path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala
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authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-04-22 16:15:03 +0200
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-04-28 11:00:39 +0200
commit53bd25f7e2082a787936ae833b14f873a07ff22c (patch)
tree6ecb2d392eb12a3d82cffc45c5a1b23f3c85c39d /src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala
parent96fcdd9da51e1febe9e320f774424b5ac3f8ff3d (diff)
Initial implementation featuring two different highlighters
One was implemted by hand and the other by using dotty's parser. The one built by hand is shorter, and behaves correctly. The scanner one is unfortunately not ready for testing - there are too many things that are workarounds for it to be a good solution as of now The code added from Ammonite is licensed under MIT, not sure where to put the license - but will add it once I know.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebea3f8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/SyntaxHighlighter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+import ammonite.terminal.FilterTools._
+import ammonite.terminal.LazyList._
+import ammonite.terminal.SpecialKeys._
+import ammonite.terminal.Filter
+import ammonite.terminal._
+import scala.annotation.switch
+import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
+/** This object provides functions for syntax highlighting in the REPL */
+object SyntaxHighlighting {
+ private def none(str: String) = str
+ private def keyword(str: String) = Console.CYAN + str + Console.RESET
+ private def typeDef(str: String) = Console.GREEN + str + Console.RESET
+ private def literal(str: String) = Console.MAGENTA + str + Console.RESET
+ private def annotation(str: String) = Console.RED + str + Console.RESET
+ private val keywords =
+ "abstract" :: "class" :: "case" :: "catch" :: "def" ::
+ "do" :: "extends" :: "else" :: "false" :: "finally" ::
+ "final" :: "for" :: "forSome" :: "if" :: "import" ::
+ "implicit" :: "lazy" :: "match" :: "null" :: "new" ::
+ "object" :: "override" :: "private" :: "protected" :: "package" ::
+ "return" :: "sealed" :: "super" :: "true" :: "trait" ::
+ "type" :: "try" :: "this" :: "throw" :: "val" ::
+ "var" :: "with" :: "while" :: "yield" :: Nil
+ private val interpolationPrefixes =
+ 'A' :: 'B' :: 'C' :: 'D' :: 'E' :: 'F' :: 'G' :: 'H' :: 'I' :: 'J' ::
+ 'K' :: 'L' :: 'M' :: 'N' :: 'O' :: 'P' :: 'Q' :: 'R' :: 'S' :: 'T' ::
+ 'U' :: 'V' :: 'W' :: 'X' :: 'Y' :: 'Z' :: '$' :: '_' :: 'a' :: 'b' ::
+ 'c' :: 'd' :: 'e' :: 'f' :: 'g' :: 'h' :: 'i' :: 'j' :: 'k' :: 'l' ::
+ 'm' :: 'n' :: 'o' :: 'p' :: 'q' :: 'r' :: 's' :: 't' :: 'u' :: 'v' ::
+ 'w' :: 'x' :: 'y' :: 'z' :: Nil
+ private val typeEnders =
+ '{' :: '}' :: ')' :: '(' :: '=' :: ' ' :: ',' :: '.' :: Nil
+ def apply(buffer: Iterable[Char]): Vector[Char] = {
+ var prev: Char = 0
+ var iter = buffer.toIterator
+ val newBuf = new StringBuilder
+ @inline def keywordStart =
+ prev == 0 || prev == ' ' || prev == '{' || prev == '('
+ @inline def numberStart(c: Char) =
+ c.isDigit && (!prev.isLetter || prev == '.' || prev == ' ' || prev == '(' || prev == '\u0000')
+ while(iter.hasNext) {
+ val n = iter.next
+ if (interpolationPrefixes.contains(n)) {
+ // Interpolation prefixes are a superset of the keyword start chars
+ val next = iter.take(3).mkString
+ if (next.startsWith("\"")) {
+ newBuf += n
+ prev = n
+ appendLiteral('"', next.toIterator.drop(1), next == "\"\"\"")
+ } else {
+ val (dup, _ ) = iter.duplicate
+ iter = next.toIterator ++ dup
+ if (n.isUpper && keywordStart) {
+ appendWhile(n, !typeEnders.contains(_), typeDef)
+ } else if (keywordStart) {
+ append(n, keywords.contains(_), keyword)
+ } else {
+ newBuf += n
+ prev = n
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ (n: @switch) match {
+ case '=' =>
+ append('=', _ == "=>", keyword)
+ case '<' =>
+ append('<', { x => x == "<-" || x == "<:" || x == "<%" }, keyword)
+ case '>' =>
+ append('>', { x => x == ">:" }, keyword)
+ case '#' =>
+ newBuf append keyword("#")
+ prev = '#'
+ case '@' =>
+ appendWhile('@', _ != ' ', annotation)
+ case '\"' => iter.take(2).mkString match {
+ case "\"\"" => appendLiteral('\"', Iterator.empty, multiline = true)
+ case lit => appendLiteral('\"', lit.toIterator)
+ }
+ case '\'' =>
+ appendLiteral('\'', Iterator.empty)
+ case '`' =>
+ appendUntil('`', _ == '`', none)
+ case c if c.isUpper && keywordStart =>
+ appendWhile(c, !typeEnders.contains(_), typeDef)
+ case c if numberStart(c) =>
+ appendWhile(c, { x => x.isDigit || x == '.' || x == '\u0000'}, literal)
+ case c =>
+ newBuf += c; prev = c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def appendLiteral(delim: Char, nextTwo: Iterator[Char], multiline: Boolean = false) = {
+ var curr: Char = 0
+ var continue = true
+ var closing = 0
+ val inInterpolation = interpolationPrefixes.contains(prev)
+ newBuf append (Console.MAGENTA + delim)
+ while (continue && (iter.hasNext || nextTwo.hasNext)) {
+ curr = if(nextTwo.hasNext) nextTwo.next else iter.next
+ if (curr == '\\' && (iter.hasNext || nextTwo.hasNext)) {
+ val next = if (nextTwo.hasNext) nextTwo.next else iter.next
+ newBuf append (Console.CYAN + curr)
+ if (next == 'u') {
+ val code = "u" + iter.take(4).mkString
+ newBuf append code
+ } else newBuf += next
+ newBuf append Console.MAGENTA
+ closing = 0
+ } else if (inInterpolation && curr == '$' && prev != '$' && (iter.hasNext || nextTwo.hasNext)) { //TODO - break me out!
+ val next: Char = if (nextTwo.hasNext) nextTwo.next else iter.next
+ if (next == '$') {
+ newBuf += curr
+ newBuf += next
+ prev = '$'
+ } else if (next == '{') {
+ newBuf append (Console.CYAN + curr)
+ newBuf += next
+ if (iter.hasNext) {
+ var c = iter.next
+ while (iter.hasNext && c != '}') {
+ newBuf += c
+ c = iter.next
+ }
+ newBuf += c
+ newBuf append Console.MAGENTA
+ }
+ } else { //TODO - break me out
+ newBuf append (Console.CYAN + curr)
+ newBuf += next
+ var c: Char = 'a'
+ while (c.isLetterOrDigit && (iter.hasNext || nextTwo.hasNext)) {
+ c = if (nextTwo.hasNext) nextTwo.next else iter.next
+ if (c != '"') newBuf += c
+ }
+ newBuf append Console.MAGENTA
+ if (c == '"') newBuf += c
+ }
+ closing = 0
+ } else if (curr == delim && multiline) {
+ closing += 1
+ if (closing == 3) continue = false
+ newBuf += curr
+ } else if (curr == delim) {
+ continue = false
+ newBuf += curr
+ } else {
+ newBuf += curr
+ closing = 0
+ }
+ }
+ newBuf append Console.RESET
+ prev = curr
+ }
+ def append(c: Char, shouldHL: String => Boolean, highlight: String => String, pre: Iterator[Char] = Iterator.empty) = {
+ var curr: Char = 0
+ val sb = new StringBuilder(s"$c")
+ while ((pre.hasNext || iter.hasNext) && curr != ' ' && curr != '(') {
+ curr = if (pre.hasNext) pre.next else iter.next
+ if (curr != ' ') sb += curr
+ }
+ val str = sb.toString
+ val toAdd = if (shouldHL(str)) highlight(str) else str
+ val suffix = if (curr == ' ') " " else ""
+ newBuf append (toAdd + suffix)
+ prev = curr
+ }
+ def appendWhile(c: Char, pred: Char => Boolean, highlight: String => String) = {
+ var curr: Char = 0
+ val sb = new StringBuilder(s"$c")
+ while (iter.hasNext && pred(curr)) {
+ curr = iter.next
+ if (pred(curr)) sb += curr
+ }
+ val str = sb.toString
+ val suffix = if (!pred(curr)) s"$curr" else ""
+ newBuf append (highlight(str) + suffix)
+ prev = curr
+ }
+ def appendUntil(c: Char, pred: Char => Boolean, highlight: String => String) = {
+ var curr: Char = 0
+ val sb = new StringBuilder(s"$c")
+ while (iter.hasNext && !pred(curr)) {
+ curr = iter.next
+ sb += curr
+ }
+ newBuf append (highlight(sb.toString))
+ prev = curr
+ }
+ newBuf.toVector
+ }
+ import util.SourceFile
+ import parsing.Scanners.Scanner
+ import dotc.core.Contexts._
+ import dotc.parsing.Tokens._
+ import reporting._
+ def apply(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context): Vector[Char] = {
+ val freshCtx = ctx.fresh.setReporter(new Reporter {
+ def doReport(d: Diagnostic)(implicit ctx: Context) = ()
+ })
+ val scanner = new Scanner(source, preserveWhitespace = true)(freshCtx)
+ val buf = new StringBuilder()
+ var prev = List(EMPTY)
+ var realLength = 0
+ /** `accept` is used to allow for `realLength` to be used to infer "magically
+ * missing tokens"
+ */
+ def accept(str: String): String = {
+ realLength += str.length
+ str
+ }
+ while (scanner.token != EOF) {
+ buf append (scanner.token match {
+ // Whitespace
+ case WHITESPACE => accept({
+ if (prev.head == ERROR) scanner.litBuf.toString
+ else ""
+ } + scanner.strVal)
+ // Identifiers
+ accept(s"""`${scanner.name.show}`""")
+ case id if identifierTokens contains id => {
+ val name = accept(scanner.name.show)
+ if (name.head.isUpper) typeDef(name) else name
+ }
+ // Literals
+ parseInterpStr()
+ case STRINGLIT =>
+ literal(accept(s""""${scanner.strVal}""""))
+ case CHARLIT =>
+ literal(accept(s"""'${scanner.strVal}'"""))
+ case SYMBOLLIT =>
+ accept("'" + scanner.strVal)
+ case lit if literalTokens contains lit =>
+ literal(accept(scanner.strVal))
+ // Unclosed literals caught using startedLiteral var
+ case ERROR =>
+ val start = scanner.startedLiteral
+ accept(if (start != null) start else "")
+ // Keywords
+ case EQUALS | COLON => accept(scanner.name.show)
+ case k if alphaKeywords.contains(k) || symbolicKeywords.contains(k) =>
+ keyword(accept(scanner.name.show))
+ // Other minor tokens (i.e. '{' etc)
+ case EMPTY => ""
+ case XMLSTART => accept("<")
+ case _ => accept(tokenString(scanner.token).replaceAll("\'", ""))
+ })
+ prev = scanner.token :: prev
+ scanner.nextToken()
+ }
+ def parseInterpStr(): String = {
+ // print InterpolationID 's' etc
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ sb append accept(scanner.name.show)
+ prev = scanner.token :: prev
+ scanner.nextToken()
+ /**
+ * The composition of interpolated strings:
+ * s"hello $guy!"
+ * ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^
+ * | | | |
+ * | | | |
+ * | | | STRINGLIT
+ *
+ * As such, get tokens until EOF or STRINGLIT is encountered
+ */
+ def scan() = scanner.token match {
+ case STRINGPART => {
+ val delim =
+ if (scanner.inMultiLineInterpolation) "\"\"\""
+ else "\""
+ if (prev.head == INTERPOLATIONID) literal(accept(delim))
+ else ""
+ } + literal(accept(scanner.strVal))
+ case id if identifierTokens contains id => {
+ val name = scanner.name.show
+ // $ symbols are not caught by the scanner, infer them
+ val prefix = if (prev.head == STRINGPART) "$" else ""
+ accept(prefix + name)
+ }
+ case WHITESPACE => accept({
+ // Whitespace occurs in interpolated strings where there
+ // is an error - e.g. unclosed string literal
+ //
+ // Or in blocks i.e. ${...WHITESPACE...}
+ if (prev.head == ERROR) scanner.litBuf.toString
+ else ""
+ } + scanner.strVal)
+ case CHARLIT =>
+ literal(accept(s"""'${scanner.strVal}'"""))
+ case SYMBOLLIT =>
+ accept("'" + scanner.strVal)
+ case lit if literalTokens contains lit =>
+ literal(accept(scanner.strVal))
+ case LBRACE =>
+ // An `LBRACE` will only occur if it precedes a block, ergo we can
+ // infer "${"
+ accept("${")
+ case RBRACE => accept("}")
+ case ERROR => {
+ // FIXME: the behaviour here is weird, the check on line 329 clashes
+ // with encountering an error in the interpolated string.
+ //
+ // This clause should be the one taking care of the errors!
+ ""
+ }
+ case _ if prev.head == INTERPOLATIONID =>
+ accept("\"")
+ case x => println(s"Unknown symbol: ${scanner.token}"); ???
+ }
+ while (scanner.token != EOF && scanner.token != STRINGLIT) {
+ sb append scan
+ prev = scanner.token :: prev
+ scanner.nextToken()
+ }
+ val delim =
+ if (scanner.inMultiLineInterpolation) "\"\"\""
+ else "\""
+ if (scanner.token == STRINGLIT) {
+ // If the last part of an interpolated string is a literal, it will end
+ // in `STRINGLIT`
+ if (prev.head == INTERPOLATIONID) sb append literal(accept(delim))
+ sb append literal(accept(scanner.strVal + delim))
+ } else if (prev.head == ERROR && prev.tail.head != IDENTIFIER) {
+ // If error entity to occur in an interpolation
+ val litBuf = scanner.litBuf.toString
+ val expectedLength = source.content.length
+ realLength += litBuf.length
+ val str =
+ if (realLength + 4 == expectedLength) "\"\"\"" + litBuf + "$"
+ else if (realLength + 3 == expectedLength) "\"\"\"" + litBuf
+ else if (realLength + 2 == expectedLength) "\"" + litBuf + "$"
+ else "\"" + litBuf
+ sb append str
+ prev = -1 :: prev.tail // make sure outer doesn't print this as well
+ } else if (prev.head == ERROR && prev.tail.head == IDENTIFIER) {
+ // If an error is preceeded by an identifier, i.e. later in the interpolation
+ val litBuf = scanner.litBuf.toString
+ val expLen = source.content.length
+ val suffix = "" //TODO
+ sb append (litBuf + suffix)
+ } else if (prev.head == IDENTIFIER) {
+ sb append scanner.litBuf.toString
+ } else if (prev.head == INTERPOLATIONID && scanner.token == EOF) {
+ sb append accept(delim)
+ sb append accept(scanner.litBuf.toString)
+ }
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ buf.toVector
+ }