path: root/test
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-10-26 16:19:35 +0200
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-11-22 01:35:06 +0100
commit06a3d47ea9fd1b67b3acba9d115a16d18549e377 (patch)
tree36311873f40e1410154c50d00abb03715619e8cc /test
parent0da788c52121e44de6be0cdc7a0c4c6e1b125ff9 (diff)
Move sjs, make sure that partest compiles everything in dirs
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 78 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/test/dotc/tests.scala b/test/dotc/tests.scala
index 747396c73..d96111dee 100644
--- a/test/dotc/tests.scala
+++ b/test/dotc/tests.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package dotc
import test._
import org.junit.{Before, Test}
+import java.io.{ File => JFile }
import scala.reflect.io.Directory
import scala.io.Source
@@ -23,20 +24,34 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
"-d", defaultOutputDir
- val classPath = List(
+ val checkOptions = List(
- "-color:never",
- "-classpath",
- "./library/target/scala-2.11/dotty-library_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" +
- ":./interfaces/target/dotty-interfaces-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
+ "-color:never"
+ val classPath = {
+ val paths = List(
+ "./library/target/scala-2.11/dotty-library_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
+ "./target/scala-2.11/dotty-compiler_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
+ "./interfaces/target/dotty-interfaces-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
+ ).map { p =>
+ val file = new JFile(p)
+ assert(
+ file.exists,
+ s"""File "$p" couldn't be found. Run `packageAll` from build tool before testing"""
+ )
+ file.getAbsolutePath
+ }.mkString(":")
+ List("-classpath", paths)
+ }
implicit val defaultOptions = noCheckOptions ++ {
if (isRunByJenkins) List("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef") // should be Ycheck:all, but #725
else List("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef")
- } ++ classPath
+ } ++ checkOptions ++ classPath
val testPickling = List("-Xprint-types", "-Ytest-pickler", "-Ystop-after:pickler", "-Yprintpos")
@@ -189,32 +204,10 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
@Test def compileIndexedSeq = compileLine("./scala-scala/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq.scala")
// Not a junit test anymore since it is order dependent
- def dottyBootedLib = compileDir(
- libDir,
- ".",
- List(
- "-deep", "-Ycheck-reentrant", "-strict", "-classpath", defaultOutputDir +
- ":./target/scala-2.11/dotty-compiler_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" +
- ":./interfaces/target/dotty-interfaces-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" +
- ":./library/target/scala-2.11/dotty-library_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
- )
- )(allowDeepSubtypes) // note the -deep argument
+ def dottyBootedLib = compileDir(libDir, ".")(allowDeepSubtypes) // note the -deep argument
// Not a junit test anymore since it is order dependent
- def dottyDependsOnBootedLib = compileDir(
- dottyDir,
- ".",
- List(
- "-deep", "-Ycheck-reentrant", "-strict", "-classpath", defaultOutputDir +
- ":./dotty-lib.jar" +
- ":./interfaces/target/dotty-interfaces-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" +
- // this needs to get compiled together with the compiler:
- //":./target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/scalajs-ir-src/"
- // but falling back to:
- ":/home/fixel/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-js/scalajs-ir_2.11/jars/scalajs-ir_2.11-0.6.8.jar"
- // for the time being.
- )
- )(allowDeepSubtypes) // note the -deep argument
+ @Test def dottyDependsOnBootedLib = compileDir(dottyDir, ".")(allowDeepSubtypes) // note the -deep argument
@Test def dotc_ast = compileDir(dotcDir, "ast")
@Test def dotc_config = compileDir(dotcDir, "config")
@@ -279,7 +272,7 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
) map (s"${backendDir}jvm/" + _), testPickling)
- @Test def tasty_backend_sjs = compileDir(s"${backendDir}", "sjs", testPickling)
+ //@Test def tasty_backend_sjs = compileDir(s"${backendDir}", "sjs", testPickling)
@Test def tasty_dotc = compileDir(toolsDir, "dotc", testPickling)
@Test def tasty_dotc_ast = compileDir(dotcDir, "ast", testPickling)
diff --git a/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala b/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala
index 27d53159b..4552d1137 100644
--- a/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala
+++ b/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ object DPConsoleRunner {
case Nil => sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner needs \"-dottyJars <jarCount> <jars>*\".")
case jarFinder(nr, jarString) :: Nil =>
val jars = jarString.split(" ").toList
- println("------------------------------------------------------------")
- println("jars:")
- jars.foreach(println)
- println("------------------------------------------------------------")
val count = nr.toInt
if (jars.length < count)
sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner found wrong number of dottyJars: " + jars + ", expected: " + nr)
@@ -155,11 +151,7 @@ class DPTestRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: DPSuiteRunner) extends nest.Runn
- joinPaths(outDir :: extraClasspath.filter { fp =>
- fp.endsWith("dotty-lib.jar") ||
- fp.endsWith("scala-library-2.11.5.jar") ||
- fp.endsWith("scala-reflect-2.11.5.jar")
- })
+ joinPaths(outDir :: extraClasspath ++ testClassPath)
) ++ files.map(_.getAbsolutePath)
pushTranscript(args mkString " ")
@@ -172,58 +164,35 @@ class DPTestRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: DPSuiteRunner) extends nest.Runn
- override def run(): TestState = {
- if (kind == "run") {
- // javac runner, for one, would merely append to an existing log file, so
- // just delete it before we start
- logFile.delete()
- runTestCommon(execTest(outDir, logFile) && diffIsOk)
- lastState
- } else super.run()
- }
- // Re-implemented for running tests
- def execTest(outDir: File, logFile: File): Boolean = {
- val argsFile = testFile changeExtension "javaopts"
- val argString = file2String(argsFile)
- if (argString != "") NestUI.verbose(
- "Found javaopts file '%s', using options: '%s'".format(argsFile, argString)
- )
- val classpath = joinPaths {
- val sep = sys.props("path.separator")
- val fps = extraClasspath.filter { fp =>
- fp.endsWith("dotty-lib.jar") ||
- fp.endsWith("scala-library-2.11.5.jar") ||
- fp.endsWith("scala-reflect-2.11.5.jar")
+ // Overriden in order to recursively get all sources that should be handed to
+ // the compiler. Otherwise only sources in the top dir is compiled - works
+ // because the compiler is on the classpath.
+ override def sources(file: File): List[File] =
+ if (file.isDirectory)
+ file.listFiles.toList.flatMap { f =>
+ if (f.isDirectory) sources(f)
+ else if (f.isJavaOrScala) List(f)
+ else Nil
- fps ++ fileManager.testClassPath
- }
- val javaOpts: List[String] = (
- suiteRunner.javaOpts.split(' ') ++
- extraJavaOptions ++
- argString.split(' ')
- ).map(_.trim).filter(_ != "").toList
- val cmd: List[String] = (suiteRunner.javaCmdPath :: javaOpts) ++ (
- "-classpath" :: join(outDir.toString, classpath) ::
- "Test" :: "jvm" :: // default argument to Test class in super is "jvm"
- Nil
- )
- pushTranscript((cmd mkString s" \\$EOL ") + " > " + logFile.getName)
- nextTestAction(runCommand(cmd, logFile)) {
- case false =>
- //_transcript append EOL + logFile.fileContents
- // think this is equivalent:
- val contents = logFile.fileContents
- println(contents)
- pushTranscript(contents)
- genFail("non-zero exit code")
- }
- }
+ else List(file)
+ // Enable me to "fix" the depth issue - remove once completed
+ //override def compilationRounds(file: File): List[CompileRound] = {
+ // val srcs = sources(file) match {
+ // case Nil =>
+ // System.err.println {
+ // s"""|================================================================================
+ // |Warning! You attempted to compile sources from:
+ // | $file
+ // |but partest was unable to find any sources - uncomment DPConsoleRunner#sources
+ // |================================================================================""".stripMargin
+ // }
+ // List(new File("./examples/hello.scala")) // "just compile some crap" - Guillaume
+ // case xs =>
+ // xs
+ // }
+ // (groupedFiles(srcs) map mixedCompileGroup).flatten
+ //}
// FIXME: This is copy-pasted from nest.Runner where it is private
// Remove this once https://github.com/scala/scala-partest/pull/61 is merged
@@ -371,16 +340,17 @@ class DPTestRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: DPSuiteRunner) extends nest.Runn
// override to add dotty and scala jars to classpath
- override def extraClasspath = {
- val cp = suiteRunner.fileManager.asInstanceOf[DottyFileManager].extraJarList ::: super.extraClasspath
- //println(s"extraClasspath: $cp")
- cp
- }
+ override def extraClasspath =
+ suiteRunner.fileManager.asInstanceOf[DottyFileManager].extraJarList ::: super.extraClasspath
// override to keep class files if failed and delete clog if ok
- override def cleanup = if (lastState.isOk) {
+ override def cleanup = if (lastState.isOk) try {
+ } catch {
+ case t: Throwable =>
+ println("whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat")
+ throw t
diff --git a/test/test/CompilerTest.scala b/test/test/CompilerTest.scala
index 5a4a9830a..05a7d62b8 100644
--- a/test/test/CompilerTest.scala
+++ b/test/test/CompilerTest.scala
@@ -442,8 +442,14 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
nr: Int = 0, oldOutput: String = defaultOutputDir): Unit = {
val partestOutput = dest.jfile.getParentFile + JFile.separator + dest.stripExtension + "-" + kind + ".obj"
- val flags = oldFlags.map(f => if (f == oldOutput) partestOutput else f) ++
- List(s"-classpath $partestOutput") // Required for separate compilation tests
+ val altOutput =
+ source.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath.map(x => if (x == JFile.separatorChar) '_' else x)
+ val (beforeCp, remaining) = oldFlags
+ .map(f => if (f == oldOutput) partestOutput else f)
+ .span(_ != "-classpath")
+ val flags = beforeCp ++ List("-classpath", (partestOutput :: remaining.drop(1)).mkString(":"))
val difference = getExisting(dest).isDifferent(source, flags, nerr)
difference match {
@@ -451,8 +457,12 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
case ExistsSame => // nothing else to do
case ExistsDifferent =>
val nextDest = dest.parent / (dest match {
- case d: Directory => Directory(replaceVersion(d.name, nr))
- case f => SFile(replaceVersion(f.stripExtension, nr)).addExtension(f.extension)
+ case d: Directory =>
+ val newVersion = replaceVersion(d.name, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
+ Directory(newVersion)
+ case f =>
+ val newVersion = replaceVersion(f.stripExtension, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
+ SFile(newVersion).addExtension(f.extension)
computeDestAndCopyFiles(source, nextDest, kind, flags, nerr, nr + 1, partestOutput)
@@ -555,13 +565,12 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val nrFinder = """(.*_v)(\d+)""".r
/** Changes the version number suffix in the name (without extension). */
- private def replaceVersion(name: String, nr: Int): String = {
+ private def replaceVersion(name: String, nr: Int): Option[String] = {
val nrString = nr.toString
name match {
- case nrFinder(prefix, `nrString`) => prefix + (nr + 1)
- case _ =>
- assert(nr == 0, "DPCompilerTest couldn't create new version of files, match error")
- name + "_v1"
+ case nrFinder(prefix, `nrString`) => Some(prefix + (nr + 1))
+ case _ if nr != 0 => None
+ case _ => Some(name + "_v1")