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+layout: blog
+title: Implicit Function Types
+author: Martin Odersky
+authorImg: /images/martin.jpg
+I just made the [first pull request](https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/pull/1775) to add _implicit function types_ to
+Scala. I am pretty excited about it, because - citing the explanation
+of the pull request - "_This is the first step to bring contextual
+abstraction to Scala_". What do I mean by this?
+**Abstraction**: The ability to name a concept and use just the name afterwards.
+**Contextual**: A piece of a program produces results or outputs in
+some context. Our programming languages are very good in describing
+and abstracting what outputs are produced. But there's hardly anything
+yet available to abstract over the inputs that programs get from their
+context. Many interesting scenarios fall into that category,
+ - passing configuration data to the parts of a system that need them,
+ - managing capabilities for security critical tasks,
+ - wiring components up with dependency injection,
+ - defining the meanings of operations with type classes,
+ - more generally, passing any sort of context to a computation.
+Implicit function types are a surprisingly simple and general way to
+make coding patterns solving these tasks abstractable, reducing
+boilerplate code and increasing applicability.
+**First Step**: My pull request is a first implementation. It solves the
+ problem in principle, but introduces some run-time overhead. The
+ next step will be to eliminate the run-time overhead through some
+ simple optimizations.
+## Implicit Parameters
+In a functional setting, the inputs to a computation are most
+naturally expressed as _parameters_. One could simply augment
+functions to take additional parameters that represent configurations,
+capabilities, dictionaries, or whatever contextual data the functions
+need. The only downside with this is that often there's a large
+distance in the call graph between the definition of a contextual
+element and the site where it is used. Consequently, it becomes
+tedious to define all those intermediate parameters and to pass them
+along to where they are eventually consumed.
+Implicit parameters solve one half of the problem. Implicit
+parameters do not have to be propagated using boilerplate code; the
+compiler takes care of that. This makes them practical in many
+scenarios where plain parameters would be too cumbersome. For
+instance, type classes would be a lot less popular if one would have
+to pass all dictionaries by hand. Implicit parameters are also very
+useful as a general context passing mechanism. For instance in the
+_dotty_ compiler, almost every function takes an implicit context
+parameter which defines all elements relating to the current state of
+the compilation. This is in my experience much better than the cake
+pattern because it is lightweight and can express context changes in a
+purely functional way.
+The main downside of implicit parameters is the verbosity of their
+declaration syntax. It's hard to illustrate this with a smallish example,
+because it really only becomes a problem at scale, but let's try anyway.
+Let's say we want to write some piece of code that's designed to run
+in a transaction. For the sake of illustration here's a simple transaction class:
+ class Transaction {
+ private val log = new ListBuffer[String]
+ def println(s: String): Unit = log += s
+ private var aborted = false
+ private var committed = false
+ def abort(): Unit = { aborted = true }
+ def isAborted = aborted
+ def commit(): Unit =
+ if (!aborted && !committed) {
+ Console.println("******* log ********")
+ log.foreach(Console.println)
+ committed = true
+ }
+ }
+The transaction encapsulates a log, to which one can print messages.
+It can be in one of three states: running, committed, or aborted.
+If the transaction is committed, it prints the stored log to the console.
+The `transaction` method lets one run some given code `op` inside
+a newly created transaction:
+ def transaction[T](op: Transaction => T) = {
+ val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op(trans)
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+The current transaction needs to be passed along a call chain to all
+the places that need to access it. To illustrate this, here are three
+functions `f1`, `f2` and `f3` which call each other, and also access
+the current transaction. The most convenient way to achieve this is
+by passing the current transaction as an implicit parameter.
+ def f1(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+The main program calls `f1` in a fresh transaction context and prints
+its result:
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ implicit thisTransaction =>
+ val res = f1(args.length)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+Two sample calls of the program (let's call it `TransactionDemo`) are here:
+ scala TransactionDemo 1 2 3
+ result: 16
+ ******* log ********
+ first step: 3
+ second step: 4
+ third step: 16
+ scala TransactionDemo 1 2 3 4
+ aborted
+So far, so good. The code above is quite compact as far as expressions
+are concerned. In particular, it's nice that, being implicit
+parameters, none of the transaction values had to be passed along
+explicitly in a call. But on the definition side, things are less
+rosy: Every one of the functions `f1` to `f3` needed an additional
+implicit parameter:
+ (implicit thisTransaction: Transaction)
+A three-times repetition might not look so bad here, but it certainly
+smells of boilerplate. In real-sized projects, this can get much worse.
+For instance, the _dotty_ compiler uses implicit abstraction
+over contexts for most of its parts. Consequently it ends up with currently
+no fewer than 2641 occurrences of the text string
+ (implicit ctx: Context)
+It would be nice if we could get rid of them.
+## Implicit Functions
+Let's massage the definition of `f1` a bit by moving the last parameter section to the right of the equals sign:
+ def f1(x: Int) = { implicit thisTransaction: Transaction =>
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+The right hand side of this new version of `f1` is now an implicit
+function value. What's the type of this value? Previously, it was
+`Transaction => Int`, that is, the knowledge that the function has an
+implicit parameter got lost in the type. The main extension implemented by
+the pull request is to introduce implicit function types that mirror
+the implicit function values which we have already. Concretely, the new
+type of `f1` is:
+ implicit Transaction => Int
+Just like the normal function type syntax `A => B`, desugars to `scala.Function1[A, B]`
+the implicit function type syntax `implicit A => B` desugars to `scala.ImplicitFunction1[A, B]`.
+The same holds at other function arities. With dotty's [pull request #1758](https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/pull/1758)
+merged there is no longer an upper limit of 22 for such functions.
+The type `ImplicitFunction1` can be thought of being defined as follows:
+ trait ImplicitFunction1[-T0, R] extends Function1[T0, R] {
+ override def apply(implicit x: T0): R
+ }
+However, you won't find a classfile for this trait because all implicit function traits
+get mapped to normal functions during type erasure.
+There are two rules that guide type checking of implicit function types.
+The first rule says that an implicit function is applied to implicit arguments
+in the same way an implicit method is. More precisely, if `t` is an expression
+of an implicit function type
+ t: implicit (T1, ..., Tn) => R
+such that `t` is not an implicit closure itself and `t` is not the
+prefix of a call `t.apply(...)`, then an `apply` is implicitly
+inserted, so `t` becomes `t.apply`. We have already seen that the
+definition of `t.apply` is an implicit method as given in the
+corresponding implicit function trait. Hence, it will in turn be
+applied to a matching sequence of implicit arguments. The end effect is
+that references to implicit functions get applied to implicit arguments in the
+same way as references to implicit methods.
+The second rule is the dual of the first. If the expected type
+of an expression `t` is an implicit function type
+ implicit (T1, ..., Tn) => R
+then `t` is converted to an implicit closure, unless it is already one.
+More precisely, `t` is mapped to the implicit closure
+ implicit ($ev1: T1, ..., $evn: Tn) => t
+The parameter names of this closure are compiler-generated identifiers
+which should not be accessed from user code. That is, the only way to
+refer to an implicit parameter of a compiler-generated function is via
+It is important to note that this second conversion needs to be applied
+_before_ the expression `t` is typechecked. This is because the
+conversion establishes the necessary context to make type checking `t`
+succeed by defining the required implicit parameters.
+There is one final tweak to make this all work: When using implicit parameters
+for nested functions it was so far important to give all implicit parameters
+of the same type the same name, or else one would get ambiguities. For instance, consider the
+following fragment:
+ def f(implicit c: C) = {
+ def g(implicit c: C) = ... implicitly[C] ...
+ ...
+ }
+If we had named the inner parameter `d` instead of `c` we would
+have gotten an implicit ambiguity at the call of `implicitly` because
+both `c` and `d` would be eligible:
+ def f(implicit c: C) = {
+ def g(implicit d: C) = ... implicitly[C] ... // error!
+ ...
+ }
+The problem is that parameters in implicit closures now have
+compiler-generated names, so the programmer cannot enforce the proper
+naming scheme to avoid all ambiguities. We fix the problem by
+introducing a new disambiguation rule which makes nested occurrences
+of an implicit take precedence over outer ones. This rule, which
+applies to all implicit parameters and implicit locals, is conceptually
+analogous to the rule that prefers implicits defined in companion
+objects of subclasses over those defined in companion objects of
+superclass. With that new disambiguation rule the example code above
+now compiles.
+That's the complete set of rules needed to deal with implicit function types.
+## How to Remove Boilerplate
+The main advantage of implicit function types is that, being types,
+they can be abstracted. That is, one can define a name for an implicit
+function type and then use just the name instead of the full type.
+Let's revisit our previous example and see how it can be made more
+concise using this technique.
+We first define a type `Transactional` for functions that take an implicit parameter of type `Transaction`:
+ type Transactional[T] = implicit Transaction => T
+Making the return type of `f1` to `f3` a `Transactional[Int]`, we can
+eliminate their implicit parameter sections:
+ def f1(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+You might ask, how does `thisTransaction` typecheck, since there is no
+longer a parameter with that name? In fact, `thisTransaction` is now a
+global definition:
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = implicitly[Transaction]
+You might ask: a `Transactional[Transaction]`, is that not circular? To see more clearly, let's expand
+the definition according to the rules given in the last section. `thisTransaction`
+is of implicit function type, so the right hand side is expanded to the
+implicit closure
+ implicit ($ev0: Transaction) => implicitly[Transaction]
+The right hand side of this closure, `implicitly[Transaction]`, needs
+an implicit parameter of type `Transaction`, so the closure is further
+expanded to
+ implicit ($ev0: Transaction) => implicitly[Transaction]($ev0)
+Now, `implicitly` is defined in `scala.Predef` like this:
+ def implicitly[T](implicit x: T) = x
+If we plug that definition into the closure above and simplify, we get:
+ implicit ($ev0: Transaction) => $ev0
+So, `thisTransaction` is just the implicit identity function on `transaction`!
+In other words, if we use `thisTransaction` in the body of `f1` to `f3`, it will
+pick up and return the unnamed implicit parameter that's in scope.
+Finally, here are the `transaction` and `main` method that complete
+the example. Since `transactional`'s parameter `op` is now a
+`Transactional`, we can eliminate the `Transaction` argument to `op`
+and the `Transaction` lambda in `main`; both will be added by the compiler.
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]) = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ val res = f1(args.length)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+## Categorically Speaking
+There are many interesting connections with category theory to explore
+here. On the one hand, implicit functions are used for tasks that are
+sometimes covered with monads such as the reader monad. There's an
+argument to be made that implicits have better composability than
+monads and why that is.
+On the other hand, it turns out that implicit functions can also be
+given a co-monadic interpretation, and the interplay between monads and
+comonads is very interesting in its own right.
+But these discussions will have to wait for another time, as
+this blog post is already too long.
+## Conclusion
+Implicit function types are unique way to abstract over the context in
+which some piece of code is run. I believe they will deeply influence
+the way we write Scala in the future. They are very powerful
+abstractions, in the sense that just declaring a type of a function
+will inject certain implicit values into the scope of the function's
+implementation. Can this be abused, making code more obscure?
+Absolutely, like every other powerful abstraction technique. To keep
+your code sane, please keep the [Principle of Least Power](http://www.lihaoyi.com/post/StrategicScalaStylePrincipleofLeastPower.html) in mind.
diff --git a/docs/syntax-summary.txt b/docs/syntax-summary.txt
index 04e149de6..d382507d3 100644
--- a/docs/syntax-summary.txt
+++ b/docs/syntax-summary.txt
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ grammar.
| [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
ClassQualifier ::= `[' id `]'
- Type ::= FunArgTypes `=>' Type Function(ts, t)
- | HkTypeParamClause `=>' Type TypeLambda(ps, t)
+ Type ::= [`implicit'] FunArgTypes `=>' Type Function(ts, t)
+ | HkTypeParamClause `=>' Type TypeLambda(ps, t)
| InfixType
FunArgTypes ::= InfixType
| `(' [ FunArgType {`,' FunArgType } ] `)'
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ grammar.
TypeBounds ::= [`>:' Type] [`<: Type] | INT TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)
TypeParamBounds ::= TypeBounds {`<%' Type} {`:' Type} ContextBounds(typeBounds, tps)
- Expr ::= FunParams `=>' Expr Function(args, expr), Function(ValDef([implicit], id, TypeTree(), EmptyTree), expr)
+ Expr ::= [`implicit'] FunParams `=>' Expr Function(args, expr), Function(ValDef([implicit], id, TypeTree(), EmptyTree), expr)
FunParams ::= Bindings
- | [`implicit'] id
+ | id
| `_'
ExprInParens ::= PostfixExpr `:' Type
| Expr
- BlockResult ::= (FunParams | [`implicit'] id `:' InfixType) `=>' Block
+ BlockResult ::= [`implicit'] FunParams `=>' Block
| Expr1
Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr] If(Parens(cond), thenp, elsep?)
| `if' Expr `then' Expr [[semi] else Expr] If(cond, thenp, elsep?)
@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ grammar.
| {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
| Expr1
- ResultExpr ::= Expr1
- | (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' ) `=>' Block
- Function(args, block) // block starts at =>
ForExpr ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}') ForYield(enums, expr)
{nl} [`yield'] Expr ForDo(enums, expr)
| `for' Enumerators (`do' Expr | `yield' Expr)
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ grammar.
DefParams ::= DefParam {`,' DefParam}
DefParam ::= {Annotation} [`inline'] Param ValDef(mods, id, tpe, expr) -- point of mods at id.
- Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding `)' bindings
+ Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding}] `)'
Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type] ValDef(_, id, tpe, EmptyTree)
Modifier ::= LocalModifier