path: root/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
blob: c2b280fa08bcd185791c7c18bc17cdd280d86008 (plain) (tree)







































package magnolia

import scala.reflect._, macros._
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import language.existentials
import language.higherKinds
import language.experimental.macros

trait Subclass[Tc[_], T] {
  type S <: T
  def typeclass: Tc[S]
  def label: String
  def cast: PartialFunction[T, S]

trait Param[Tc[_], T] {
  type S
  def typeclass: Tc[S]
  def label: String
  def dereference(param: T): S

trait JoinContext[Tc[_], T] {
  def construct[R](param: ((Param[Tc, T]) => Any)): T
  def typeName: String
  def parameters: List[Param[Tc, T]]
  def isObject: Boolean

object Magnolia {
  import CompileTimeState._

  def generic[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = {
    import c.universe._
    import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

    val typeConstructor: c.Type =


    def findType(key: Type): Option[TermName] =
      recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition).frames.find(_.genericType == key).map(_.termName(c))

    def recurse[T](path: TypePath, key: Type, value: TermName)(fn: => T):
        Option[T] = {
      recursionStack = recursionStack.updated(
        recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).map(_.push(path, key, value)).getOrElse(
            Stack(List(Frame(path, key, value)), Nil))

      try Some(fn) catch { case e: Exception => None } finally {
        val currentStack = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition)
        recursionStack = recursionStack.updated(c.enclosingPosition,

    val removeDeferred: Transformer = new Transformer {
      override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
        case q"_root_.magnolia.Deferred.apply[$returnType](${Literal(Constant(method: String))})" =>
        case _ =>

    def implicitTree(paramName: Option[String],
                     genericType: Type,
                     typeConstructor: Type,
                     assignedName: TermName): Tree = {
      val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)
      findType(genericType).map { methodName =>
        val methodAsString = methodName.encodedName.toString
      }.orElse {
        scala.util.Try {
          val genericTypeName: String = genericType.typeSymbol.name.encodedName.toString.toLowerCase
          val assignedName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass"))
          recurse(ChainedImplicit(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) {
            val inferredImplicit = c.inferImplicitValue(searchType, false, false)
              def $assignedName: $searchType = $inferredImplicit
        }.toOption.orElse(directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor))
      }.getOrElse {
        val currentStack: Stack = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition)

        val error = ImplicitNotFound(genericType.toString,

        val updatedStack = currentStack.copy(errors = error :: currentStack.errors)
        recursionStack = recursionStack.updated(c.enclosingPosition, updatedStack)
        val stack = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition).frames.map(_.path).mkString("    in ", "\n    in ", "\n")
        c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"magnolia: could not find typeclass for type $genericType\n$stack")

    def directInferImplicit(genericType: c.Type,
           typeConstructor: Type): Option[c.Tree] = {

      val genericTypeName: String = genericType.typeSymbol.name.encodedName.toString.toLowerCase
      val assignedName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass"))
      val typeSymbol = genericType.typeSymbol
      val classType = if(typeSymbol.isClass) Some(typeSymbol.asClass) else None
      val isCaseClass = classType.map(_.isCaseClass).getOrElse(false)
      val isCaseObject = classType.map(_.isModuleClass).getOrElse(false)
      val isSealedTrait = classType.map(_.isSealed).getOrElse(false)
      val isValueClass = genericType <:< typeOf[AnyVal]

      val resultType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)

      // FIXME: Handle AnyVals
      if(isCaseObject) {
        val termSym = genericType.typeSymbol.companionSymbol
        val obj = termSym.asTerm
        val className = obj.name.toString
        val impl = q"""
          ${c.prefix}.join(new _root_.magnolia.JoinContext[$typeConstructor, $genericType] {
            def construct[R](fn: ((Param[${typeConstructor}, $genericType]) => Any)): $genericType = $obj
            def typeName: _root_.java.lang.String = $className
            def parameters: _root_.scala.List[Param[$typeConstructor, $genericType]] = _root_.scala.List()
            def isObject = true
          def $assignedName: $resultType = $impl
      } else if(isCaseClass) {
        val caseClassParameters = genericType.decls.collect {
          case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.asMethod
        val className = genericType.toString

        val implicits: List[(c.universe.MethodSymbol, c.Tree)] = caseClassParameters.map { param =>
          val paramName = param.name.encodedName.toString

          val derivedImplicit = recurse(ProductType(paramName, genericType.toString), genericType,
              assignedName) {

            implicitTree(Some(paramName), param.returnType, typeConstructor, assignedName)

          }.getOrElse {
            c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $genericType")

          (param, derivedImplicit)

        Some {
          val callables = implicits.map { case (param, imp) =>
            val label = param.name.toString
            q"""new _root_.magnolia.Param[$typeConstructor, ${genericType}] {
              type S = ${param.returnType}
              def typeclass: ${appliedType(typeConstructor, param.returnType)} = $imp
              def label: _root_.java.lang.String = $label
              def dereference(param: ${genericType}): ${param.returnType} = param.${TermName(label)}

          val constructor = q"""new $genericType(..${callables.zip(implicits).map { case (call, imp) =>
          } })"""

          val impl = q"""
            ${c.prefix}.join(new _root_.magnolia.JoinContext[$typeConstructor, $genericType] {
              def construct[R](fn: ((Param[${typeConstructor}, $genericType]) => Any)): $genericType = $constructor
              def typeName: _root_.java.lang.String = $className
              def parameters: _root_.scala.List[Param[$typeConstructor, $genericType]] =
              def isObject = false
            def $assignedName: $resultType = $impl
      } else if(isSealedTrait) {
        val subtypes = classType.get.knownDirectSubclasses.to[List]

        if(subtypes.isEmpty) {
              s"magnolia: could not find any direct subtypes of $typeSymbol", true)
          c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "")
        Some {

          val subclasses = subtypes.map(_.asType.toType).map { searchType =>
            recurse(CoproductType(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) {
              (searchType, implicitTree(None, searchType, typeConstructor, assignedName))
            }.getOrElse {
              c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $searchType")
          }.map { case (typ, typeclass) =>
            val caseClause = cq"(t: $typ) => t"
            val pf = q"""new _root_.scala.PartialFunction[$genericType, $typ] {
              def isDefinedAt(t: $genericType): Boolean = t.isInstanceOf[$typ]
              def apply(t: $genericType): $typ = t.asInstanceOf[$typ]

            q"""new _root_.magnolia.Subclass[$typeConstructor, $genericType] {
              type S = $typ
              def label: _root_.java.lang.String = ${typ.typeSymbol.name.toString}
              def typeclass: ${appliedType(typeConstructor, typ)} = $typeclass
              def cast: _root_.scala.PartialFunction[$genericType, $typ] = $pf
          val impl = q"""{
            ${c.prefix}.split(_root_.scala.collection.immutable.List[_root_.magnolia.Subclass[$typeConstructor, $genericType]](..$subclasses))
            def $assignedName: $resultType = $impl
      } else None

    val genericType: Type = weakTypeOf[T]
    val currentStack: Stack =
      recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).getOrElse(Stack(List(), List()))
    val directlyReentrant = Some(genericType) == currentStack.frames.headOption.map(_.genericType)
    if(directlyReentrant) throw DirectlyReentrantException()
    currentStack.errors.foreach { error =>
      if(!emittedErrors.contains(error)) {
        emittedErrors += error
        val trace = error.path.mkString("\n    in ", "\n    in ", "\n \n")
        val msg = s"magnolia: could not derive ${typeConstructor} instance for type "+
        c.info(c.enclosingPosition, msg+trace, true)

    val result: Option[Tree] = if(!currentStack.frames.isEmpty) {
      findType(genericType) match {
        case None =>
          directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor)
        case Some(enclosingRef) =>
          val methodAsString = enclosingRef.toString
          val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)
    } else directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor)
    if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) recursionStack = ListMap()

    result.map { tree =>
      val out = if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) c.untypecheck(removeDeferred.transform(tree))
          else tree
    }.getOrElse {
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"magnolia: could not infer typeclass for type $genericType")

private[magnolia] case class DirectlyReentrantException() extends
    Exception("attempt to recurse directly")

private[magnolia] object Deferred { def apply[T](method: String): T = ??? }

private[magnolia] object CompileTimeState {

  sealed class TypePath(path: String) { override def toString = path }
  case class CoproductType(typeName: String) extends
      TypePath(s"coproduct type $typeName")
  case class ProductType(paramName: String, typeName: String) extends
      TypePath(s"parameter '$paramName' of product type $typeName")
  case class ChainedImplicit(typeName: String) extends
      TypePath(s"chained implicit of type $typeName")

  case class ImplicitNotFound(genericType: String, path: List[TypePath])

  case class Stack(frames: List[Frame], errors: List[ImplicitNotFound]) {
    def push(path: TypePath, key: whitebox.Context#Type,
        value: whitebox.Context#TermName): Stack =
      Stack(Frame(path, key, value) :: frames, errors)
    def pop(): Stack = Stack(frames.tail, errors)

  case class Frame(path: TypePath, genericType: whitebox.Context#Type,
      term: whitebox.Context#TermName) {
    def termName(c: whitebox.Context): c.TermName = term.asInstanceOf[c.TermName]

  var recursionStack: ListMap[api.Position, Stack] = ListMap()
  var emittedErrors: Set[ImplicitNotFound] = Set()