path: root/stage1/cbt.scala
diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-20 22:09:38 -0400
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-27 19:56:13 -0400
commitbba2abe7ee38b8903822a07578c46466923d13ed (patch)
treea357fb8def6f58a9ea9a37411f3f5640dcb525fe /stage1/cbt.scala
parentd2f8cade709b7d55a93e18592b6e38247d648ca9 (diff)
start modularizing cbt into libraries
this extracts certain parts of cbt into stand-alone libraries, which can be published to maven and used outside of cbt. This also adds scalariform for these parts of the code. This slows down cbt’s own build a lot because of the number of projects involved! So we’ll follow this by a bunch of performance tweak commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'stage1/cbt.scala')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/stage1/cbt.scala b/stage1/cbt.scala
index 8cba9df..64257c2 100644
--- a/stage1/cbt.scala
+++ b/stage1/cbt.scala
@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@ import java.io._
import java.nio.file._
import java.nio.file.Files._
import java.net._
+import java.lang.reflect._
object `package`{
- implicit class TypeInferenceSafeEquals[T](value: T){
- /** if you don't manually upcast, this will catch comparing different types */
- def ===(other: T) = value == other
- def =!=(other: T) = value != other // =!= instead of !==, because it has better precedence
- }
+ implicit class CbtExitCodeOps( val exitCode: ExitCode ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtExitCodeOps
+ implicit class TypeInferenceSafeEquals[T]( val value: T ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.TypeInferenceSafeEquals[T]
+ implicit class CbtBooleanOps( val condition: Boolean ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtBooleanOps
+ implicit class CbtStringOps( val string: String ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtStringOps
+ implicit class CbtFileOps( val file: File ) extends file.ops.CbtFileOps
+ implicit class CbtClassOps( val c: Class[_] ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtClassOps
+ implicit class CbtConstructorOps( val c: Constructor[_] ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtConstructorOps
+ implicit class CbtMethodOps( val m: Method ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtMethodOps
val mavenCentral = new URL("https://repo1.maven.org/maven2")
val jcenter = new URL("https://jcenter.bintray.com")
@@ -18,15 +24,6 @@ object `package`{
val sonatypeReleases = sonatypeBase ++ "releases"
val sonatypeSnapshots = sonatypeBase ++ "snapshots"
- private val lib = new BaseLib
- implicit class CbtBooleanExtensions(condition: Boolean){
- def option[T](value: =>T): Option[T] = if(condition) Some(value) else None
- }
- implicit class CbtStringExtensions(string: String){
- def escape = string.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("\"","\\\"")
- def quote = s""""$escape""""
- }
implicit class PathExtensionMethods( path: Path ){
def /(s: String): Path = path.resolve(s)
def ++( s: String ): Path = {
@@ -36,44 +33,7 @@ object `package`{
Paths.get( path.toString ++ s )
- implicit class FileExtensionMethods( file: File ){
- def ++( s: String ): File = {
- if(s endsWith "/") throw new Exception(
- """Trying to append a String that ends in "/" to a File would loose the trailing "/". Use .stripSuffix("/") if you need to."""
- )
- new File( file.toString ++ s )
- }
- def /(s: String): File = new File( file, s )
- def parent = lib.realpath(file ++ "/..")
- def string = file.toString
- /* recursively deletes folders*/
- def deleteRecursive: Unit = {
- val s = file.string
- // some desperate attempts to keep people from accidentally deleting their hard drive
- assert( file == file.getCanonicalFile, "deleteRecursive requires previous .getCanonicalFile" )
- assert( file.isAbsolute, "deleteRecursive requires absolute path" )
- assert( file.string != "", "deleteRecursive requires non-empty file path" )
- assert( s.split(File.separator.replace("\\","\\\\")).size > 4, "deleteRecursive requires absolute path of at least depth 4" )
- assert( !listRecursive.exists(_.isHidden), "deleteRecursive requires no files to be hidden" )
- assert( listRecursive.forall(_.canWrite), "deleteRecursive requires all files to be writable" )
- if( file.isDirectory ){
- file.listFiles.map(_.deleteRecursive)
- }
- file.delete
- }
- def listOrFail: Seq[File] = Option( file.listFiles ).getOrElse( throw new Exception( "no such file: " + file ) ).toVector
- def listRecursive: Seq[File] = {
- file +: (
- if( file.isDirectory ) file.listFiles.flatMap(_.listRecursive).toVector else Seq[File]()
- )
- }
- def lastModifiedRecursive = listRecursive.map(_.lastModified).max
- def readAsString = new String( readAllBytes( file.toPath ) )
- def quote = s"new _root_.java.io.File(${string.quote})"
- }
implicit class URLExtensionMethods( url: URL ){
def ++( s: String ): URL = new URL( url.toString ++ s )
def show = "/[^/@]+@".r.replaceFirstIn( url.toString, "/" ) // remove credentials when showing url for security reasons