path: root/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2014-11-01 00:56:12 -0700
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-11-01 00:56:12 -0700
commit3d73267c4b3ecf3cdca54ded8dfd8a2caeeb3ca9 (patch)
tree9f1846359c784a6e4bfc4682fddc8b6c884bf811 /api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
parent058e9bac2dd8166051bafa16d51f27ee5856929a (diff)
works, with a compiler-plugin based architecture supporting incremental compilation
Diffstat (limited to 'api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a59046..0000000
--- a/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-package twist.stages
-import acyclic.file
- * Implements the offside-rule for Twirlite fragments.
- *
- * This stage walks over the whitespace before each line of the Twirlite,
- * augmenting it with the corresponding open-{ and close-} such that an
- * un-modified Twirl parser can then parse it.
- *
- * The rule is simple: any line which starts with an expression potentially
- * opens a new block. Any text after the end of the expression is inside the
- * block, as well as any text on subsequent lines which are indented more
- * deeply.
- */
-object IndentHandler extends (String => String){
- def noBraceLine(remainder: String) = {
- !remainder.trim.headOption.exists("{(".toSeq.contains)
- }
- def successRemainder(r: Parser.ParseResult[_]) = r match {
- case Parser.Error(_, _) => None
- case Parser.Success(_, input) => Some(input.source().take(input.offset()))
- }
- def apply(input: String): String = {
- val lines = "" :: input.lines.toList ::: List("")
- val tails = lines.tails.takeWhile(_ != Nil)
- def getIndent(rest: List[String]): (Int, String) = rest match {
- case Nil => (0, "")
- case x if x.head.trim() != "" => (x.head.takeWhile(_ == ' ').length, x.head)
- case _ => getIndent(rest.tail)
- }
- val min = input.lines
- .map(_.indexWhere(_ != ' '))
- .filter(_ != -1)
- .min
- val linesOut = tails.foldLeft((min :: Nil, Seq[String]())){ (x, tail) =>
- val (stack, text) = x
- val spacedCurrent :: next = tail
- val (spaces, current) = spacedCurrent.splitAt(
- math.max(spacedCurrent.indexWhere(_ != ' '), 0)
- )
-// println("index " + math.max(spacedCurrent.indexWhere(_ != ' '), 0))
-// println(spaces, current)
- val declRemainder = successRemainder(Parser.parse(current.trim, _.templateDeclaration()))
- val exprRemainder = successRemainder(Parser.parse(current.trim, _.expression())).filter(_ == current.trim)
- /**
- * Whether or not the line starts with some sort of indent-start-marker, and
- * if it does what the remainder of the line contains
- */
- val headerSplit: Option[(String, String)] = {
- if (current.startsWith("@import ")) None
- else
- declRemainder.orElse(exprRemainder)
- .map(r => (r, current.trim.drop(r.length)))
- }
- val (nextIndent, nextLine) = getIndent(next)
- val indent = spaces.length
- val nextIsElse = nextLine.drop(nextIndent).take("@else ".length).trim.startsWith("@else")
- val elseCorrection = if (nextIsElse) 1 else 0
- val delta =
- if (nextIndent > indent && 1
- else -stack.takeWhile(_ > nextIndent).length
- val baseLine: String = headerSplit match {
- case None => current
- case Some((before, after)) =>
- val newFirst =
- if (!before.startsWith("@else")) before
- else before.dropRight("@else".length)+ "} else"
- if (delta > 0 && noBraceLine(after)) newFirst + "{" + after
- else if (delta <= 0 && noBraceLine(after) && after.trim != "") newFirst + "{" + after + "}" * (1 - elseCorrection)
- else current
- }
- val closing = "}" * (-delta - elseCorrection)
- val newStack =
- if (delta > 0) nextIndent :: stack
- else stack.drop(-delta)
-// println(stack.toString.padTo(15, ' ') + current.padTo(15, ' ') + indent + "\t" + nextIndent + "\t" + delta + "\t" + headerSplit.toString.padTo(15, ' ') + (baseLine + closing))
- (newStack, text :+ (spaces + baseLine + closing))
- }
- val res = linesOut._2.mkString("\n")
-// println(res)
- res
- }