path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 229 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/PickleFormat.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/PickleFormat.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8855545f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/PickleFormat.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package unpickleScala2
+/** This object provides constants for pickling attributes.
+ *
+ * If you extend the format, be sure to increase the
+ * version minor number.
+ *
+ * This was adapted from https://github.com/scala/scala/blob/2.11.x/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleFormat.scala
+ *
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+object PickleFormat {
+ * Symbol table attribute format:
+ * Symtab = nentries_Nat {Entry}
+ * Entry = 1 TERMNAME len_Nat NameInfo
+ * | 2 TYPENAME len_Nat NameInfo
+ * | 3 NONEsym len_Nat
+ * | 4 TYPEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
+ * | 5 ALIASsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
+ * | 6 CLASSsym len_Nat SymbolInfo [thistype_Ref]
+ * | 7 MODULEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
+ * | 8 VALsym len_Nat [defaultGetter_Ref /* no longer needed*/] SymbolInfo [alias_Ref]
+ * | 9 EXTref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
+ * | 10 EXTMODCLASSref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
+ * | 11 NOtpe len_Nat
+ * | 12 NOPREFIXtpe len_Nat
+ * | 13 THIStpe len_Nat sym_Ref
+ * | 14 SINGLEtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref
+ * | 15 CONSTANTtpe len_Nat constant_Ref
+ * | 16 TYPEREFtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref {targ_Ref}
+ * | 17 TYPEBOUNDStpe len_Nat tpe_Ref tpe_Ref
+ * | 18 REFINEDtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
+ * | 19 CLASSINFOtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
+ * | 20 METHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
+ * | 21 POLYTtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
+ * | 22 IMPLICITMETHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref} /* no longer needed */
+ * | 52 SUPERtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref tpe_Ref
+ * | 24 LITERALunit len_Nat
+ * | 25 LITERALboolean len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 26 LITERALbyte len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 27 LITERALshort len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 28 LITERALchar len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 29 LITERALint len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 30 LITERALlong len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 31 LITERALfloat len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 32 LITERALdouble len_Nat value_Long
+ * | 33 LITERALstring len_Nat name_Ref
+ * | 34 LITERALnull len_Nat
+ * | 35 LITERALclass len_Nat tpe_Ref
+ * | 36 LITERALenum len_Nat sym_Ref
+ * | 40 SYMANNOT len_Nat sym_Ref AnnotInfoBody
+ * | 41 CHILDREN len_Nat sym_Ref {sym_Ref}
+ * | 42 ANNOTATEDtpe len_Nat [sym_Ref /* no longer needed */] tpe_Ref {annotinfo_Ref}
+ * | 43 ANNOTINFO len_Nat AnnotInfoBody
+ * | 44 ANNOTARGARRAY len_Nat {constAnnotArg_Ref}
+ * | 47 DEBRUIJNINDEXtpe len_Nat level_Nat index_Nat /* no longer needed */
+ * | 48 EXISTENTIALtpe len_Nat type_Ref {symbol_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 1 EMPTYtree
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 2 PACKAGEtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 3 CLASStree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 4 MODULEtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 5 VALDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 6 DEFDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref numtparams_Nat {tree_Ref} numparamss_Nat {numparams_Nat {tree_Ref}} tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 7 TYPEDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 8 LABELtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 9 IMPORTtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {name_Ref name_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 11 DOCDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref string_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 12 TEMPLATEtree type_Ref sym_Ref numparents_Nat {tree_Ref} tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 13 BLOCKtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 14 CASEtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 15 SEQUENCEtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 16 ALTERNATIVEtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 17 STARtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 18 BINDtree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 19 UNAPPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 20 ARRAYVALUEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 21 FUNCTIONtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 22 ASSIGNtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 23 IFtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 24 MATCHtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 25 RETURNtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 26 TREtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 27 THROWtree type_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 28 NEWtree type_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 29 TYPEDtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 30 TYPEAPPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 31 APPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 32 APPLYDYNAMICtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 33 SUPERtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 34 THIStree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 35 SELECTtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 36 IDENTtree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 37 LITERALtree type_Ref constant_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 38 TYPEtree type_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 39 ANNOTATEDtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 40 SINGLETONTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 41 SELECTFROMTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 42 COMPOUNDTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 43 APPLIEDTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 44 TYPEBOUNDStree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
+ * | 49 TREE len_Nat 45 EXISTENTIALTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
+ * | 50 MODIFIERS len_Nat flags_Long privateWithin_Ref
+ * SymbolInfo = name_Ref owner_Ref flags_LongNat [privateWithin_Ref] info_Ref
+ * NameInfo = <character sequence of length len_Nat in Utf8 format>
+ * NumInfo = <len_Nat-byte signed number in big endian format>
+ * Ref = Nat
+ * AnnotInfoBody = info_Ref {annotArg_Ref} {name_Ref constAnnotArg_Ref}
+ * AnnotArg = Tree | Constant
+ * ConstAnnotArg = Constant | AnnotInfo | AnnotArgArray
+ *
+ * len is remaining length after `len`.
+ */
+ val MajorVersion = 5
+ val MinorVersion = 0
+ final val TERMname = 1
+ final val TYPEname = 2
+ final val NONEsym = 3
+ final val TYPEsym = 4
+ final val ALIASsym = 5
+ final val CLASSsym = 6
+ final val MODULEsym = 7
+ final val VALsym = 8
+ final val EXTref = 9
+ final val EXTMODCLASSref = 10
+ final val NOtpe = 11
+ final val NOPREFIXtpe = 12
+ final val THIStpe = 13
+ final val SINGLEtpe = 14
+ final val CONSTANTtpe = 15
+ final val TYPEREFtpe = 16
+ final val TYPEBOUNDStpe = 17
+ final val REFINEDtpe = 18
+ final val CLASSINFOtpe = 19
+ final val METHODtpe = 20
+ final val POLYtpe = 21
+ final val IMPLICITMETHODtpe = 22 // no longer generated
+ final val LITERAL = 23 // base line for literals
+ final val LITERALunit = 24
+ final val LITERALboolean = 25
+ final val LITERALbyte = 26
+ final val LITERALshort = 27
+ final val LITERALchar = 28
+ final val LITERALint = 29
+ final val LITERALlong = 30
+ final val LITERALfloat = 31
+ final val LITERALdouble = 32
+ final val LITERALstring = 33
+ final val LITERALnull = 34
+ final val LITERALclass = 35
+ final val LITERALenum = 36
+ final val SYMANNOT = 40
+ final val CHILDREN = 41
+ final val ANNOTATEDtpe = 42
+ final val ANNOTINFO = 43
+ final val ANNOTARGARRAY = 44
+ final val SUPERtpe = 46
+ final val DEBRUIJNINDEXtpe = 47 // no longer generated
+ final val EXISTENTIALtpe = 48
+ final val TREE = 49 // prefix code that means a tree is coming
+ final val EMPTYtree = 1
+ final val PACKAGEtree = 2
+ final val CLASStree = 3
+ final val MODULEtree = 4
+ final val VALDEFtree = 5
+ final val DEFDEFtree = 6
+ final val TYPEDEFtree = 7
+ final val LABELtree = 8
+ final val IMPORTtree = 9
+ final val DOCDEFtree = 11
+ final val TEMPLATEtree = 12
+ final val BLOCKtree = 13
+ final val CASEtree = 14
+ // This node type has been removed.
+ // final val SEQUENCEtree = 15
+ final val ALTERNATIVEtree = 16
+ final val STARtree = 17
+ final val BINDtree = 18
+ final val UNAPPLYtree = 19
+ final val ARRAYVALUEtree = 20
+ final val FUNCTIONtree = 21
+ final val ASSIGNtree = 22
+ final val IFtree = 23
+ final val MATCHtree = 24
+ final val RETURNtree = 25
+ final val TREtree = 26
+ final val THROWtree = 27
+ final val NEWtree = 28
+ final val TYPEDtree = 29
+ final val TYPEAPPLYtree = 30
+ final val APPLYtree = 31
+ final val APPLYDYNAMICtree = 32
+ final val SUPERtree = 33
+ final val THIStree = 34
+ final val SELECTtree = 35
+ final val IDENTtree = 36
+ final val LITERALtree = 37
+ final val TYPEtree = 38
+ final val ANNOTATEDtree = 39
+ final val SINGLETONTYPEtree = 40
+ final val SELECTFROMTYPEtree = 41
+ final val COMPOUNDTYPEtree = 42
+ final val APPLIEDTYPEtree = 43
+ final val TYPEBOUNDStree = 44
+ final val EXISTENTIALTYPEtree = 45
+ final val MODIFIERS = 50
+ final val firstSymTag = NONEsym
+ final val lastSymTag = VALsym
+ final val lastExtSymTag = EXTMODCLASSref
+ //The following two are no longer accurate, because ANNOTATEDtpe,
+ //SUPERtpe, ... are not in the same range as the other types
+ //final val firstTypeTag = NOtpe
+ //final val lastTypeTag = POLYtpe
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Unpickler.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Unpickler.scala
index 3a2a45fd2..faf01b177 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Unpickler.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Unpickler.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import io.AbstractFile
import util.common._
import typer.Checking.checkNonCyclic
import PickleBuffer._
-import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.PickleFormat._
+import PickleFormat._
import Decorators._
import TypeApplications._
import classfile.ClassfileParser
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
index 40687021d..3e06b3f91 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import core.unpickleScala2.PickleBuffer
import core.Names._
object ShowPickled {
- import PickleFormat._
+ import core.unpickleScala2.PickleFormat._
case class PickleBufferEntry(num: Int, startIndex: Int, tag: Int, bytes: Array[Byte]) {
def isName = tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname