path: root/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/tags.scala
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diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/tags.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/tags.scala
index 868e28bce..fe6a05bbc 100644
--- a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/tags.scala
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/tags.scala
@@ -131,4 +131,41 @@ object tags {
+ /** Can be used to render the `sidebar.yml` entries, represented here as
+ * `Title`.
+ *
+ * ```html
+ * {% renderTitle title, parent %}
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The rendering currently works on depths up to 2. This means that each
+ * title can have a subsection with its own titles.
+ */
+ case class RenderTitle(params: Map[String, AnyRef]) extends Tag("renderTitle") with ParamConverter {
+ private def renderTitle(t: Title, parent: String): String = {
+ if (!t.url.isDefined && t.subsection.nonEmpty) {
+ val onclickFunction =
+ s"""(function(){var child=document.getElementById("${t.title}");child.classList.toggle("show");child.classList.toggle("hide");})();"""
+ s"""|<a class="toggle-children" onclick='$onclickFunction'>${t.title}</a>
+ |<ul id="${t.title}" class="${if (parent.toLowerCase == t.title.toLowerCase) "show" else "hide"}">
+ | ${t.subsection.map(renderTitle(_, parent)).mkString("<li>", "</li><li>", "</li>")}
+ |</ul>""".stripMargin
+ }
+ else if (t.url.isDefined) {
+ val url = t.url.get
+ s"""<a href="$baseurl/$url">${t.title}</a>"""
+ }
+ else /*if (t.subsection.nonEmpty)*/ {
+ /*dottydoc.*/println(s"url was defined for subsection with title: ${t.title}, remove url to get toggleable entries")
+ t.title
+ }
+ }
+ override def render(ctx: TemplateContext, nodes: LNode*): AnyRef =
+ (nodes(0).render(ctx), nodes(1).render(ctx)) match {
+ case (t: Title, parent: String) => renderTitle(t, parent)
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ }