path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Signature.scala
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diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Signature.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Signature.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2e627cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Signature.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package core
+import Names._, Types._, Contexts._, StdNames._
+import TypeErasure.sigName
+/** The signature of a denotation.
+ * Overloaded denotations with the same name are distinguished by
+ * their signatures. A signature of a method (of type PolyType,MethodType, or ExprType) is
+ * composed of a list of signature names, one for each parameter type, plus a signature for
+ * the result type. Methods are uncurried before taking their signatures.
+ * The signature name of a type is the fully qualified name of the type symbol of the type's erasure.
+ *
+ * For instance a definition
+ *
+ * def f(x: Int)(y: List[String]): String
+ *
+ * would have signature
+ *
+ * Signature(
+ * List("scala.Int".toTypeName, "scala.collection.immutable.List".toTypeName),
+ * "scala.String".toTypeName)
+ *
+ * The signatures of non-method types are always `NotAMethod`.
+ *
+ * There are three kinds of "missing" parts of signatures:
+ *
+ * - tpnme.EMPTY Result type marker for NotAMethod and OverloadedSignature
+ * - tpnme.WILDCARD Arises from a Wildcard or error type
+ * - tpnme.Uninstantiated Arises from an uninstantiated type variable
+ */
+case class Signature(paramsSig: List[TypeName], resSig: TypeName) {
+ import Signature._
+ /** Two names are consistent if they are the same or one of them is tpnme.Uninstantiated */
+ private def consistent(name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =
+ name1 == name2 || name1 == tpnme.Uninstantiated || name2 == tpnme.Uninstantiated
+ /** Does this signature coincide with that signature on their parameter parts?
+ * This is the case if all parameter names are _consistent_, i.e. they are either
+ * equal or on of them is tpnme.Uninstantiated.
+ */
+ final def consistentParams(that: Signature): Boolean = {
+ def loop(names1: List[TypeName], names2: List[TypeName]): Boolean =
+ if (names1.isEmpty) names2.isEmpty
+ else names2.nonEmpty && consistent(names1.head, names2.head) && loop(names1.tail, names2.tail)
+ loop(this.paramsSig, that.paramsSig)
+ }
+ /** The degree to which this signature matches `that`.
+ * If parameter names are consistent and result types names match (i.e. they are the same
+ * or one is a wildcard), the result is `FullMatch`.
+ * If only the parameter names are consistent, the result is `ParamMatch` before erasure and
+ * `NoMatch` otherwise.
+ * If the parameters are inconsistent, the result is always `NoMatch`.
+ */
+ final def matchDegree(that: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): MatchDegree =
+ if (consistentParams(that))
+ if (resSig == that.resSig || isWildcard(resSig) || isWildcard(that.resSig)) FullMatch
+ else if (!ctx.erasedTypes) ParamMatch
+ else NoMatch
+ else NoMatch
+ /** name.toString == "" or name.toString == "_" */
+ private def isWildcard(name: TypeName) = name.isEmpty || name == tpnme.WILDCARD
+ /** Construct a signature by prepending the signature names of the given `params`
+ * to the parameter part of this signature.
+ */
+ def prepend(params: List[Type], isJava: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ Signature((params.map(sigName(_, isJava))) ++ paramsSig, resSig)
+ /** A signature is under-defined if its paramsSig part contains at least one
+ * `tpnme.Uninstantiated`. Under-defined signatures arise when taking a signature
+ * of a type that still contains uninstantiated type variables. They are eliminated
+ * by `fixSignature` in `PostTyper`.
+ */
+ def isUnderDefined(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ paramsSig.contains(tpnme.Uninstantiated) || resSig == tpnme.Uninstantiated
+object Signature {
+ type MatchDegree = Int
+ val NoMatch = 0
+ val ParamMatch = 1
+ val FullMatch = 2
+ /** The signature of everything that's not a method, i.e. that has
+ * a type different from PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType.
+ */
+ val NotAMethod = Signature(List(), EmptyTypeName)
+ /** The signature of an overloaded denotation.
+ */
+ val OverloadedSignature = Signature(List(tpnme.OVERLOADED), EmptyTypeName)
+ /** The signature of a method with no parameters and result type `resultType`. */
+ def apply(resultType: Type, isJava: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = {
+ assert(!resultType.isInstanceOf[ExprType])
+ apply(Nil, sigName(resultType, isJava))
+ }