path: root/stage2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stage2')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/plugins/ExportBuildInformation.scala b/stage2/plugins/ExportBuildInformation.scala
index 8884ed4..8896d86 100644
--- a/stage2/plugins/ExportBuildInformation.scala
+++ b/stage2/plugins/ExportBuildInformation.scala
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
package cbt
import cbt._
-import scala.xml._
-import scala.util._
import java.io._
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.xml._
trait ExportBuildInformation { self: BaseBuild =>
- lazy val printer = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(200, 2)
- def buildInfoXml =
- printer.format(BuildInformationSerializer.serialize(BuildInformation.Project(self)))
+ def buildInfoXml: String =
+ BuildInformationSerializer.serialize(BuildInformation.Project(self)).toString
object BuildInformation {
@@ -19,7 +15,9 @@ object BuildInformation {
root: File,
rootModule: Module,
modules: Seq[Module],
- libraries: Seq[Library]
+ libraries: Seq[Library],
+ cbtLibraries: Seq[Library],
+ scalaCompilers: Seq[ScalaCompiler]
case class Module(
@@ -30,8 +28,9 @@ object BuildInformation {
target: File,
binaryDependencies: Seq[BinaryDependency],
moduleDependencies: Seq[ModuleDependency],
- classpaths: Seq[ClassPathItem],
- parentBuild: Option[String]
+ classpath: Seq[File],
+ parentBuild: Option[String],
+ scalacOptions: Seq[String]
case class Library( name: String, jars: Seq[File] )
@@ -40,162 +39,208 @@ object BuildInformation {
case class ModuleDependency( name: String )
- case class ClassPathItem( path: File )
+ case class ScalaCompiler( version: String, jars: Seq[File] )
object Project {
- def apply(build: BaseBuild) =
- new BuildInformationExporter(build).exportBuildInformation
+ def apply(build: BaseBuild): Project =
+ new BuildInformationExporter(build).exportBuildInformation
class BuildInformationExporter(rootBuild: BaseBuild) {
- def exportBuildInformation(): Project = {
+ def exportBuildInformation: Project = {
val moduleBuilds = transitiveBuilds(rootBuild)
val libraries = moduleBuilds
.collect { case d: BoundMavenDependency => exportLibrary(d) }
val cbtLibraries = convertCbtLibraries
- val cbtbinaryDependencies = cbtLibraries
- .map(l => BinaryDependency(l.name))
- val rootModule = exportModule(cbtbinaryDependencies)(rootBuild)
- val modules = moduleBuilds.map(exportModule(cbtbinaryDependencies))
+ val rootModule = exportModule(rootBuild)
+ val modules = moduleBuilds
+ .map(exportModule)
+ .distinct
+ val scalaCompilers = modules
+ .map(_.scalaVersion)
+ .map(v => ScalaCompiler(v, scalaCompiler(rootBuild, v)))
- libraries ++ cbtLibraries
+ libraries,
+ cbtLibraries,
+ scalaCompilers
- private def convertCbtLibraries() =
+ private def convertCbtLibraries =
- .collect {
- case d: BoundMavenDependency => d.jar
- case d: PackageJars => d.jar.get
- }
- .map(exportLibrary)
- .distinct
- private def collectLazyBuilds(dependency: Dependency): Option[BaseBuild] =
+ .collect {
+ case d: BoundMavenDependency => d.jar
+ case d: PackageJars => d.jar.get
+ }
+ .map(exportLibrary)
+ .distinct
+ private def collectLazyBuilds(dependency: Dependency): Option[BaseBuild] =
dependency match {
- case l: LazyDependency =>
+ case l: LazyDependency =>
l.dependency match {
- case d: BaseBuild => Some(d)
- case d: LazyDependency => collectLazyBuilds(d.dependency)
- case _ => None
+ case d: BaseBuild => Some(d)
+ case d: LazyDependency => collectLazyBuilds(d.dependency)
+ case _ => None
case d: BaseBuild => Some(d)
case _ => None
- private def transitiveBuilds(build: BaseBuild): Seq[BaseBuild] =
+ private def transitiveBuilds(build: BaseBuild): Seq[BaseBuild] =
(build +: build.transitiveDependencies)
- .collect {
- case d: BaseBuild => d +: collectParentBuilds(d).flatMap(transitiveBuilds)
- case d: LazyDependency =>
- collectLazyBuilds(d.dependency)
- .toSeq
- .flatMap(transitiveBuilds)
- }
- .flatten
- .distinct
+ .collect {
+ case d: BaseBuild => d +: collectParentBuilds(d).flatMap(transitiveBuilds)
+ case d: LazyDependency =>
+ collectLazyBuilds(d.dependency)
+ .toSeq
+ .flatMap(transitiveBuilds)
+ }
+ .flatten
+ .distinct
- private def exportLibrary(mavenDependency: BoundMavenDependency) =
- Library(fomatMavenDependency(mavenDependency.mavenDependency), mavenDependency.exportedJars)
+ private def exportLibrary(mavenDependency: BoundMavenDependency) = {
+ val name = formatMavenDependency(mavenDependency.mavenDependency)
+ val jars = (mavenDependency +: mavenDependency.transitiveDependencies)
+ .map(_.asInstanceOf[BoundMavenDependency].jar)
+ Library(name, jars)
+ }
- private def exportLibrary(file: File) =
+ private def exportLibrary(file: File) =
Library("CBT:" + file.getName.stripSuffix(".jar"), Seq(file))
- private def collectParentBuilds(build: BaseBuild): Seq[BaseBuild] =
+ private def collectParentBuilds(build: BaseBuild): Seq[BaseBuild] =
- .map(_.asInstanceOf[BaseBuild])
- .map(b => b +: collectParentBuilds(b))
- .toSeq
- .flatten
- private def exportModule(cbtbinaryDependencies: Seq[BinaryDependency])(build: BaseBuild): Module = {
- def collectDependencies(dependencies: Seq[Dependency]): Seq[ModuleDependency] =
- dependencies
+ .map(_.asInstanceOf[BaseBuild])
+ .map(b => b +: collectParentBuilds(b))
+ .toSeq
+ .flatten
+ private def collectDependencies(dependencies: Seq[Dependency]): Seq[ModuleDependency] =
+ dependencies
.collect {
- case d: BaseBuild => Seq(ModuleDependency(moduleName(d)))
- case d: LazyDependency => collectDependencies(Seq(d.dependency))
- }
- .flatten
+ case d: BaseBuild => Seq(ModuleDependency(moduleName(d)))
+ case d: LazyDependency => collectDependencies(Seq(d.dependency))
+ }
+ .flatten
+ private def exportModule(build: BaseBuild): Module = {
val moduleDependencies = collectDependencies(build.dependencies)
val mavenDependencies = build.dependencies
- .collect { case d: BoundMavenDependency => BinaryDependency(fomatMavenDependency(d.mavenDependency))}
- val classpaths = build.dependencyClasspath.files
+ .collect { case d: BoundMavenDependency => BinaryDependency(formatMavenDependency(d.mavenDependency)) }
+ val classpath = build.dependencyClasspath.files
- .map(t => ClassPathItem(t))
- val sources = build.sources
- .filter(s => s.exists && s.isDirectory) :+ build.projectDirectory
+ .distinct
+ val sources = {
+ val s = build.sources
+ .filter(_.exists)
+ .map(handleSource)
+ .filter(_.getName != "target") //Dirty hack for cbt's sources
+ .distinct
+ if (s.nonEmpty)
+ s
+ else
+ Seq(build.projectDirectory)
+ }
name = moduleName(build),
root = build.projectDirectory,
scalaVersion = build.scalaVersion,
sources = sources,
target = build.target,
- binaryDependencies = mavenDependencies ++ cbtbinaryDependencies,
+ binaryDependencies = mavenDependencies,
moduleDependencies = moduleDependencies,
- classpaths = classpaths,
- parentBuild = build.context.parentBuild.map(b => moduleName(b.asInstanceOf[BaseBuild]))
+ classpath = classpath,
+ parentBuild = build.context.parentBuild.map(b => moduleName(b.asInstanceOf[BaseBuild])),
+ scalacOptions = build.scalacOptions
- private def fomatMavenDependency(dependency: cbt.MavenDependency) =
+ private def scalaCompiler(build: BaseBuild, scalaVersion: String) =
+ build.Resolver(mavenCentral, sonatypeReleases).bindOne(
+ MavenDependency("org.scala-lang", "scala-compiler", scalaVersion)
+ ).classpath.files
+ private def handleSource(source: File): File =
+ if (source.isDirectory)
+ source
+ else
+ source.getParentFile //Let's asume that for now
+ private def formatMavenDependency(dependency: cbt.MavenDependency) =
- private def moduleName(build: BaseBuild) =
+ private def moduleName(build: BaseBuild) =
if (rootBuild.projectDirectory == build.projectDirectory)
- .drop(rootBuild.projectDirectory.getPath.length)
- .stripPrefix("/")
- .replace("/", "-")
+ .drop(rootBuild.projectDirectory.getPath.length)
+ .stripPrefix("/")
+ .replace("/", "-")
object BuildInformationSerializer {
- def serialize(project: BuildInformation.Project): Node =
- <project name={project.name} root={project.root.toString} rootModule={project.rootModule.name}>
+ def serialize(project: BuildInformation.Project): Node =
+ <project name={project.name} root={project.root.toString} rootModule={project.rootModule.name}>
+ <cbtLibraries>
+ {project.cbtLibraries.map(serialize)}
+ </cbtLibraries>
+ <scalaCompilers>
+ {project.scalaCompilers.map(serialize)}
+ </scalaCompilers>
- private def serialize(module: BuildInformation.Module): Node =
+ private def serialize(module: BuildInformation.Module): Node =
<module name={module.name} root={module.root.toString} target={module.target.toString} scalaVersion={module.scalaVersion}>
{module.sources.map(s => <source>{s}</source>)}
+ <scalacOptions>
+ {module.scalacOptions.map(o => <option>{o}</option>)}
+ </scalacOptions>
- {module.binaryDependencies.map(serialize)}
+ {module.binaryDependencies.map(serialize)}
- {module.classpaths.map(serialize)}
+ {module.classpath.map(c => <classpathItem>{c.toString}</classpathItem>)}
{module.parentBuild.map(p => <parentBuild>{p}</parentBuild>).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty)}
- private def serialize(binaryDependency: BuildInformation.BinaryDependency): Node =
+ private def serialize(binaryDependency: BuildInformation.BinaryDependency): Node =
- private def serialize(library: BuildInformation.Library): Node =
- <library name = {library.name}>
+ private def serialize(library: BuildInformation.Library): Node =
+ <library name={library.name}>
{library.jars.map(j => <jar>{j}</jar>)}
- private def serialize(moduleDependency: BuildInformation.ModuleDependency): Node =
- <moduleDependency>{moduleDependency.name}</moduleDependency>
+ private def serialize(compiler: BuildInformation.ScalaCompiler): Node =
+ <compiler version={compiler.version}>
+ {compiler.jars.map(j => <jar>{j}</jar>)}
+ </compiler>
- private def serialize(targetLibrary: BuildInformation.ClassPathItem): Node =
- <classpathItem>{targetLibrary.path.toString}</classpathItem>
+ private def serialize(moduleDependency: BuildInformation.ModuleDependency): Node =
+ <moduleDependency>{moduleDependency.name}</moduleDependency>
+} \ No newline at end of file