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2 files changed, 4 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
index 65185ff4f..53378435e 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
@@ -288,6 +288,10 @@ class OrderingConstraint(private val boundsMap: ParamBounds,
newConstraint(boundsMap.updated(poly, entries1), lowerMap, upperMap).init(poly)
+ /** Split dependent parameters off the bounds for parameters in `poly`.
+ * Update all bounds to be normalized and update ordering to account for
+ * dependent parameters.
+ */
private def init(poly: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
var current = this
val loBuf, hiBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam]
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TrackingConstraint.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TrackingConstraint.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8a083f4..000000000
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TrackingConstraint.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools
-package dotc
-package core
-import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Decorators._
-import util.SimpleMap
-import collection.mutable
-import printing.{Printer, Showable}
-import printing.Texts._
-import config.Config
-import config.Printers._
-import collection.immutable.BitSet
-import reflect.ClassTag
-object TrackingConstraint {
- /** The type of `Constraint#myMap` */
- type ParamInfo = SimpleMap[PolyType, Array[Type]]
-import TrackingConstraint._
-/** Constraint over undetermined type parameters
- * @param myMap a map from PolyType to arrays.
- * Each array contains twice the number of entries as there a type parameters
- * in the PolyType. The first half of the array contains the type bounds that constrain the
- * polytype's type parameters. The second half might contain type variables that
- * track the corresponding parameters, or is left empty (filled with nulls).
- * An instantiated type parameter is represented by having its instance type in
- * the corresponding array entry.
- */
-class TrackingConstraint(private val myMap: ParamInfo,
- private val less: Array[BitSet],
- private val params: Array[PolyParam]) extends Constraint {
- type This = TrackingConstraint
- assert(less.length == params.length)
- /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by adding or replacing
- * the entries corresponding to `pt` with `entries`.
- */
- private def newConstraint(myMap: ParamInfo, less: Array[BitSet], params: Array[PolyParam])(implicit ctx: Context) : TrackingConstraint = {
- val result = new TrackingConstraint(myMap, less, params)
- if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) result.checkNonCyclic()
- ctx.runInfo.recordConstraintSize(result, result.myMap.size)
- result
- }
-// ----------- Basic indices --------------------------------------------------
- /** The immutable array of constrained polytypes */
- private val polyTypes = new Array[PolyType](myMap.size)
- /** The start positions of parameters of constrained polytypes in `params` and `less` */
- private val polyStart = new Array[Int](myMap.size)
- {
- var idx = 0
- var count = 0
- myMap.foreachBinding { (pt, _) =>
- polyTypes(idx) = pt
- polyStart(idx) = count
- count += pt.paramNames.length
- idx += 1
- }
- assert(count == params.length)
- }
- /** The index of given polytype `pt` in this constraint,
- * or `polyTypes.length` if constraint does not contain `pt`.
- */
- private def polyIndex(pt: PolyType): Int = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < polyTypes.length && (polyTypes(i) ne pt)) i += 1
- i
- }
- /** The index of the first parameter of given polytype `pt` in this constraint */
- private def polyStart(pt: PolyType): Int = this.polyStart.apply(polyIndex(pt))
- /** The index of `param` in `params` and `less` */
- private def paramIndex(param: PolyParam): Int = {
- assert(contains(param.binder))
- polyStart(param.binder) + param.paramNum
- }
- /** The number of type parameters in the given entry array */
- private def paramCount(entries: Array[Type]) = entries.length >> 1
- /** The type variable corresponding to parameter numbered `n`, null if none was created */
- private def typeVar(entries: Array[Type], n: Int): Type =
- entries(paramCount(entries) + n)
- def entry(param: PolyParam): Type = {
- val entries = myMap(param.binder)
- if (entries == null) NoType
- else entries(param.paramNum)
- }
-// ----------- Contains tests --------------------------------------------------
- def contains(pt: PolyType): Boolean = polyIndex(pt) < polyTypes.length
- def contains(param: PolyParam): Boolean = {
- val entries = myMap(param.binder)
- entries != null && entries(param.paramNum).isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- }
- def contains(tvar: TypeVar): Boolean = {
- val origin = tvar.origin
- val entries = myMap(origin.binder)
- val pnum = origin.paramNum
- entries != null && isBounds(entries(pnum)) && (typeVar(entries, pnum) eq tvar)
- }
- private def isBounds(tp: Type) = tp.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
-// ---------- Dependency handling ----------------------------------------------
- private def upperBits(less: Array[BitSet], i: Int): BitSet = less(i)
- private def lowerBits(less: Array[BitSet], i: Int): BitSet =
- (BitSet() /: less.indices) ((bits, j) => if (less(j)(i)) bits + j else bits)
- private def minUpperBits(less: Array[BitSet], i: Int): BitSet = {
- val all = upperBits(less, i)
- all.filterNot(j => all.exists(k => less(k)(j)))
- }
- private def minLowerBits(less: Array[BitSet], i: Int): BitSet = {
- val all = lowerBits(less, i)
- all.filterNot(j => all.exists(k => less(j)(k)))
- }
- private def overParams(op: (Array[BitSet], Int) => BitSet): PolyParam => List[PolyParam] = param =>
- op(less, paramIndex(param)).toList.map(params).filter(contains)
- val allUpper = overParams(upperBits)
- val allLower = overParams(lowerBits)
- val minUpper = overParams(minUpperBits)
- val minLower = overParams(minLowerBits)
- def upper(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = allUpper(param)
- def lower(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = allLower(param)
- def exclusiveLower(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = {
- val excluded = lowerBits(less, paramIndex(butNot))
- overParams(lowerBits(_, _) &~ excluded)(param)
- }
- def exclusiveUpper(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = {
- val excluded = upperBits(less, paramIndex(butNot))
- overParams(upperBits(_, _) &~ excluded)(param)
- }
-// ---------- Info related to PolyParams -------------------------------------------
- def isLess(param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam): Boolean =
- less(paramIndex(param1))(paramIndex(param2))
- def nonParamBounds(param: PolyParam): TypeBounds =
- entry(param).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- def fullLowerBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
- (nonParamBounds(param).lo /: minLower(param))(_ | _)
- def fullUpperBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
- (nonParamBounds(param).hi /: minUpper(param))(_ & _)
- def fullBounds(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
- nonParamBounds(param).derivedTypeBounds(fullLowerBound(param), fullUpperBound(param))
- def typeVarOfParam(param: PolyParam): Type = {
- val entries = myMap(param.binder)
- if (entries == null) NoType
- else {
- val tvar = typeVar(entries, param.paramNum)
- if (tvar != null) tvar else NoType
- }
- }
-// ---------- Adding PolyTypes --------------------------------------------------
- /** The bound type `tp` without dependent parameters
- * NoType if type consists only of dependent parameters.
- * @param seenFromBelow If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound.
- */
- private def stripParams(tp: Type, handleParam: (PolyParam, Boolean) => Type,
- seenFromBelow: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match {
- case tp: PolyParam =>
- handleParam(tp, seenFromBelow)
- case tp: AndOrType if seenFromBelow == tp.isAnd =>
- val tp1 = stripParams(tp.tp1, handleParam, seenFromBelow)
- val tp2 = stripParams(tp.tp2, handleParam, seenFromBelow)
- if (tp1.exists)
- if (tp2.exists) tp.derivedAndOrType(tp1, tp2)
- else tp1
- else tp2
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- /** The bound type `tp` without dependent parameters.
- * A top or bottom type if type consists only of dependent parameters.
- * @param seenFromBelow If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound.
- */
- private def nonParamType(tp: Type, handleParam: (PolyParam, Boolean) => Type,
- seenFromBelow: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
- stripParams(tp, handleParam, seenFromBelow)
- .orElse(if (seenFromBelow) defn.AnyType else defn.NothingType)
- /** The bounds of `tp1` without dependent parameters.
- * @pre `tp` is a TypeBounds type.
- */
- private def nonParamBounds(tp: Type, handleParam: (PolyParam, Boolean) => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match {
- case tp @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- tp.derivedTypeBounds(
- nonParamType(lo, handleParam, seenFromBelow = false),
- nonParamType(hi, handleParam, seenFromBelow = true))
- }
- def add(poly: PolyType, tvars: List[TypeVar])(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- assert(!contains(poly))
- val nparams = poly.paramNames.length
- val entries1 = new Array[Type](nparams * 2)
- poly.paramBounds.copyToArray(entries1, 0)
- tvars.copyToArray(entries1, nparams)
- val is = poly.paramBounds.indices
- val newParams = is.map(PolyParam(poly, _))
- val params1 = params ++ newParams
- var less1 = less ++ is.map(Function.const(BitSet.empty))
- for (i <- is) {
- def handleParam(param: PolyParam, seenFromBelow: Boolean): Type = {
- def record(paramIdx: Int): Type = {
- less1 =
- if (seenFromBelow) updatedLess(less1, nparams + i, paramIdx)
- else updatedLess(less1, paramIdx, nparams + i)
- NoType
- }
- if (param.binder eq poly) record(nparams + param.paramNum)
- else if (contains(param.binder)) record(paramIndex(param))
- else param
- }
- entries1(i) = nonParamBounds(entries1(i), handleParam)
- }
- newConstraint(myMap.updated(poly, entries1), less1, params1)
- }
-// ---------- Updates ------------------------------------------------------------
- /** An updated partial order matrix that incorporates `less` and also reflects that `param` relates
- * to `p2` wrt <:< if `inOrder` is true, `>:>` otherwise.
- */
- private def updatedLess(less: Array[BitSet], i1: Int, i2: Int): Array[BitSet] = {
- if (i1 == i2 || less(i1)(i2)) less
- else {
- val result = less.clone
- val newUpper = upperBits(less, i2) + i2
- def update(j: Int) = {
- result(j) |= newUpper
- assert(!result(j)(j))
- }
- update(i1)
- lowerBits(less, i1).foreach(update)
- result
- }
- }
- def addLess(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- val less1 = updatedLess(less, paramIndex(p1), paramIndex(p2))
- if (less1 eq less) this else newConstraint(myMap, less1, params)
- }
- def updateEntry(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- val entries = myMap(param.binder)
- val entry = entries(param.paramNum)
- if (entry eq tp) this
- else {
- val entries1 = entries.clone
- entries1(param.paramNum) = tp
- newConstraint(myMap.updated(param.binder, entries1), less, params)
- }
- }
- def unify(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- val p1Bounds = (nonParamBounds(p1) & nonParamBounds(p2)).substParam(p2, p1)
- updateEntry(p1, p1Bounds).replace(p2, p1)
- }
- def narrowBound(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- val oldBounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = nonParamBounds(param)
- val newBounds =
- if (isUpper) oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi & bound)
- else oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo | bound, hi)
- if (newBounds eq oldBounds) this
- else updateEntry(param, newBounds)
- }
-// ---------- Removals ------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Drop parameter `PolyParam(poly, n)` from `bounds`,
- * replacing with Nothing in the lower bound and by `Any` in the upper bound.
- */
- private def dropParamIn(bounds: TypeBounds, poly: PolyType, n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = {
- def drop(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case tp: AndOrType =>
- val tp1 = drop(tp.tp1)
- val tp2 = drop(tp.tp2)
- if (!tp1.exists) tp2
- else if (!tp2.exists) tp1
- else tp
- case PolyParam(`poly`, `n`) => NoType
- case _ => tp
- }
- def approx(tp: Type, limit: Type): Type = {
- val tp1 = drop(tp)
- if (tp1.exists || !tp.exists) tp1 else limit
- }
- bounds.derivedTypeBounds(
- approx(bounds.lo, defn.NothingType), approx(bounds.hi, defn.AnyType))
- }
- def replace(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TrackingConstraint = {
- val replacement = tp.dealias.stripTypeVar
- def subst(poly: PolyType, entries: Array[Type]) = {
- var result = entries
- var i = 0
- while (i < paramCount(entries)) {
- entries(i) match {
- case oldBounds: TypeBounds =>
- val newBounds = oldBounds.substParam(param, replacement).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- if (oldBounds ne newBounds) {
- if (result eq entries) result = entries.clone
- result(i) = dropParamIn(newBounds, poly, i)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- i += 1
- }
- result
- }
- if (param == replacement) this
- else {
- assert(replacement.isValueType)
- val pt = param.binder
- val constr1 = if (isRemovable(pt, param.paramNum)) remove(pt) else updateEntry(param, replacement)
- newConstraint(constr1.myMap mapValues subst, constr1.less, constr1.params)
- }
- }
- def remove(pt: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
- val start = polyStart(pt)
- val skipped = pt.paramNames.length
- def shrinkSet(bits: BitSet): BitSet =
- (BitSet() /: bits) ((res, i) =>
- if (i < start) res + i
- else if (i < start + skipped) res
- else res + (i - skipped))
- def shrinkArray[T: ClassTag](src: Array[T]) = {
- val dst = new Array[T](src.length - skipped)
- Array.copy(src, 0, dst, 0, start)
- Array.copy(src, start + skipped, dst, start, dst.length - start)
- dst
- }
- newConstraint(
- myMap = myMap remove pt,
- less = shrinkArray(less).map(shrinkSet(_)),
- params = shrinkArray(params))
- }
- def isRemovable(pt: PolyType, removedParam: Int = -1): Boolean = {
- val entries = myMap(pt)
- var noneLeft = true
- var i = paramCount(entries)
- while (noneLeft && i > 0) {
- i -= 1
- if (i != removedParam && isBounds(entries(i))) noneLeft = false
- else typeVar(entries, i) match {
- case tv: TypeVar =>
- if (!tv.inst.exists) noneLeft = false // need to keep line around to compute instType
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- noneLeft
- }
-// ---------- Exploration --------------------------------------------------------
- def domainPolys: List[PolyType] = polyTypes.toList
- def domainParams: List[PolyParam] = params.toList.filter(contains)
- def forallParams(p: PolyParam => Boolean): Boolean = {
- myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
- for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries))
- if (isBounds(entries(i)) && !p(PolyParam(poly, i))) return false
- }
- true
- }
- def foreachTypeVar(op: TypeVar => Unit): Unit =
- myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
- for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) {
- typeVar(entries, i) match {
- case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists => op(tv)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- private var myUninstVars: mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] = _
- /** The uninstantiated typevars of this constraint */
- def uninstVars: collection.Seq[TypeVar] = {
- if (myUninstVars == null) {
- myUninstVars = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar]
- myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
- for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) {
- typeVar(entries, i) match {
- case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists && isBounds(entries(i)) => myUninstVars += tv
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- }
- myUninstVars
- }
-// ---------- Cyclic checking -------------------------------------------
- private def checkNonCyclic(idx: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
- assert(!less(idx)(idx), i"cyclic constraint involving ${params(idx)}")
- def checkNonCyclic()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
- for (i <- params.indices) checkNonCyclic(i)
-// ---------- toText -----------------------------------------------------
- override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = {
- def entryText(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case tp: TypeBounds =>
- tp.toText(printer)
- case _ =>
- " := " ~ tp.toText(printer)
- }
- val indent = 3
- val header: Text = "Constraint("
- val uninstVarsText = " uninstVars = " ~
- Text(uninstVars map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") ~ ";"
- val constrainedText =
- " constrained types = " ~ Text(domainPolys map (_.toText(printer)), ", ")
- val boundsText =
- " bounds = " ~ {
- val assocs =
- for (param <- domainParams)
- yield (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ entryText(entry(param))
- Text(assocs, "\n")
- }
- val orderingText =
- " ordering = " ~ {
- val deps =
- for {
- param <- domainParams
- ups = minUpper(param)
- if ups.nonEmpty
- }
- yield
- (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ " <: " ~
- Text(ups.map(_.toText(printer)), ", ")
- Text(deps, "\n")
- }
- Text.lines(List(header, uninstVarsText, constrainedText, boundsText, orderingText, ")"))
- }