path: root/scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2014-11-05 22:25:58 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-11-05 22:25:58 -0800
commit784f3da4192a0e30ddd94cfb10f91d0bc8dc4f7f (patch)
tree83bc659db8b89e904b6b3377d91ef3016be98d18 /scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala
parent62871430033658a36e04772a4417526ac399b0dc (diff)
Fixed the Scala grammar, property/call/type-param chaining now works and more tests pass
Diffstat (limited to 'scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala b/scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala
index a09f8e4..68f05cc 100644
--- a/scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala
+++ b/scalatexApi/src/test/scala/scalatex/ParserTests.scala
@@ -16,384 +16,384 @@ object ParserTests extends utest.TestSuite{
assert(parsed == expected)
def tests = TestSuite{
-// 'Trim{
-// def wrap(s: String) = "|" + s + "|"
-// * - {
-// val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old("""
-// i am cow
-// hear me moo
-// i weigh twice as much as you
-// """))
-// val expected = wrap("""
-// |i am cow
-// | hear me moo
-// | i weigh twice as much as you
-// |""".stripMargin)
-// assert(trimmed == expected)
-// }
-// * - {
-// val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old(
-// """
-// @{"lol" * 3}
-// @{
-// val omg = "omg"
-// omg * 2
-// }
-// """
-// ))
-// val expected = wrap(
-// """
-// |@{"lol" * 3}
-// |@{
-// | val omg = "omg"
-// | omg * 2
-// |}
-// |""".stripMargin
-// )
-// assert(trimmed == expected)
-// }
-// 'dropTrailingWhitespace - {
-// val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old(
-// Seq(
-// " i am a cow ",
-// " hear me moo ",
-// " i weigh twice as much as you"
-// ).mkString("\n")
-// ))
-// val expected = wrap(
-// Seq(
-// "i am a cow",
-// " hear me moo",
-// " i weigh twice as much as you"
-// ).mkString("\n")
-// )
-// assert(trimmed == expected)
-// }
-// }
-// 'Text {
-// * - check("i am a cow",, Block.Text("i am a cow"))
-// * - check("i am a @cow",, Block.Text("i am a "))
-// * - check("i am a @@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @cow"))
-// * - check("i am a @@@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @"))
-// * - check("i am a @@@@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @@cow"))
-// }
-// 'Code{
-// 'identifier - check("@gggg ",, "gggg")
-// 'parens - check("@(1 + 1)lolsss\n",, "(1 + 1)")
-// 'curlies - check("@{{1} + (1)} ",, "{{1} + (1)}")
-// 'blocks - check("@{val x = 1; 1} ",, "{val x = 1; 1}")
-// 'weirdBackticks - check("@{`{}}{()@`}\n",, "{`{}}{()@`}")
-// }
-// 'MiscCode{
-// 'imports{
-// * - check("@import math.abs",, "import math.abs")
-// * - check("@import math.{abs, sin}",, "import math.{abs, sin}")
-// }
-// 'headerblocks{
-// check(
-// """@import math.abs
-// |@import math.sin
-// |
-// |hello world
-// |""".stripMargin,
-// Ast.Header(
-// "import math.abs\nimport math.sin",
-// Ast.Block(
-// Seq(Text("\n", 33), Text("\n", 34), Text("hello world", 35), Text("\n", 46)),
-// 33
-// )
-// )
-// )
-// }
-// 'caseclass{
-// check(
-// """@case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
-// """.stripMargin,
-// "case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)"
-// )
-// }
-// }
-// 'Block{
-// * - check("{i am a cow}",, Block(Seq(Block.Text("i am a cow", 1)), 1))
-// * - check("{i @am a @cow}",,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Block.Text("i ", 1),
-// Chain("am",Seq(), 3),
-// Block.Text(" a ", 6),
-// Chain("cow",Seq(), 9)
-// ), 1)
-// )
-// }
-// 'Chain{
-// * - check("@omg.bbq[omg].fff[fff](123) ",,
-// Chain("omg",Seq(
-// Chain.Prop("bbq", 4),
-// Chain.TypeArgs("[omg]", 8),
-// Chain.Prop("fff", 13),
-// Chain.TypeArgs("[fff]", 17),
-// Chain.Args("(123)", 22)
-// ))
-// )
-// * - check("@omg{bbq}.cow(moo){a @b}\n",,
-// Chain("omg",Seq(
-// Block(Seq(Text("bbq", 5)), 5),
-// Chain.Prop("cow", 9),
-// Chain.Args("(moo)", 13),
-// Block(Seq(Text("a ", 19), Chain("b", Nil, 21)), 19)
-// ))
-// )
-// }
-// 'ControlFlow{
-// 'for {
-// 'for - check(
-// "@for(x <- 0 until 3){lol}",
-// For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 21)), 21))
-// )
-// 'forBlock - check(
-// """
-// |@for(x <- 0 until 3)
-// | lol""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
-// For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 21), Text("lol", 24)), 21))
-// ))
-// )
-// 'forBlockBraces - check(
-// """
-// |@for(x <- 0 until 3){
-// | lol
-// |}""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
-// For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("lol", 25), Text("\n", 28)), 22))
-// ))
-// )
-// }
-// 'ifElse {
-// 'if - check(
-// "@if(true){lol}",
-// IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 10)), 10), None)
-// )
-// 'ifElse - check(
-// "@if(true){lol}else{ omg }",
-// IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 10)), 10), Some(Block(Seq(Text(" omg ", 19)), 19)))
-// )
-// 'ifBlock - check(
-// """
-// |@if(true)
-// | omg""".stripMargin,
-// IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13)), 10), None)
-// )
-// 'ifBlockElseBlock - check(
-// """
-// |@if(true)
-// | omg
-// |@else
-// | wtf""".stripMargin,
-// IfElse(
-// "if(true)",
-// Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13)), 10),
-// Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("wtf", 25)), 22))
-// )
-// )
-// 'ifBlockElseBraceBlock - check(
-// """@if(true){
-// | omg
-// |}else{
-// | wtf
-// |}""".stripMargin,
-// IfElse(
-// "if(true)",
-// Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13), Text("\n", 16)), 10),
-// Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 23), Text("wtf", 26), Text("\n", 29)), 23))
-// )
-// )
-// 'ifBlockElseBraceBlockNested - {
-// val res = Parser(Trim.old(
-// """
-// @p
-// @if(true){
-// Hello
-// }else{
-// lols
-// }
-// """))
-// val expected =
-// Block(Vector(
-// Text("\n"),
-// Chain("p",Vector(Block(Vector(
-// Text("\n ", 3),
-// IfElse("if(true)",
-// Block(Vector(
-// Text("\n ", 16), Text("Hello", 21), Text("\n ", 26)
-// ), 16),
-// Some(Block(Vector(
-// Text("\n ", 35), Text("lols", 40), Text("\n ", 44)
-// ), 35))
-// )), 3)), 1),
-// Text("\n", 48)
-// ))
-// assert(res == expected)
-// }
-// 'ifElseBlock - check(
-// """@if(true){
-// | omg
-// |}else
-// | wtf""".stripMargin,
-// IfElse(
-// "if(true)",
-// Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13), Text("\n", 16)), 10),
-// Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("wtf", 25)), 22))
-// )
-// )
-// }
-// }
-// 'Body{
-// 'indents - check(
-// """
-// |@omg
-// | @wtf
-// | @bbq
-// | @lol""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
-// Chain("omg",Seq(Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 5),
-// Chain("wtf",Seq(Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 7),
-// Chain("bbq",Seq(Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 9),
-// Chain("lol",Seq(), 16)
-// ), 9)), 12)
-// ), 7)), 8)
-// ), 5)), 1)
-// ))
-// )
-// 'dedents - check(
-// """
-// |@omg
-// | @wtf
-// |@bbq""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
-// Chain("omg",Seq(Block(
-// Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 5),
-// Chain("wtf",Seq(), 8)
-// ),
-// 5
-// )), 1),
-// Text("\n", 12),
-// Chain("bbq", Seq(), 13)
-// ))
-// )
-// 'braces - check(
-// """
-// |@omg{
-// | @wtf
-// |}
-// |@bbq""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
-// Chain("omg",Seq(Block(
-// Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 6),
-// Chain("wtf",Seq(), 9),
-// Text("\n", 13)
-// ),
-// 6
-// )), 1),
-// Text("\n", 15),
-// Chain("bbq", Seq(), 16)
-// ))
-// )
-// 'dedentText - check(
+ 'Trim{
+ def wrap(s: String) = "|" + s + "|"
+ * - {
+ val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old("""
+ i am cow
+ hear me moo
+ i weigh twice as much as you
+ """))
+ val expected = wrap("""
+ |i am cow
+ | hear me moo
+ | i weigh twice as much as you
+ |""".stripMargin)
+ assert(trimmed == expected)
+ }
+ * - {
+ val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old(
+ """
+ @{"lol" * 3}
+ @{
+ val omg = "omg"
+ omg * 2
+ }
+ """
+ ))
+ val expected = wrap(
+ """
+ |@{"lol" * 3}
+ |@{
+ | val omg = "omg"
+ | omg * 2
+ |}
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ assert(trimmed == expected)
+ }
+ 'dropTrailingWhitespace - {
+ val trimmed = wrap(stages.Trim.old(
+ Seq(
+ " i am a cow ",
+ " hear me moo ",
+ " i weigh twice as much as you"
+ ).mkString("\n")
+ ))
+ val expected = wrap(
+ Seq(
+ "i am a cow",
+ " hear me moo",
+ " i weigh twice as much as you"
+ ).mkString("\n")
+ )
+ assert(trimmed == expected)
+ }
+ }
+ 'Text {
+ * - check("i am a cow",, Block.Text("i am a cow"))
+ * - check("i am a @cow",, Block.Text("i am a "))
+ * - check("i am a @@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @cow"))
+ * - check("i am a @@@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @"))
+ * - check("i am a @@@@cow",, Block.Text("i am a @@cow"))
+ }
+ 'Code{
+ 'identifier - check("@gggg ",, "gggg")
+ 'parens - check("@(1 + 1)lolsss\n",, "(1 + 1)")
+ 'curlies - check("@{{1} + (1)} ",, "{{1} + (1)}")
+ 'blocks - check("@{val x = 1; 1} ",, "{val x = 1; 1}")
+ 'weirdBackticks - check("@{`{}}{()@`}\n",, "{`{}}{()@`}")
+ }
+ 'MiscCode{
+ 'imports{
+ * - check("@import math.abs",, "import math.abs")
+ * - check("@import math.{abs, sin}",, "import math.{abs, sin}")
+ }
+ 'headerblocks{
+ check(
+ """@import math.abs
+ |@import math.sin
+ |
+ |hello world
+ |""".stripMargin,
+ Ast.Header(
+ "import math.abs\nimport math.sin",
+ Ast.Block(
+ Seq(Text("\n", 33), Text("\n", 34), Text("hello world", 35), Text("\n", 46)),
+ 33
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ 'caseclass{
+ check(
+ """@case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
+ """.stripMargin,
+ "case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ 'Block{
+ * - check("{i am a cow}",, Block(Seq(Block.Text("i am a cow", 1)), 1))
+ * - check("{i @am a @cow}",,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Block.Text("i ", 1),
+ Chain("am",Seq(), 3),
+ Block.Text(" a ", 6),
+ Chain("cow",Seq(), 9)
+ ), 1)
+ )
+ }
+ 'Chain{
+ * - check("@omg.bbq[omg].fff[fff](123) ",,
+ Chain("omg",Seq(
+ Chain.Prop("bbq", 4),
+ Chain.TypeArgs("[omg]", 8),
+ Chain.Prop("fff", 13),
+ Chain.TypeArgs("[fff]", 17),
+ Chain.Args("(123)", 22)
+ ))
+ )
+ * - check("@omg{bbq}.cow(moo){a @b}\n",,
+ Chain("omg",Seq(
+ Block(Seq(Text("bbq", 5)), 5),
+ Chain.Prop("cow", 9),
+ Chain.Args("(moo)", 13),
+ Block(Seq(Text("a ", 19), Chain("b", Nil, 21)), 19)
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ 'ControlFlow{
+ 'for {
+ 'for - check(
+ "@for(x <- 0 until 3){lol}",
+ For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 21)), 21))
+ )
+ 'forBlock - check(
+ """
+ |@for(x <- 0 until 3)
+ | lol""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 21), Text("lol", 24)), 21))
+ ))
+ )
+ 'forBlockBraces - check(
+ """
+ |@for(x <- 0 until 3){
+ | lol
+ |}""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ For("for(x <- 0 until 3)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("lol", 25), Text("\n", 28)), 22))
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ 'ifElse {
+ 'if - check(
+ "@if(true){lol}",
+ IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 10)), 10), None)
+ )
+ 'ifElse - check(
+ "@if(true){lol}else{ omg }",
+ IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("lol", 10)), 10), Some(Block(Seq(Text(" omg ", 19)), 19)))
+ )
+ 'ifBlock - check(
+ """
+ |@if(true)
+ | omg""".stripMargin,
+ IfElse("if(true)", Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13)), 10), None)
+ )
+ 'ifBlockElseBlock - check(
+ """
+ |@if(true)
+ | omg
+ |@else
+ | wtf""".stripMargin,
+ IfElse(
+ "if(true)",
+ Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13)), 10),
+ Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("wtf", 25)), 22))
+ )
+ )
+ 'ifBlockElseBraceBlock - check(
+ """@if(true){
+ | omg
+ |}else{
+ | wtf
+ |}""".stripMargin,
+ IfElse(
+ "if(true)",
+ Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13), Text("\n", 16)), 10),
+ Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 23), Text("wtf", 26), Text("\n", 29)), 23))
+ )
+ )
+ 'ifBlockElseBraceBlockNested - {
+ val res = Parser(Trim.old(
+ """
+ @p
+ @if(true){
+ Hello
+ }else{
+ lols
+ }
+ """))
+ val expected =
+ Block(Vector(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("p",Vector(Block(Vector(
+ Text("\n ", 3),
+ IfElse("if(true)",
+ Block(Vector(
+ Text("\n ", 16), Text("Hello", 21), Text("\n ", 26)
+ ), 16),
+ Some(Block(Vector(
+ Text("\n ", 35), Text("lols", 40), Text("\n ", 44)
+ ), 35))
+ )), 3)), 1),
+ Text("\n", 48)
+ ))
+ assert(res == expected)
+ }
+ 'ifElseBlock - check(
+ """@if(true){
+ | omg
+ |}else
+ | wtf""".stripMargin,
+ IfElse(
+ "if(true)",
+ Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 10), Text("omg", 13), Text("\n", 16)), 10),
+ Some(Block(Seq(Text("\n ", 22), Text("wtf", 25)), 22))
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ 'Body{
+ 'indents - check(
+ """
+ |@omg
+ | @wtf
+ | @bbq
+ | @lol""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("omg",Seq(Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 5),
+ Chain("wtf",Seq(Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 7),
+ Chain("bbq",Seq(Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 9),
+ Chain("lol",Seq(), 16)
+ ), 9)), 12)
+ ), 7)), 8)
+ ), 5)), 1)
+ ))
+ )
+ 'dedents - check(
+ """
+ |@omg
+ | @wtf
+ |@bbq""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("omg",Seq(Block(
+ Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 5),
+ Chain("wtf",Seq(), 8)
+ ),
+ 5
+ )), 1),
+ Text("\n", 12),
+ Chain("bbq", Seq(), 13)
+ ))
+ )
+ 'braces - check(
+ """
+ |@omg{
+ | @wtf
+ |}
+ |@bbq""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("omg",Seq(Block(
+ Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 6),
+ Chain("wtf",Seq(), 9),
+ Text("\n", 13)
+ ),
+ 6
+ )), 1),
+ Text("\n", 15),
+ Chain("bbq", Seq(), 16)
+ ))
+ )
+ 'dedentText - check(
+ """
+ |@omg("lol", 1, 2)
+ | @wtf
+ |bbq""".stripMargin,
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("omg",Seq(
+ Args("""("lol", 1, 2)""", 5),
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n ", 18),
+ Chain("wtf",Seq(), 21)
+ ), 18)
+ ), 1),
+ Text("\n", 25),
+ Text("bbq", 26)
+ ))
+ )
+// * - check(
// """
-// |@omg("lol", 1, 2)
-// | @wtf
+// |@omg("lol",
+// |1,
+// | 2
+// | )
+// | wtf
// |bbq""".stripMargin,
// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n"),
// Chain("omg",Seq(
-// Args("""("lol", 1, 2)""", 5),
+// Args("(\"lol\",\n1,\n 2\n )"),
// Block(Seq(
-// Text("\n ", 18),
-// Chain("wtf",Seq(), 21)
-// ), 18)
-// ), 1),
-// Text("\n", 25),
-// Text("bbq", 26)
-// ))
-// )
-//// * - check(
-//// """
-//// |@omg("lol",
-//// |1,
-//// | 2
-//// | )
-//// | wtf
-//// |bbq""".stripMargin,
-//// Block(Seq(
-//// Chain("omg",Seq(
-//// Args("(\"lol\",\n1,\n 2\n )"),
-//// Block(Seq(
-//// Text("\n "), Text("wtf")
-//// ))
-//// )),
-//// Text("\n"),
-//// Text("bbq")
-//// ))
-//// )
-// 'codeBlocks - check(
-// """
-// |@{"lol" * 3}
-// |@{
-// | val omg = "omg"
-// | omg * 2
-// |}""".stripMargin,
-// Block(Seq(
+// Text("\n "), Text("wtf")
+// ))
+// )),
// Text("\n"),
-// Chain("{\"lol\" * 3}", Seq(), 1),
-// Text("\n", 13),
-// Chain("""{
-// | val omg = "omg"
-// | omg * 2
-// |}""".stripMargin,
-// Seq(),
-// 14
-// )
+// Text("bbq")
// ))
// )
-// }
- 'Test{
- check(
- "@scala.math.abs((1, 2).swap._1)",
+ 'codeBlocks - check(
+ """
+ |@{"lol" * 3}
+ |@{
+ | val omg = "omg"
+ | omg * 2
+ |}""".stripMargin,,
- ""
+ Block(Seq(
+ Text("\n"),
+ Chain("{\"lol\" * 3}", Seq(), 1),
+ Text("\n", 13),
+ Chain("""{
+ | val omg = "omg"
+ | omg * 2
+ |}""".stripMargin,
+ Seq(),
+ 14
+ )
+ ))
+ 'Test{
+// check(
+// "@scala.math.abs((1, 2).swap._1.toString())",
+// ""
+// )
+ }