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2 files changed, 437 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
index de4d5e4d6..006c9f674 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
@@ -340,7 +340,23 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
/** Gen the IR ClassDef for a raw JS class or trait.
private def genRawJSClassData(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = {
- ???
+ val sym = td.symbol.asClass
+ implicit val pos: Position = sym.pos
+ val classIdent = encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym)
+ val superClass =
+ if (sym.is(Trait)) None
+ else Some(encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym.superClass))
+ val jsName =
+ if (sym.is(Trait) || sym.is(ModuleClass)) None
+ else Some(fullJSNameOf(sym))
+ js.ClassDef(classIdent, ClassKind.RawJSType,
+ superClass,
+ genClassInterfaces(sym),
+ jsName,
+ Nil)(
+ OptimizerHints.empty)
/** Gen the IR ClassDef for an interface definition.
@@ -915,8 +931,8 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
fun match {
- /*case _ if isJSDefaultParam(sym) =>
- js.UndefinedParam()(toIRType(sym.info.finalResultType))*/
+ case _ if isJSDefaultParam(sym) =>
+ js.UndefinedParam()(toIRType(sym.info.finalResultType))
case Select(Super(_, _), _) =>
genSuperCall(tree, isStat)
@@ -1006,12 +1022,12 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
} else if (translatedAnonFunctions contains tpe.typeSymbol) {
val functionMaker = translatedAnonFunctions(tpe.typeSymbol)
functionMaker(args map genExpr)
- } else if (isJSType(tpe.widenDealias.typeSymbol)) {
+ } else*/ if (isJSType(tpe.widenDealias.typeSymbol)) {
val clsSym = tpe.widenDealias.typeSymbol
if (clsSym == jsdefn.JSObjectClass && args.isEmpty) js.JSObjectConstr(Nil)
else if (clsSym == jsdefn.JSArrayClass && args.isEmpty) js.JSArrayConstr(Nil)
else js.JSNew(genLoadJSConstructor(clsSym), genActualJSArgs(ctor, args))
- } else*/ {
+ } else {
toIRType(tpe) match {
case cls: jstpe.ClassType =>
js.New(cls, encodeMethodSym(ctor), genActualArgs(ctor, args))
@@ -1608,12 +1624,12 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
if (sym.owner == defn.StringClass && !isStringMethodFromObject) {
genApplyMethodOfString(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
- } else /*if (isJSType(sym.owner)) {
- if (!isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym.owner) || isExposed(sym))
- genPrimitiveJSCall(tree, isStat)
- else
- genApplyJSClassMethod(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
- } else*/ if (foreignIsImplClass(sym.owner)) {
+ } else if (isJSType(sym.owner)) {
+ //if (!isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym.owner) || isExposed(sym))
+ genApplyJSMethodGeneric(tree, sym, genExpr(receiver), genActualJSArgs(sym, args), isStat)
+ /*else
+ genApplyJSClassMethod(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))*/
+ } else if (foreignIsImplClass(sym.owner)) {
genTraitImplApply(sym, args.map(genExpr))
} else if (sym.isClassConstructor) {
// Calls to constructors are always statically linked
@@ -1623,6 +1639,172 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
+ /** Gen JS code for a call to a JS method (of a subclass of `js.Any`).
+ *
+ * Basically it boils down to calling the method as a `JSBracketSelect`,
+ * without name mangling. But other aspects come into play:
+ *
+ * - Operator methods are translated to JS operators (not method calls)
+ * - `apply` is translated as a function call, i.e., `o()` instead of `o.apply()`
+ * - Scala varargs are turned into JS varargs (see `genPrimitiveJSArgs()`)
+ * - Getters and parameterless methods are translated as `JSBracketSelect`
+ * - Setters are translated to `Assign` to `JSBracketSelect`
+ */
+ private def genApplyJSMethodGeneric(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol,
+ receiver: js.Tree, args: List[js.Tree], isStat: Boolean,
+ superIn: Option[Symbol] = None)(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ def noSpread = !args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[js.JSSpread])
+ val argc = args.size // meaningful only for methods that don't have varargs
+ def requireNotSuper(): Unit = {
+ if (superIn.isDefined)
+ ctx.error("Illegal super call in Scala.js-defined JS class", tree.pos)
+ }
+ def hasExplicitJSEncoding = {
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNameAnnot) ||
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSBracketAccessAnnot) ||
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSBracketCallAnnot)
+ }
+ val boxedResult = sym.name match {
+ case JSUnaryOpMethodName(code) if argc == 0 =>
+ requireNotSuper()
+ js.JSUnaryOp(code, receiver)
+ case JSBinaryOpMethodName(code) if argc == 1 =>
+ requireNotSuper()
+ js.JSBinaryOp(code, receiver, args.head)
+ case nme.apply if !hasExplicitJSEncoding =>
+ requireNotSuper()
+ if (jsdefn.isJSThisFunctionClass(sym.owner))
+ js.JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, js.StringLiteral("call"), args)
+ else
+ js.JSFunctionApply(receiver, args)
+ case _ =>
+ def jsFunName = js.StringLiteral(jsNameOf(sym))
+ def genSuperReference(propName: js.Tree): js.Tree = {
+ superIn.fold[js.Tree] {
+ js.JSBracketSelect(receiver, propName)
+ } { superInSym =>
+ js.JSSuperBracketSelect(
+ jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(superInSym)),
+ receiver, propName)
+ }
+ }
+ def genSelectGet(propName: js.Tree): js.Tree =
+ genSuperReference(propName)
+ def genSelectSet(propName: js.Tree, value: js.Tree): js.Tree =
+ js.Assign(genSuperReference(propName), value)
+ def genCall(methodName: js.Tree, args: List[js.Tree]): js.Tree = {
+ superIn.fold[js.Tree] {
+ js.JSBracketMethodApply(
+ receiver, methodName, args)
+ } { superInSym =>
+ js.JSSuperBracketCall(
+ jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(superInSym)),
+ receiver, methodName, args)
+ }
+ }
+ if (isJSGetter(sym)) {
+ assert(noSpread && argc == 0)
+ genSelectGet(jsFunName)
+ } else if (isJSSetter(sym)) {
+ assert(noSpread && argc == 1)
+ genSelectSet(jsFunName, args.head)
+ } else if (isJSBracketAccess(sym)) {
+ assert(noSpread && (argc == 1 || argc == 2),
+ s"@JSBracketAccess methods should have 1 or 2 non-varargs arguments")
+ args match {
+ case List(keyArg) =>
+ genSelectGet(keyArg)
+ case List(keyArg, valueArg) =>
+ genSelectSet(keyArg, valueArg)
+ }
+ } else if (isJSBracketCall(sym)) {
+ val (methodName, actualArgs) = extractFirstArg(args)
+ genCall(methodName, actualArgs)
+ } else {
+ genCall(jsFunName, args)
+ }
+ }
+ if (isStat) {
+ boxedResult
+ } else {
+ val tpe = ctx.atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase) { implicit ctx =>
+ sym.info.finalResultType
+ }
+ unbox(boxedResult, tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ private object JSUnaryOpMethodName {
+ private val map = Map(
+ nme.UNARY_+ -> js.JSUnaryOp.+,
+ nme.UNARY_- -> js.JSUnaryOp.-,
+ nme.UNARY_~ -> js.JSUnaryOp.~,
+ nme.UNARY_! -> js.JSUnaryOp.!
+ )
+ def unapply(name: Names.TermName): Option[js.JSUnaryOp.Code] =
+ map.get(name)
+ }
+ private object JSBinaryOpMethodName {
+ private val map = Map(
+ nme.ADD -> js.JSBinaryOp.+,
+ nme.SUB -> js.JSBinaryOp.-,
+ nme.MUL -> js.JSBinaryOp.*,
+ nme.DIV -> js.JSBinaryOp./,
+ nme.MOD -> js.JSBinaryOp.%,
+ nme.LSL -> js.JSBinaryOp.<<,
+ nme.ASR -> js.JSBinaryOp.>>,
+ nme.LSR -> js.JSBinaryOp.>>>,
+ nme.OR -> js.JSBinaryOp.|,
+ nme.AND -> js.JSBinaryOp.&,
+ nme.XOR -> js.JSBinaryOp.^,
+ nme.LT -> js.JSBinaryOp.<,
+ nme.LE -> js.JSBinaryOp.<=,
+ nme.GT -> js.JSBinaryOp.>,
+ nme.GE -> js.JSBinaryOp.>=,
+ nme.ZAND -> js.JSBinaryOp.&&,
+ nme.ZOR -> js.JSBinaryOp.||
+ )
+ def unapply(name: Names.TermName): Option[js.JSBinaryOp.Code] =
+ map.get(name)
+ }
+ /** Extract the first argument in a list of actual arguments.
+ *
+ * This is nothing else than decomposing into head and tail, except that
+ * we assert that the first element is not a JSSpread.
+ */
+ private def extractFirstArg(args: List[js.Tree]): (js.Tree, List[js.Tree]) = {
+ assert(args.nonEmpty,
+ "Trying to extract the first argument of an empty argument list")
+ val firstArg = args.head
+ assert(!firstArg.isInstanceOf[js.JSSpread],
+ "Trying to extract the first argument of an argument list starting " +
+ "with a Spread argument: " + firstArg)
+ (firstArg, args.tail)
+ }
/** Gen JS code for a call to a polymorphic method.
* The only methods that reach the back-end as polymorphic are
@@ -1842,7 +2024,7 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
if (sym == defn.ObjectClass) {
js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.!==, value, js.Null())
- } else /*if (isJSType(sym)) {
+ } else if (isJSType(sym)) {
if (sym.is(Trait)) {
s"isInstanceOf[${sym.fullName}] not supported because it is a JS trait",
@@ -1852,7 +2034,7 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
js.JSBinaryOp.instanceof, value, genLoadJSConstructor(sym)), 'Z')
- } else*/ {
+ } else {
js.IsInstanceOf(value, toReferenceType(to))
@@ -2009,6 +2191,154 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
+ /** Gen actual actual arguments to a JS method call.
+ * Returns a list of the transformed arguments.
+ *
+ * - TODO Repeated arguments (varargs) are expanded
+ * - Default arguments are omitted or replaced by undefined
+ * - All arguments are boxed
+ *
+ * Repeated arguments that cannot be expanded at compile time (i.e., if a
+ * Seq is passed to a varargs parameter with the syntax `seq: _*`) will be
+ * wrapped in a [[js.JSSpread]] node to be expanded at runtime.
+ */
+ private def genActualJSArgs(sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): List[js.Tree] = {
+ def paramNamesAndTypes(implicit ctx: Context): List[(Names.TermName, Type)] =
+ sym.info.paramNamess.flatten.zip(sym.info.paramTypess.flatten)
+ val wereRepeated = ctx.atPhase(elimRepeatedPhase) { implicit ctx =>
+ for ((name, tpe) <- paramNamesAndTypes)
+ yield (name -> tpe.isRepeatedParam)
+ }.toMap
+ val paramTypes = ctx.atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase) { implicit ctx =>
+ paramNamesAndTypes
+ }.toMap
+ var reversedArgs: List[js.Tree] = Nil
+ for ((arg, (paramName, paramType)) <- args.zip(paramNamesAndTypes)) {
+ val wasRepeated = wereRepeated.getOrElse(paramName, false)
+ if (wasRepeated) {
+ reversedArgs =
+ genJSRepeatedParam(arg) reverse_::: reversedArgs
+ } else {
+ val unboxedArg = genExpr(arg)
+ val boxedArg = unboxedArg match {
+ case js.UndefinedParam() =>
+ unboxedArg
+ case _ =>
+ val tpe = paramTypes.getOrElse(paramName, paramType)
+ box(unboxedArg, tpe)
+ }
+ reversedArgs ::= boxedArg
+ }
+ }
+ /* Remove all consecutive js.UndefinedParam's at the end of the argument
+ * list. No check is performed whether they may be there, since they will
+ * only be placed where default arguments can be anyway.
+ */
+ reversedArgs = reversedArgs.dropWhile(_.isInstanceOf[js.UndefinedParam])
+ /* Find remaining js.UndefinedParam and replace by js.Undefined. This can
+ * happen with named arguments or with multiple argument lists.
+ */
+ reversedArgs = reversedArgs map {
+ case js.UndefinedParam() => js.Undefined()
+ case arg => arg
+ }
+ reversedArgs.reverse
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for a repeated param of a JS method.
+ *
+ * In this case `arg` has type `Seq[T]` for some `T`, but the result should
+ * be an expanded list of the elements in the sequence. So this method
+ * takes care of the conversion.
+ *
+ * It is specialized for the shapes of tree generated by the desugaring
+ * of repeated params in Scala, so that these are actually expanded at
+ * compile-time.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, it returns a `JSSpread` with the `Seq` converted to a
+ * `js.Array`.
+ */
+ private def genJSRepeatedParam(arg: Tree): List[js.Tree] = {
+ tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg, handleNil = true).getOrElse {
+ /* Fall back to calling runtime.genTraversableOnce2jsArray
+ * to perform the conversion to js.Array, then wrap in a Spread
+ * operator.
+ */
+ implicit val pos: Position = arg.pos
+ val jsArrayArg = genModuleApplyMethod(
+ jsdefn.RuntimePackage_genTraversableOnce2jsArray,
+ List(genExpr(arg)))
+ List(js.JSSpread(jsArrayArg))
+ }
+ }
+ /** Try and expand an actual argument to a repeated param `(xs: T*)`.
+ *
+ * This method recognizes the shapes of tree generated by the desugaring
+ * of repeated params in Scala, and expands them.
+ * If `arg` does not have the shape of a generated repeated param, this
+ * method returns `None`.
+ */
+ private def tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg: Tree,
+ handleNil: Boolean): Option[List[js.Tree]] = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = arg.pos
+ // Given a method `def foo(args: T*)`
+ arg match {
+ // foo(arg1, arg2, ..., argN) where N > 0
+ case MaybeAsInstanceOf(WrapArray(MaybeAsInstanceOf(array: JavaSeqLiteral))) =>
+ /* Value classes in arrays are already boxed, so no need to use
+ * the type before erasure.
+ * TODO Is this true in dotty?
+ */
+ Some(array.elems.map(e => box(genExpr(e), e.tpe)))
+ // foo()
+ case Ident(_) if handleNil && arg.symbol == defn.NilModule =>
+ Some(Nil)
+ // foo(argSeq: _*) - cannot be optimized
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ private object MaybeAsInstanceOf {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = tree match {
+ case TypeApply(asInstanceOf_? @ Select(base, _), _)
+ if asInstanceOf_?.symbol == defn.Any_asInstanceOf =>
+ Some(base)
+ case _ =>
+ Some(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ private object WrapArray {
+ lazy val isWrapArray: Set[Symbol] = {
+ val names = {
+ defn.ScalaValueClasses().map(sym => nme.wrapXArray(sym.name)) ++
+ Set(nme.wrapRefArray, nme.genericWrapArray)
+ }
+ names.map(defn.ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(_)).toSet
+ }
+ def unapply(tree: Apply): Option[Tree] = tree match {
+ case Apply(wrapArray_?, List(wrapped)) if isWrapArray(wrapArray_?.symbol) =>
+ Some(wrapped)
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
/** Gen JS code for loading a module.
* Can be given either the module symbol, or its module class symbol.
@@ -2021,16 +2351,40 @@ class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
if (sym1 == defn.StringModule) jsdefn.RuntimeStringModule.moduleClass
else sym1
- /*if (isJSType(sym)) {
+ if (isJSType(sym)) {
if (isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym))
else if (sym.derivesFrom(jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeClass))
- } else {*/
+ } else {
- //}
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code representing the constructor of a JS class. */
+ private def genLoadJSConstructor(sym: Symbol)(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ assert(!isStaticModule(sym) && !sym.is(Trait),
+ s"genPrimitiveJSClass called with non-class $sym")
+ js.LoadJSConstructor(jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(sym)))
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code representing a native JS module. */
+ private def genLoadNativeJSModule(sym: Symbol)(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ require(sym.is(ModuleClass),
+ s"genLoadNativeJSModule called with non-module $sym")
+ fullJSNameOf(sym).split('.').foldLeft(genLoadJSGlobal()) { (memo, chunk) =>
+ js.JSBracketSelect(memo, js.StringLiteral(chunk))
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code to load the JavaScript global scope. */
+ private def genLoadJSGlobal()(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ // TODO Change this when upgrading to Scala.js 0.6.8
+ js.JSBracketSelect(js.JSEnvInfo(), js.StringLiteral("global"))
/** Generate a Class[_] value (e.g. coming from classOf[T]) */
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSInterop.scala b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSInterop.scala
index 5ec074f7f..cccc1ad64 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSInterop.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSInterop.scala
@@ -24,4 +24,71 @@ object JSInterop {
def isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
isJSType(sym) && !sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)
+ /** Should this symbol be translated into a JS getter? */
+ def isJSGetter(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
+ sym.info.firstParamTypes.isEmpty && ctx.atPhase(ctx.erasurePhase) { implicit ctx =>
+ sym.info.isParameterless
+ }
+ }
+ /** Should this symbol be translated into a JS setter? */
+ def isJSSetter(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
+ sym.name.isSetterName && sym.is(Method)
+ /** Should this symbol be translated into a JS bracket access? */
+ def isJSBracketAccess(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSBracketAccessAnnot)
+ /** Should this symbol be translated into a JS bracket call? */
+ def isJSBracketCall(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSBracketCallAnnot)
+ /** Is this symbol a default param accessor for a JS method?
+ *
+ * For default param accessors of *constructors*, we need to test whether
+ * the companion *class* of the owner is a JS type; not whether the owner
+ * is a JS type.
+ */
+ def isJSDefaultParam(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
+ sym.name.isDefaultGetterName && {
+ val owner = sym.owner
+ if (owner.is(ModuleClass) &&
+ sym.name.asTermName.defaultGetterToMethod == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) {
+ isJSType(owner.linkedClass)
+ } else {
+ isJSType(owner)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gets the unqualified JS name of a symbol.
+ *
+ * If it is not explicitly specified with an `@JSName` annotation, the
+ * JS name is inferred from the Scala name.
+ */
+ def jsNameOf(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
+ sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNameAnnot).flatMap(_.argumentConstant(0)).fold {
+ val base = sym.name.unexpandedName.decode.toString.stripSuffix("_=")
+ if (sym.is(ModuleClass)) base.stripSuffix("$")
+ else if (!sym.is(Method)) base.stripSuffix(" ")
+ else base
+ } { constant =>
+ constant.stringValue
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gets the fully qualified JS name of a static class of module Symbol.
+ *
+ * This is the JS name of the symbol qualified by the fully qualified JS
+ * name of its original owner if the latter is a native JS object.
+ */
+ def fullJSNameOf(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
+ assert(sym.isClass, s"fullJSNameOf called for non-class symbol $sym")
+ sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.JSFullNameAnnot).flatMap(_.argumentConstant(0)).fold {
+ jsNameOf(sym)
+ } { constant =>
+ constant.stringValue
+ }
+ }