path: root/stage2/Lib.scala
diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-03-07 01:36:40 -0500
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-03-07 01:36:40 -0500
commite958dec0dbbcf7f7a28cd21641e76390fb3dba6a (patch)
treeec0933e230b0c3f222fceb82b3eec177d56ea979 /stage2/Lib.scala
parentf0dc760df8757caea1d83b15142a3d0704488636 (diff)
cleanup: whitespace changes, separated more things into their own files, use ++ for strings everywhere. Added ++ method to File and URL and use it in many places
Diffstat (limited to 'stage2/Lib.scala')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/Lib.scala b/stage2/Lib.scala
index 9971b55..6bb9c0b 100644
--- a/stage2/Lib.scala
+++ b/stage2/Lib.scala
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
def loadRoot(context: Context, default: Context => Build = new Build(_)): Build = {
context.logger.composition( context.logger.showInvocation("Build.loadRoot",context) )
- def findStartDir(cwd: String): String = {
- val buildDir = realpath(cwd+"/build")
- if(new File(buildDir).exists) findStartDir(buildDir) else cwd
+ def findStartDir(cwd: File): File = {
+ val buildDir = realpath( cwd ++ "/build" )
+ if(buildDir.exists) findStartDir(buildDir) else cwd
val start = findStartDir(context.cwd)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
if(useBasicBuildBuild) default( context ) else new cbt.BuildBuild( context.copy( cwd = start ) )
} catch {
case e:ClassNotFoundException if e.getMessage == rootBuildClassName =>
- throw new Exception(s"no class $rootBuildClassName found in "+start)
+ throw new Exception(s"no class $rootBuildClassName found in " ++ start.string)
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
def srcJar(sources: Seq[File], artifactId: String, version: String, jarTarget: File): File = {
- val file = new File(jarTarget+"/"+artifactId+"-"+version+"-sources.jar")
+ val file = jarTarget ++ ("/"++artifactId++"-"++version++"-sources.jar")
lib.jarFile(file, sources)
def jar(artifactId: String, version: String, compileTarget: File, jarTarget: File): File = {
- val file = new File(jarTarget+"/"+artifactId+"-"+version+".jar")
+ val file = jarTarget ++ ("/"++artifactId++"-"++version++".jar")
lib.jarFile(file, Seq(compileTarget))
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
// FIXME: can we use compiler dependency here?
- "-cp", /*javacp+":"+*/ScalaDependencies(logger).classpath.string + ":" + dependenyClasspath.string,
+ "-cp", /*javacp++":"++*/ScalaDependencies(logger).classpath.string ++ ":" ++ dependenyClasspath.string,
"-d", apiTarget.toString
) ++ compileArgs ++ sourceFiles.map(_.toString),
new URLClassLoader(
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
- val docJar = new File(jarTarget+"/"+artifactId+"-"+version+"-javadoc.jar")
+ val docJar = jarTarget ++ ("/"++artifactId++"-"++version++"-javadoc.jar")
lib.jarFile(docJar, Vector(apiTarget))
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
val loggers = logger.enabledLoggers.mkString(",")
// FIXME: this is a hack to pass logger args on to the tests.
// should probably have a more structured way
- val loggerArg = if(loggers != "") Some("-Dlog="+loggers) else None
+ val loggerArg = if(loggers != "") Some("-Dlog="++loggers) else None
logger.lib(s"invoke testDefault( $context )")
val exitCode: ExitCode = loadDynamic(
- context.copy( cwd = context.cwd+"/test/", args = loggerArg.toVector ++ context.args ),
+ context.copy( cwd = context.cwd ++ "/test", args = loggerArg.toVector ++ context.args ),
new Build(_) with mixins.Test
logger.lib(s"return testDefault( $context )")
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
// task reflection helpers
import ru._
- private lazy val anyRefMembers = ru.typeOf[AnyRef].members.toVector.map(taskName)
- def taskNames(tpe: Type) = tpe.members.toVector.flatMap(lib.toTask).map(taskName).sorted
- private def taskName(method: Symbol) = method.name.decodedName.toString
+ private lazy val anyRefMembers: Set[String] = ru.typeOf[AnyRef].members.toSet.map(taskName)
+ def taskNames(tpe: Type): Seq[String] = tpe.members.toVector.flatMap(lib.toTask).map(taskName).sorted
+ private def taskName(method: Symbol): String = method.name.decodedName.toString
def toTask(symbol: Symbol): Option[MethodSymbol] = {
@@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
} else ""
- ) + s"""Methods provided by CBT (but possibly overwritten)
+ ) ++ s"""Methods provided by CBT (but possibly overwritten)
${baseTasks.mkString(" ")}"""
- ) + "\n"
+ ) ++ "\n"
@@ -202,17 +202,13 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
// file system helpers
- def basename(path: String) = path.stripSuffix("/").split("/").last
- def basename(path: File) = path.toString.stripSuffix("/").split("/").last
- def dirname(path: String) = realpath(path).stripSuffix("/").split("/").dropRight(1).mkString("/")
- def realpath(name: String) = Paths.get(new File(name).getAbsolutePath).normalize.toString
- def realpath(name: File) = new File(Paths.get(name.getAbsolutePath).normalize.toString)
- def nameAndContents(file: File) = basename(file.toString) -> readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.toString))
+ def basename(path: File): String = path.toString.stripSuffix("/").split("/").last
+ def dirname(path: File): File = new File(realpath(path).string.stripSuffix("/").split("/").dropRight(1).mkString("/"))
+ def nameAndContents(file: File) = basename(file) -> readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.toString))
def jarFile( jarFile: File, files: Seq[File] ): Unit = {
- logger.lib("Start packaging "+jarFile)
+ logger.lib("Start packaging "++jarFile.string)
val manifest = new Manifest
manifest.getMainAttributes().put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0")
val jar = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile.toString), manifest)
@@ -227,7 +223,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
val entry = new JarEntry( name )
- jar.write( Files.readAllBytes( Paths.get(file.toString) ) )
+ jar.write( readAllBytes( Paths.get(file.toString) ) )
@@ -235,11 +231,11 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
val duplicateFiles = (names diff names.distinct).distinct
- s"Conflicting file names when trying to create $jarFile: "+duplicateFiles.mkString(", ")
+ s"Conflicting file names when trying to create $jarFile: "++duplicateFiles.mkString(", ")
- logger.lib("Done packaging "+jarFile)
+ logger.lib("Done packaging " ++ jarFile.toString)
lazy val passphrase =
@@ -255,9 +251,9 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
new ProcessBuilder( "gpg", "--batch", "--yes", "-a", "-b", "-s", "--passphrase", passphrase, file.toString )
- if( 0 != statusCode ) throw new Exception("gpg exited with status code "+statusCode)
+ if( 0 != statusCode ) throw new Exception("gpg exited with status code " ++ statusCode.toString)
- new File(file+".asc")
+ file ++ ".asc"
//def requiredForPom[T](name: String): T = throw new Exception(s"You need to override `def $name` in order to generate a valid pom.")
@@ -324,9 +320,9 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
- val path = new File(jarTarget+"/"+artifactId+"-"+version+".pom")
- write.over(Path(path), "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + xml.toString)
- path
+ val path = jarTarget.toString ++ ( "/" ++ artifactId ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".pom" )
+ write.over(Path(path), "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" ++ xml.toString)
+ new File(path)
def concurrently[T,R]( concurrencyEnabled: Boolean )( items: Seq[T] )( projection: T => R ): Seq[R] = {
@@ -347,8 +343,8 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
val files = (artifacts ++ artifacts.map(sign)).map(nameAndContents)
lazy val checksums = files.flatMap{
case (name, content) => Seq(
- name+".md5" -> md5(content).toArray.map(_.toByte),
- name+".sha1" -> sha1(content).toArray.map(_.toByte)
+ name++".md5" -> md5(content).toArray.map(_.toByte),
+ name++".sha1" -> sha1(content).toArray.map(_.toByte)
val all = (files ++ checksums)
@@ -363,16 +359,14 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
def upload(fileName: String, fileContents: Array[Byte], baseUrl: URL): Unit = {
import java.net._
import java.io._
- logger.task("uploading "+fileName)
- val url = new URL(
- baseUrl + fileName
- )
+ logger.task("uploading "++fileName)
+ val url = baseUrl ++ fileName
val httpCon = url.openConnection.asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
val userPassword = read(Path(sonatypeLogin)).trim
val encoding = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(userPassword.getBytes)
- httpCon.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding)
+ httpCon.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " ++ encoding)
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/binary")
@@ -389,7 +383,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
file =>
- if(file.isFile) new File( dirname(file.toString) )
+ if(file.isFile) dirname(file)
else file
}.distinct.map{ file =>
val watchableFile = new WatchableFile(file)
@@ -411,7 +405,7 @@ final class Lib(logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger) with Scaffold{
.filterNot(_.kind == StandardWatchEventKind.OVERFLOW)
.map(new File(_))
- changedFiles.foreach( f => logger.loop("Changed: "+f) )
+ changedFiles.foreach( f => logger.loop( "Changed: " ++ f.toString ) )