path: root/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser
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authorLi Haoyi <>2014-11-16 19:11:32 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-11-16 19:11:32 -0800
commitdb544916874accf7d2a90f6f6d95a30cf88588c6 (patch)
tree46f6da4af1d372ba2913f84ab84ed5628e3645e9 /scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser
parent50ecd448fbd32b15c78076abf305b1ac05503be3 (diff)
Added more file-tests, renamed to scalaparser
Diffstat (limited to 'scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser')
4 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/ScalaSyntax.scala b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/ScalaSyntax.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e183a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/ScalaSyntax.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+package scalaparser
+import acyclic.file
+import language.implicitConversions
+import syntax._
+import org.parboiled2._
+ * Parser for Scala syntax.
+ *
+ * The `G` parameter that gets passed in to each rule stands for
+ * "Greedy", and determines whether or not that rule is to consume
+ * newlines after the last terminal in that rule. We need to pass it
+ * everywhere so it can go all the way to the last terminal deep
+ * inside the parse tree, which can then decide whether or not to
+ * consume whitespace.
+ *
+ * The vast majority of terminals will consume newlines; only rules
+ * which occur in {} blocks won't have their terminals consume newlines.
+ * That's why the parser does terminals-consume-newlines-by-default,
+ * and leaves it up to the dev to thread the `G` variable where-ever
+ * we want the opposite behavior.
+ */
+class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identifiers with Literals {
+ // Aliases for common things. These things are used in almost every parser
+ // in the file, so it makes sense to keep them short.
+ type B = Boolean
+ val t = true
+ type R0 = Rule0
+ /**
+ * Parses all whitespace, excluding newlines. This is only
+ * really useful in e.g. {} blocks, where we want to avoid
+ * capturing newlines so semicolon-inference would work
+ */
+ def WS = rule { zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar | Literals.Comment) }
+ /**
+ * Parses whitespace, including newlines.
+ * This is the default for most things
+ */
+ def WL = rule{ zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar | Literals.Comment | Basic.Newline) }
+ /**
+ * Whitespace which captures or doesn't-capture
+ * newlines depending on the G that gets passed in
+ */
+ def W(G: B = t) =
+ if (G) WL
+ else WS
+ /**
+ * By default, all strings and characters greedily
+ * capture all whitespace immediately after the token.
+ */
+ implicit private[this] def wspStr(s: String): R0 = rule { str(s) ~ WL }
+ implicit private[this] def wspChar(s: Char): R0 = rule { ch(s) ~ WL }
+ /**
+ * Occasionally, you want to decide whether or not to
+ * capture newlines based on the context, so use this
+ * and pass in G manually.
+ */
+ def StrW(s: String, G: B): R0 = rule { str(s) ~ W(G) }
+ def pos = cursor -> cursorChar
+ /**
+ * helper printing function
+ */
+ def pr(s: String) = rule { run(println(s"LOGGING $cursor: $s")) }
+ def Id(G: B = t) = rule { Identifiers.Id ~ W(G) }
+ def VarId(G: B = t) = rule { Identifiers.VarId ~ W(G) }
+ def Literal(G: B = t) = rule { Literals.Literal ~ W(G) }
+ def Semi = rule { Basic.Semi ~ WL }
+ def Newline = rule { Basic.Newline ~ WL }
+ def QualId(G: B = t) = rule { oneOrMore(Id(false)) separatedBy '.' ~ W(G) }
+ def Ids = rule { oneOrMore(Id()) separatedBy ',' }
+ def Path(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Id(G) ~ '.') ~ "this" ~ zeroOrMore(Id(G)).separatedBy('.') |
+ StableId(G)
+ }
+ def StableId(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Id() ~ '.') ~ ("this" | "super" ~ optional(ClassQualifier)) ~ '.' ~ oneOrMore(Id(G)).separatedBy('.') |
+ Id(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ '.' ~ WL ~ Id(false)) ~ W(G)
+ }
+ def ClassQualifier = rule { '[' ~ Id() ~ ']' }
+ def Type: R0 = rule { FunctionArgTypes ~ "=>" ~ Type | InfixType ~ optional(ExistentialClause) }
+ def FunctionArgTypes = rule { InfixType | '(' ~ optional(oneOrMore(ParamType) separatedBy ',') ~ ')' }
+ def ExistentialClause = rule { "forSome" ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(ExistentialDcl).separatedBy(Semi) }
+ def ExistentialDcl = rule { "type" ~ TypeDcl | "val" ~ ValDcl }
+ def InfixType = rule { CompoundType ~ zeroOrMore(Id() ~ optional(Newline) ~ CompoundType) }
+ def CompoundType = rule { oneOrMore(AnnotType(false)).separatedBy(WL ~ "with") ~ optional(Refinement) }
+ def AnnotType(G: B = t) = rule {
+ SimpleType(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ Annotation) ~ W(G)
+ }
+ def SimpleType(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ BasicType(false) ~
+ optional(WL ~
+ '#' ~ Id(false)) ~
+ optional(WL ~
+ TypeArgs(false)) ~
+ W(G)
+ }
+ def BasicType(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ '(' ~ Types ~ ')' |
+ Path() ~ '.' ~ "type" |
+ StableId(G)
+ }
+ def TypeArgs(G: B = t) = rule { '[' ~ Types ~ StrW("]", G) }
+ def Types = rule { oneOrMore(Type).separatedBy(',') }
+ def Refinement = rule { optional(Newline) ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(RefineStat).separatedBy(Semi) ~ '}' }
+ def RefineStat = rule { "type" ~ TypeDef | Dcl | MATCH }
+ def TypePat = rule { Type }
+ def Ascription = rule { ":" ~ (InfixType | oneOrMore(Annotation) | "_" ~ "*") }
+ def ParamType = rule { "=>" ~ Type | Type ~ "*" | Type }
+ def Expr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { (Bindings | optional("implicit") ~ Id() | "_") ~ "=>" ~ Expr(G) | Expr1(G) }
+ def Expr1(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ IfCFlow(G) |
+ WhileCFlow(G) |
+ TryCFlow(G) |
+ DoWhileCFlow(G) |
+ ForCFlow(G) |
+ "throw" ~ Expr(G) |
+ "return" ~ optional(Expr(G)) |
+ SimpleExpr() ~ ArgumentExprs() ~ '=' ~ Expr(G) |
+ optional(SimpleExpr() ~ '.') ~ Id() ~ '=' ~ Expr(G) |
+ PostfixExpr(G) ~ optional("match" ~ '{' ~ CaseClauses ~ '}' | Ascription)
+ }
+ def IfCFlow(G: B = t) = rule { "if" ~ '(' ~ Expr() ~ ')' ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ Expr(G) ~ optional(optional(Semi) ~ "else" ~ Expr(G)) }
+ def WhileCFlow(G: B = t) = rule { "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr() ~ ')' ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ Expr(G) }
+ def TryCFlow(G: B = t) = rule { "try" ~ '{' ~ Block ~ StrW("}", G) ~ optional("catch" ~ '{' ~ CaseClauses ~ StrW("}", G)) ~ optional("finally" ~ Expr(G)) }
+ def DoWhileCFlow(G: B = t) = rule { "do" ~ Expr() ~ optional(Semi) ~ "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr() ~ StrW(")", G) }
+ def ForCFlow(G: B = t) = rule { "for" ~ ('(' ~ Enumerators ~ ')' | '{' ~ Enumerators ~ '}') ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ optional("yield") ~ Expr(G) }
+ def PostfixExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { InfixExpr(G) ~ optional(Id() ~ optional(Newline)) }
+ def InfixExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { PrefixExpr(G) ~ zeroOrMore(Id() ~ optional(Newline) ~ PrefixExpr(G)) }
+ def PrefixExpr(G: B = t) = rule { optional(anyOf("-+~!")) ~ SimpleExpr(G) }
+ def SimpleExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ SimpleExpr1(false) ~
+ zeroOrMore(
+ WL ~ ('.' ~ Id(false) | TypeArgs(false) | ArgumentExprs(false))
+ ) ~
+ optional(WL ~ StrW("_", false)) ~
+ W(G)
+ }
+ def SimpleExpr1(G: B = t) = rule{
+ "new" ~ (ClassTemplate(G) | TemplateBody(G)) |
+ BlockExpr(G) |
+ Literal(G) ~ drop[String] |
+ Path(G) |
+ '_' |
+ '(' ~ optional(Exprs) ~ StrW(")", G)
+ }
+ def Exprs: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Expr()).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ArgumentExprs(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ '(' ~ (optional(Exprs ~ ',') ~ PostfixExpr() ~ ':' ~ '_' ~ '*' | optional(Exprs)) ~ StrW(")", G) |
+ optional(Newline) ~ BlockExpr(G)
+ }
+ def BlockExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { '{' ~ (CaseClauses | Block) ~ StrW("}", G) }
+ def Block: R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(BlockStat ~ Semi) ~ optional(ResultExpr())
+ }
+ def BlockStat: R0 = rule {
+ Semi |
+ Import(false) |
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ (optional("implicit" | "lazy") ~ Def(false) | zeroOrMore(LocalModifier) ~ TmplDef(false)) |
+ Expr1(false)
+ }
+ def ResultExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { (Bindings | optional("implicit") ~ Id() | "_") ~ "=>" ~ Block | Expr1(t) }
+ def Enumerators: R0 = rule { Generator ~ zeroOrMore(Semi ~ Enumerator) }
+ def Enumerator: R0 = rule { Generator | Guard | Pattern1 ~ '=' ~ Expr() }
+ def Generator: R0 = rule { Pattern1 ~ "<-" ~ Expr() ~ optional(Guard) }
+ def CaseClauses: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(CaseClause) }
+ def CaseClause: R0 = rule { "case" ~ Pattern ~ optional(Guard) ~ "=>" ~ Block }
+ def Guard: R0 = rule { "if" ~ PostfixExpr() }
+ def Pattern: R0 = rule {
+ oneOrMore(Pattern1 ).separatedBy('|')
+ }
+ def Pattern1: R0 = rule { '_' ~ ':' ~ TypePat | VarId() ~ ':' ~ TypePat | Pattern2 }
+ def Pattern2: R0 = rule { VarId() ~ optional("@" ~ Pattern3) | Pattern3 }
+ def Pattern3: R0 = rule {
+ SimplePattern ~ zeroOrMore(Id() ~ SimplePattern)
+ }
+ def SimplePattern: R0 = rule {
+ '_' |
+ Literal() ~ drop[String] |
+ '(' ~ optional(Patterns) ~ ')' |
+ StableId() ~ optional('(' ~ (optional(Patterns ~ ',') ~ optional(VarId() ~ '@') ~ '_' ~ '*' | optional(Patterns)) ~ ')') |
+ VarId() /*|
+ XmlPattern*/
+ }
+ def Patterns: R0 = rule { '_' ~ '*' | oneOrMore(Pattern).separatedBy(',') }
+ def TypeParamClause: R0 = rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(VariantTypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' }
+ def FunTypeParamClause: R0 = rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(TypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' }
+ def VariantTypeParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(anyOf("+-")) ~ TypeParam }
+ def TypeParam: R0 = rule { (Id() | '_') ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ optional(">:" ~ Type) ~ optional("<:" ~ Type) ~ zeroOrMore("<%" ~ Type) ~ zeroOrMore(':' ~ Type) }
+ def ParamClauses: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(ParamClause) ~ optional(optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ "implicit" ~ Params ~ ')') }
+ def ParamClause: R0 = rule { optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ optional(Params) ~ ')' }
+ def Params: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Param).separatedBy(',') }
+ def Param: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ Id() ~ optional(':' ~ ParamType) ~ optional('=' ~ Expr()) }
+ def ClassParamClauses(G: B = t): R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(ClassParamClause(G)) ~ optional(optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ "implicit" ~ ClassParam ~ StrW(")", G)) }
+ def ClassParamClause(G: B = t): R0 = rule { optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ optional(ClassParams) ~ StrW(")", G) }
+ def ClassParams: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(ClassParam).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ClassParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ ("val" | "var")) ~ Id() ~ ":" ~ ParamType ~ optional("=" ~ Expr()) }
+ def Bindings: R0 = rule { '(' ~ oneOrMore(Binding).separatedBy(',') ~ ')' }
+ def Binding: R0 = rule { (Id() | '_') ~ optional(':' ~ Type) }
+ def Modifier: R0 = rule { LocalModifier | AccessModifier | "override" }
+ def LocalModifier: R0 = rule { "abstract" | "final" | "sealed" | "implicit" | "lazy" }
+ def AccessModifier: R0 = rule { ("private" | "protected") ~ optional(AccessQualifier) }
+ def AccessQualifier: R0 = rule { '[' ~ ("this" | Id()) ~ ']' }
+ def Annotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ ArgumentExprs()) }
+ def ConstrAnnotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType() ~ ArgumentExprs() }
+ def TemplateBody(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ WL ~
+ '{' ~
+ optional(SelfType) ~
+ TemplateStat ~
+ zeroOrMore(Semi ~ TemplateStat) ~
+ WL ~
+ StrW("}", G)
+ }
+ def TemplateStat: R0 = rule {
+ Import(false) |
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (Def(false) | Dcl) |
+ Expr(false) |
+ }
+ def SelfType: R0 = rule { "this" ~ ':' ~ Type ~ "=>" | Id() ~ optional(':' ~ Type) ~ "=>" }
+ def Import(G: B = t): R0 = rule { "import" ~ oneOrMore(ImportExpr(G)).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ImportExpr(G: B = t): R0 = rule { StableId(G) ~ optional('.' ~ (StrW("_", G) | ImportSelectors(G))) }
+ def ImportSelectors(G: B = t): R0 = rule { '{' ~ zeroOrMore(ImportSelector ~ ',') ~ (ImportSelector | '_') ~ StrW("}", G) }
+ def ImportSelector: R0 = rule { Id() ~ optional("=>" ~ (Id() | '_')) }
+ def Dcl: R0 = rule {
+ "val" ~ ValDcl |
+ "var" ~ VarDcl |
+ "def" ~ FunDcl |
+ "type" ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ TypeDcl
+ }
+ def ValDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ ':' ~ Type }
+ def VarDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ ':' ~ Type }
+ def FunDcl: R0 = rule { FunSig ~ optional(':' ~ Type) }
+ def FunSig: R0 = rule { Id() ~ optional(FunTypeParamClause) ~ ParamClauses }
+ def TypeDcl: R0 = rule { Id() ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ optional(">:" ~ Type) ~ optional("<:" ~ Type) }
+ def PatVarDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule { "val" ~ PatDef(G) | "var" ~ VarDef(G) }
+ def Def(G: B = t): R0 = rule { "def" ~ FunDef(G) | "type" ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ TypeDef | PatVarDef(G) | TmplDef(G) }
+ def PatDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Pattern2).separatedBy(',') ~ optional(':' ~ Type) ~ '=' ~ Expr(G) }
+ def VarDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule { Ids ~ ':' ~ Type ~ '=' ~ '_' | PatDef(G) }
+ def FunDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ "this" ~ ParamClause ~ ParamClauses ~ ('=' ~ ConstrExpr | optional(Newline) ~ ConstrBlock) |
+ FunSig ~ (optional(':' ~ Type) ~ '=' ~ optional("macro") ~ Expr(G) | optional(Newline) ~ '{' ~ Block ~ '}')
+ }
+ def TypeDef: R0 = rule { Id() ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ '=' ~ Type }
+ def TmplDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ "trait" ~ TraitDef(G) |
+ optional("case") ~ ("class" ~ ClassDef(G) |
+ "object" ~ ObjectDef(G))
+ }
+ def ClassDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ Id() ~
+ optional(TypeParamClause) ~
+ zeroOrMore(ConstrAnnotation) ~
+ optional(AccessModifier) ~
+ ClassParamClauses(false) ~
+ ClassTemplateOpt(false) ~
+ W(G)
+ }
+ def TraitDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule { Id() ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TraitTemplateOpt(G) }
+ def ObjectDef(G: B = t): R0 = rule { Id() ~ ClassTemplateOpt(G) }
+ def ClassTemplateOpt(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ WL ~ "extends" ~ ClassTemplate(G) |
+ optional(WL ~ optional("extends") ~ TemplateBody(G))
+ }
+ def TraitTemplateOpt(G: B = t): R0 = rule { "extends" ~ TraitTemplate(G) | optional(optional("extends") ~ TemplateBody(G)) }
+ def ClassTemplate(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ optional(EarlyDefs) ~
+ ClassParents(false) ~
+ optional(WL ~ TemplateBody(false)) ~
+ W(G)
+ }
+ def TraitTemplate(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ TraitParents(false) ~ optional(TemplateBody(false)) ~ W(G)
+ }
+ def ClassParents(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ Constr(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ "with" ~ AnnotType(G)) ~ W(G)
+ }
+ def TraitParents(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ AnnotType(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ "with" ~ AnnotType(false)) ~ W(G)
+ }
+ def Constr(G: B = t): R0 = rule {
+ AnnotType(false) ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ ArgumentExprs(false)) ~
+ W(G)
+ }
+ def EarlyDefs: R0 = rule {
+ '{' ~ optional(oneOrMore(EarlyDef).separatedBy(Semi)) ~ '}' ~ "with"
+ }
+ def EarlyDef: R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ PatVarDef(false)
+ }
+ def ConstrExpr: R0 = rule { ConstrBlock | SelfInvocation }
+ def ConstrBlock: R0 = rule { '{' ~ SelfInvocation ~ zeroOrMore(Semi ~ BlockStat) ~ '}' }
+ def SelfInvocation: R0 = rule { "this" ~ oneOrMore(ArgumentExprs()) }
+ def TopStatSeq: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(TopStat).separatedBy(Semi) }
+ def TopStat: R0 = rule { Packaging | PackageObject(false) | Import(false) | zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ TmplDef(false) | MATCH }
+ def Packaging: R0 = rule { "package" ~ QualId() ~ '{' ~ TopStatSeq ~ '}' }
+ def PackageObject(G: B = t): R0 = rule { "package" ~ "object" ~ ObjectDef(G) }
+ def CompilationUnit: Rule1[String] = rule {
+ capture(
+ zeroOrMore(Semi) ~
+ zeroOrMore("package" ~ QualId(false)).separatedBy(Semi) ~
+ TopStatSeq ~
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Basic.scala b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Basic.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd142a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Basic.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package scalaparser
+package syntax
+import acyclic.file
+import org.parboiled2._
+trait Basic { self: Parser =>
+ object Basic{
+ def UnicodeExcape = rule { "\\u" ~ 4.times(HexDigit) }
+ //Numbers and digits
+ def HexDigit = rule { Digit | "a" - "f" | "A" - "Z" }
+ def Digit = rule { "0" | NonZeroDigit }
+ def NonZeroDigit = rule { "1" - "9" }
+ def HexNumeral = rule { "0x" ~ oneOrMore(HexDigit) }
+ def DecimalNumeral = rule(oneOrMore(Digit))
+ def ExponentPart = rule { anyOf("Ee") ~ optional(anyOf("+-")) ~ oneOrMore(Digit) }
+ def FloatType = rule { anyOf("FfDd") }
+ def Parentheses = rule { "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" }
+ def DelimiterChar = rule { "'" | "\"" | "." | ";" | "," }
+ def WhitespaceChar = rule { "\u0020" | "\u0009" }
+ def Newline = rule { "\r\n" | "\n" }
+ def Semi = rule { ';' | oneOrMore(Newline) }
+ def OperatorChar = rule {
+ anyOf("""!#$%&*+-/:<=>?@\^|~""") |
+ CharPredicate.from(_.getType match {
+ case Character.OTHER_SYMBOL | Character.MATH_SYMBOL => true; case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ def Letter = rule { Upper | Lower | CharPredicate.from(c => c.isLetter | c.isDigit) }
+ def Lower = rule { "a" - "z" | "$" | "_" | CharPredicate.from(_.isLower) }
+ def Upper = rule { "A" - "Z" | CharPredicate.from(_.isUpper) }
+ }
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Identifiers.scala b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Identifiers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e985f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Identifiers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package scalaparser
+package syntax
+import acyclic.file
+import org.parboiled2._
+trait Identifiers { self: Parser with Basic =>
+ object Identifiers{
+ import Basic._
+ def Operator = rule(oneOrMore(OperatorChar))
+ def VarId = rule { !(Keywords ~ (WhitespaceChar | Newline | "//" | "/*")) ~ Lower ~ IdRest }
+ def PlainId = rule { Upper ~ IdRest | VarId | !(Keywords ~ (WhitespaceChar | Newline | "//" | "/*")) ~ Operator }
+ def Id = rule { PlainId | ("`" ~ oneOrMore(noneOf("`")) ~ "`") }
+ def IdRest = rule { zeroOrMore(Letter | Digit) ~ optional("_" ~ Operator) }
+ def Keywords = rule {
+ "abstract" | "case" | "catch" | "class" | "def" | "do" | "else" | "extends" | "false" | "finally" | "final" | "finally" | "forSome" | "for" | "if" |
+ "implicit" | "import" | "lazy" | "match" | "new" | "null" | "object" | "override" | "package" | "private" | "protected" | "return" |
+ "sealed" | "super" | "this" | "throw" | "trait" | "try" | "true" | "type" | "val" | "var" | "while" | "with" | "yield" | "_" |
+ ":" | ";" | "=>" | "=" | "<-" | "<:" | "<%" | ">:" | "#" | "@" | "\u21d2" | "\u2190"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Literals.scala b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Literals.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11eb943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/scalaparser/syntax/Literals.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package scalaparser
+package syntax
+import acyclic.file
+import org.parboiled2._
+trait Literals { self: Parser with Basic with Identifiers =>
+ object Literals{
+ import Basic._
+ def FloatingPointLiteral = rule {
+ capture(
+ "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ (
+ "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ ExponentPart ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ optional(ExponentPart) ~ FloatType))
+ }
+ def IntegerLiteral = rule { capture((DecimalNumeral | HexNumeral) ~ optional(anyOf("Ll"))) }
+ def BooleanLiteral = rule { capture("true" | "false") }
+ def MultilineComment: Rule0 = rule { "/*" ~ zeroOrMore(MultilineComment | !"*/" ~ ANY) ~ "*/" }
+ def Comment: Rule0 = rule {
+ MultilineComment |
+ "//" ~ zeroOrMore(!Basic.Newline ~ ANY) ~ (Basic.Newline | EOI)
+ }
+ def Literal = rule {
+ (capture(optional("-")) ~ (FloatingPointLiteral | IntegerLiteral) ~> ((sign: String, number) => sign + number)) |
+ BooleanLiteral |
+ CharacterLiteral |
+ StringLiteral |
+ SymbolLiteral |
+ capture("null")
+ }
+ def EscapedChars = rule { '\\' ~ anyOf("rnt\\\"") }
+ def SymbolLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(Identifiers.PlainId) }
+ def CharacterLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(UnicodeExcape | EscapedChars | !'\\' ~ CharPredicate.from(isPrintableChar)) ~ ''' }
+ def MultiLineChars = rule { zeroOrMore(optional('"') ~ optional('"') ~ noneOf("\"")) }
+ def StringLiteral = rule {
+ (optional(Identifiers.Id) ~ "\"\"\"" ~ capture(MultiLineChars) ~ capture("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"')) ~> ((multilineChars: String, quotes) => multilineChars + quotes.dropRight(3))) |
+ (optional(Identifiers.Id) ~ '"' ~ capture(zeroOrMore("\\\"" | noneOf("\n\""))) ~ '"')
+ }
+ def isPrintableChar(c: Char): Boolean = {
+ val block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(c)
+ !Character.isISOControl(c) && !Character.isSurrogate(c) && block != null && block != Character.UnicodeBlock.SPECIALS
+ }
+ }