path: root/scalatex/api/src/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scalatex/api/src/main')
5 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/package.scala b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f13e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.{BatchSourceFile, SourceFile, OffsetPosition}
+import{PlainFile, AbstractFile}
+import scala.reflect.macros.{TypecheckException, Context}
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+import scalatex.stages.{Parser, Compiler}
+import scala.language.experimental.macros
+import acyclic.file
+package object scalatex {
+ /**
+ * Wraps the given string as a twist fragment.
+ */
+ def tw(expr: String): Frag = macro Internals.applyMacro
+ def twf(filename: String): Frag = macro Internals.applyMacroFile
+ object Internals {
+ def twRuntimeErrors(expr: String): Frag = macro applyMacroRuntimeErrors
+ def twDebug(expr: String): Frag = macro applyMacroDebug
+ def applyMacro(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Frag] = applyMacroFull(c)(expr, false, false)
+ def applyMacroDebug(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Frag] = applyMacroFull(c)(expr, false, true)
+ def applyMacroRuntimeErrors(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Frag] = applyMacroFull(c)(expr, true, false)
+ def applyMacroFile(c: Context)(filename: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Frag] = {
+ import c.universe._
+ val fileName = filename.tree
+ .asInstanceOf[Literal]
+ .value
+ .value
+ .asInstanceOf[String]
+ val txt = io.Source.fromFile(fileName).mkString
+ val sourceFile = new BatchSourceFile(
+ new PlainFile(fileName),
+ txt.toCharArray
+ )
+ compileThing(c)(txt, sourceFile, 0, false, false)
+ }
+ case class DebugFailure(msg: String, pos: String) extends Exception(msg)
+ private[this] def applyMacroFull(c: Context)
+ (expr: c.Expr[String],
+ runtimeErrors: Boolean,
+ debug: Boolean)
+ : c.Expr[Frag] = {
+ import c.universe._
+ val scalatexFragment = expr.tree
+ .asInstanceOf[Literal]
+ .value
+ .value
+ .asInstanceOf[String]
+ val stringStart =
+ expr.tree
+ .pos
+ .lineContent
+ .drop(expr.tree.pos.column)
+ .take(2)
+ compileThing(c)(
+ scalatexFragment,
+ expr.tree.pos.source,
+ expr.tree.pos.point + (if (stringStart == "\"\"") 1 else -1),
+ runtimeErrors,
+ debug
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def compileThing(c: Context)
+ (scalatexSource: String,
+ source: SourceFile,
+ point: Int,
+ runtimeErrors: Boolean,
+ debug: Boolean) = {
+ import c.universe._
+ def compile(s: String): c.Tree = {
+ val realPos = new OffsetPosition(source, point).asInstanceOf[c.universe.Position]
+ Compiler(c)(realPos, Parser.tupled(stages.Trim(s)))
+ }
+ import c.Position
+ try {
+ val compiled = compile(scalatexSource)
+ if (debug) println(compiled)
+ c.Expr[Frag](c.typeCheck(compiled))
+ } catch {
+ case e@TypecheckException(pos: Position, msg) =>
+ if (!runtimeErrors) c.abort(pos, msg)
+ else {
+ val posMsg = pos.lineContent + "\n" + (" " * pos.column) + "^"
+ c.Expr( q"""throw scalatex.Internals.DebugFailure($msg, $posMsg)""")
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Compiler.scala b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Compiler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df8da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Compiler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package scalatex
+package stages
+import acyclic.file
+import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position, OffsetPosition}
+ * Walks the parsed AST, converting it into a structured Scala c.Tree
+ */
+object Compiler{
+ def apply(c: Context)(fragPos: c.Position, template: Ast.Block): c.Tree = {
+ import c.universe._
+ def fragType = tq"scalatags.Text.all.Frag"
+ def incPosRec(trees: c.Tree, offset: Int): trees.type = {
+ trees.foreach(incPos(_, offset))
+ trees
+ }
+ def incPos(tree: c.Tree, offset: Int): tree.type = {
+ val current = if (tree.pos == NoPosition) 0 else tree.pos.point
+ c.internal.setPos(tree,
+ new OffsetPosition(
+ fragPos.source,
+ offset + current + fragPos.point
+ ).asInstanceOf[c.universe.Position]
+ )
+ tree
+ }
+ def compileChain(code: String, parts: Seq[Ast.Chain.Sub], offset: Int): c.Tree = {
+ val out = parts.foldLeft(incPosRec(c.parse(code), offset + 1)){
+ case (curr, Ast.Chain.Prop(str, offset2)) =>
+ incPos(q"$curr.${TermName(str)}", offset2 + 1)
+ case (curr, Ast.Chain.Args(str, offset2)) =>
+ val Apply(fun, args) = c.parse(s"omg$str")
+ incPos(Apply(curr,, offset2 - 2))), offset2)
+ case (curr, Ast.Chain.TypeArgs(str, offset2)) =>
+ val TypeApply(fun, args) = c.parse(s"omg$str")
+ incPos(TypeApply(curr,, offset2 - 2))), offset2)
+ case (curr, Ast.Block(parts, offset1)) =>
+ incPos(q"$curr(..${compileBlock(parts, offset1)})", offset1)
+ case (curr, Ast.Header(header, block, offset1)) =>
+ incPos(q"$curr(${compileHeader(header, block, offset1)})", offset1)
+ }
+ out
+ }
+ def compileBlock(parts: Seq[Ast.Block.Sub], offset: Int): Seq[c.Tree] = {
+ val res ={
+ case Ast.Block.Text(str, offset1) =>
+ incPos(q"$str", offset1)
+ case Ast.Chain(code, parts, offset1) =>
+ compileChain(code, parts, offset1)
+ case Ast.Header(header, block, offset1) =>
+ compileHeader(header, block, offset1)
+ case Ast.Block.IfElse(condString, Ast.Block(parts2, offset2), elseBlock, offset1) =>
+ val If(cond, _, _) = c.parse(condString + "{}")
+ val elseCompiled = elseBlock match{
+ case Some(Ast.Block(parts3, offset3)) => compileBlockWrapped(parts3, offset3)
+ case None => EmptyTree
+ }
+ val res = If(incPosRec(cond, offset1 + 2), compileBlockWrapped(parts2, offset2), elseCompiled)
+ incPos(res, offset1)
+ res
+ case Ast.Block.For(generators, Ast.Block(parts2, offset2), offset1) =>
+ val fresh = c.fresh()
+ val tree = incPosRec(c.parse(s"$generators yield $fresh"), offset1 + 2)
+ def rec(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
+ case a @ Apply(fun, List(f @ Function(vparams, body))) =>
+ val f2 = Function(vparams, rec(body))
+ val a2 = Apply(fun, List(f2))
+ a2
+ case Ident(x: TermName) if x.decoded == fresh =>
+ compileBlockWrapped(parts2, offset2)
+ }
+ rec(tree)
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ def compileBlockWrapped(parts: Seq[Ast.Block.Sub], offset: Int): c.Tree = {
+ incPos(q"Seq[$fragType](..${compileBlock(parts, offset)})", offset)
+ }
+ def compileHeader(header: String, block: Ast.Block, offset: Int): c.Tree = {
+ val Block(stmts, expr) = c.parse(s"{$header\n ()}")
+ Block(stmts, compileBlockWrapped(, block.offset))
+ }
+ val res = compileBlockWrapped(, template.offset)
+ res
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Omg/scala.scala b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Omg/scala.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fa1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Omg/scala.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package scalatex.stages.Omg
+ * Created by haoyi on 12/3/14.
+ */
+class scala {
diff --git a/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Parser.scala b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Parser.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b87d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Parser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package scalatex
+package stages
+import acyclic.file
+import org.parboiled2._
+import scalaParser.ScalaSyntax
+ * Parses the input text into a roughly-structured AST. This AST
+ * is much simpler than the real Scala AST, but serves us well
+ * enough until we stuff the code-strings into the real Scala
+ * parser later
+ */
+object Parser extends ((String, Int) => Ast.Block){
+ def apply(input: String, offset: Int = 0): Ast.Block = {
+ new Parser(input, offset)
+ }
+class Parser(input: ParserInput, indent: Int = 0, offset: Int = 0) extends scalaParser.ScalaSyntax(input) {
+ def offsetCursor = offset + cursor
+ val txt = input.sliceString(0, input.length)
+ val indentTable = txt.split('\n').map{ s =>
+ if (s.trim == "") -1
+ else s.takeWhile(_ == ' ').length
+ }
+ val nextIndentTable = (0 until indentTable.length).map { i =>
+ val index = indentTable.indexWhere(_ != -1, i + 1)
+ if (index == -1) 100000
+ else indentTable(index)
+ }
+ def cursorNextIndent() = {
+ nextIndentTable(txt.take(cursor).count(_ == '\n'))
+ }
+ def TextNot(chars: String) = rule {
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(oneOrMore(noneOf(chars + "\n") | "@@")) ~> {
+ (i, x) => Ast.Block.Text(x.replace("@@", "@"), i)
+ }
+ }
+ def Text = TextNot("@")
+ def Code = rule {
+ "@" ~ capture(Identifiers.Id | BlockExpr2 | ('(' ~ optional(Exprs) ~ ')'))
+ }
+ def Header = rule {
+ "@" ~ capture(Def | Import)
+ }
+ def HeaderBlock: Rule1[Ast.Header] = rule{
+ Header ~ zeroOrMore(capture(WL) ~ Header ~> (_ + _)) ~ runSubParser{new Parser(_, indent, cursor).Body0} ~> {
+ (start: String, heads: Seq[String], body: Ast.Block) => Ast.Header(start + heads.mkString, body)
+ }
+ }
+ def BlankLine = rule{ '\n' ~ zeroOrMore(' ') ~ &('\n') }
+ def IndentSpaces = rule{ indent.times(' ') ~ zeroOrMore(' ') }
+ def Indent = rule{ '\n' ~ IndentSpaces }
+ def LoneScalaChain: Rule2[Ast.Block.Text, Ast.Chain] = rule {
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(Indent) ~> ((i, x) => Ast.Block.Text(x, i))) ~
+ ScalaChain ~
+ IndentBlock ~> {
+ (chain: Ast.Chain, body: Ast.Block) => chain.copy(parts = :+ body)
+ }
+ }
+ def IndentBlock = rule{
+ &("\n") ~
+ test(cursorNextIndent() > indent) ~
+ runSubParser(new Parser(_, cursorNextIndent(), cursor).Body)
+ }
+ def IfHead = rule{ "@" ~ capture("if" ~ "(" ~ Expr ~ ")") }
+ def IfElse1 = rule{
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ IfHead ~ BraceBlock ~ optional("else" ~ (BraceBlock | IndentBlock))
+ }
+ def IfElse2 = rule{
+ Indent ~ push(offsetCursor) ~ IfHead ~ IndentBlock ~ optional(Indent ~ "@else" ~ (BraceBlock | IndentBlock))
+ }
+ def IfElse = rule{
+ (IfElse1 | IfElse2) ~> ((a, b, c, d) => Ast.Block.IfElse(b, c, d, a))
+ }
+ def ForHead = rule{
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ "@" ~ capture("for" ~ '(' ~ Enumerators ~ ')')
+ }
+ def ForLoop = rule{
+ ForHead ~
+ BraceBlock ~> ((a, b, c) => Ast.Block.For(b, c, a))
+ }
+ def LoneForLoop = rule{
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(Indent) ~> ((i, t) => Ast.Block.Text(t, i))) ~
+ ForHead ~
+ IndentBlock ~>
+ ((a, b, c) => Ast.Block.For(b, c, a))
+ }
+ def ScalaChain = rule {
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ Code ~ zeroOrMore(Extension) ~> { (a, b, c) => Ast.Chain(b, c, a)}
+ }
+ def Extension: Rule1[Ast.Chain.Sub] = rule {
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ '.' ~ capture(Identifiers.Id) ~> ((x, y) => Ast.Chain.Prop(y, x))) |
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(TypeArgs2) ~> ((x, y) => Ast.Chain.TypeArgs(y, x))) |
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(ArgumentExprs2) ~> ((x, y) => Ast.Chain.Args(y, x))) |
+ BraceBlock
+ }
+ def Ws = WL
+ // clones of the version in ScalaSyntax, but without tailing whitespace or newlines
+ def TypeArgs2 = rule { '[' ~ Ws ~ Types ~ ']' }
+ def ArgumentExprs2 = rule {
+ '(' ~ Ws ~
+ (optional(Exprs ~ ',' ~ Ws) ~ PostfixExpr ~ ':' ~ Ws ~ '_' ~ Ws ~ '*' ~ Ws | optional(Exprs) ) ~
+ ')'
+ }
+ def BlockExpr2: Rule0 = rule { '{' ~ Ws ~ (CaseClauses | Block) ~ Ws ~ '}' }
+ def BraceBlock: Rule1[Ast.Block] = rule{ '{' ~ BodyNoBrace ~ '}' }
+ def BodyItem(exclusions: String): Rule1[Seq[Ast.Block.Sub]] = rule{
+ ForLoop ~> (Seq(_)) |
+ LoneForLoop ~> (Seq(_, _)) |
+ IfElse ~> (Seq(_)) |
+ LoneScalaChain ~> (Seq(_, _)) |
+ HeaderBlock ~> (Seq(_)) |
+ TextNot("@" + exclusions) ~> (Seq(_)) |
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(Indent) ~> ((i, x) => Seq(Ast.Block.Text(x, i)))) |
+ (push(offsetCursor) ~ capture(BlankLine) ~> ((i, x) => Seq(Ast.Block.Text(x, i)))) |
+ ScalaChain ~> (Seq(_: Ast.Block.Sub))
+ }
+ def Body = rule{ BodyEx() }
+ def BodyNoBrace = rule{ BodyEx("}") }
+ def BodyEx(exclusions: String = "") = rule{
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ oneOrMore(BodyItem(exclusions)) ~> {(i, x) =>
+ Ast.Block(x.flatten, i)
+ }
+ }
+ def Body0 = rule{
+ push(offsetCursor) ~ zeroOrMore(BodyItem("")) ~> {(i, x) =>
+ Ast.Block(x.flatten, i)
+ }
+ }
+trait Ast{
+ def offset: Int
+object Ast{
+ /**
+ * @param parts The various bits of text and other things which make up this block
+ * @param offset
+ */
+ case class Block(parts: Seq[Block.Sub],
+ offset: Int = 0)
+ extends Chain.Sub with Block.Sub
+ object Block{
+ trait Sub extends Ast
+ case class Text(txt: String, offset: Int = 0) extends Block.Sub
+ case class For(generators: String, block: Block, offset: Int = 0) extends Block.Sub
+ case class IfElse(condition: String, block: Block, elseBlock: Option[Block], offset: Int = 0) extends Block.Sub
+ }
+ case class Header(front: String, block: Block, offset: Int = 0) extends Block.Sub with Chain.Sub
+ /**
+ * @param lhs The first expression in this method-chain
+ * @param parts A list of follow-on items chained to the first
+ * @param offset
+ */
+ case class Chain(lhs: String, parts: Seq[Chain.Sub], offset: Int = 0) extends Block.Sub
+ object Chain{
+ trait Sub extends Ast
+ case class Prop(str: String, offset: Int = 0) extends Sub
+ case class TypeArgs(str: String, offset: Int = 0) extends Sub
+ case class Args(str: String, offset: Int = 0) extends Sub
+ }
diff --git a/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Trim.scala b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Trim.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8993734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalatex/api/src/main/scala/scalatex/stages/Trim.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package scalatex.stages
+import acyclic.file
+ * Preprocesses the input string to normalize things related to whitespace
+ *
+ * Find the "first" non-whitespace-line of the text and remove the front
+ * of every line to align that first line with the left margin.
+ *
+ * Remove all trailing whitespace from each line.
+ */
+object Trim extends (String => (String, Int)){
+ def apply(str: String) = {
+ val lines = str.split("\n", -1)
+ val offset = lines.iterator
+ .filter(_.length > 0)
+ .next()
+ .takeWhile(_ == ' ')
+ .length
+ val res = lines.iterator
+ .map(_.replaceFirst("\\s+$", ""))
+ .mkString("\n")
+ (res, offset)
+ }
+ def old(str: String) = {
+ val (res, offset) = this.apply(str)
+ res.split("\n", -1).map(_.drop(offset)).mkString("\n")
+ }