path: root/stage2/plugins/DynamicOverrides.scala
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/plugins/DynamicOverrides.scala b/stage2/plugins/DynamicOverrides.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d67be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stage2/plugins/DynamicOverrides.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package cbt
+import cbt.eval.Eval
+trait DynamicOverrides extends BaseBuild{
+ private val twitterEval = {
+ taskCache[DynamicOverrides]( "eval" ).memoize{
+ new Eval{
+ override lazy val impliedClassPath: List[String] = context.parentBuild.get.classpath.strings.toList//new ScalaCompilerDependency( context.cbtLastModified, context.paths.mavenCache, scalaVersion ).classpath.strings.toList
+ override def classLoader = DynamicOverrides.this.getClass.getClassLoader
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected [cbt] def overrides: String = ""
+ // TODO: add support for Build inner classes
+ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
+ def newBuild[T <: DynamicOverrides:TypeTag]: T = newBuild[T](context)("")
+ def newBuild[T <: DynamicOverrides:TypeTag](body: String): T = newBuild[T](context)(body)
+ def newBuild[T <: DynamicOverrides:TypeTag](context: Context)(body: String): T = {
+ val tag = typeTag[T]
+ val mixinClass = tag.mirror.runtimeClass(tag.tpe)
+ assert(mixinClass.getTypeParameters.size == 0)
+ val mixin = if(
+ mixinClass == classOf[Nothing]
+ || mixinClass.getSimpleName == "Build"
+ ) "" else " with "+mixinClass.getName
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ val parent = Option(
+ if(this.getClass.getName.startsWith("Evaluator__"))
+ this.getClass.getName.dropWhile(_ != '$').drop(1).stripSuffix("$1")
+ else
+ this.getClass.getName
+ ).getOrElse(
+ throw new Exception( "You cannot have more than one newBuild call on the Stack right now." )
+ )
+ val overrides = "" // currently disables, but can be used to force overrides everywhere
+ if(mixin == "" && overrides == "" && body == ""){
+ // TODO: is it possible for the contructor to have the wrong signature and
+ // thereby produce a pretty hard to understand error message here?
+ this.getClass
+ .getConstructor(classOf[Context])
+ .newInstance(context)
+ .asInstanceOf[T]
+ } else {
+ val baseName = "DynamicBuild" + System.currentTimeMillis
+ val overrideName = baseName+"Overrides"
+ val (finalName, code) = if(overrides == ""){
+ (
+ baseName,
+ s"""
+ class $baseName(context: _root_.cbt.Context)
+ extends $parent(context)$mixin{
+ $body
+ }
+ """
+ )
+ } else {
+ (
+ overrideName,
+ s"""
+ class $baseName(context: _root_.cbt.Context)
+ extends $parent(context)$mixin{
+ $body
+ }
+ class $overrideName(context: _root_.cbt.Context)
+ extends $baseName(context){
+ $overrides
+ }
+ """
+ )
+ }
+ logger.dynamic("Dynamically generated code:\n" ++ code)
+ twitterEval.compile(code)
+ val createBuild = twitterEval.apply[Context => T](s"new $finalName(_: _root_.cbt.Context)",false)
+ createBuild( context ).asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
+ }
+ def runFlat: ExitCode = newBuild[DynamicOverrides]{"""
+ override def flatClassLoader = true
+ """}.run