path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/Properties.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/Properties.scala')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/Properties.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/Properties.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec1f24d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/Properties.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package config
+import java.io.{ IOException, PrintWriter }
+import java.util.jar.Attributes.{ Name => AttributeName }
+/** Loads `library.properties` from the jar. */
+object Properties extends PropertiesTrait {
+ protected def propCategory = "library"
+ protected def pickJarBasedOn = classOf[Option[_]]
+ /** Scala manifest attributes.
+ */
+ @sharable val ScalaCompilerVersion = new AttributeName("Scala-Compiler-Version")
+trait PropertiesTrait {
+ protected def propCategory: String // specializes the remainder of the values
+ protected def pickJarBasedOn: Class[_] // props file comes from jar containing this
+ /** The name of the properties file */
+ protected val propFilename = "/" + propCategory + ".properties"
+ /** The loaded properties */
+ @sharable protected lazy val scalaProps: java.util.Properties = {
+ val props = new java.util.Properties
+ val stream = pickJarBasedOn getResourceAsStream propFilename
+ if (stream ne null)
+ quietlyDispose(props load stream, stream.close)
+ props
+ }
+ private def quietlyDispose(action: => Unit, disposal: => Unit) =
+ try { action }
+ finally {
+ try { disposal }
+ catch { case _: IOException => }
+ }
+ def propIsSet(name: String) = System.getProperty(name) != null
+ def propIsSetTo(name: String, value: String) = propOrNull(name) == value
+ def propOrElse(name: String, alt: String) = System.getProperty(name, alt)
+ def propOrEmpty(name: String) = propOrElse(name, "")
+ def propOrNull(name: String) = propOrElse(name, null)
+ def propOrNone(name: String) = Option(propOrNull(name))
+ def propOrFalse(name: String) = propOrNone(name) exists (x => List("yes", "on", "true") contains x.toLowerCase)
+ def setProp(name: String, value: String) = System.setProperty(name, value)
+ def clearProp(name: String) = System.clearProperty(name)
+ def envOrElse(name: String, alt: String) = Option(System getenv name) getOrElse alt
+ def envOrNone(name: String) = Option(System getenv name)
+ // for values based on propFilename
+ def scalaPropOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = scalaProps.getProperty(name, alt)
+ def scalaPropOrEmpty(name: String): String = scalaPropOrElse(name, "")
+ def scalaPropOrNone(name: String): Option[String] = Option(scalaProps.getProperty(name))
+ /** The numeric portion of the runtime Scala version, if this is a final
+ * release. If for instance the versionString says "version 2.9.0.final",
+ * this would return Some("2.9.0").
+ *
+ * @return Some(version) if this is a final release build, None if
+ * it is an RC, Beta, etc. or was built from source, or if the version
+ * cannot be read.
+ */
+ val releaseVersion =
+ for {
+ v <- scalaPropOrNone("maven.version.number")
+ if !(v endsWith "-SNAPSHOT")
+ } yield v
+ /** The development Scala version, if this is not a final release.
+ * The precise contents are not guaranteed, but it aims to provide a
+ * unique repository identifier (currently the svn revision) in the
+ * fourth dotted segment if the running version was built from source.
+ *
+ * @return Some(version) if this is a non-final version, None if this
+ * is a final release or the version cannot be read.
+ */
+ val developmentVersion =
+ for {
+ v <- scalaPropOrNone("maven.version.number")
+ if v endsWith "-SNAPSHOT"
+ ov <- scalaPropOrNone("version.number")
+ } yield ov
+ /** Either the development or release version if known, otherwise
+ * the empty string.
+ */
+ def versionNumberString = scalaPropOrEmpty("version.number")
+ /** The version number of the jar this was loaded from plus "version " prefix,
+ * or "version (unknown)" if it cannot be determined.
+ */
+ val versionString = "version " + "0.01" //scalaPropOrElse("version.number", "(unknown)")" +
+ val copyrightString = "(c) 2013 LAMP/EPFL" // scalaPropOrElse("copyright.string", "(c) 2002-2011 LAMP/EPFL")
+ /** This is the encoding to use reading in source files, overridden with -encoding
+ * Note that it uses "prop" i.e. looks in the scala jar, not the system properties.
+ */
+ def sourceEncoding = scalaPropOrElse("file.encoding", "UTF-8")
+ def sourceReader = scalaPropOrElse("source.reader", "scala.tools.nsc.io.SourceReader")
+ /** This is the default text encoding, overridden (unreliably) with
+ * `JAVA_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=Foo"`
+ */
+ def encodingString = propOrElse("file.encoding", "UTF-8")
+ /** The default end of line character.
+ */
+ def lineSeparator = propOrElse("line.separator", "\n")
+ /** Various well-known properties.
+ */
+ def javaClassPath = propOrEmpty("java.class.path")
+ def javaHome = propOrEmpty("java.home")
+ def javaVendor = propOrEmpty("java.vendor")
+ def javaVersion = propOrEmpty("java.version")
+ def javaVmInfo = propOrEmpty("java.vm.info")
+ def javaVmName = propOrEmpty("java.vm.name")
+ def javaVmVendor = propOrEmpty("java.vm.vendor")
+ def javaVmVersion = propOrEmpty("java.vm.version")
+ def osName = propOrEmpty("os.name")
+ def scalaHome = propOrEmpty("scala.home")
+ def tmpDir = propOrEmpty("java.io.tmpdir")
+ def userDir = propOrEmpty("user.dir")
+ def userHome = propOrEmpty("user.home")
+ def userName = propOrEmpty("user.name")
+ /** Some derived values.
+ */
+ def isWin = osName startsWith "Windows"
+ def isMac = javaVendor startsWith "Apple"
+ // This is looking for javac, tools.jar, etc.
+ // Tries JDK_HOME first, then the more common but likely jre JAVA_HOME,
+ // and finally the system property based javaHome.
+ def jdkHome = envOrElse("JDK_HOME", envOrElse("JAVA_HOME", javaHome))
+ def versionMsg = "Scala %s %s -- %s".format(propCategory, versionString, copyrightString)
+ def scalaCmd = if (isWin) "scala.bat" else "scala"
+ def scalacCmd = if (isWin) "scalac.bat" else "scalac"
+ /** Can the java version be determined to be at least as high as the argument?
+ * Hard to properly future proof this but at the rate 1.7 is going we can leave
+ * the issue for our cyborg grandchildren to solve.
+ */
+ def isJavaAtLeast(version: String) = {
+ val okVersions = version match {
+ case "1.5" => List("1.5", "1.6", "1.7")
+ case "1.6" => List("1.6", "1.7")
+ case "1.7" => List("1.7")
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ okVersions exists (javaVersion startsWith _)
+ }
+ // provide a main method so version info can be obtained by running this
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ val writer = new PrintWriter(Console.err, true)
+ writer println versionMsg
+ }