path: root/tests/disabled
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/disabled')
6 files changed, 663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/disabled/neg/named-params.scala b/tests/disabled/neg/named-params.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a2375b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/neg/named-params.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package namedparams
+class C[type Elem, type Value](val elem: Elem) {
+ def toVal: Elem = ???
+abstract class D[type Elem, V](elem: Elem) extends C[Elem, V](elem)
+abstract class D2[Elem, V](elem: Elem) extends C[Elem, V](elem) // error
+abstract class D3[type Elem, V](x: V) extends C[V, V](x) // error
+abstract class D4[type Elem](elem: Elem) extends C[Elem, Elem] // error
+object Test {
+ val c = new C[String, String]("A") {
+ override def toVal = elem
+ }
+ val x: c.Elem = c.elem
+ val c2: C { type Elem = String } = c
+ val c3 = new C[Elem = String, Value = Int]("B")
+ val c4 = new C[Elem = String]("C")
+ val x2: c2.Elem = c2.elem
+ val c5 = new C[Elem1 = String, Value0 = Int]("B") // error // error
+ def d2[E, V](x: E) = new C[Elem = E, Value = V](x)
+ val dup = d2[E = Int, V = String, E = Boolean](2) // error
+ val z1 = d2[Elem = Int, Value = String](1) // error // error
+ val z2 = d2[Value = String, Elem = Int](1) // error // error
+ val z3 = d2[Elem = Int](1) // error
+ val z4 = d2[Value = Int]("AAA") // error
+ val z5 = d2[Elem = Int][Value = String](1) //error // error
diff --git a/tests/disabled/pos/CollectionStrawMan3.scala b/tests/disabled/pos/CollectionStrawMan3.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c21a73f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/pos/CollectionStrawMan3.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package strawman.collections
+import Predef.{augmentString => _, wrapString => _, _}
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+/** A strawman architecture for new collections. It contains some
+ * example collection classes and methods with the intent to expose
+ * some key issues. It would be good to compare this to other
+ * implementations of the same functionality, to get an idea of the
+ * strengths and weaknesses of different collection architectures.
+ *
+ * For a test file, see tests/run/CollectionTests.scala.
+ *
+ * This one is like CollectionStrawMan1, but with the named parameter
+ * scheme for hk types.
+ */
+object CollectionStrawMan1 {
+ /* ------------ Base Traits -------------------------------- */
+ /** Replaces TraversableOnce */
+ trait CanIterate[type +Elem] {
+ def iterator: Iterator[Elem]
+ }
+ /** Base trait for instances that can construct a collection from an iterator */
+ trait FromIterator[+C <: Iterable] {
+ def fromIterator[B](it: Iterator[B]): C[Elem = B]
+ }
+ /** Base trait for companion objects of collections */
+ trait IterableFactory[+C <: Iterable] extends FromIterator[C] {
+ def empty[X]: C[Elem = X] = fromIterator(Iterator.empty)
+ def apply[A](xs: A*): C[Elem = A] = fromIterator(Iterator(xs: _*))
+ }
+ /** Base trait for generic collections */
+ trait Iterable[type +Elem] extends CanIterate[Elem] with FromIterator[Iterable]
+ /** Base trait for sequence collections */
+ trait Seq[type +Elem] extends Iterable[Elem] with FromIterator[Seq] {
+ def apply(i: Int): Elem
+ def length: Int
+ }
+ /* ------------ Operations ----------------------------------- */
+ /** Operations returning types unrelated to current collection */
+ trait Ops[A] extends Any {
+ def iterator: Iterator[A]
+ def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = iterator.foreach(f)
+ def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = iterator.foldLeft(z)(op)
+ def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B = iterator.foldRight(z)(op)
+ def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int = iterator.indexWhere(p)
+ def isEmpty: Boolean = !iterator.hasNext
+ def head: A = iterator.next
+ def view: View[A] = new View(iterator)
+ def to[C <: Iterable](fi: FromIterator[C]): C[Elem = A] = fi.fromIterator(iterator)
+ }
+ /** Transforms returning same collection type */
+ trait MonoTransforms[A, Repr] extends Any {
+ protected def iter: Iterator[A]
+ protected def fromIter(it: => Iterator[A]): Repr
+ def partition(p: A => Boolean): (Repr, Repr) = {
+ val (xs, ys) = iter.partition(p)
+ (fromIter(xs), fromIter(ys))
+ }
+ def drop(n: Int): Repr = fromIter(iter.drop(n))
+ }
+ /** Transforms returning same collection type constructor */
+ trait PolyTransforms[A, C <: CanIterate] extends Any {
+ protected def iter: Iterator[A]
+ protected def fromIter[B](it: => Iterator[B]): C[Elem = B]
+ def map[B](f: A => B): C[Elem = B] = fromIter(iter.map(f))
+ def flatMap[B](f: A => CanIterate[B]): C[Elem = B] = fromIter(iter.flatMap(f(_)))
+ def ++[B >: A](xs: CanIterate[B]): C[Elem = B] = fromIter(iter ++ xs)
+ def zip[B](xs: CanIterate[B]): C[Elem = (A, B)] = fromIter(iter.zip(xs.iterator))
+ }
+ /** Transforms that only apply to Seq */
+ trait MonoTransformsOfSeqs[A, Repr] extends Any with MonoTransforms[A, Repr] {
+ def reverse: Repr = fromIter(iter.reverse)
+ }
+ /** Implementation of Ops for all generic collections */
+ implicit class IterableOps[A](val c: Iterable[A])
+ extends AnyVal with Ops[A] {
+ def iterator = c.iterator
+ }
+ /** Implementation of MonoTransforms for all generic collections */
+ implicit class IterableMonoTransforms[A, C <: Iterable](val c: Iterable[A] with FromIterator[C])
+ extends AnyVal with MonoTransforms[A, C[Elem = A]] {
+ protected def iter = c.iterator
+ protected def fromIter(it: => Iterator[A]): C[Elem = A] = c.fromIterator(it)
+ }
+ /** Implementation of PolyTransforms for all generic collections */
+ implicit class IterablePolyTransforms[A, C <: Iterable](val c: Iterable[A] with FromIterator[C])
+ extends AnyVal with PolyTransforms[A, C] {
+ protected def iter = c.iterator
+ protected def fromIter[B](it: => Iterator[B]) = c.fromIterator(it)
+ }
+ /** Implementation of MonoTransformsForSeqs for all generic collections */
+ implicit class SeqMonoTransforms[A, C <: Seq](val c: Seq[A] with FromIterator[C])
+ extends AnyVal with MonoTransformsOfSeqs[A, C[Elem = A]] {
+ protected def iter = c.iterator
+ protected def fromIter(it: => Iterator[A]) = c.fromIterator(it)
+ }
+ /* --------- Concrete collection types ------------------------------- */
+ /** Concrete collection type: List */
+ sealed trait List[type +Elem] extends Seq[Elem] with FromIterator[List] {
+ def isEmpty: Boolean
+ def head: Elem
+ def tail: List[Elem]
+ def iterator = new ListIterator[Elem](this)
+ def fromIterator[B](it: Iterator[B]): List[B] = List.fromIterator(it)
+ def apply(i: Int): Elem = {
+ require(!isEmpty)
+ if (i == 0) head else tail.apply(i - 1)
+ }
+ def length: Int =
+ if (isEmpty) 0 else 1 + tail.length
+ }
+ case class Cons[+A](x: A, xs: List[A]) extends List[A] {
+ def isEmpty = false
+ def head = x
+ def tail = xs
+ }
+ case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
+ def isEmpty = true
+ def head = ???
+ def tail = ???
+ }
+ object List extends IterableFactory[List] {
+ def fromIterator[B](it: Iterator[B]): List[B] = it match {
+ case it: ListIterator[B] => it.toList
+ case _ => if (it.hasNext) Cons(it.next, fromIterator(it)) else Nil
+ }
+ }
+ class ListIterator[+A](xs: List[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
+ private[this] var current = xs
+ def hasNext = !current.isEmpty
+ def next = { val r = current.head; current = current.tail; r }
+ def toList = current
+ }
+ /** Concrete collection type: ArrayBuffer */
+ class ArrayBuffer[type Elem] private (initElems: Array[AnyRef], initLength: Int) extends Seq[Elem] with FromIterator[ArrayBuffer] {
+ def this() = this(new Array[AnyRef](16), 0)
+ private var elems: Array[AnyRef] = initElems
+ private var start = 0
+ private var limit = initLength
+ def apply(i: Int) = elems(start + i).asInstanceOf[Elem]
+ def length = limit - start
+ def iterator = new ArrayBufferIterator[Elem](elems, start, length)
+ def fromIterator[B](it: Iterator[B]): ArrayBuffer[B] =
+ ArrayBuffer.fromIterator(it)
+ def +=(elem: Elem): this.type = {
+ if (limit == elems.length) {
+ if (start > 0) {
+ Array.copy(elems, start, elems, 0, length)
+ limit -= start
+ start = 0
+ }
+ else {
+ val newelems = new Array[AnyRef](limit * 2)
+ Array.copy(elems, 0, newelems, 0, limit)
+ elems = newelems
+ }
+ }
+ elems(limit) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+ limit += 1
+ this
+ }
+ def trimStart(n: Int): Unit = start += (n max 0)
+ override def toString = s"ArrayBuffer(${elems.slice(start, limit).mkString(", ")})"
+ }
+ object ArrayBuffer extends IterableFactory[ArrayBuffer] {
+ def fromIterator[B](it: Iterator[B]): ArrayBuffer[B] = it match {
+ case Iterator.Concat(fst: ArrayBufferIterator[_], snd: ArrayBufferIterator[_]) =>
+ val elems = new Array[AnyRef](fst.remaining + snd.remaining)
+ Array.copy(fst.elems, fst.start, elems, 0, fst.remaining)
+ Array.copy(snd.elems, snd.start, elems, fst.remaining, snd.remaining)
+ new ArrayBuffer(elems, elems.length)
+ case it @ Iterator.Partition(underlying, _, buf, _) =>
+ while (underlying.hasNext) it.distribute()
+ buf.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[B]]
+ case it if it.remaining >= 0 =>
+ val elems = new Array[AnyRef](it.remaining)
+ for (i <- 0 until elems.length) elems(i) = it.next.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+ new ArrayBuffer[B](elems, elems.length)
+ case _ =>
+ val buf = new ArrayBuffer[B]
+ while (it.hasNext) buf += it.next
+ buf
+ }
+ }
+ class ArrayBufferIterator[A](val elems: Array[AnyRef], initStart: Int, length: Int) extends RandomAccessIterator[A] {
+ val limit = length
+ def apply(n: Int) = elems(initStart + n).asInstanceOf[A]
+ }
+ /** Concrete collection type: View */
+ class View[type +Elem](it: => Iterator[Elem]) extends CanIterate[Elem] {
+ def iterator = it
+ }
+ implicit class ViewOps[A](val v: View[A]) extends AnyVal with Ops[A] {
+ def iterator = v.iterator
+ def cache = to(ArrayBuffer).view
+ }
+ implicit class ViewMonoTransforms[A](val v: View[A])
+ extends AnyVal with MonoTransforms[A, View[A]] {
+ protected def iter = v.iterator
+ protected def fromIter(it: => Iterator[A]): View[A] = new View(it)
+ }
+ implicit class ViewPolyTransforms[A](val v: View[A])
+ extends AnyVal with PolyTransforms[A, View] {
+ protected def iter = v.iterator
+ protected def fromIter[B](it: => Iterator[B]) = new View(it)
+ }
+ /** Concrete collection type: String */
+ implicit class StringOps(val s: String) extends AnyVal with Ops[Char] {
+ def iterator: Iterator[Char] = new RandomAccessIterator[Char] {
+ override val limit = s.length
+ def apply(n: Int) = s.charAt(n)
+ }
+ }
+ implicit class StringMonoTransforms(val s: String)
+ extends AnyVal with MonoTransformsOfSeqs[Char, String] {
+ protected def iter = StringOps(s).iterator
+ protected def fromIter(it: => Iterator[Char]) = {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ for (ch <- it) sb.append(ch)
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ }
+ implicit class StringPolyTransforms(val s: String)
+ extends AnyVal with PolyTransforms[Char, Seq] {
+ protected def iter = StringOps(s).iterator
+ protected def fromIter[B](it: => Iterator[B]) = List.fromIterator(it)
+ def map(f: Char => Char): String = {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ for (ch <- s) sb.append(f(ch))
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ def flatMap(f: Char => String) = {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ for (ch <- s) sb.append(f(ch))
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ def ++(xs: CanIterate[Char]): String = {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder(s)
+ for (ch <- xs.iterator) sb.append(ch)
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ def ++(xs: String): String = s + xs
+ }
+/* ---------- Iterators --------------------------------------------------- */
+ /** A core Iterator class */
+ trait Iterator[+A] extends CanIterate[A] { self =>
+ def hasNext: Boolean
+ def next: A
+ def iterator = this
+ def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B =
+ if (hasNext) foldLeft(op(z, next))(op) else z
+ def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B =
+ if (hasNext) op(next, foldRight(z)(op)) else z
+ def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit =
+ while (hasNext) f(next)
+ def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int = {
+ var i = 0
+ while (hasNext) {
+ if (p(next)) return i
+ i += 1
+ }
+ -1
+ }
+ def map[B](f: A => B): Iterator[B] = Iterator.Map(this, f)
+ def flatMap[B](f: A => CanIterate[B]): Iterator[B] = Iterator.FlatMap(this, f)
+ def ++[B >: A](xs: CanIterate[B]): Iterator[B] = Iterator.Concat(this, xs.iterator)
+ def partition(p: A => Boolean): (Iterator[A], Iterator[A]) = {
+ val lookaheadTrue, lookaheadFalse = new ArrayBuffer[A]
+ (Iterator.Partition(this, p, lookaheadTrue, lookaheadFalse),
+ Iterator.Partition[A](this, !p(_), lookaheadFalse, lookaheadTrue))
+ }
+ def drop(n: Int): Iterator[A] = Iterator.Drop(this, n)
+ def zip[B](that: CanIterate[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = Iterator.Zip(this, that.iterator)
+ def reverse: Iterator[A] = {
+ var elems: List[A] = Nil
+ while (hasNext) elems = Cons(next, elems)
+ elems.iterator
+ }
+ /** If this iterator results from applying a transfomation to another iterator,
+ * that other iterator, otherwise the iterator itself.
+ */
+ def underlying: Iterator[_] = this
+ /** If the number of elements still to be returned by this iterator is known,
+ * that number, otherwise -1.
+ */
+ def remaining = -1
+ }
+ object Iterator {
+ val empty: Iterator[Nothing] = new Iterator[Nothing] {
+ def hasNext = false
+ def next = ???
+ override def remaining = 0
+ }
+ def apply[A](xs: A*): Iterator[A] = new RandomAccessIterator[A] {
+ override val limit = xs.length
+ def apply(n: Int) = xs(n)
+ }
+ def nextOnEmpty = throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
+ case class Map[A, B](override val underlying: Iterator[A], f: A => B) extends Iterator[B] {
+ def hasNext = underlying.hasNext
+ def next = f(underlying.next)
+ override def remaining = underlying.remaining
+ }
+ case class FlatMap[A, B](override val underlying: Iterator[A], f: A => CanIterate[B]) extends Iterator[B] {
+ private var myCurrent: Iterator[B] = Iterator.empty
+ private def current = {
+ while (!myCurrent.hasNext && underlying.hasNext)
+ myCurrent = f(underlying.next).iterator
+ myCurrent
+ }
+ def hasNext = current.hasNext
+ def next = current.next
+ }
+ case class Concat[A](override val underlying: Iterator[A], other: Iterator[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
+ private var myCurrent = underlying
+ private def current = {
+ if (!myCurrent.hasNext && myCurrent.eq(underlying)) myCurrent = other
+ myCurrent
+ }
+ def hasNext = current.hasNext
+ def next = current.next
+ override def remaining =
+ if (underlying.remaining >= 0 && other.remaining >= 0)
+ underlying.remaining + other.remaining
+ else -1
+ }
+ case class Partition[A](override val underlying: Iterator[A], p: A => Boolean, lookahead: ArrayBuffer[A], dual: ArrayBuffer[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
+ def distribute() = {
+ val elem = underlying.next
+ (if (p(elem)) lookahead else dual) += elem
+ }
+ final def hasNext: Boolean =
+ !lookahead.isEmpty || underlying.hasNext && { distribute(); hasNext }
+ final def next =
+ if (hasNext) {
+ val r = lookahead.head
+ lookahead.trimStart(1)
+ r
+ } else Iterator.nextOnEmpty
+ }
+ case class Drop[A](override val underlying: Iterator[A], n: Int) extends Iterator[A] {
+ var toSkip = n
+ def hasNext: Boolean = underlying.hasNext && (
+ toSkip == 0 || { underlying.next; toSkip -= 1; hasNext })
+ def next = if (hasNext) underlying.next else nextOnEmpty
+ override def remaining = (underlying.remaining - toSkip) max -1
+ }
+ case class Zip[A, B](override val underlying: Iterator[A], other: Iterator[B]) extends Iterator[(A, B)] {
+ def hasNext = underlying.hasNext && other.hasNext
+ def next = (underlying.next, other.next)
+ override def remaining = underlying.remaining min other.remaining
+ }
+ case class Reverse[A](override val underlying: RandomAccessIterator[A]) extends RandomAccessIterator[A] {
+ def apply(n: Int) = underlying.apply(underlying.limit - 1 - n)
+ def limit = underlying.remaining
+ }
+ }
+ trait RandomAccessIterator[+A] extends Iterator[A] { self =>
+ def apply(n: Int): A
+ def limit: Int
+ var start = 0
+ override def remaining = (limit - start) max 0
+ def hasNext = start < limit
+ def next: A = { val r = this(start); start += 1; r }
+ override def drop(n: Int): Iterator[A] = { start += (n max 0); this }
+ override def reverse: Iterator[A] = new Iterator.Reverse(this)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/disabled/pos/flowops.scala b/tests/disabled/pos/flowops.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aead26be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/pos/flowops.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+object Test {
+ import language.higherKinds
+ class NotUsed
+ trait FO[+Out, +Mat] { self =>
+ type Repr[+O] <: FO[O, Mat] {
+ type Repr[+OO] = self.Repr[OO]
+ }
+ def map[T](f: Out => T): Repr[T] = ???
+ }
+ class Source[+O, +M] extends FO[O, M] {
+ type Repr[+OO] <: Source[OO, M]
+ }
+ class Flow[-I, +O, +M] extends FO[O, M] {
+ type Repr[+OO] <: Flow[I, OO, M]
+ }
+ implicit class x[O, M, F[o, m] <: FO[o, m]](val f: F[O, M]) extends AnyVal {
+ def xx(i: Int): f.Repr[O] = f.map(identity)
+ }
+ type IntFlow[O, M] = Flow[Int, O, M]
+ val s1 = new Source[Int, NotUsed].xx(12)
+ val s2: Source[Int, NotUsed] = s1
+ val f1 = x[Int, NotUsed, IntFlow](new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed]).xx(12)
+ val f2: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = f1
diff --git a/tests/disabled/pos/flowops1.scala b/tests/disabled/pos/flowops1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..649a9b18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/pos/flowops1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+object Test {
+ class NotUsed
+ trait FO[type +Out, type +Mat] { self =>
+ type Repr <: FO[Mat = self.Mat] {
+ type Repr = self.Repr
+ }
+ def map[T](f: Out => T): Repr[Out = T] = ???
+ }
+ class Source[type +Out, type +Mat] extends FO[Out, Mat] { self =>
+ type Repr <: Source[Mat = self.Mat]
+ }
+ class Flow[type -In, type +Out, type +Mat] extends FO[Out, Mat] { self =>
+ type Repr <: Flow[In = self.In, Mat = self.Mat]
+ }
+ implicit class x[O, M, F <: FO](val f: F[Out = O, Mat = M]) extends AnyVal {
+ def xx(i: Int): f.Repr[Out = O] = f.map(identity)
+ }
+ class xalt[O, M, F <: FO](val f: F[Out = O, Mat = M]) extends AnyVal {
+ def xx(i: Int): FO[Out = O, Mat = M] = ???
+ }
+ val s1 = new Source[Int, NotUsed].xx(12)
+ val s2: Source[Int, NotUsed] = s1
+ val f1 = x[Int, NotUsed, Flow[In = Int]](new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed]).xx(12)
+ val f2: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = f1
+ val f3 = x(new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed]).xx(12)
+ val f4: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = f3
+ val f5 = new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed].xx(12)
+ val f6: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = f5
+ val f7 = new xalt(new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed]).xx(12)
+ val f8: FO[Int, NotUsed] = f7
diff --git a/tests/disabled/pos/hk-named.scala b/tests/disabled/pos/hk-named.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f2cb6c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/pos/hk-named.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import language.higherKinds
+object hk0 {
+ trait Lambda[type Elem]
+ abstract class Functor[F <: Lambda] {
+ def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[Elem = A] => F[Elem = B]
+ }
+ object test1 {
+ class ListT[T] extends Lambda[T]
+ val ml: Functor[ListT] = ???
+ val mx = ml
+ var xs: ListT[Int] = ???
+ var ys: ListT { type Elem = Int } = xs
+ xs = ys
+ val mm: (Int => Boolean) => ListT[Int] => ListT[Boolean] = mx.map[Int, Boolean]
+ val mm2: (Int => Boolean) => ListT[Int] => ListT[Boolean] = mx.map
+ }
+object higherKinded {
+ type Untyped = Null
+ class Tree[type -Attr >: Untyped] {
+ type ThisType <: Tree
+ def withString(s: String): ThisType[Attr = String] = withString(s)
+ }
+ class Ident[-Attr >: Untyped] extends Tree[Attr] {
+ type ThisType = Ident
+ }
+ val id = new Ident[Integer]
+ val y = id.withString("abc")
+ val z: Ident[String] = y
+ val zz: tpd.Tree = y
+ abstract class Instance[T >: Untyped] {g
+ type Tree = higherKinded.Tree[T]
+ }
+ object tpd extends Instance[String]
+ def transform(tree: Tree[String]) = {
+ val tree1 = tree.withString("")
+ tree1: Tree[String]
+ }
diff --git a/tests/disabled/pos/named-params.scala b/tests/disabled/pos/named-params.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fab24cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/pos/named-params.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package namedparams
+class C[type Elem, type Value](val elem: Elem) {
+ def toVal: Elem = ???
+class D[type Elem, V](elem: Elem) extends C[Elem, V](elem)
+object Test {
+ val c = new C[String, String]("A") {
+ override def toVal = elem
+ }
+ val x: c.Elem = c.elem
+ val c2: C { type Elem = String } = c
+ val c3 = new C[Elem = String, Value = Int]("B")
+ val c4 = new C[Elem = String]("C")
+ val x2: c2.Elem = c2.elem
+ def d1[E, V](x: E) = new D[E, V](x)
+ def d2[E, V](x: E) = new C[Elem = E, Value = V](x)
+ val y1 = d1[Int, String](1)
+ val y2 = d1[E = Int](2)
+ val y3 = d1[V = String](3)
+ val z1 = d2[E = Int, V = String](1)
+ val z2 = d2[V = String, E = Int](1)
+ val z3 = d2[E = Int](1)
+ val z4 = d2[V = Int]("AAA")
+ val z5 = d2[E = Int][V = String](1)
+// Testing type inference
+ def f[X <: C](x: X[Int, Int]): X[String, String] = ???
+ val arg1: C[Int, Int] = ???
+ val res1 = f(arg1)
+ val chk1: C[String, String] = res1
+ class C1[type Elem, type Value](x: Elem) extends C[Elem, Value](x)
+ class CC extends C1[Int, Int](1)
+ val arg2: CC = ???
+ val res2 = f(arg2)
+ val chk2: C[String, String] = res2
+ class D1[type Elem, type Value](x: Elem) extends C[Elem, Value](x)
+ class DD extends D1[Int, Int](2)
+ val arg3: CC & DD = ???
+ val res3 = f(arg3)
+ val chk3: (C1 & D1) { type Elem = String; type Value = String } = res3
+ val arg4: CC | DD = ???
+ val res4 = f(arg4)
+ val chk4: C[String, String] = ???
+ class CX[type Elem](x: Elem) extends C1[Elem, Int](x)
+ class DX[type Value]() extends D1[Int, Value](2)
+ val arg5: CX[Int] & DX[Int] = ???
+ val res5 = f(arg5)
+ val chk5: (C1 & D1) { type Elem = String; type Value = String } = res5
+ val chk6: C1[String, String] & D1[String, String] = chk5
+ val chk7: (C1 & D1) { type Elem = String; type Value = String } = chk6
+// Adapted from i94-nada, somewhat non-sensical
+trait Test1 {
+ trait Monad[type Elem] {
+ def unit: Elem
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Either[A,B]
+ case class Left[A,B](unit: A) extends Either[A,B] with Monad[A]
+ case class Right[A,B](unit: B) extends Either[A,B] with Monad[B]
+ def flatMap[X,Y,M <: Monad](m: M[Elem = X], f: X => M[Elem = Y]): M[Elem = Y] = f(m.unit)
+ val res = flatMap(Left(1), {x: Int => Left(x)})
+ val chk: Either[Int, Nothing] & Monad & Product1[Int] = res
+// Adapted from i94-nada, this time with more sense
+trait Test2 {
+ trait Monad[type Elem] {
+ def unit: Elem
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Either[A,B]
+ case class Left[type Elem, B](unit: Elem) extends Either[Elem,B] with Monad[Elem]
+ case class Right[A, type Elem](unit: Elem) extends Either[A,Elem] with Monad[Elem]
+ def flatMap[X,Y,M <: Monad](m: M[Elem = X], f: X => M[Elem = Y]): M[Elem = Y] = f(m.unit)
+ val res = flatMap(Left(1), {x: Int => Left(x)})
+ val chk: Left[Int, Nothing] = res