path: root/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala
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authorLi Haoyi <>2014-11-16 18:53:21 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-11-16 18:53:21 -0800
commit001bc7ed3dd1f92be14802406897e7304ac1f2de (patch)
tree092785256d15d1fb28617ef5f257630f9e6e0126 /scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala
parent85cf9e1849b452da681d11ead314f46ba8be9512 (diff)
Bunch of moving things into namespaces, `Basic`, `Identifiers` and `Literals` don't have their guts spilling everywhere
Diffstat (limited to 'scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala
index be6f171..bef65e6 100644
--- a/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/main/scala/torimatomeru/syntax/Literals.scala
@@ -3,56 +3,54 @@ package syntax
import org.parboiled2._
-trait Literals extends StringLiterals { self: ScalaSyntax =>
- def FloatingPointLiteral = rule {
- capture(
- "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
- oneOrMore(Digit) ~ (
- "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
- ExponentPart ~ optional(FloatType) |
- optional(ExponentPart) ~ FloatType))
- }
- def IntegerLiteral = rule { capture((DecimalNumeral | HexNumeral) ~ optional(anyOf("Ll"))) }
- def BooleanLiteral = rule { capture("true" | "false") }
- def MultilineComment: Rule0 = rule { "/*" ~ zeroOrMore(MultilineComment | !"*/" ~ ANY) ~ "*/" }
- def Comment: Rule0 = rule {
- MultilineComment |
- "//" ~ zeroOrMore(!NewlineS ~ ANY) ~ (NewlineS | EOI)
- }
- def Literal = rule {
- (capture(optional("-")) ~ (FloatingPointLiteral | IntegerLiteral) ~> ((sign: String, number) => sign + number)) |
- BooleanLiteral |
- CharacterLiteral |
- StringLiteral |
- SymbolLiteral |
- capture("null")
+trait Literals { self: ScalaSyntax =>
+ object Literals{
+ import Basic._
+ def FloatingPointLiteral = rule {
+ capture(
+ "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ (
+ "." ~ oneOrMore(Digit) ~ optional(ExponentPart) ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ ExponentPart ~ optional(FloatType) |
+ optional(ExponentPart) ~ FloatType))
+ }
+ def IntegerLiteral = rule { capture((DecimalNumeral | HexNumeral) ~ optional(anyOf("Ll"))) }
+ def BooleanLiteral = rule { capture("true" | "false") }
+ def MultilineComment: Rule0 = rule { "/*" ~ zeroOrMore(MultilineComment | !"*/" ~ ANY) ~ "*/" }
+ def Comment: Rule0 = rule {
+ MultilineComment |
+ "//" ~ zeroOrMore(!Basic.Newline ~ ANY) ~ (Basic.Newline | EOI)
+ }
+ def Literal = rule {
+ (capture(optional("-")) ~ (FloatingPointLiteral | IntegerLiteral) ~> ((sign: String, number) => sign + number)) |
+ BooleanLiteral |
+ CharacterLiteral |
+ StringLiteral |
+ SymbolLiteral |
+ capture("null")
+ }
+ def EscapedChars = rule { '\\' ~ anyOf("rnt\\\"") }
+ def SymbolLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(Identifiers.PlainId) }
+ def CharacterLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(UnicodeExcape | EscapedChars | !'\\' ~ CharPredicate.from(isPrintableChar)) ~ ''' }
+ def MultiLineChars = rule { zeroOrMore(optional('"') ~ optional('"') ~ noneOf("\"")) }
+ def StringLiteral = rule {
+ ("\"\"\"" ~ capture(MultiLineChars) ~ capture("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"')) ~> ((multilineChars: String, quotes) => multilineChars + quotes.dropRight(3))) |
+ ('"' ~ capture(zeroOrMore("\\\"" | noneOf("\n\""))) ~ '"')
+ }
+ def isPrintableChar(c: Char): Boolean = {
+ val block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(c)
+ !Character.isISOControl(c) && !Character.isSurrogate(c) && block != null && block != Character.UnicodeBlock.SPECIALS
+ }
- * Placed the string defintions in this trait to isolate them, because they are overly complex.
- */
-private[syntax] trait StringLiterals { self: Literals with ScalaSyntax =>
- def EscapedChars = rule { '\\' ~ anyOf("rnt\\\"") }
- def SymbolLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(PlainId) }
- def CharacterLiteral = rule { ''' ~ capture(UnicodeExcape | EscapedChars | !'\\' ~ CharPredicate.from(isPrintableChar)) ~ ''' }
- def MultiLineChars = rule { zeroOrMore(optional('"') ~ optional('"') ~ noneOf("\"")) }
- def StringLiteral = rule {
- ("\"\"\"" ~ capture(MultiLineChars) ~ capture("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"')) ~> ((multilineChars: String, quotes) => multilineChars + quotes.dropRight(3))) |
- ('"' ~ capture(zeroOrMore("\\\"" | noneOf("\n\""))) ~ '"')
- }
- def isPrintableChar(c: Char): Boolean = {
- val block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(c)
- !Character.isISOControl(c) && !Character.isSurrogate(c) && block != null && block != Character.UnicodeBlock.SPECIALS
- }