path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc')
3 files changed, 168 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
index 58878a493..ae8b7887f 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ class Definitions(implicit ctx: Context) {
import ctx.{requiredClass, requiredModule, requiredPackage}
- private def newSyntheticTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, scope: MutableScope, suffix: String = "T0") = {
- val tname = suffix.toTypeName.expandedName(cls)
- val tparam = ctx.newSymbol(cls, tname, TypeParamCreationFlags | ExpandedName, TypeBounds.empty)
- scope.enter(tparam)
- }
+ private def newTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, scope: MutableScope) =
+ scope.enter(ctx.newSymbol(cls, name, flags | TypeParamCreationFlags, TypeBounds.empty))
+ private def newSyntheticTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, scope: MutableScope, suffix: String = "T0") =
+ newTypeParam(cls, suffix.toTypeName.expandedName(cls), ExpandedName, scope)
private def specialPolyClass(name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, parentConstrs: Type*): ClassSymbol = {
val completer = new LazyType {
@@ -322,6 +322,53 @@ class Definitions(implicit ctx: Context) {
+ private var hkTraitOfArity = mutable.Map[List[Int], ClassSymbol]()
+ /** The HigherKinded trait corresponding to symbols `boundSyms` (which are assumed
+ * to be the type parameters of a higher-kided type). This is a class symbol that
+ * would be generated by the following schema.
+ *
+ * class HigherKindedXYZ { type v_n _$hk$0; ...; type v_n _$Hk$n }
+ *
+ * Here:
+ *
+ * - XYZ is a string with one letter for each variant of a bound symbols,
+ * using `P` (positive variance), `N` (negative variance), `I` (invariant).
+ * - v_i are the variances of the bound symbols (i.e. +, -, or empty).
+ * - _$hk$i are hgiher-kinded parameter names, which are special treated in type application.
+ */
+ def hkTrait(boundSyms: List[Symbol]) = {
+ val completer = new LazyType {
+ def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = {
+ val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol
+ val paramDecls = newScope
+ for ((bsym, i) <- boundSyms.zipWithIndex)
+ newTypeParam(cls, tpnme.higherKindedParamName(i), bsym.flags & VarianceFlags, paramDecls)
+ denot.info = ClassInfo(ScalaPackageClass.thisType, cls, List(ObjectClass.typeConstructor), paramDecls)
+ }
+ }
+ def varianceSuffix(v: Int) = v match {
+ case -1 => "N"
+ case 0 => "I"
+ case 1 => "P"
+ }
+ val variances = boundSyms map (_.variance)
+ val traitName =
+ tpnme.higherKindedTraitName(boundSyms.length) ++ (variances map varianceSuffix).mkString
+ def createTrait = ctx.newClassSymbol(
+ ScalaPackageClass,
+ traitName,
+ Trait | Interface | Synthetic,
+ completer).entered
+ hkTraitOfArity.getOrElseUpdate(variances, createTrait)
+ }
/** The bounds trait corresponding to the given variance */
def hkBoundsClass(variance: Int) = variance match {
case 0 => InvariantBetweenClass
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
index 9c33fdca9..0acf084c5 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import SymDenotations._
import Decorators._
import Denotations._
import Periods._
+import util.Positions.Position
import ast.tpd._, printing.Texts._
import transform.Erasure
import printing.Printer
@@ -758,6 +759,70 @@ object Types {
recur(0, this)
+ /** Given a type alias
+ *
+ * type T[boundSyms] = p.C[targs]
+ *
+ * produce its equivalent right hand side RHS that makes no reference to the bound
+ * symbols on the left hand side. I.e. the type alias can be replaced by
+ *
+ * type T = RHS
+ *
+ * It is required that `C` is a class and that every bound symbol in `boundSyms` appears
+ * as an argument in `targs`. If these requirements are not met an error is
+ * signalled by calling the parameter `error`.
+ *
+ * The rewriting replaces bound symbols by references to the
+ * parameters of class C. Example:
+ *
+ * Say we have:
+ *
+ * class Triple[type T1, type T2, type T3]
+ * type A[X] = Triple[(X, X), X, String]
+ *
+ * Then this is rewritable, as `X` appears as second type argument to `Triple`.
+ * Occurrences of `X` are rewritten to `this.T2` and the whole definition becomes:
+ *
+ * type A = Triple { type T1 = (this.T2, this.T2); type T3 = String }
+ */
+ def LambdaAbstract(boundSyms: List[Symbol])(error: (String, Position) => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val cls = typeSymbol
+ if (!cls.isClass)
+ error("right-hand side of parameterized alias type must be a class", cls.pos)
+ /** Rewrite type.
+ * @param tp The type to rewrite
+ * @param symMap A map that associates bound symbols were seen to match a rhs type argument
+ * with the corresponding parameter reference (where the refined this is left open).
+ * @return The rewritten type, paired with
+ * the list of replacement types for bound symbols, parameterized by the actual refinement
+ */
+ def rewrite(tp: Type, symMap: Map[Symbol, RefinedType => Type]): (Type, RefinedType => List[Type]) = tp match {
+ case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name: TypeName) =>
+ tp.refinedInfo match {
+ case tr: TypeRef if boundSyms contains tr.symbol =>
+ rewrite(tp.parent, symMap + (tr.symbol -> (rt => TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), name))))
+ case info =>
+ val (parent1, replacements) = rewrite(tp.parent, symMap)
+ (RefinedType(parent1, name, rt => info.subst(boundSyms, replacements(rt))),
+ replacements)
+ }
+ case tp =>
+ def replacements(rt: RefinedType): List[Type] =
+ for (sym <- boundSyms) yield {
+ symMap get sym match {
+ case Some(replacement) =>
+ replacement(rt)
+ case None =>
+ error(s"parameter $sym of type alias does not appear as type argument of the aliased $cls", sym.pos)
+ defn.AnyType
+ }
+ }
+ (tp, replacements)
+ }
+ rewrite(this, Map())._1
+ }
// ----- misc -----------------------------------------------------------
/** The signature of this type. This is by default NotAMethod,
@@ -1546,6 +1611,46 @@ object Types {
def map(f: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
TypeBounds(f(lo), f(hi))
+ /** Given a higher-kinded abstract type
+ *
+ * type T[boundSyms] >: L <: H
+ *
+ * produce its equivalent bounds L',R that make no reference to the bound
+ * symbols on the left hand side. The idea is to rewrite the declaration to
+ *
+ * type T >: L' <: HigherKindedXYZ { type _$hk$i >: bL_i <: bH_i } & H'
+ *
+ * where
+ *
+ * - XYZ encodes the variants of the bound symbols using `P` (positive variance)
+ * `N` (negative variance), `I` (invariant).
+ * - bL_i is the lower bound of bound symbol #i under substitution `substBoundSyms`
+ * - bH_i is the upper bound of bound symbol #i under substitution `substBoundSyms`
+ * - `substBoundSyms` is the substitution that maps every bound symbol #i to the
+ * reference `this._$hk$i`.
+ * - L' = substBoundSyms(L), H' = substBoundSyms(H)
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * type T[X <: F[X]] <: Traversable[X, T]
+ *
+ * is rewritten to:
+ *
+ * type T <: HigherKindedP { type _$hk$0 <: F[$_hk$0] } & Traversable[_$hk$0, T]
+ *
+ * @see Definitions.hkTrait
+ */
+ def higherKinded(boundSyms: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val parent = defn.hkTrait(boundSyms).typeConstructor
+ val hkParamNames = boundSyms.indices.toList map tpnme.higherKindedParamName
+ def substBoundSyms(tp: Type)(rt: RefinedType): Type =
+ tp.subst(boundSyms, hkParamNames map (TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), _)))
+ val hkParamInfoFns: List[RefinedType => Type] =
+ for (bsym <- boundSyms) yield substBoundSyms(bsym.info)_
+ val hkBound = RefinedType.make(parent, hkParamNames, hkParamInfoFns).asInstanceOf[RefinedType]
+ TypeBounds(substBoundSyms(lo)(hkBound), AndType(hkBound, substBoundSyms(hi)(hkBound)))
+ }
override def computeHash = doHash(lo, hi)
override def toString =
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
index 7308d3aa6..18a26e0cf 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
@@ -284,7 +284,17 @@ class Namer { typer: Typer =>
def typeDefSig(tdef: TypeDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
- ???
+ val tparamSyms = tdef.tparams map symbolOfTree
+ val rhsType = typedAhead(tdef.rhs, Mode.Type).tpe
+ rhsType match {
+ case bounds: TypeBounds =>
+ if (tparamSyms.nonEmpty) bounds.higherKinded(tparamSyms)
+ else rhsType
+ case _ =>
+ if (tparamSyms.nonEmpty) rhsType.LambdaAbstract(tparamSyms)(ctx.error(_, _))
+ else TypeBounds(rhsType, rhsType)
+ }
/** The type signature of a ClassDef with given symbol */