", "Compiles native sources.")
- val javah = TaskKey[Unit]("native-javah", "Generate JNI headers.")
- val javahTask = javah <<= (javaClass, sourceDirectory, Keys.classDirectory) map {(j, src, cp) =>
- val cmd = "javah -d " + source.absolutePath + " -cp " + cp.absolutePath + " " + javaClass
- cmd !
- }
- def compileTask(compiler: String, flags: Seq[String], includeDirectories: Seq[File], source: File, outputDirectory: File): Unit = {
- val cmdParts =
- List(compiler) ++
- flags ++
- includeDirectories.map(i => "-I" + i.absolutePath) ++
- List("-c", source.absolutePath) ++
- List("-o", (outputDirectory / source.base).absolutePath + ".o")
- val cmd = cmdParts.mkString(" ")
- println(cmd)
- cmd !
- }
- def jdkHome =
- lazy val defaults = Seq(
- jdkHome := file(System.getProperty("java.home")) / "..",
- compiler := "gcc",
- flags := Seq(),
- source <<= sourceDirectory(_ / "main" / "c" / "flow.c"),
- includeDirectories := Seq(jdkHome / "include", jdkHome / "include" / "linux"),
- outputDirectory <<= target(_ / "c"),
- makeOutputDirectory <<= (outputDirectory) map {o => o.mkdirs()},
- compile <<= ((compiler, flags, includeDirectories, source, outputDirectory) map {
- (c, f, i, s, o) => compileTask(c, f, i, s, o)
- }).dependsOn(makeOutputDirectory)
- )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/build.properties b/project/build.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15f8ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/build.properties
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/project/plugins.sbt b/project/plugins.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb2159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+addSbtPlugin("com.github.jodersky" % "sbt-native" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT")