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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
index ec6e2e06b..9e4ec2af2 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
new OptimizingMatchTranslator/*(localTyper)*/
- class OptimizingMatchTranslator/*(val typer: analyzer.Typer)*/ /*extends MatchTranslator
- with MatchOptimizer*/
+ class OptimizingMatchTranslator extends MatchOptimizer/*(val typer: analyzer.Typer)*/ /*extends MatchTranslator*/
trait Debugging {
@@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
def optimizeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): (List[List[TreeMaker]], List[Tree])
def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: Suppression): Unit
- def emitSwitch(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree], unchecked: Boolean): Option[Tree] =
+ def emitSwitch(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Symbol => Tree], unchecked: Boolean): Option[Tree] =
// for catch (no need to customize match failure)
@@ -627,19 +626,19 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = codegen._equals(pat, testedBinder)
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = ref(testedBinder).select(ctx.definitions.Object_eq).appliedTo(pat)
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Tree = ??? /*{
- val expectedOuter = expectedTp.prefix match {
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Tree = {
+ val expectedOuter = expectedTp.normalizedPrefix match {
case ThisType(clazz) => This(clazz)
- case NoType => mkTRUE // fallback for SI-6183
- case pre => REF(pre.prefix, pre.termSymbol)
+ case NoType => Literal(Constant(true)) // fallback for SI-6183 todo?
+ case pre => ref(pre.termSymbol)
// ExplicitOuter replaces `Select(q, outerSym) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix` by `Select(q, outerAccessor(outerSym.owner)) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix`
// if there's an outer accessor, otherwise the condition becomes `true` -- TODO: can we improve needsOuterTest so there's always an outerAccessor?
- val outer = expectedTp.typeSymbol.newMethod(vpmName.outer, newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT) setInfo expectedTp.prefix
+ // val outer = expectedTp.typeSymbol.newMethod(vpmName.outer, newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT) setInfo expectedTp.prefix
- (Select(codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp), outer)) OBJ_EQ expectedOuter
- }*/
+ codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp).select("<outer>".toTermName).select(ctx.definitions.Object_eq).appliedTo(expectedOuter)
+ }
object pureTypeTestChecker extends TypeTestCondStrategy {
@@ -749,8 +748,8 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
// - Scala's arrays are invariant (so we don't drop type tests unsoundly)
if (extractorArgTypeTest) mkDefault
else expectedTp match {
- case t:SingletonType => mkEqTest(singleton(expectedTp)) // SI-4577, SI-4897
case ThisType(sym) if sym.flags is Flags.Module => and(mkEqualsTest(ref(sym)), mkTypeTest) // must use == to support e.g. List() == Nil
+ case t:SingletonType => mkEqTest(singleton(expectedTp)) // SI-4577, SI-4897
case ConstantType(Constant(null)) if isAnyRef => mkEqTest(expTp(Literal(Constant(null))))
case ConstantType(const) => mkEqualsTest(expTp(Literal(const)))
case ThisType(sym) => mkEqTest(expTp(This(sym)))
@@ -829,16 +828,16 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
// calls propagateSubstitution on the treemakers
- def combineCases(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesRaw: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree = {
+ def combineCases(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesRaw: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Symbol => Tree]): Tree = {
// drops SubstOnlyTreeMakers, since their effect is now contained in the TreeMakers that follow them
val casesNoSubstOnly = casesRaw map (propagateSubstitution(_, EmptySubstitution))
combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, owner, matchFailGenOverride)
// pt is the fully defined type of the cases (either pt or the lub of the types of the cases)
- def combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesNoSubstOnly: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree =
+ def combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesNoSubstOnly: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Symbol => Tree]): Tree =
/*fixerUpper(owner, scrut.pos)*/ {
- def matchFailGen = matchFailGenOverride orElse Some(arg: Tree => Throw(New(defn.MatchErrorClass, arg)))
+ def matchFailGen = matchFailGenOverride orElse Some((arg: Symbol) => Throw(New(defn.MatchErrorType, List(ref(arg)))))
println("combining cases: "+ (casesNoSubstOnly.map(_.mkString(" >> ")).mkString("{", "\n", "}")))
@@ -869,7 +868,7 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
// TODO: improve notion of trivial/irrefutable -- a trivial type test before the body still makes for a default case
// ("trivial" depends on whether we're emitting a straight match or an exception, or more generally, any supertype of scrutSym.tpe is a no-op)
// irrefutability checking should use the approximation framework also used for CSE, unreachability and exhaustivity checking
- val synthCatchAll =
+ val synthCatchAll: Option[Symbol => Tree] =
if (casesNoSubstOnly.nonEmpty && {
val nonTrivLast = casesNoSubstOnly.last
nonTrivLast.nonEmpty && nonTrivLast.head.isInstanceOf[BodyTreeMaker]
@@ -937,4 +936,722 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
(optCases, toHoist)
+ trait MatchTranslator extends TreeMakers {
+ def isBackquoted(x: Ident) = false //x.hasAttachment[BackquotedIdentifierAttachment.type]
+ def isVarPattern(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
+ case x: Ident => !isBackquoted(x) && nme.isVariableName(x.name)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** A conservative approximation of which patterns do not discern anything.
+ * They are discarded during the translation.
+ */
+ object WildcardPattern {
+ def unapply(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
+ case Bind(nme.WILDCARD, WildcardPattern()) => true // don't skip when binding an interesting symbol!
+ //case Star(WildcardPattern()) => true // dd todo:?
+ case x: Ident => isVarPattern(x)
+ case Alternative(ps) => ps.forall(x => unapply(x))
+ case EmptyTree => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ object PatternBoundToUnderscore {
+ def unapply(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
+ case Bind(nme.WILDCARD, _) => true // don't skip when binding an interesting symbol!
+ case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true
+ case Alternative(ps) => ps forall unapply
+ case Typed(PatternBoundToUnderscore(), _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ object SymbolBound {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Symbol, Tree)] = tree match {
+ case Bind(_, expr) if tree.symbol.exists => Some(tree.symbol -> expr)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ // Always map repeated params to sequences
+ private def setVarInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Type) ={
+ //setInfo debug.patmatResult(s"changing ${sym.defString} to")(repeatedToSeq(info))
+ if(sym.info =:= info) assert(false, "should this happen?")
+ sym
+ }
+ def newBoundTree(tree: Tree, pt: Type): BoundTree = tree match {
+ case SymbolBound(sym, expr) => BoundTree(setVarInfo(sym, pt), expr)
+ case _ => BoundTree(setVarInfo(freshSym(tree.pos, prefix = "p"), pt), tree)
+ }
+ final case class BoundTree(binder: Symbol, tree: Tree) {
+ private lazy val extractor = ExtractorCall(tree)
+ def pos = tree.pos
+ def tpe = binder.info.dealias.widen // the type of the variable bound to the pattern
+ def pt = unbound match {
+ // case Star(tpt) => this glbWith seqType(tpt.tpe) dd todo:
+ case TypeBound(tpe) => tpe
+ case tree => tree.tpe
+ }
+ def glbWith(other: Type) = ctx.typeComparer.glb(tpe :: other :: Nil)// .normalize
+ object SymbolAndTypeBound {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Symbol, Type)] = tree match {
+ case SymbolBound(sym, TypeBound(tpe)) => Some(sym -> tpe)
+ case TypeBound(tpe) => Some(binder -> tpe)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ object TypeBound {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Type] = tree match {
+ case Typed(Ident(_), _) if tree.tpe != null => Some(tree.tpe)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ private def rebindTo(pattern: Tree) = BoundTree(binder, pattern)
+ private def step(treeMakers: TreeMaker*)(subpatterns: BoundTree*): TranslationStep = TranslationStep(treeMakers.toList, subpatterns.toList)
+ private def bindingStep(sub: Symbol, subpattern: Tree) = step(SubstOnlyTreeMaker(sub, binder))(rebindTo(subpattern))
+ private def equalityTestStep() = step(EqualityTestTreeMaker(binder, tree, pos))()
+ private def typeTestStep(sub: Symbol, subPt: Type) = step(TypeTestTreeMaker(sub, binder, subPt, glbWith(subPt))(pos))()
+ private def alternativesStep(alts: List[Tree]) = step(AlternativesTreeMaker(binder, translatedAlts(alts), alts.head.pos))()
+ private def translatedAlts(alts: List[Tree]) = alts map (alt => rebindTo(alt).translate())
+ private def noStep() = step()()
+ private def unsupportedPatternMsg = sm"""
+ |unsupported pattern: ${tree.show} / $this (this is a scalac bug.)
+ |""".trim
+ // example check: List[Int] <:< ::[Int]
+ private def extractorStep(): TranslationStep = {
+ def paramType = extractor.aligner.wholeType
+ import extractor.treeMaker
+ // chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
+ // it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
+ // TODO: the outer check is mandated by the spec for case classes, but we do it for user-defined unapplies as well [SPEC]
+ // (the prefix of the argument passed to the unapply must equal the prefix of the type of the binder)
+ lazy val typeTest = TypeTestTreeMaker(binder, binder, paramType, paramType)(pos, extractorArgTypeTest = true)
+ // check whether typetest implies binder is not null,
+ // even though the eventual null check will be on typeTest.nextBinder
+ // it'll be equal to binder casted to paramType anyway (and the type test is on binder)
+ def extraction: TreeMaker = treeMaker(typeTest.nextBinder, typeTest impliesBinderNonNull binder, pos)
+ // paramType = the type expected by the unapply
+ // TODO: paramType may contain unbound type params (run/t2800, run/t3530)
+ val makers = (
+ // Statically conforms to paramType
+ if (this ensureConformsTo paramType) treeMaker(binder, false, pos) :: Nil
+ else typeTest :: extraction :: Nil
+ )
+ step(makers: _*)(extractor.subBoundTrees: _*)
+ }
+ // Summary of translation cases. I moved the excerpts from the specification further below so all
+ // the logic can be seen at once.
+ //
+ // [1] skip wildcard trees -- no point in checking them
+ // [2] extractor and constructor patterns
+ // [3] replace subpatBinder by patBinder, as if the Bind was not there.
+ // It must be patBinder, as subpatBinder has the wrong info: even if the bind assumes a better type,
+ // this is not guaranteed until we cast
+ // [4] typed patterns - a typed pattern never has any subtrees
+ // must treat Typed and Bind together -- we need to know the patBinder of the Bind pattern to get at the actual type
+ // [5] literal and stable id patterns
+ // [6] pattern alternatives
+ // [7] symbol-less bind patterns - this happens in certain ill-formed programs, there'll be an error later
+ // don't fail here though (or should we?)
+ def nextStep(): TranslationStep = tree match {
+ case WildcardPattern() => noStep()
+ case _: UnApply | _: Apply => extractorStep()
+ case SymbolAndTypeBound(sym, tpe) => typeTestStep(sym, tpe)
+ case TypeBound(tpe) => typeTestStep(binder, tpe)
+ case SymbolBound(sym, expr) => bindingStep(sym, expr)
+ case Literal(Constant(_)) | Ident(_) | Select(_, _) | This(_) => equalityTestStep()
+ case Alternative(alts) => alternativesStep(alts)
+ case _ => ctx.error(unsupportedPatternMsg, pos) ; noStep()
+ }
+ def translate(): List[TreeMaker] = nextStep() merge (_.translate())
+ private def setInfo(paramType: Type): Boolean = {
+ ctx.warning(s"resetting info of $this to $paramType")
+ setVarInfo(binder, paramType)
+ true
+ }
+ // If <:< but not =:=, no type test needed, but the tree maker relies on the binder having
+ // exactly paramType (and not just some type compatible with it.) SI-6624 shows this is necessary
+ // because apparently patBinder may have an unfortunate type (.decls don't have the case field
+ // accessors) TODO: get to the bottom of this -- I assume it happens when type checking
+ // infers a weird type for an unapply call. By going back to the parameterType for the
+ // extractor call we get a saner type, so let's just do that for now.
+ def ensureConformsTo(paramType: Type): Boolean = (
+ (tpe =:= paramType)
+ || (tpe <:< paramType) && setInfo(paramType)
+ )
+ private def concreteType = tpe.bounds.hi
+ private def unbound = unbind(tree)
+ private def tpe_s = if (pt <:< concreteType) "" + pt else s"$pt (binder: $tpe)"
+ private def at_s = unbound match {
+ case WildcardPattern() => ""
+ case pat => s" @ $pat"
+ }
+ override def toString = s"${binder.name}: $tpe_s$at_s"
+ }
+ // a list of TreeMakers that encode `patTree`, and a list of arguments for recursive invocations of `translatePattern` to encode its subpatterns
+ final case class TranslationStep(makers: List[TreeMaker], subpatterns: List[BoundTree]) {
+ def merge(f: BoundTree => List[TreeMaker]): List[TreeMaker] = makers ::: (subpatterns flatMap f)
+ override def toString = if (subpatterns.isEmpty) "" else subpatterns.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ }
+ /** Implement a pattern match by turning its cases (including the implicit failure case)
+ * into the corresponding (monadic) extractors, and combining them with the `orElse` combinator.
+ *
+ * For `scrutinee match { case1 ... caseN }`, the resulting tree has the shape
+ * `runOrElse(scrutinee)(x => translateCase1(x).orElse(translateCase2(x)).....orElse(zero))`
+ *
+ * NOTE: the resulting tree is not type checked, nor are nested pattern matches transformed
+ * thus, you must typecheck the result (and that will in turn translate nested matches)
+ * this could probably optimized... (but note that the matchStrategy must be solved for each nested patternmatch)
+ */
+ def translateMatch(match_ : Match): Tree = {
+ val Match(selector, cases) = match_
+ val (nonSyntheticCases, defaultOverride) = cases match {
+ case init :+ last if treeInfo isSyntheticDefaultCase last => (init, Some(((scrut: Tree) => last.body)))
+ case _ => (cases, None)
+ }
+ checkMatchVariablePatterns(nonSyntheticCases)
+ // we don't transform after uncurry
+ // (that would require more sophistication when generating trees,
+ // and the only place that emits Matches after typers is for exception handling anyway)
+ if (phase.id >= currentRun.uncurryPhase.id)
+ devWarning(s"running translateMatch past uncurry (at $phase) on $selector match $cases")
+ debug.patmat("translating "+ cases.mkString("{", "\n", "}"))
+ val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatNanos) else null
+ val selectorTp = repeatedToSeq(elimAnonymousClass(selector.tpe.widen.withoutAnnotations))
+ // when one of the internal cps-type-state annotations is present, strip all CPS annotations
+ val origPt = removeCPSFromPt(match_.tpe)
+ // relevant test cases: pos/existentials-harmful.scala, pos/gadt-gilles.scala, pos/t2683.scala, pos/virtpatmat_exist4.scala
+ // pt is the skolemized version
+ val pt = repeatedToSeq(origPt)
+ // val packedPt = repeatedToSeq(typer.packedType(match_, context.owner))
+ val selectorSym = freshSym(selector.pos, pureType(selectorTp)) setFlag treeInfo.SYNTH_CASE_FLAGS
+ // pt = Any* occurs when compiling test/files/pos/annotDepMethType.scala with -Xexperimental
+ val combined = combineCases(selector, selectorSym, nonSyntheticCases map translateCase(selectorSym, pt), pt, matchOwner, defaultOverride)
+ if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatNanos, start)
+ combined
+ }
+ // return list of typed CaseDefs that are supported by the backend (typed/bind/wildcard)
+ // we don't have a global scrutinee -- the caught exception must be bound in each of the casedefs
+ // there's no need to check the scrutinee for null -- "throw null" becomes "throw new NullPointerException"
+ // try to simplify to a type-based switch, or fall back to a catch-all case that runs a normal pattern match
+ // unlike translateMatch, we type our result before returning it
+ def translateTry(caseDefs: List[CaseDef], pt: Type, pos: Position): List[CaseDef] =
+ // if they're already simple enough to be handled by the back-end, we're done
+ if (caseDefs forall treeInfo.isCatchCase) caseDefs
+ else {
+ val swatches = { // switch-catches
+ val bindersAndCases = caseDefs map { caseDef =>
+ // generate a fresh symbol for each case, hoping we'll end up emitting a type-switch (we don't have a global scrut there)
+ // if we fail to emit a fine-grained switch, have to do translateCase again with a single scrutSym (TODO: uniformize substitution on treemakers so we can avoid this)
+ val caseScrutSym = freshSym(pos, pureType(ThrowableTpe))
+ (caseScrutSym, propagateSubstitution(translateCase(caseScrutSym, pt)(caseDef), EmptySubstitution))
+ }
+ for(cases <- emitTypeSwitch(bindersAndCases, pt).toList
+ if cases forall treeInfo.isCatchCase; // must check again, since it's not guaranteed -- TODO: can we eliminate this? e.g., a type test could test for a trait or a non-trivial prefix, which are not handled by the back-end
+ cse <- cases) yield fixerUpper(matchOwner, pos)(cse).asInstanceOf[CaseDef]
+ }
+ val catches = if (swatches.nonEmpty) swatches else {
+ val scrutSym = freshSym(pos, pureType(ThrowableTpe))
+ val casesNoSubstOnly = caseDefs map { caseDef => (propagateSubstitution(translateCase(scrutSym, pt)(caseDef), EmptySubstitution))}
+ val exSym = freshSym(pos, pureType(ThrowableTpe), "ex")
+ List(
+ atPos(pos) {
+ CaseDef(
+ Bind(exSym, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), // TODO: does this need fixing upping?
+ EmptyTree,
+ combineCasesNoSubstOnly(REF(exSym), scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchOwner, Some(scrut => Throw(REF(exSym))))
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ typer.typedCases(catches, ThrowableTpe, WildcardType)
+ }
+ /** The translation of `pat if guard => body` has two aspects:
+ * 1) the substitution due to the variables bound by patterns
+ * 2) the combination of the extractor calls using `flatMap`.
+ *
+ * 2) is easy -- it looks like: `translatePattern_1.flatMap(translatePattern_2....flatMap(translatePattern_N.flatMap(translateGuard.flatMap((x_i) => success(Xbody(x_i)))))...)`
+ * this must be right-leaning tree, as can be seen intuitively by considering the scope of bound variables:
+ * variables bound by pat_1 must be visible from the function inside the left-most flatMap right up to Xbody all the way on the right
+ * 1) is tricky because translatePattern_i determines the shape of translatePattern_i+1:
+ * zoom in on `translatePattern_1.flatMap(translatePattern_2)` for example -- it actually looks more like:
+ * `translatePattern_1(x_scrut).flatMap((x_1) => {y_i -> x_1._i}translatePattern_2)`
+ *
+ * `x_1` references the result (inside the monad) of the extractor corresponding to `pat_1`,
+ * this result holds the values for the constructor arguments, which translatePattern_1 has extracted
+ * from the object pointed to by `x_scrut`. The `y_i` are the symbols bound by `pat_1` (in order)
+ * in the scope of the remainder of the pattern, and they must thus be replaced by:
+ * - (for 1-ary unapply) x_1
+ * - (for n-ary unapply, n > 1) selection of the i'th tuple component of `x_1`
+ * - (for unapplySeq) x_1.apply(i)
+ *
+ * in the treemakers,
+ *
+ * Thus, the result type of `translatePattern_i`'s extractor must conform to `M[(T_1,..., T_n)]`.
+ *
+ * Operationally, phase 1) is a foldLeft, since we must consider the depth-first-flattening of
+ * the transformed patterns from left to right. For every pattern ast node, it produces a transformed ast and
+ * a function that will take care of binding and substitution of the next ast (to the right).
+ *
+ */
+ def translateCase(scrutSym: Symbol, pt: Type)(caseDef: CaseDef) = {
+ val CaseDef(pattern, guard, body) = caseDef
+ translatePattern(BoundTree(scrutSym, pattern)) ++ translateGuard(guard) :+ translateBody(body, pt)
+ }
+ def translatePattern(bound: BoundTree): List[TreeMaker] = bound.translate()
+ def translateGuard(guard: Tree): List[TreeMaker] =
+ if (guard == EmptyTree) Nil
+ else List(GuardTreeMaker(guard))
+ // TODO: 1) if we want to support a generalisation of Kotlin's patmat continue, must not hard-wire lifting into the monad (which is now done by codegen.one),
+ // so that user can generate failure when needed -- use implicit conversion to lift into monad on-demand?
+ // to enable this, probably need to move away from Option to a monad specific to pattern-match,
+ // so that we can return Option's from a match without ambiguity whether this indicates failure in the monad, or just some result in the monad
+ // 2) body.tpe is the type of the body after applying the substitution that represents the solution of GADT type inference
+ // need the explicit cast in case our substitutions in the body change the type to something that doesn't take GADT typing into account
+ def translateBody(body: Tree, matchPt: Type): TreeMaker =
+ BodyTreeMaker(body, matchPt)
+ // Some notes from the specification
+ /*A constructor pattern is of the form c(p1, ..., pn) where n ≥ 0.
+ It consists of a stable identifier c, followed by element patterns p1, ..., pn.
+ The constructor c is a simple or qualified name which denotes a case class (§5.3.2).
+ If the case class is monomorphic, then it must conform to the expected type of the pattern,
+ and the formal parameter types of x’s primary constructor (§5.3) are taken as the expected
+ types of the element patterns p1, ..., pn.
+ If the case class is polymorphic, then its type parameters are instantiated so that the
+ instantiation of c conforms to the expected type of the pattern.
+ The instantiated formal parameter types of c’s primary constructor are then taken as the
+ expected types of the component patterns p1, ..., pn.
+ The pattern matches all objects created from constructor invocations c(v1, ..., vn)
+ where each element pattern pi matches the corresponding value vi .
+ A special case arises when c’s formal parameter types end in a repeated parameter.
+ This is further discussed in (§8.1.9).
+ **/
+ /* A typed pattern x : T consists of a pattern variable x and a type pattern T.
+ The type of x is the type pattern T, where each type variable and wildcard is replaced by a fresh, unknown type.
+ This pattern matches any value matched by the type pattern T (§8.2); it binds the variable name to that value.
+ */
+ /* A pattern binder x@p consists of a pattern variable x and a pattern p.
+ The type of the variable x is the static type T of the pattern p.
+ This pattern matches any value v matched by the pattern p,
+ provided the run-time type of v is also an instance of T, <-- TODO! https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-1503
+ and it binds the variable name to that value.
+ */
+ /* 8.1.4 Literal Patterns
+ A literal pattern L matches any value that is equal (in terms of ==) to the literal L.
+ The type of L must conform to the expected type of the pattern.
+ 8.1.5 Stable Identifier Patterns (a stable identifier r (see §3.1))
+ The pattern matches any value v such that r == v (§12.1).
+ The type of r must conform to the expected type of the pattern.
+ */
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // helper methods: they analyze types and trees in isolation, but they are not (directly) concerned with the structure of the overall translation
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ object ExtractorCall {
+ // TODO: check unargs == args
+ def apply(tree: Tree): ExtractorCall = tree match {
+ case UnApply(unfun, args) => new ExtractorCallRegular(alignPatterns(tree), unfun, args) // extractor
+ case Apply(fun, args) => new ExtractorCallProd(alignPatterns(tree), fun, args) // case class
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class ExtractorCall(val aligner: PatternAligned) {
+ import aligner._
+ def fun: Tree
+ def args: List[Tree]
+ // don't go looking for selectors if we only expect one pattern
+ def rawSubPatTypes = aligner.extractedTypes
+ def resultInMonad = if (isBool) UnitTpe else typeOfMemberNamedGet(resultType)
+ def resultType = fun.tpe.finalResultType
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` indicates whether the cast implies `binder` cannot be null
+ * when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
+ */
+ def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker
+ // `subPatBinders` are the variables bound by this pattern in the following patterns
+ // subPatBinders are replaced by references to the relevant part of the extractor's result (tuple component, seq element, the result as-is)
+ // must set infos to `subPatTypes`, which are provided by extractor's result,
+ // as b.info may be based on a Typed type ascription, which has not been taken into account yet by the translation
+ // (it will later result in a type test when `tp` is not a subtype of `b.info`)
+ // TODO: can we simplify this, together with the Bound case?
+ def subPatBinders = subBoundTrees map (_.binder)
+ lazy val subBoundTrees = (args, subPatTypes).zipped map newBoundTree
+ // never store these in local variables (for PreserveSubPatBinders)
+ lazy val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol] = subPatBinders zip args collect { case (b, PatternBoundToUnderscore()) => b } toSet
+ // do repeated-parameter expansion to match up with the expected number of arguments (in casu, subpatterns)
+ private def nonStarSubPatTypes = aligner.typedNonStarPatterns map (_.tpe)
+ def subPatTypes: List[Type] = typedPatterns map (_.tpe)
+ // there are `productArity` non-seq elements in the tuple.
+ protected def firstIndexingBinder = productArity
+ protected def expectedLength = elementArity
+ protected def lastIndexingBinder = totalArity - starArity - 1
+ private def productElemsToN(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = 1 to n map tupleSel(binder) toList
+ private def genTake(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = (0 until n).toList map (codegen index seqTree(binder))
+ private def genDrop(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = codegen.drop(seqTree(binder))(expectedLength) :: Nil
+ // codegen.drop(seqTree(binder))(nbIndexingIndices)))).toList
+ protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol) = tupleSel(binder)(firstIndexingBinder + 1)
+ protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i)
+ // the trees that select the subpatterns on the extractor's result,
+ // referenced by `binder`
+ protected def subPatRefsSeq(binder: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
+ def lastTrees: List[Tree] = (
+ if (!aligner.isStar) Nil
+ else if (expectedLength == 0) seqTree(binder) :: Nil
+ else genDrop(binder, expectedLength)
+ )
+ // this error-condition has already been checked by checkStarPatOK:
+ // if(isSeq) assert(firstIndexingBinder + nbIndexingIndices + (if(lastIsStar) 1 else 0) == totalArity, "(resultInMonad, ts, subPatTypes, subPats)= "+(resultInMonad, ts, subPatTypes, subPats))
+ // [1] there are `firstIndexingBinder` non-seq tuple elements preceding the Seq
+ // [2] then we have to index the binder that represents the sequence for the remaining subpatterns, except for...
+ // [3] the last one -- if the last subpattern is a sequence wildcard:
+ // drop the prefix (indexed by the refs on the preceding line), return the remainder
+ ( productElemsToN(binder, firstIndexingBinder)
+ ++ genTake(binder, expectedLength)
+ ++ lastTrees
+ ).toList
+ }
+ // the trees that select the subpatterns on the extractor's result, referenced by `binder`
+ // require (nbSubPats > 0 && (!lastIsStar || isSeq))
+ protected def subPatRefs(binder: Symbol): List[Tree] = (
+ if (totalArity > 0 && isSeq) subPatRefsSeq(binder)
+ else productElemsToN(binder, totalArity)
+ )
+ private def compareInts(t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =
+ gen.mkMethodCall(termMember(ScalaPackage, "math"), TermName("signum"), Nil, (t1 INT_- t2) :: Nil)
+ protected def lengthGuard(binder: Symbol): Option[Tree] =
+ // no need to check unless it's an unapplySeq and the minimal length is non-trivially satisfied
+ checkedLength map { expectedLength =>
+ // `binder.lengthCompare(expectedLength)`
+ // ...if binder has a lengthCompare method, otherwise
+ // `scala.math.signum(binder.length - expectedLength)`
+ def checkExpectedLength = sequenceType member nme.lengthCompare match {
+ case NoSymbol => compareInts(Select(seqTree(binder), nme.length), LIT(expectedLength))
+ case lencmp => (seqTree(binder) DOT lencmp)(LIT(expectedLength))
+ }
+ // the comparison to perform
+ // when the last subpattern is a wildcard-star the expectedLength is but a lower bound
+ // (otherwise equality is required)
+ def compareOp: (Tree, Tree) => Tree =
+ if (aligner.isStar) _ INT_>= _
+ else _ INT_== _
+ // `if (binder != null && $checkExpectedLength [== | >=] 0) then else zero`
+ (seqTree(binder) ANY_!= NULL) AND compareOp(checkExpectedLength, ZERO)
+ }
+ def checkedLength: Option[Int] =
+ // no need to check unless it's an unapplySeq and the minimal length is non-trivially satisfied
+ if (!isSeq || expectedLength < starArity) None
+ else Some(expectedLength)
+ }
+ // TODO: to be called when there's a def unapplyProd(x: T): U
+ // U must have N members _1,..., _N -- the _i are type checked, call their type Ti,
+ // for now only used for case classes -- pretending there's an unapplyProd that's the identity (and don't call it)
+ class ExtractorCallProd(aligner: PatternAligned, val fun: Tree, val args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall(aligner) {
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` indicates whether the cast implies `binder` cannot be null
+ * when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
+ */
+ def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
+ val paramAccessors = binder.constrParamAccessors
+ // binders corresponding to mutable fields should be stored (SI-5158, SI-6070)
+ // make an exception for classes under the scala package as they should be well-behaved,
+ // to optimize matching on List
+ val mutableBinders = (
+ if (!binder.info.typeSymbol.hasTransOwner(ScalaPackageClass) &&
+ (paramAccessors exists (_.isMutable)))
+ subPatBinders.zipWithIndex.collect{ case (binder, idx) if paramAccessors(idx).isMutable => binder }
+ else Nil
+ )
+ // checks binder ne null before chaining to the next extractor
+ ProductExtractorTreeMaker(binder, lengthGuard(binder))(subPatBinders, subPatRefs(binder), mutableBinders, binderKnownNonNull, ignoredSubPatBinders)
+ }
+ // reference the (i-1)th case accessor if it exists, otherwise the (i-1)th tuple component
+ override protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
+ val accessors = binder.caseFieldAccessors
+ if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) REF(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
+ else codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i) // this won't type check for case classes, as they do not inherit ProductN
+ }
+ }
+ class ExtractorCallRegular(aligner: PatternAligned, extractorCallIncludingDummy: Tree, val args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall(aligner) {
+ val Unapplied(fun) = extractorCallIncludingDummy
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` is not used in this subclass
+ *
+ * TODO: implement review feedback by @retronym:
+ * Passing the pair of values around suggests:
+ * case class Binder(sym: Symbol, knownNotNull: Boolean).
+ * Perhaps it hasn't reached critical mass, but it would already clean things up a touch.
+ */
+ def treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
+ // the extractor call (applied to the binder bound by the flatMap corresponding
+ // to the previous (i.e., enclosing/outer) pattern)
+ val extractorApply = atPos(pos)(spliceApply(patBinderOrCasted))
+ // can't simplify this when subPatBinders.isEmpty, since UnitTpe is definitely
+ // wrong when isSeq, and resultInMonad should always be correct since it comes
+ // directly from the extractor's result type
+ val binder = freshSym(pos, pureType(resultInMonad))
+ ExtractorTreeMaker(extractorApply, lengthGuard(binder), binder)(
+ subPatBinders,
+ subPatRefs(binder),
+ aligner.isBool,
+ checkedLength,
+ patBinderOrCasted,
+ ignoredSubPatBinders
+ )
+ }
+ override protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol): Tree =
+ if (firstIndexingBinder == 0) REF(binder)
+ else super.seqTree(binder)
+ // the trees that select the subpatterns on the extractor's result, referenced by `binder`
+ // require (totalArity > 0 && (!lastIsStar || isSeq))
+ override protected def subPatRefs(binder: Symbol): List[Tree] =
+ if (aligner.isSingle) ref(binder) :: Nil // special case for extractors
+ else super.subPatRefs(binder)
+ protected def spliceApply(binder: Symbol): Tree = {
+ object splice extends Transformer {
+ def binderRef(pos: Position): Tree =
+ ref(binder) //setPos pos
+ override def transform(t: Tree) = t match {
+ // duplicated with the extractor Unapplied
+ case Apply(x, List(i @ Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY))) =>
+ cpy.Apply(t, x, binderRef(i.pos) :: Nil)
+ // SI-7868 Account for numeric widening, e.g. <unappplySelector>.toInt
+ case Apply(x, List(i @ (sel @ Select(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY), name)))) =>
+ cpy.Apply(t, x, cpy.Select(sel, binderRef(i.pos), name) :: Nil)
+ case _ =>
+ super.transform(t)
+ }
+ }
+ splice transform extractorCallIncludingDummy
+ }
+ override def rawSubPatTypes = aligner.extractor.varargsTypes
+ }
+ }
+ /** An extractor returns: F1, F2, ..., Fi, opt[Seq[E] or E*]
+ * A case matches: P1, P2, ..., Pj, opt[Seq[E]]
+ * Put together: P1/F1, P2/F2, ... Pi/Fi, Pi+1/E, Pi+2/E, ... Pj/E, opt[Seq[E]]
+ *
+ * Here Pm/Fi is the last pattern to match the fixed arity section.
+ *
+ * productArity: the value of i, i.e. the number of non-sequence types in the extractor
+ * nonStarArity: the value of j, i.e. the number of non-star patterns in the case definition
+ * elementArity: j - i, i.e. the number of non-star patterns which must match sequence elements
+ * starArity: 1 or 0 based on whether there is a star (sequence-absorbing) pattern
+ * totalArity: nonStarArity + starArity, i.e. the number of patterns in the case definition
+ *
+ * Note that productArity is a function only of the extractor, and
+ * nonStar/star/totalArity are all functions of the patterns. The key
+ * value for aligning and typing the patterns is elementArity, as it
+ * is derived from both sets of information.
+ */
+ trait PatternExpander[Pattern, Type] {
+ /** You'll note we're not inside the cake. "Pattern" and "Type" are
+ * arbitrary types here, and NoPattern and NoType arbitrary values.
+ */
+ def NoPattern: Pattern
+ def NoType: Type
+ /** It's not optimal that we're carrying both sequence and repeated
+ * type here, but the implementation requires more unraveling before
+ * it can be avoided.
+ *
+ * sequenceType is Seq[T], elementType is T, repeatedType is T*.
+ */
+ sealed case class Repeated(sequenceType: Type, elementType: Type, repeatedType: Type) {
+ def exists = elementType != NoType
+ def elementList = if (exists) elementType :: Nil else Nil
+ def sequenceList = if (exists) sequenceType :: Nil else Nil
+ def repeatedList = if (exists) repeatedType :: Nil else Nil
+ override def toString = s"${elementType}*"
+ }
+ object NoRepeated extends Repeated(NoType, NoType, NoType) {
+ override def toString = "<none>"
+ }
+ final case class Patterns(fixed: List[Pattern], star: Pattern) {
+ def hasStar = star != NoPattern
+ def starArity = if (hasStar) 1 else 0
+ def nonStarArity = fixed.length
+ def totalArity = nonStarArity + starArity
+ def starPatterns = if (hasStar) star :: Nil else Nil
+ def all = fixed ::: starPatterns
+ override def toString = all mkString ", "
+ }
+ /** An 'extractor' can be a case class or an unapply or unapplySeq method.
+ * Decoding what it is that they extract takes place before we arrive here,
+ * so that this class can concentrate only on the relationship between
+ * patterns and types.
+ *
+ * In a case class, the class is the unextracted type and the fixed and
+ * repeated types are derived from its constructor parameters.
+ *
+ * In an unapply, this is reversed: the parameter to the unapply is the
+ * unextracted type, and the other types are derived based on the return
+ * type of the unapply method.
+ *
+ * In other words, this case class and unapply are encoded the same:
+ *
+ * case class Foo(x: Int, y: Int, zs: Char*)
+ * def unapplySeq(x: Foo): Option[(Int, Int, Seq[Char])]
+ *
+ * Both are Extractor(Foo, Int :: Int :: Nil, Repeated(Seq[Char], Char, Char*))
+ *
+ * @param whole The type in its unextracted form
+ * @param fixed The non-sequence types which are extracted
+ * @param repeated The sequence type which is extracted
+ */
+ final case class Extractor(whole: Type, fixed: List[Type], repeated: Repeated) {
+ require(whole != NoType, s"expandTypes($whole, $fixed, $repeated)")
+ def productArity = fixed.length
+ def hasSeq = repeated.exists
+ def elementType = repeated.elementType
+ def sequenceType = repeated.sequenceType
+ def allTypes = fixed ::: repeated.sequenceList
+ def varargsTypes = fixed ::: repeated.repeatedList
+ def isErroneous = allTypes contains NoType
+ private def typeStrings = fixed.map("" + _) ::: ( if (hasSeq) List("" + repeated) else Nil )
+ def offeringString = if (isErroneous) "<error>" else typeStrings match {
+ case Nil => "Boolean"
+ case tp :: Nil => tp
+ case tps => tps.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ }
+ override def toString = "%s => %s".format(whole, offeringString)
+ }
+ final case class TypedPat(pat: Pattern, tpe: Type) {
+ override def toString = s"$pat: $tpe"
+ }
+ /** If elementArity is...
+ * 0: A perfect match between extractor and the fixed patterns.
+ * If there is a star pattern it will match any sequence.
+ * > 0: There are more patterns than products. There will have to be a
+ * sequence which can populate at least <elementArity> patterns.
+ * < 0: There are more products than patterns: compile time error.
+ */
+ final case class Aligned(patterns: Patterns, extractor: Extractor) {
+ def elementArity = patterns.nonStarArity - productArity
+ def productArity = extractor.productArity
+ def starArity = patterns.starArity
+ def totalArity = patterns.totalArity
+ def wholeType = extractor.whole
+ def sequenceType = extractor.sequenceType
+ def productTypes = extractor.fixed
+ def extractedTypes = extractor.allTypes
+ def typedNonStarPatterns = products ::: elements
+ def typedPatterns = typedNonStarPatterns ::: stars
+ def isBool = !isSeq && productArity == 0
+ def isSingle = !isSeq && totalArity == 1
+ def isStar = patterns.hasStar
+ def isSeq = extractor.hasSeq
+ private def typedAsElement(pat: Pattern) = TypedPat(pat, extractor.elementType)
+ private def typedAsSequence(pat: Pattern) = TypedPat(pat, extractor.sequenceType)
+ private def productPats = patterns.fixed take productArity
+ private def elementPats = patterns.fixed drop productArity
+ private def products = (productPats, productTypes).zipped map TypedPat
+ private def elements = elementPats map typedAsElement
+ private def stars = patterns.starPatterns map typedAsSequence
+ override def toString = s"""
+ |Aligned {
+ | patterns $patterns
+ | extractor $extractor
+ | arities $productArity/$elementArity/$starArity // product/element/star
+ | typed ${typedPatterns mkString ", "}
+ |}""".stripMargin.trim
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file