path: root/tests/run
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diff --git a/tests/run/tcpoly_parseridioms.scala b/tests/run/tcpoly_parseridioms.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e86af0caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run/tcpoly_parseridioms.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import scala.language.{ higherKinds, implicitConversions, postfixOps }
+trait Parsers {
+ type Input = List[Char]
+ sealed class ParseResult[+t](val next: Input)
+ case class Success[+t](override val next: Input, result: t) extends ParseResult[t](next)
+ case class Failure(override val next: Input, msg: String) extends ParseResult[Nothing](next)
+ abstract class Parser[+t] {
+ def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[t]
+ }
+ // sequence
+ def sq[T, U](a: => Parser[T], b: => Parser[U]): Parser[Tuple2[T, U]] = new Parser[Tuple2[T, U]] {
+ def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[Tuple2[T, U]] = a(in) match {
+ case Success(next, x) => b(next) match {
+ case Success(next2, y) => Success(next2, (x,y))
+ case Failure(_, msg) => Failure(in, msg)
+ }
+ case Failure(_, msg) => Failure(in, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ // ordered choice
+ def or[T, U <: T](a: => Parser[T], b: => Parser[U]): Parser[T] = new Parser[T] {
+ def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[T] = a(in) match {
+ case Success(next, x) => Success(next, x)
+ case Failure(_, _) => b(in) match {
+ case Success(next, y) => Success(next, y)
+ case Failure(_, msg) => Failure(in, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // lifting
+ def lift[T, U](f: T => U)(a: => Parser[T]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
+ def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[U] = a(in) match {
+ case Success(n, x) => Success(n, f(x))
+ case Failure(n, msg) => Failure(n, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ def accept[T](c: Char, r: T): Parser[T] = new Parser[T] {
+ def apply(in: Input) = in match {
+ case c2 :: n if c2 == c => Success(n, r)
+ case n => Failure(n, "expected "+c+" at the head of "+n)
+ }
+ }
+ def apply_++[s, tt](fun: Parser[s => tt], arg: Parser[s]): Parser[tt] = lift[Tuple2[s=>tt, s], tt]({case (f, a) => f(a)})(sq(fun, arg))
+ def success[u](v: u): Parser[u] = new Parser[u] {
+ def apply(in: Input) = Success(in, v)
+ }
+trait Idioms {
+ trait Idiom[idi[x]] {
+ def liftedApply[s, t](fun: idi[s => t])(arg: idi[s]): idi[t]
+ def pure[a](x: a): idi[a]
+ def pureMethod[a](name: String, x: a): idi[a] = pure(x) // hack for Mirrors: allow passing of method names
+ }
+ class IdiomaticTarget[idi[x], idiom <: Idiom[idi], s](i: idiom, tgt: s) {
+ def dot [t](fun: s => t, name: String) = new IdiomaticApp2[idi, idiom, t](i, i.liftedApply(i.pureMethod(name, fun))(i.pure(tgt)))
+ } // TODO: `.` --> java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal method name "." in class Idioms$Id$
+ class IdiomaticFunction[idi[x], idiom <: Idiom[idi], s, t](i: idiom, fun: s => t) {
+ def <| (a: idi[s]) = new IdiomaticApp[idi, idiom, t](i, i.liftedApply(i.pure(fun))(a))
+ }
+ class IdiomaticApp[idi[x], idiom <: Idiom[idi], x](i: idiom, a: idi[x]) {
+ // where x <: s=>t -- TODO can this be expressed without generalised constraints?
+ def <> [s, t](b: idi[s]) = new IdiomaticApp[idi, idiom, t](i, i.liftedApply(a.asInstanceOf[idi[s=>t]])(b))
+ def |> : idi[x] = a
+ }
+ class IdiomaticApp2[idi[x], idiom <: Idiom[idi], x](i: idiom, a: idi[x]) extends IdiomaticApp[idi, idiom, x](i, a) {
+ def <| [s, t](b: idi[s]) = <>[s,t](b)
+ }
+trait ParserIdioms extends Parsers with Idioms {
+ object ParserIdiom extends Idiom[Parser] {
+ def liftedApply[s, t](fun: Parser[s => t])(arg: Parser[s]): Parser[t] = apply_++(fun, arg)
+ def pure[a](x: a): Parser[a] = success(x)
+ }
+ implicit def parserIdiomFun[s, t](fun: s=>t): IdiomaticFunction[Parser, ParserIdiom.type, s, t] =
+ new IdiomaticFunction[Parser, ParserIdiom.type, s, t](ParserIdiom, fun)
+ implicit def parserIdiomTgt[s](tgt: s): IdiomaticTarget[Parser, ParserIdiom.type, s] =
+ new IdiomaticTarget[Parser, ParserIdiom.type, s](ParserIdiom, tgt)
+ trait Expr
+ case class Plus(a: Int, b: Int) extends Expr
+ def num = or(accept('0', 0), or(accept('1', 1),accept('2', 2)))
+ // TODO: how can parserIdiom(curry2(_)) be omitted?
+ def expr: Parser[Expr] = parserIdiomFun(curry2(Plus)) <| num <> num |>
+ implicit def curry2[s,t,u](fun: (s, t)=>u)(a: s)(b: t): u = fun(a, b)
+ implicit def curry3[r,s,t,u](fun: (r,s, t)=>u)(a: r)(b: s)(c: t): u = fun(a, b, c)
+object Test extends ParserIdioms with App {
+ assert(expr("12".toList).toString == "Success(List(),Plus(1,2))")