path: root/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages
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authorLi Haoyi <>2014-10-26 12:28:32 -0700
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-10-26 12:28:32 -0700
commitab668dead5c3123eb9fb26b9e94c6eccabaf6ab7 (patch)
treef6f538f84db0cb10076c26d9ae6ed16a5de436ba /api/src/main/scala/twist/stages
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'api/src/main/scala/twist/stages')
3 files changed, 1055 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Compiler.scala b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Compiler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdfc68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Compiler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+package twist.stages
+import acyclic.file
+import scala.reflect.macros.Context
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position, OffsetPosition}
+ * Walks the parsed AST, converting it into an un-structured Scala source-blob
+ * which when compiled results in a function that can be used to generate the
+ * given Frag at runtime.
+ */
+object Compiler{
+ val WN = TwistNodes
+ def apply(c: Context)(literalPos: c.Position, template: WN.Template): c.Tree = {
+ import c.universe._
+ def fragType = tq"scalatags.Text.all.Frag"
+ def posFor(offset: Int) = {
+ new OffsetPosition(
+ literalPos.source,
+ offset
+ ).asInstanceOf[c.universe.Position]
+ }
+ def compileTree(frag: WN.TemplateTree): Tree = {
+// println(frag)
+ val fragPos = posFor(literalPos.point + frag.offset)
+// println(s"${frag.offset}\n${literalPos.point}\n${pos.point}\n$frag\n")
+ val f: Tree = frag match {
+ case WN.Plain(text, offset) => q"$text"
+ case WN.Display(exp, offset) => compileTree(exp)
+ case WN.Comment(msg, offset) => q""
+ case WN.ScalaExp(Seq(WN.Simple(first, _), WN.Block(ws, args, content, _)), offset)
+ if first.startsWith("for(") =>
+ val fresh = c.fresh()
+ val skeleton: Tree = c.parse(first + s"{$fresh}").asInstanceOf[Apply]
+// println("FIRST " + first)
+ skeleton.foreach{x =>
+ if (x.pos != NoPosition) x.pos = posFor(x.pos.point + fragPos.point + 1)
+ }
+ val b =
+ def rec(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
+ case a @ Apply(fun, List(f @ Function(vparams, body))) =>
+ val f2 = Function(vparams, rec(body))
+ val a2 = Apply(fun, List(f2))
+ a2.pos = a.pos
+ f2.pos = f.pos
+ a2
+ case Ident(x: TermName) if x.decoded == fresh =>
+ q"Seq[$fragType](..$b)"
+ }
+ val out = rec(skeleton)
+ out
+ case WN.ScalaExp(WN.Simple(first, _) +: WN.Block(_, None, content1, _) +: rest, offset)
+ if first.startsWith("if(") =>
+ val b1 =
+ val tree = c.parse(first + "{}").asInstanceOf[If]
+ tree.foreach{x =>
+ x.pos = posFor(x.pos.point + fragPos.point + 1)
+ }
+ val If(cond, _, _) = tree
+ val b2 = rest match{
+ case Seq(WN.Simple(next, _), WN.Block(_, None, content2, _)) =>
+ case Seq() => Nil
+ }
+ q"if($cond){ Seq[$fragType](..$b1): $fragType } else { Seq[$fragType](..$b2): $fragType }"
+ case xx @ WN.ScalaExp(WN.Simple(first, _) +: rest, offset) =>
+ val firstTree = c.parse(first)
+ firstTree.foreach{x =>
+ x.pos = posFor(x.pos.point + fragPos.point)
+ }
+ val s = rest.foldLeft[Tree](firstTree) {
+ case (l, WN.Simple(code, _)) =>
+ val fresh = c.fresh()
+ val snippet = s"$fresh$code"
+ val skeleton = c.parse(snippet)
+ def rec(t: Tree): Tree = {
+ val newPos = posFor(fragPos.point + t.pos.point + first.length - fresh.length)
+ val res = t match {
+ case Apply(fun, args) =>
+ for(arg <- args; tree <- arg if tree.pos != NoPosition){
+ tree.pos = posFor(tree.pos.point + newPos.point - t.pos.point)
+ }
+ Apply(rec(fun), args)
+ case Select(qualifier, name) => Select(rec(qualifier), name)
+ case Ident(x: TermName) if x.decoded == fresh => l
+ }
+ res.pos = newPos
+ println(Position.formatMessage(newPos.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.util.Position], "", true))
+ res
+ }
+ rec(skeleton)
+ case (l, WN.Block(ws, None, content, _)) =>
+ q"$l(..${})"
+ case (l, WN.Block(ws, Some(args), content, _)) =>
+ val snippet = s"{$args ()}"
+ val skeleton = c.parse(snippet)
+ val Function(vparamss, body) = skeleton
+ val func = Function(vparamss, q"Seq[$fragType](..${})")
+ func.pos = posFor(fragPos.point + skeleton.pos.point)
+ q"$l($func)"
+ }
+ s
+ }
+// f.foreach(_.pos = pos)
+// println("XXX " + f.pos)
+// println("F " + f)
+ f
+ }
+ def compileTemplate(tmpl: WN.Template): Tree = {
+ val WN.Template(name, comment, params, topImports, imports, subs, content, offset) = tmpl
+ val fullName = if (name.toString == "") c.fresh("outer") else name
+ val DefDef(mods, realName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) = {
+ val snippet = s"def $fullName$params = {}"
+ val z = c.parse(snippet).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+ z
+ }
+ val innerDefs =
+ val body = atPos(literalPos)(q"""{
+ import scalatags.Text.all._
+ ..${ => c.parse(i.code))}
+ ..$innerDefs
+ Seq[scalatags.Text.all.Frag](..${})
+ }""")
+ if (name.toString == "") body
+ else DefDef(mods, realName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, body)
+ }
+ atPos(literalPos)(q"${compileTemplate(template)}")
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea396e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/IndentHandler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package twist.stages
+import acyclic.file
+ * Implements the offside-rule for Twirlite fragments.
+ *
+ * This stage walks over the whitespace before each line of the Twirlite,
+ * augmenting it with the corresponding open-{ and close-} such that an
+ * un-modified Twirl parser can then parse it.
+ *
+ * The rule is simple: any line which starts with an expression potentially
+ * opens a new block. Any text after the end of the expression is inside the
+ * block, as well as any text on subsequent lines which are indented more
+ * deeply.
+ */
+object IndentHandler extends (String => String){
+ def noBraceLine(remainder: String) = {
+ !remainder.trim.headOption.exists("{(".toSeq.contains)
+ }
+ def successRemainder(r: Parser.ParseResult[_]) = r match {
+ case Parser.Error(_, _) => None
+ case Parser.Success(_, input) => Some(input.source().take(input.offset()))
+ }
+ def apply(input: String): String = {
+ val lines = "" :: input.lines.toList ::: List("")
+ val tails = lines.tails.takeWhile(_ != Nil)
+ def getIndent(rest: List[String]): (Int, String) = rest match {
+ case Nil => (0, "")
+ case x if x.head.trim() != "" => (x.head.takeWhile(_ == ' ').length, x.head)
+ case _ => getIndent(rest.tail)
+ }
+ val min = input.lines
+ .map(_.indexWhere(_ != ' '))
+ .filter(_ != -1)
+ .min
+ val linesOut = tails.foldLeft((min :: Nil, Seq[String]())){ (x, tail) =>
+ val (stack, text) = x
+ val spacedCurrent :: next = tail
+ val (spaces, current) = spacedCurrent.splitAt(
+ math.max(spacedCurrent.indexWhere(_ != ' '), 0)
+ )
+// println("index " + math.max(spacedCurrent.indexWhere(_ != ' '), 0))
+// println(spaces, current)
+ val declRemainder = successRemainder(Parser.parse(current.trim, _.templateDeclaration()))
+ val exprRemainder = successRemainder(Parser.parse(current.trim, _.expression()))
+ /**
+ * Whether or not the line starts with some sort of indent-start-marker, and
+ * if it does what the remainder of the line contains
+ */
+ val headerSplit: Option[(String, String)] = {
+ if (current.startsWith("@import ")) None
+ else
+ declRemainder.orElse(exprRemainder)
+ .map(r => (r, current.trim.drop(r.length)))
+ }
+ val (nextIndent, nextLine) = getIndent(next)
+ val indent = spaces.length
+ val nextIsElse = nextLine.drop(nextIndent).take("@else ".length).trim.startsWith("@else")
+ val elseCorrection = if (nextIsElse) 1 else 0
+ val delta =
+ if (nextIndent > indent && 1
+ else -stack.takeWhile(_ > nextIndent).length
+ val baseLine: String = headerSplit match {
+ case None => current
+ case Some((before, after)) =>
+ val newFirst =
+ if (!before.startsWith("@else")) before
+ else before.dropRight("@else".length)+ "} else"
+ if (delta > 0 && noBraceLine(after)) newFirst + "{" + after
+ else if (delta <= 0 && noBraceLine(after) && after.trim != "") newFirst + "{" + after + "}" * (1 - elseCorrection)
+ else current
+ }
+ val closing = "}" * (-delta - elseCorrection)
+ val newStack =
+ if (delta > 0) nextIndent :: stack
+ else stack.drop(-delta)
+// println(stack.toString.padTo(15, ' ') + current.padTo(15, ' ') + indent + "\t" + nextIndent + "\t" + delta + "\t" + headerSplit.toString.padTo(15, ' ') + (baseLine + closing))
+ (newStack, text :+ (spaces + baseLine + closing))
+ }
+ val res = linesOut._2.mkString("\n")
+// println(res)
+ res
+ }
diff --git a/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Parser.scala b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Parser.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925cbcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/src/main/scala/twist/stages/Parser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+package twist.stages
+import acyclic.file
+import scala.annotation.elidable
+import scala.annotation.elidable._
+import scala.Some
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Buffer, ListBuffer}
+object TwistNodes{
+ trait Positioned{
+ def offset: Int
+ }
+ abstract class TemplateTree extends Positioned
+ abstract class ScalaExpPart extends Positioned
+ case class Params(code: String, offset: Int) extends Positioned
+ case class Template(name: PosString, comment: Option[Comment], params: PosString, topImports: Seq[Simple], imports: Seq[Simple], sub: Seq[Template], content: Seq[TemplateTree], offset: Int) extends Positioned
+ case class PosString(str: String, offset: Int) extends Positioned {
+ override def toString = str
+ }
+ case class Plain(text: String, offset: Int) extends TemplateTree with Positioned
+ case class Display(exp: ScalaExp, offset: Int) extends TemplateTree with Positioned
+ case class Comment(msg: String, offset: Int) extends TemplateTree with Positioned
+ case class ScalaExp(parts: Seq[ScalaExpPart], offset: Int) extends TemplateTree with Positioned
+ case class Simple(code: String, offset: Int) extends ScalaExpPart with Positioned
+ case class Block(whitespace: String, args: Option[PosString], content: Seq[TemplateTree], offset: Int) extends ScalaExpPart with Positioned
+import TwistNodes._
+object Parser extends (String => Template){
+ def apply(source: String) = {
+ Parser.parse(source, _.template()) match{
+ case Parser.Success(tmpl: Template, input) => tmpl
+ case Parser.Error(input, errors) => throw new Exception("Parsing Failed " + errors.mkString("\n"))
+ }
+ }
+ def parse[T](source: String, f: Parser => T): ParseResult[T] = {
+ val p = new Parser
+ // Initialize mutable state
+ p.input.reset(source)
+ p.errorStack.clear()
+ val res = f(p)
+ if (p.errorStack.length == 0 && res != null) Success(res, p.input)
+ else Error(p.input, p.errorStack.toList)
+ }
+ sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T]{
+ def toOption: Option[T]
+ }
+ case class Success[+T](t: T, input: Input) extends ParseResult[T]{
+ def toOption = Some(t)
+ }
+ case class Error(input: Input, errors: List[PosString]) extends ParseResult[Nothing]{
+ def toOption = None
+ }
+ case class Input() {
+ private var offset_ = 0
+ private var source_ = ""
+ private var length_ = 1
+ val regressionStatistics = new collection.mutable.HashMap[String, (Int, Int)]
+ /** Peek at the current input. Does not check for EOF. */
+ def apply(): Char = source_.charAt(offset_)
+ /**
+ * Peek `length` characters ahead. Does not check for EOF.
+ * @return string from current offset upto current offset + `length`
+ */
+ def apply(length: Int): String = source_.substring(offset_, (offset_ + length))
+ /** Equivalent to `input(str.length) == str`. Does not check for EOF. */
+ def matches(str: String): Boolean = {
+ var i = 0;
+ val l = str.length
+ while (i < l) {
+ if (source_.charAt(offset_ + i) != str.charAt(i))
+ return false
+ i += 1
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ /** Advance input by one character */
+ def advance(): Unit = offset_ += 1
+ /** Advance input by `increment` number of characters */
+ def advance(increment: Int): Unit = offset_ += increment
+ /** Backtrack by `decrement` numner of characters */
+ def regress(decrement: Int): Unit = offset_ -= decrement
+ /** Backtrack to a known offset */
+ def regressTo(offset: Int): Unit = {
+ @noinline @elidable(INFO)
+ def updateRegressionStatistics() = {
+ val distance = offset_ - offset
+ val methodName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()(2).getMethodName()
+ val (count, charAccum) = regressionStatistics.get(methodName) getOrElse ((0, 0))
+ regressionStatistics(methodName) = (count + 1, charAccum + distance)
+ }
+ offset_ = offset
+ }
+ def isPastEOF(len: Int): Boolean = (offset_ + len-1) >= length_
+ def isEOF() = isPastEOF(1)
+ def atEnd() = isEOF()
+ def offset() = offset_
+ def source() = source_
+ /** Reset the input to have the given contents */
+ def reset(source: String) {
+ offset_ = 0
+ source_ = source
+ length_ = source.length()
+ regressionStatistics.clear()
+ }
+ }
+class Parser{
+ import Parser._
+ val input: Input = new Input
+ val errorStack: ListBuffer[PosString] = ListBuffer()
+ /**
+ * Try to match `str` and advance `str.length` characters.
+ *
+ * Reports an error if the input does not match `str` or if `str.length` goes past the EOF.
+ */
+ def accept(str: String): Unit = {
+ val len = str.length
+ if (!input.isPastEOF(len) && input.matches(str))
+ input.advance(len)
+ else
+ error("Expected '" + str + "' but found '" + (if (input.isPastEOF(len)) "EOF" else input(len)) + "'")
+ }
+ /**
+ * Does `f` applied to the current peek return true or false? If true, advance one character.
+ *
+ * Will not advance if at EOF.
+ *
+ * @return true if advancing, false otherwise.
+ */
+ def check(f: Char => Boolean): Boolean = {
+ if (!input.isEOF() && f(input())) {
+ input.advance()
+ true
+ } else false
+ }
+ /**
+ * Does the current input match `str`? If so, advance `str.length`.
+ *
+ * Will not advance if `str.length` surpasses EOF
+ *
+ * @return true if advancing, false otherwise.
+ */
+ def check(str: String): Boolean = {
+ val len = str.length
+ if (!input.isPastEOF(len) && input.matches(str)){
+ input.advance(len)
+ true
+ } else false
+ }
+ def error(message: String, offset: Int = input.offset): Unit = {
+ errorStack += PosString(message, offset)
+ }
+ /** Consume/Advance `length` characters, and return the consumed characters. Returns "" if at EOF. */
+ def any(length: Int = 1): String = {
+ if (input.isEOF()) {
+ error("Expected more input but found 'EOF'")
+ ""
+ } else {
+ val s = input(length)
+ input.advance(length)
+ s
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Consume characters until input matches `stop`
+ *
+ * @param inclusive - should stop be included in the consumed characters?
+ * @return the consumed characters
+ */
+ def anyUntil(stop: String, inclusive: Boolean): String = {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder
+ while (!input.isPastEOF(stop.length) && !input.matches(stop))
+ sb.append(any())
+ if (inclusive && !input.isPastEOF(stop.length))
+ sb.append(any(stop.length))
+ sb.toString()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Consume characters until `f` returns false on the peek of input.
+ *
+ * @param inclusive - should the stopped character be included in the consumed characters?
+ * @return the consumed characters
+ */
+ def anyUntil(f: Char => Boolean, inclusive: Boolean): String = {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder
+ while (!input.isEOF() && f(input()) == false)
+ sb.append(any())
+ if (inclusive && !input.isEOF())
+ sb.append(any())
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ /** Recursively match pairs of prefixes and suffixes and return the consumed characters
+ *
+ * Terminates at EOF.
+ */
+ def recursiveTag(prefix: String, suffix: String, allowStringLiterals: Boolean = false): String = {
+ if (check(prefix)) {
+ var stack = 1
+ val sb = new StringBuffer
+ sb.append(prefix)
+ while (stack > 0) {
+ if (check(prefix)) {
+ stack += 1
+ sb.append(prefix)
+ } else if (check(suffix)) {
+ stack -= 1
+ sb.append(suffix)
+ } else if (input.isEOF()) {
+ error("Expected '" + suffix + "' but found 'EOF'")
+ stack = 0
+ } else if (allowStringLiterals) {
+ stringLiteral("\"", "\\") match {
+ case null => sb.append(any())
+ case s => sb.append(s)
+ }
+ } else {
+ sb.append(any())
+ }
+ }
+ sb.toString()
+ } else null
+ }
+ /**
+ * Match a string literal, allowing for escaped quotes.
+ * Terminates at EOF.
+ */
+ def stringLiteral(quote: String, escape: String): String = {
+ if (check(quote)) {
+ var within = true
+ val sb = new StringBuffer
+ sb.append(quote)
+ while (within) {
+ if (check(quote)) { // end of string literal
+ sb.append(quote)
+ within = false
+ } else if (check(escape)) {
+ sb.append(escape)
+ if (check(quote)) { // escaped quote
+ sb.append(quote)
+ } else if (check(escape)) { // escaped escape
+ sb.append(escape)
+ }
+ } else if (input.isEOF()) {
+ error("Expected '" + quote + "' but found 'EOF'")
+ within = false
+ } else {
+ sb.append(any())
+ }
+ }
+ sb.toString()
+ } else null
+ }
+ /** Match zero or more `parser` */
+ def several[T, BufferType <: Buffer[T]](parser: () => T, provided: BufferType = null)(implicit manifest: Manifest[BufferType]): BufferType = {
+ val ab = if (provided != null) provided else manifest.runtimeClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[BufferType]
+ var parsed = parser()
+ while (parsed != null) {
+ ab += parsed
+ parsed = parser()
+ }
+ ab
+ }
+ def parentheses(): String = recursiveTag("(", ")", allowStringLiterals = true)
+ def squareBrackets(): String = recursiveTag("[", "]")
+ def whitespace(): String = anyUntil(_ > '\u0020', inclusive = false)
+ // not completely faithful to original because it allows for zero whitespace
+ def whitespaceNoBreak(): String = anyUntil(c => c != ' ' && c != '\t', inclusive = false)
+ def identifier(): String = {
+ var result: String = null
+ // TODO: should I be checking for EOF here?
+ if (!input.isEOF() && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(input())) {
+ result = anyUntil(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(_) == false, false)
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def comment(): Comment = {
+ val pos = input.offset
+ if (check("@*")) {
+ val text = anyUntil("*@", inclusive = false)
+ accept("*@")
+ Comment(text, pos)
+ } else null
+ }
+ def startArgs(): String = {
+ val result = several[String, ArrayBuffer[String]](parentheses)
+ if (result.length > 0)
+ result.mkString
+ else
+ null
+ }
+ def importExpression(): Simple = {
+ val p = input.offset
+ if (check("@import "))
+ Simple("import " + anyUntil("\n", inclusive = true).trim, p+1) // don't include position of @
+ else null
+ }
+ def scalaBlock(): Simple = {
+ if (check("@{")) {
+ input.regress(1); // we need to parse the '{' via 'brackets()'
+ val p = input.offset
+ brackets() match {
+ case null => null
+ case b => Simple(b, p)
+ }
+ } else null
+ }
+ def brackets(): String = {
+ var result = recursiveTag("{", "}")
+ // mimicking how the original parser handled EOF for this rule
+ if (result != null && result.last != '}')
+ result = null
+ result
+ }
+ def mixed(): ListBuffer[TemplateTree] = {
+ // parses: comment | scalaBlockDisplayed | forExpression | matchExpOrSafeExprOrExpr | caseExpression | plain
+ def opt1(): ListBuffer[TemplateTree] = {
+ val t =
+ comment() match {
+ case null => scalaBlockDisplayed() match {
+ case null => forExpression match {
+ case null => matchExpOrSafeExpOrExpr() match {
+ case null => caseExpression() match {
+ case null => plain()
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ if (t != null) ListBuffer(t)
+ else null
+ }
+ // parses: '{' mixed* '}'
+ def opt2(): ListBuffer[TemplateTree] = {
+ val lbracepos = input.offset()
+ if (check("{")) {
+ var buffer = new ListBuffer[TemplateTree]
+ buffer += Plain("{", lbracepos)
+ for (m <- several[ListBuffer[TemplateTree], ListBuffer[ListBuffer[TemplateTree]]](mixed))
+ buffer = buffer ++ m // creates a new object, but is constant in time, as opposed to buffer ++= m which is linear (proportional to size of m)
+ val rbracepos = input.offset
+ if (check("}"))
+ buffer += Plain("}", rbracepos)
+ else
+ error("Expected ending '}'")
+ buffer
+ } else null
+ }
+ opt1() match {
+ case null => opt2()
+ case x => x
+ }
+ }
+ def scalaBlockDisplayed(): Display = {
+ val sb = scalaBlock()
+ if (sb != null)
+ Display(ScalaExp(sb :: Nil, sb.offset), sb.offset)
+ else
+ null
+ }
+ def blockArgs(): PosString = {
+ val p = input.offset
+ val result = anyUntil("=>", true)
+ if (result.endsWith("=>") && !result.contains("\n"))
+ PosString(result, p)
+ else {
+ input.regress(result.length())
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ def block(): Block = {
+ var result: Block = null
+ val p = input.offset
+ val ws = whitespaceNoBreak()
+ if (check("{")) {
+ val blkArgs = Option(blockArgs())
+ val mixeds = several[ListBuffer[TemplateTree], ListBuffer[ListBuffer[TemplateTree]]](mixed)
+ accept("}")
+ // TODO - not use flatten here (if it's a performance problem)
+ result = Block(ws, blkArgs, mixeds.flatten, p)
+ } else {
+ input.regressTo(p)
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def caseExpression(): TemplateTree = {
+ var result: TemplateTree = null
+ val wspos = input.offset
+ val ws = whitespace()
+ val p = input.offset()
+ if (check("case ")) {
+ val pattern = Simple("case " + anyUntil("=>", inclusive = true), p)
+ val blk = block()
+ if (blk != null) {
+ result = ScalaExp(ListBuffer(pattern, blk), blk.offset)
+ whitespace()
+ } else {
+ //error("Expected block after 'case'")
+ input.regressTo(wspos)
+ }
+ } else if (ws.length > 0) {
+ // We could regress here and not return something for the ws, because the plain production rule
+ // would parse this, but this would actually be a hotspot for backtracking, so let's return it
+ // here seeing as it's been parsed all ready.
+ result = Plain(ws, wspos)
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def matchExpOrSafeExpOrExpr(): Display = {
+ val resetPosition = input.offset
+ val result =
+ expression() match {
+ case null => safeExpression()
+ case x => x
+ }
+ if (result != null) {
+ val exprs =[ListBuffer[ScalaExpPart]]
+ val mpos = input.offset
+ val ws = whitespaceNoBreak()
+ if (check("match")) {
+ val m = Simple(ws + "match", mpos)
+ val blk = block()
+ if (blk != null) {
+ exprs.append(m)
+ exprs.append(blk)
+ } else {
+ // error("expected block after match")
+ input.regressTo(mpos)
+ }
+ } else {
+ input.regressTo(mpos)
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def forExpression(): Display = {
+ var result: Display = null
+ val p = input.offset
+ if (check("@for")) {
+ val parens = parentheses()
+ if (parens != null) {
+ val blk = block()
+ if (blk != null) {
+ result = Display(ScalaExp(ListBuffer(Simple("for" + parens + " yield ", p+1), blk), p+1), p+1) // don't include pos of @
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null)
+ input.regressTo(p)
+ result
+ }
+ def safeExpression(): Display = {
+ if (check("@(")) {
+ input.regress(1)
+ val p = input.offset
+ Display(ScalaExp(ListBuffer(Simple(parentheses(), p)), p), p)
+ } else null
+ }
+ def plain(): Plain = {
+ def single(): String = {
+ if (check("@@")) "@"
+ else if (!input.isEOF() && input() != '@' && input() != '}' && input() != '{') any()
+ else null
+ }
+ val p = input.offset
+ var result: Plain = null
+ var part = single()
+ if (part != null) {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer
+ while (part != null) {
+ sb.append(part)
+ part = single()
+ }
+ result = Plain(sb.toString(), p)
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def expression(): Display = {
+ var result: Display = null
+ if (check("@")) {
+ val pos = input.offset
+ val code = methodCall()
+ if (code != null) {
+ val parts = several[ScalaExpPart, ListBuffer[ScalaExpPart]](expressionPart)
+ parts.prepend(Simple(code, pos))
+ result = Display(ScalaExp(parts, pos-1), pos-1)
+ } else {
+ input.regressTo(pos - 1) // don't consume the @ if we fail
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def methodCall(): String = {
+ val name = identifier()
+ if (name != null) {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer(name)
+ sb.append(Option(squareBrackets) getOrElse "")
+ sb.append(Option(parentheses) getOrElse "")
+ sb.toString()
+ } else null
+ }
+ def expressionPart(): ScalaExpPart = {
+ def simpleParens() = {
+ val p = input.offset
+ val parens = parentheses()
+ if (parens != null) Simple(parens, p)
+ else null
+ }
+ def wsThenScalaBlockChained() = {
+ val reset = input.offset
+ val ws = whitespaceNoBreak()
+ val chained = scalaBlockChained()
+ if (chained eq null) input.regressTo(reset)
+ chained
+ }
+ chainedMethods() match {
+ case null => block() match {
+ case null => wsThenScalaBlockChained() match {
+ case null => elseCall() match {
+ case null => simpleParens()
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case x => x
+ }
+ }
+ def scalaBlockChained(): Block = {
+ val blk = scalaBlock()
+ if (blk != null)
+ Block("", None, ListBuffer(ScalaExp(ListBuffer(blk), blk.offset)), blk.offset)
+ else null
+ }
+ def chainedMethods(): Simple = {
+ val p = input.offset
+ var result: Simple = null
+ if (check(".")) {
+ val firstMethodCall = methodCall()
+ if (firstMethodCall != null) {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer("." + firstMethodCall)
+ var done = false
+ while (!done) {
+ val reset = input.offset
+ var nextLink: String = null
+ if (check(".")) {
+ methodCall() match {
+ case m: String => nextLink = m
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ nextLink match {
+ case null => {
+ done = true
+ input.regressTo(reset)
+ }
+ case _ => {
+ sb.append(".")
+ sb.append(nextLink)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = Simple(sb.toString(), p)
+ } else input.regressTo(p)
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def elseCall(): Simple = {
+ val reset = input.offset
+ whitespaceNoBreak()
+ val p = input.offset
+ if (check("else")) {
+ whitespaceNoBreak()
+ Simple("else", p)
+ } else {
+ input.regressTo(reset)
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ def template(): Template = {
+ val topImports = extraImports()
+ whitespace()
+ val commentpos = input.offset
+ val cm = Option(comment()).map(_.copy(offset = commentpos))
+ whitespace()
+ val args =
+ if (check("@(")) {
+ input.regress(1)
+ val p = input.offset
+ val args = startArgs()
+ if (args != null) Some(PosString(args, p))
+ else None
+ } else None
+ val (imports, templates, mixeds) = templateContent()
+ Template(PosString("", 0), cm, args.getOrElse(PosString("()", 0)), topImports, imports, templates, mixeds, 0)
+ }
+ def subTemplate(): Template = {
+ var result: Template = null
+ val resetPosition = input.offset
+ val templDecl = templateDeclaration()
+ if (templDecl != null) {
+ anyUntil(c => c != ' ' && c != '\t', inclusive = false)
+ if (check("{")) {
+ val (imports, templates, mixeds) = templateContent()
+ if (check("}"))
+ result = Template(templDecl._1, None, templDecl._2, Nil, imports, templates, mixeds, templDecl._1.offset)
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null)
+ input.regressTo(resetPosition)
+ result
+ }
+ def templateDeclaration(): (PosString, PosString) = {
+ if (check("@")) {
+ val namepos = input.offset
+ val name = identifier() match {
+ case null => null
+ case id => PosString(id, namepos)
+ }
+ if (name != null) {
+ val paramspos = input.offset
+ val types = Option(squareBrackets) getOrElse ""
+ val args = several[String, ArrayBuffer[String]](parentheses)
+ val params = PosString(types + args.mkString, paramspos)
+ if (params != null)
+ anyUntil(c => c != ' ' && c != '\t', inclusive = false)
+ if (check("=")) {
+ return (name, params)
+ }
+ } else input.regress(1) // don't consume @
+ }
+ null
+ }
+ def templateContent(): (Seq[Simple], Seq[Template], Seq[TemplateTree]) = {
+ val imports = new ArrayBuffer[Simple]
+ val templates = new ArrayBuffer[Template]
+ val mixeds = new ArrayBuffer[TemplateTree]
+ var done = false
+ while (!done) {
+ val impExp = importExpression()
+ if (impExp != null) imports += impExp
+ else {
+ val templ = subTemplate()
+ if (templ != null) templates += templ
+ else {
+ val mix = mixed()
+ if (mix != null) mixeds ++= mix
+ else {
+ // check for an invalid '@' symbol, and just skip it so we can continue the parse
+ val pos = input.offset
+ if (check("@")) error("Invalid '@' symbol", pos)
+ else done = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (imports, templates, mixeds)
+ }
+ def extraImports(): Seq[Simple] = {
+ val resetPosition = input.offset
+ val imports = new ArrayBuffer[Simple]
+ while (whitespace().nonEmpty || (comment() ne null)) {} // ignore
+ var done = false
+ while (!done) {
+ val importExp = importExpression()
+ if (importExp ne null) {
+ imports += importExp
+ whitespace()
+ } else {
+ done = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (imports.isEmpty) {
+ input.regressTo(resetPosition)
+ }
+ imports
+ }
+ def mkRegressionStatisticsString() {
+ val a = input.regressionStatistics.toArray.sortBy { case (m, (c, a)) => c }
+ a.mkString("\n")
+ }
+ // TODO - only for debugging purposes, remove before release
+ def setSource(source: String) {
+ input.reset(source)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file