path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Inferencing.scala
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diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Inferencing.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Inferencing.scala
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+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Inferencing.scala
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+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package typer
+import core._
+import ast._
+import Contexts._, Types._, Flags._, Denotations._, Names._, StdNames._, NameOps._, Symbols._
+import Trees._
+import Constants._
+import Scopes._
+import ProtoTypes._
+import annotation.unchecked
+import util.Positions._
+import util.{Stats, SimpleMap}
+import util.common._
+import Decorators._
+import Uniques._
+import config.Printers.{typr, constr}
+import annotation.tailrec
+import reporting._
+import collection.mutable
+object Inferencing {
+ import tpd._
+ /** Is type fully defined, meaning the type does not contain wildcard types
+ * or uninstantiated type variables. As a side effect, this will minimize
+ * any uninstantiated type variables, according to the given force degree,
+ * but only if the overall result of `isFullyDefined` is `true`.
+ * Variables that are successfully minimized do not count as uninstantiated.
+ */
+ def isFullyDefined(tp: Type, force: ForceDegree.Value)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
+ val nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setNewTyperState
+ val result = new IsFullyDefinedAccumulator(force)(nestedCtx).process(tp)
+ if (result) nestedCtx.typerState.commit()
+ result
+ }
+ /** The fully defined type, where all type variables are forced.
+ * Throws an error if type contains wildcards.
+ */
+ def fullyDefinedType(tp: Type, what: String, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if (isFullyDefined(tp, ForceDegree.all)) tp
+ else throw new Error(i"internal error: type of $what $tp is not fully defined, pos = $pos") // !!! DEBUG
+ /** Instantiate selected type variables `tvars` in type `tp` */
+ def instantiateSelected(tp: Type, tvars: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
+ new IsFullyDefinedAccumulator(new ForceDegree.Value(tvars.contains, minimizeAll = true)).process(tp)
+ /** The accumulator which forces type variables using the policy encoded in `force`
+ * and returns whether the type is fully defined. The direction in which
+ * a type variable is instantiated is determined as follows:
+ * 1. T is minimized if the constraint over T is only from below (i.e.
+ * constrained lower bound != given lower bound and
+ * constrained upper bound == given upper bound).
+ * 2. T is maximized if the constraint over T is only from above (i.e.
+ * constrained upper bound != given upper bound and
+ * constrained lower bound == given lower bound).
+ * If (1) and (2) do not apply:
+ * 3. T is maximized if it appears only contravariantly in the given type.
+ * 4. T is minimized in all other cases.
+ *
+ * The instantiation is done in two phases:
+ * 1st Phase: Try to instantiate minimizable type variables to
+ * their lower bound. Record whether successful.
+ * 2nd Phase: If first phase was successful, instantiate all remaining type variables
+ * to their upper bound.
+ */
+ private class IsFullyDefinedAccumulator(force: ForceDegree.Value)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[Boolean] {
+ private def instantiate(tvar: TypeVar, fromBelow: Boolean): Type = {
+ val inst = tvar.instantiate(fromBelow)
+ typr.println(i"forced instantiation of ${tvar.origin} = $inst")
+ inst
+ }
+ private var toMaximize: Boolean = false
+ def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias match {
+ case _: WildcardType | _: ProtoType =>
+ false
+ case tvar: TypeVar
+ if !tvar.isInstantiated && ctx.typerState.constraint.contains(tvar) =>
+ force.appliesTo(tvar) && {
+ val direction = instDirection(tvar.origin)
+ if (direction != 0) {
+ //if (direction > 0) println(s"inst $tvar dir = up")
+ instantiate(tvar, direction < 0)
+ }
+ else {
+ val minimize =
+ force.minimizeAll ||
+ variance >= 0 && !(
+ force == ForceDegree.noBottom &&
+ defn.isBottomType(ctx.typeComparer.approximation(tvar.origin, fromBelow = true)))
+ if (minimize) instantiate(tvar, fromBelow = true)
+ else toMaximize = true
+ }
+ foldOver(x, tvar)
+ }
+ case tp =>
+ foldOver(x, tp)
+ }
+ private class UpperInstantiator(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[Unit] {
+ def apply(x: Unit, tp: Type): Unit = {
+ tp match {
+ case tvar: TypeVar if !tvar.isInstantiated =>
+ instantiate(tvar, fromBelow = false)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ foldOver(x, tp)
+ }
+ }
+ def process(tp: Type): Boolean = {
+ val res = apply(true, tp)
+ if (res && toMaximize) new UpperInstantiator().apply((), tp)
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ /** The list of uninstantiated type variables bound by some prefix of type `T` which
+ * occur in at least one formal parameter type of a prefix application.
+ * Considered prefixes are:
+ * - The function `f` of an application node `f(e1, .., en)`
+ * - The function `f` of a type application node `f[T1, ..., Tn]`
+ * - The prefix `p` of a selection `p.f`.
+ * - The result expression `e` of a block `{s1; .. sn; e}`.
+ */
+ def tvarsInParams(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeVar] = {
+ @tailrec def boundVars(tree: Tree, acc: List[TypeVar]): List[TypeVar] = tree match {
+ case Apply(fn, _) => boundVars(fn, acc)
+ case TypeApply(fn, targs) =>
+ val tvars = targs.tpes.collect {
+ case tvar: TypeVar if !tvar.isInstantiated => tvar
+ }
+ boundVars(fn, acc ::: tvars)
+ case Select(pre, _) => boundVars(pre, acc)
+ case Block(_, expr) => boundVars(expr, acc)
+ case _ => acc
+ }
+ @tailrec def occurring(tree: Tree, toTest: List[TypeVar], acc: List[TypeVar]): List[TypeVar] =
+ if (toTest.isEmpty) acc
+ else tree match {
+ case Apply(fn, _) =>
+ fn.tpe.widen match {
+ case mtp: MethodType =>
+ val (occ, nocc) = toTest.partition(tvar => mtp.paramTypes.exists(tvar.occursIn))
+ occurring(fn, nocc, occ ::: acc)
+ case _ =>
+ occurring(fn, toTest, acc)
+ }
+ case TypeApply(fn, targs) => occurring(fn, toTest, acc)
+ case Select(pre, _) => occurring(pre, toTest, acc)
+ case Block(_, expr) => occurring(expr, toTest, acc)
+ case _ => acc
+ }
+ occurring(tree, boundVars(tree, Nil), Nil)
+ }
+ /** The instantiation direction for given poly param computed
+ * from the constraint:
+ * @return 1 (maximize) if constraint is uniformly from above,
+ * -1 (minimize) if constraint is uniformly from below,
+ * 0 if unconstrained, or constraint is from below and above.
+ */
+ private def instDirection(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Int = {
+ val constrained = ctx.typerState.constraint.fullBounds(param)
+ val original = param.binder.paramBounds(param.paramNum)
+ val cmp = ctx.typeComparer
+ val approxBelow =
+ if (!cmp.isSubTypeWhenFrozen(constrained.lo, original.lo)) 1 else 0
+ val approxAbove =
+ if (!cmp.isSubTypeWhenFrozen(original.hi, constrained.hi)) 1 else 0
+ approxAbove - approxBelow
+ }
+ /** Recursively widen and also follow type declarations and type aliases. */
+ def widenForMatchSelector(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp.widen match {
+ case tp: TypeRef if !tp.symbol.isClass =>
+ widenForMatchSelector(tp.superType)
+ case tp: HKApply =>
+ widenForMatchSelector(tp.superType)
+ case tp: AnnotatedType =>
+ tp.derivedAnnotatedType(widenForMatchSelector(tp.tpe), tp.annot)
+ case tp => tp
+ }
+ /** Following type aliases and stripping refinements and annotations, if one arrives at a
+ * class type reference where the class has a companion module, a reference to
+ * that companion module. Otherwise NoType
+ */
+ def companionRef(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ tp.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = true) match {
+ case tp: TypeRef =>
+ val companion = tp.classSymbol.companionModule
+ if (companion.exists)
+ companion.valRef.asSeenFrom(tp.prefix, companion.symbol.owner)
+ else NoType
+ case _ => NoType
+ }
+ /** Interpolate those undetermined type variables in the widened type of this tree
+ * which are introduced by type application contained in the tree.
+ * If such a variable appears covariantly in type `tp` or does not appear at all,
+ * approximate it by its lower bound. Otherwise, if it appears contravariantly
+ * in type `tp` approximate it by its upper bound.
+ * @param ownedBy if it is different from NoSymbol, all type variables owned by
+ * `ownedBy` qualify, independent of position.
+ * Without that second condition, it can be that certain variables escape
+ * interpolation, for instance when their tree was eta-lifted, so
+ * the typechecked tree is no longer the tree in which the variable
+ * was declared. A concrete example of this phenomenon can be
+ * observed when compiling core.TypeOps#asSeenFrom.
+ */
+ def interpolateUndetVars(tree: Tree, ownedBy: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ val constraint = ctx.typerState.constraint
+ val qualifies = (tvar: TypeVar) =>
+ (tree contains tvar.owningTree) || ownedBy.exists && tvar.owner == ownedBy
+ def interpolate() = Stats.track("interpolateUndetVars") {
+ val tp = tree.tpe.widen
+ constr.println(s"interpolate undet vars in ${tp.show}, pos = ${tree.pos}, mode = ${ctx.mode}, undets = ${constraint.uninstVars map (tvar => s"${tvar.show}@${tvar.owningTree.pos}")}")
+ constr.println(s"qualifying undet vars: ${constraint.uninstVars filter qualifies map (tvar => s"$tvar / ${tvar.show}")}, constraint: ${constraint.show}")
+ val vs = variances(tp, qualifies)
+ val hasUnreportedErrors = ctx.typerState.reporter match {
+ case r: StoreReporter if r.hasErrors => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ // Avoid interpolating variables if typerstate has unreported errors.
+ // Reason: The errors might reflect unsatisfiable constraints. In that
+ // case interpolating without taking account the constraints risks producing
+ // nonsensical types that then in turn produce incomprehensible errors.
+ // An example is in neg/i1240.scala. Without the condition in the next code line
+ // we get for
+ //
+ // val y: List[List[String]] = List(List(1))
+ //
+ // i1430.scala:5: error: type mismatch:
+ // found : Int(1)
+ // required: Nothing
+ // val y: List[List[String]] = List(List(1))
+ // ^
+ // With the condition, we get the much more sensical:
+ //
+ // i1430.scala:5: error: type mismatch:
+ // found : Int(1)
+ // required: String
+ // val y: List[List[String]] = List(List(1))
+ if (!hasUnreportedErrors)
+ vs foreachBinding { (tvar, v) =>
+ if (v != 0) {
+ typr.println(s"interpolate ${if (v == 1) "co" else "contra"}variant ${tvar.show} in ${tp.show}")
+ tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = v == 1)
+ }
+ }
+ for (tvar <- constraint.uninstVars)
+ if (!(vs contains tvar) && qualifies(tvar)) {
+ typr.println(s"instantiating non-occurring ${tvar.show} in ${tp.show} / $tp")
+ tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = true)
+ }
+ }
+ if (constraint.uninstVars exists qualifies) interpolate()
+ }
+ /** Instantiate undetermined type variables to that type `tp` is
+ * maximized and return None. If this is not possible, because a non-variant
+ * typevar is not uniquely determined, return that typevar in a Some.
+ */
+ def maximizeType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeVar] = Stats.track("maximizeType") {
+ val vs = variances(tp, alwaysTrue)
+ var result: Option[TypeVar] = None
+ vs foreachBinding { (tvar, v) =>
+ if (v == 1) tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = false)
+ else if (v == -1) tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = true)
+ else {
+ val bounds = ctx.typerState.constraint.fullBounds(tvar.origin)
+ if (!(bounds.hi <:< bounds.lo)) result = Some(tvar)
+ tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = false)
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ type VarianceMap = SimpleMap[TypeVar, Integer]
+ /** All occurrences of type vars in this type that satisfy predicate
+ * `include` mapped to their variances (-1/0/1) in this type, where
+ * -1 means: only covariant occurrences
+ * +1 means: only covariant occurrences
+ * 0 means: mixed or non-variant occurrences
+ *
+ * Note: We intentionally use a relaxed version of variance here,
+ * where the variance does not change under a prefix of a named type
+ * (the strict version makes prefixes invariant). This turns out to be
+ * better for type inference. In a nutshell, if a type variable occurs
+ * like this:
+ *
+ * (U? >: x.type) # T
+ *
+ * we want to instantiate U to x.type right away. No need to wait further.
+ */
+ private def variances(tp: Type, include: TypeVar => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): VarianceMap = Stats.track("variances") {
+ val constraint = ctx.typerState.constraint
+ object accu extends TypeAccumulator[VarianceMap] {
+ def setVariance(v: Int) = variance = v
+ def apply(vmap: VarianceMap, t: Type): VarianceMap = t match {
+ case t: TypeVar
+ if !t.isInstantiated && (ctx.typerState.constraint contains t) && include(t) =>
+ val v = vmap(t)
+ if (v == null) vmap.updated(t, variance)
+ else if (v == variance || v == 0) vmap
+ else vmap.updated(t, 0)
+ case _ =>
+ foldOver(vmap, t)
+ }
+ override def applyToPrefix(vmap: VarianceMap, t: NamedType) =
+ apply(vmap, t.prefix)
+ }
+ /** Include in `vmap` type variables occurring in the constraints of type variables
+ * already in `vmap`. Specifically:
+ * - if `tvar` is covariant in `vmap`, include all variables in its lower bound
+ * (because they influence the minimal solution of `tvar`),
+ * - if `tvar` is contravariant in `vmap`, include all variables in its upper bound
+ * at flipped variances (because they influence the maximal solution of `tvar`),
+ * - if `tvar` is nonvariant in `vmap`, include all variables in its upper and lower
+ * bounds as non-variant.
+ * Do this in a fixpoint iteration until `vmap` stabilizes.
+ */
+ def propagate(vmap: VarianceMap): VarianceMap = {
+ var vmap1 = vmap
+ def traverse(tp: Type) = { vmap1 = accu(vmap1, tp) }
+ vmap.foreachBinding { (tvar, v) =>
+ val param = tvar.origin
+ val e = constraint.entry(param)
+ accu.setVariance(v)
+ if (v >= 0) {
+ traverse(e.bounds.lo)
+ constraint.lower(param).foreach(p => traverse(constraint.typeVarOfParam(p)))
+ }
+ if (v <= 0) {
+ traverse(e.bounds.hi)
+ constraint.upper(param).foreach(p => traverse(constraint.typeVarOfParam(p)))
+ }
+ }
+ if (vmap1 eq vmap) vmap else propagate(vmap1)
+ }
+ propagate(accu(SimpleMap.Empty, tp))
+ }
+/** An enumeration controlling the degree of forcing in "is-dully-defined" checks. */
+@sharable object ForceDegree {
+ class Value(val appliesTo: TypeVar => Boolean, val minimizeAll: Boolean)
+ val none = new Value(_ => false, minimizeAll = false)
+ val all = new Value(_ => true, minimizeAll = false)
+ val noBottom = new Value(_ => true, minimizeAll = false)