path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d92d6eb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package core
+import Periods._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Denotations._, Names._, Annotations._
+import Types._, Flags._, Decorators._, Transformers._
+import Scopes.Scope
+import collection.mutable
+import collection.immutable.BitSet
+object SymDenotations {
+ /** A denotation represents the contents of a definition
+ * during a period.
+ */
+ abstract class SymDenotation(initFlags: FlagSet) extends SingleDenotation {
+ def owner: Symbol
+ def name: Name
+ def symbol: Symbol
+ def info: Type
+ private[this] var _flags: FlagSet = initFlags
+ def flags: FlagSet = _flags
+ def flags_=(flags: FlagSet): Unit =
+ _flags |= flags
+ def setFlags(flags: FlagSet): Unit =
+ _flags |= flags
+ def resetFlags(flags: FlagSet): Unit =
+ _flags &~= flags
+ private[this] var _privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ def privateWithin: Symbol = _privateWithin
+ def privateWithin_=(sym: Symbol): Unit =
+ _privateWithin = sym
+ final def isLoaded = _privateWithin != null
+ private[this] var _annotations: List[Annotation] = Nil
+ def annotations: List[Annotation] = _annotations
+ def annotations_=(annots: List[Annotation]): Unit =
+ _annotations = annots
+ final def isCompleted = _annotations != null
+ /** is this symbol a class? */
+ def isClass: Boolean = false
+ /** is this symbol a method? */
+ def isMethod: Boolean = false
+ /** is this symbol the result of an erroneous definition? */
+ def isError: Boolean = false
+ def withType(tp: Type): SymDenotation = ???
+ override protected def copy(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = new UniqueRefDenotation(s, i, validFor)
+ }
+ class CompleteSymDenotation(
+ val symbol: Symbol,
+ val owner: Symbol,
+ val name: Name,
+ initFlags: FlagSet,
+ val info: Type
+ ) extends SymDenotation(initFlags)
+ trait LazyCompletion extends SymDenotation {
+ privateWithin = null
+ annotations = null
+ override final def flags = {
+ if (!isLoaded) tryLoad()
+ super.flags
+ }
+ override final def privateWithin = {
+ if (!isLoaded) tryLoad()
+ super.privateWithin
+ }
+ override final def annotations: List[Annotation] = {
+ val annots = super.annotations
+ if (annots != null) annots else { tryComplete(); annotations }
+ }
+ protected def tryLoad(): Unit = try {
+ if (flags is Locked) throw new CyclicReference(symbol)
+ setFlags(Locked)
+ load()
+ } catch {
+ case ex: CyclicReference => handleCycle()
+ } finally {
+ flags &~= Locked
+ }
+ protected def tryComplete() = try {
+ if (flags is Locked) throw new CyclicReference(symbol)
+ complete()
+ } catch {
+ case ex: CyclicReference => handleCycle()
+ } finally {
+ flags &~= Locked
+ }
+ protected def handleCycle(): Unit
+ protected def load(): Unit
+ protected def complete(): Unit
+ }
+ abstract class LazySymDenotation(
+ val symbol: Symbol,
+ val owner: Symbol,
+ val name: Name,
+ initFlags: FlagSet
+ ) extends SymDenotation(initFlags) with LazyCompletion {
+ private var currentInfo: Type = null
+ override def info = {
+ if (currentInfo == null) complete()
+ currentInfo
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class ClassDenotation(initFlags: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context)
+ extends SymDenotation(initFlags) {
+ import NameFilter._
+ import util.LRU8Cache
+ val symbol: ClassSymbol
+ def typeParams: List[TypeSymbol]
+ def parents: List[Type]
+ def decls: Scope
+ val info = ClassInfo(owner.thisType, this)
+ private var memberCacheVar: LRU8Cache[Name, DenotationSet] = null
+ private def memberCache: LRU8Cache[Name, DenotationSet] = {
+ if (memberCacheVar == null) memberCacheVar = new LRU8Cache
+ memberCacheVar
+ }
+ private var thisTypeCache: ThisType = null
+ def thisType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ if (thisTypeCache == null)
+ thisTypeCache = ThisType(symbol)
+ thisTypeCache
+ }
+ private var typeConstructorCache: Type = null
+ def typeConstructor(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ if (typeConstructorCache == null)
+ typeConstructorCache = NamedType(thisType, symbol.name)
+ typeConstructorCache
+ }
+ private var typeTemplateCache: Type = null
+ def typeTemplate(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ if (typeTemplateCache == null)
+ AppliedType.make(typeConstructor, typeParams map (_.typeConstructor))
+ typeTemplateCache
+ }
+ private var baseClassesVar: List[ClassSymbol] = null
+ private var superClassBitsVar: BitSet = null
+ private def computeSuperClassBits(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ val seen = new mutable.BitSet
+ val locked = new mutable.BitSet
+ def addBaseClasses(bcs: List[ClassSymbol], to: List[ClassSymbol])
+ : List[ClassSymbol] = bcs match {
+ case bc :: bcs1 =>
+ val id = bc.superId
+ if (seen contains id) to
+ else if (locked contains id) throw new CyclicReference(symbol)
+ else {
+ locked += id
+ val bcs1added = addBaseClasses(bcs1, to)
+ seen += id
+ if (bcs1added eq bcs1) bcs else bc :: bcs1added
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ to
+ }
+ def addParentBaseClasses(ps: List[Type], to: List[ClassSymbol]): List[ClassSymbol] = ps match {
+ case p :: ps1 =>
+ addBaseClasses(p.baseClasses, addParentBaseClasses(ps1, to))
+ case _ =>
+ to
+ }
+ baseClassesVar = symbol :: addParentBaseClasses(parents, Nil)
+ superClassBitsVar = ctx.root.uniqueBits.findEntryOrUpdate(seen.toImmutable)
+ }
+ def superClassBits(implicit ctx: Context): BitSet = {
+ if (superClassBitsVar == null) computeSuperClassBits
+ superClassBitsVar
+ }
+ def baseClasses(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassSymbol] = {
+ if (baseClassesVar == null) computeSuperClassBits
+ baseClassesVar
+ }
+ /** Is this class a subclass of `clazz`? */
+ final def isSubClass(clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
+ superClassBits contains clazz.superId
+ }
+ private var definedFingerPrintCache: FingerPrint = null
+ private def computeDefinedFingerPrint(implicit ctx: Context): FingerPrint = {
+ var bits = newNameFilter
+ var e = decls.lastEntry
+ while (e != null) {
+ includeName(bits, name)
+ e = e.prev
+ }
+ var ps = parents
+ while (ps.nonEmpty) {
+ val parent = ps.head.typeSymbol
+ parent.denot match {
+ case classd: ClassDenotation =>
+ includeFingerPrint(bits, classd.definedFingerPrint)
+ parent.denot.setFlags(Frozen)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ ps = ps.tail
+ }
+ definedFingerPrintCache = bits
+ bits
+ }
+ /** Enter a symbol in current scope.
+ * Note: We require that this does not happen after the first time
+ * someone does a findMember on a subclass.
+ */
+ def enter(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ require(!(this is Frozen))
+ decls enter sym
+ if (definedFingerPrintCache != null)
+ includeName(definedFingerPrintCache, sym.name)
+ if (memberCacheVar != null)
+ memberCache invalidate sym.name
+ }
+ /** Delete symbol from current scope.
+ * Note: We require that this does not happen after the first time
+ * someone does a findMember on a subclass.
+ */
+ def delete(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ require(!(this is Frozen))
+ decls unlink sym
+ if (definedFingerPrintCache != null)
+ computeDefinedFingerPrint
+ if (memberCacheVar != null)
+ memberCache invalidate sym.name
+ }
+ def definedFingerPrint(implicit ctx: Context): FingerPrint = {
+ val fp = definedFingerPrintCache
+ if (fp != null) fp else computeDefinedFingerPrint
+ }
+ final def membersNamed(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): DenotationSet = {
+ var refs: DenotationSet = memberCache lookup name
+ if (refs == null) {
+ if (containsName(definedFingerPrint, name)) {
+ val ownDenots = decls.denotsNamed(name)
+ refs = ownDenots
+ var ps = parents
+ while (ps.nonEmpty) {
+ val parentSym = ps.head.typeSymbol
+ parentSym.denot match {
+ case parentd: ClassDenotation =>
+ refs = refs union
+ parentd.membersNamed(name)
+ .filterExcluded(Flags.Private)
+ .asSeenFrom(thisType, parentSym)
+ .filterDisjoint(ownDenots)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ refs = NoDenotation
+ }
+ memberCache enter (name, refs)
+ }
+ refs
+ }
+ private var baseTypeCache: java.util.HashMap[CachedType, Type] = null
+ private var baseTypeValid: RunId = NoRunId
+ final def baseTypeOf(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ def computeBaseTypeOf(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
+ baseTypeOf(tycon).subst(tycon.typeParams, args)
+ case tp: TypeProxy =>
+ baseTypeOf(tp.underlying)
+ case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
+ baseTypeOf(tp1) & baseTypeOf(tp2)
+ case OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
+ baseTypeOf(tp1) | baseTypeOf(tp2)
+ case tp @ ClassInfo(pre, classd) =>
+ def reduce(bt: Type, ps: List[Type]): Type = ps match {
+ case p :: ps1 => reduce(bt & baseTypeOf(p), ps1)
+ case _ => bt
+ }
+ if (classd.symbol == symbol) tp.typeTemplate
+ else reduce(NoType, classd.parents).substThis(classd.symbol, tp.prefix)
+ }
+ if (symbol.isStaticMono) symbol.typeConstructor
+ else tp match {
+ case tp: CachedType =>
+ if (baseTypeValid != ctx.runId) {
+ baseTypeCache = new java.util.HashMap[CachedType, Type]
+ baseTypeValid = ctx.runId
+ }
+ var basetp = baseTypeCache get tp
+ if (basetp == null) {
+ baseTypeCache.put(tp, NoType)
+ basetp = computeBaseTypeOf(tp)
+ baseTypeCache.put(tp, basetp)
+ } else if (basetp == NoType) {
+ throw new CyclicReference(symbol)
+ }
+ basetp
+ case _ =>
+ computeBaseTypeOf(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ private var memberNamesCache: Map[NameFilter, Set[Name]] = Map()
+ def memberNames(keepOnly: NameFilter)(implicit ctx: Context): Set[Name] =
+ memberNamesCache get keepOnly match {
+ case Some(names) =>
+ names
+ case _ =>
+ val inheritedNames = (parents flatMap (_.memberNames(thisType, keepOnly))).toSet
+ val ownNames = decls.iterator map (_.name)
+ val candidates = inheritedNames ++ ownNames
+ val names = candidates filter (keepOnly(thisType, _))
+ memberNamesCache += (keepOnly -> names)
+ names
+ }
+ }
+ class CompleteClassDenotation(
+ val symbol: ClassSymbol,
+ val owner: Symbol,
+ val name: Name,
+ initFlags: FlagSet,
+ val typeParams: List[TypeSymbol],
+ val parents: List[Type],
+ val decls: Scope
+ )(implicit ctx: Context) extends ClassDenotation(initFlags)
+ abstract class LazyClassDenotation(
+ val symbol: ClassSymbol,
+ val owner: Symbol,
+ val name: Name,
+ initFlags: FlagSet
+ )(implicit ctx: Context) extends ClassDenotation(initFlags) with LazyCompletion {
+ protected var _typeParams: List[TypeSymbol] = null
+ protected var _parents: List[Type] = null
+ protected var _decls: Scope = null
+ final def typeParams: List[TypeSymbol] = {
+ val tparams = _typeParams
+ if (tparams != null) tparams else { tryLoad(); typeParams }
+ }
+ final def parents: List[Type] = {
+ val ps = _parents
+ if (ps != null) ps else { tryComplete(); parents }
+ }
+ final def decls: Scope = {
+ val ds = _decls
+ if (ds != null) ds else { tryComplete(); decls }
+ }
+ }
+ object NoDenotation extends SymDenotation(Flags.Empty) {
+ override def symbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ override def owner: Symbol = throw new AssertionError("NoDenotation.owner")
+ override def name: Name = BootNameTable.newTermName("<none>")
+ override def info: Type = NoType
+ }
+ object NameFilter {
+ final val WordSizeLog = 6
+ final val DefinedNamesWords = 16
+ final val DefinedNamesSize = DefinedNamesWords << WordSizeLog
+ final val DefinedNamesMask = DefinedNamesSize - 1
+ type FingerPrint = Array[Long]
+ def includeName(bits: FingerPrint, name: Name): Unit = {
+ val hash = name.start & DefinedNamesMask
+ bits(hash >> 6) |= (1 << hash)
+ }
+ def includeFingerPrint(bits1: FingerPrint, bits2: FingerPrint): Unit =
+ for (i <- 0 until DefinedNamesWords) bits1(i) |= bits2(i)
+ def containsName(bits: FingerPrint, name: Name): Boolean = {
+ val hash = name.start & DefinedNamesMask
+ (bits(hash >> 6) & (1 << hash)) != 0
+ }
+ def newNameFilter: FingerPrint = new Array[Long](DefinedNamesWords)
+ }
+ implicit def toFlagSet(denot: SymDenotation): FlagSet = denot.flags