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diff --git a/docs/blog/_posts/2016-12-05-implicit-function-types.md b/docs/blog/_posts/2016-12-05-implicit-function-types.md
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+layout: blog
+title: Implicit Function Types
+author: Martin Odersky
+authorImg: /images/martin.jpg
+I just made the first pull request to add _implicit function types_ to
+Scala. I am pretty excited about it, because, citing the explanation
+of the pull request "This is the first step to bring comonadic
+abstraction to Scala". That's quite a mouthful, so I better explain what I
+mean by it.
+Let me try to explain the words in this sentence from right to left.
+*Scala*: I assume everyone who reads this understands that we mean the
+ programming language, not the opera house.
+*Abstraction*: The ability to name a concept and use just the name afterwards.
+*Comonadic*: In category theory, a _comonad_ is the dual of a
+_monad_. Roughly speaking, a monad is a way to wrap the result (or:
+outputs) of a computation in some other type. For instance
+`Future[T]` means that the result of type `T` will be produced at
+some later time on demand, or `Option[T]` indicates that the result
+might also be undefined.
+Dually, a _comonad_ allows to transform or
+enrich or otherwise manipulate the _inputs_ to a computation.
+The inputs are typically what a computation can access in its
+environment. Interesting tasks that are by nature comonadic are
+ - passing configuration data to the parts of a system that need them,
+ - managing capabilities for security critical tasks,
+ - wiring components up with dependency injection,
+ - defining the meanings of operations with type classes,
+ - more generally, passing any sort of context to a computation.
+Implicit function types are a suprisingly simple and general way to
+make coding patterns solving these tasks abstractable, reducing
+boilerplate code and increasing applicability.
+*First Step* My pull request is first implementation. In solves the
+ problem in principle, but it introduces some run-time overhead. The
+ next step will be to eliminate the run-time overhead through some
+ simple optimizations.
+## Comparison with Monads
+One can use monads for these tasks, and some people do. For instance
+the `Reader` monad is used to abstract over accessing one entry in the
+environment. But the code for doing so quickly becomes complex and
+inefficient, in particular when combining several contextual
+accesses. Monads don't compose in general, and therefore even simple
+combinations need to be expressed on the level of monad transformers,
+at the price of much boilerplate and complexity. Recognizing this,
+peaple have recently experimented with free monads, which alleviate
+the composibility problem, but at the price of introducing a whole new
+level of interpretation.
+## Implicit Parameters
+In a functional setting, the inputs to a computation are most
+naturally expressed as _parameters_. One could simply augment
+functions to take additional parameters that represent configurations,
+capabilities, dictionaries, or whatever contextual data the functions
+need. The only downside with this is that often there's a large
+distance in the call graph between the definition of a contextual
+element and the site where it is used. Conseuqently, it becomes
+tedious to define all those intermediate parameters and to pass them
+along to where they are eventually consumed.
+Implicit parameters solve one half of the problem. Implicit
+parameters do not have to be propagated using boilerplate code; the
+compiler takes care of that. This makes them practical in many
+scenarios where plain parameters would be too cumbersome. For
+instance, type classes would be a lot less popular if one would have
+to pass all dictionaries by hand. Implicit parameters are also very
+useful as a general context passing mechanism. For instance in the
+_dotty_ compiler, almost every function takes an implicit context
+parameter which defines all elements relating to the current state of
+the compilation. This is in my experience much better than the cake
+pattern because it is lightweight and can express context changes in a
+purely functional way.
+The main downside of implicit parameters is the verbosity of their
+declaration syntax. It's hard to illustrate this with a smallish example,
+because it really only becomes a problem at scale, but let's try anyway.
+Let's say we want to write some piece of code that's designed to run
+in a transaction. For the sake of illustration here's a simple transaction class:
+ class Transaction {
+ private val log = new ListBuffer[String]
+ def println(s: String): Unit = log += s
+ private var aborted = false
+ private var committed = false
+ def abort(): Unit = { aborted = true }
+ def isAborted = aborted
+ def commit(): Unit =
+ if (!aborted && !committed) {
+ Console.println("******* log ********")
+ log.foreach(Console.println)
+ committed = true
+ }
+ }
+The transaction encapsulates a log, to which one can print messages.
+It can be in one of three states: running, committed, or aborted.
+If the transaction is committed, it prints the stored log to the console.
+The `transaction` method lets one run some given code `op` inside
+a newly created transaction:
+ def transaction[T](op: Transaction => T) = {
+ val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op(trans)
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+The current transaction needs to be passed along a calling chain to all
+the places that need to access it. To illustrate this, here are three
+functions `f1`, `f2` and `f3` which call each other, and also access
+the current transaction. The most convenient way to achieve this is
+passing the current transaction as an implicit parameter.
+ def f1(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+The main program calls `f1` in a fresh transaction context and prints
+its result:
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ implicit thisTransaction =>
+ val res = f1(args.length)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+Two sample calls of the program (let's call it `TransactionDemo`) are here:
+ scala TransactionDemo 1 2 3
+ result: 16
+ ******* log ********
+ first step: 3
+ second step: 4
+ third step: 16
+ scala TransactionDemo 1 2 3 4
+ aborted