path: root/core/shared/src
diff options
authorJon Pretty <jon.pretty@propensive.com>2018-01-27 18:00:29 +0000
committerJon Pretty <jon.pretty@propensive.com>2018-01-27 18:00:29 +0000
commit097f5aeebdcc350f91e37a05ca36ae9c6f27f04e (patch)
treeec4dd86f4e74f098baabe593763acb40774f58b5 /core/shared/src
parent4fe64bd5ba7bdc1ea0e29923b27463c62a3c4052 (diff)
Cleaned up
Diffstat (limited to 'core/shared/src')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 775 deletions
diff --git a/core/shared/src/main/scala/globalutil.scala b/core/shared/src/main/scala/globalutil.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c11f79..0000000
--- a/core/shared/src/main/scala/globalutil.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package magnolia
-import scala.reflect.macros.{runtime, whitebox}
-import scala.tools.nsc.Global
-/** Workarounds that needs to use `nsc.Global`. */
-private[magnolia] object GlobalUtil {
- // From Shapeless: https://github.com/milessabin/shapeless/blob/master/core/src/main/scala/shapeless/generic.scala#L698
- // Cut-n-pasted (with most original comments) and slightly adapted from
- // https://github.com/scalamacros/paradise/blob/c14c634923313dd03f4f483be3d7782a9b56de0e/plugin/src/main/scala/org/scalamacros/paradise/typechecker/Namers.scala#L568-L613
- def patchedCompanionRef(c: whitebox.Context)(tpe: c.Type): c.Tree = {
- // see https://github.com/scalamacros/paradise/issues/7
- // also see https://github.com/scalamacros/paradise/issues/64
- val global = c.universe.asInstanceOf[Global]
- val typer = c.asInstanceOf[runtime.Context].callsiteTyper.asInstanceOf[global.analyzer.Typer]
- val ctx = typer.context
- val globalType = tpe.asInstanceOf[global.Type]
- val original = globalType.typeSymbol
- val owner = original.owner
- val companion = original.companion.orElse {
- import global.{abort => aabort, _}
- implicit class PatchedContext(ctx: global.analyzer.Context) {
- trait PatchedLookupResult { def suchThat(criterion: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol }
- def patchedLookup(name: Name, expectedOwner: Symbol) = new PatchedLookupResult {
- override def suchThat(criterion: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = {
- var res: Symbol = NoSymbol
- var ctx = PatchedContext.this.ctx
- while (res == NoSymbol && ctx.outer != ctx) {
- // NOTE: original implementation says `val s = ctx.scope lookup name`
- // but we can't use it, because Scope.lookup returns wrong results when the lookup is ambiguous
- // and that triggers https://github.com/scalamacros/paradise/issues/64
- val s = {
- val lookupResult = ctx.scope.lookupAll(name).filter(criterion).toList
- lookupResult match {
- case Nil => NoSymbol
- case List(unique) => unique
- case _ =>
- aabort(
- s"unexpected multiple results for a companion symbol lookup for $original#{$original.id}"
- )
- }
- }
- if (s != NoSymbol && s.owner == expectedOwner)
- res = s
- else
- ctx = ctx.outer
- }
- res
- }
- }
- }
- ctx.patchedLookup(original.name.companionName, owner) suchThat { sym =>
- (original.isTerm || sym.hasModuleFlag) && (sym isCoDefinedWith original)
- }
- }
- global.gen.mkAttributedRef(globalType.prefix, companion).asInstanceOf[c.Tree]
- }
diff --git a/core/shared/src/main/scala/interface.scala b/core/shared/src/main/scala/interface.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 846eee9..0000000
--- a/core/shared/src/main/scala/interface.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-package magnolia
-import language.higherKinds
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-/** represents a subtype of a sealed trait
- *
- * @tparam Typeclass type constructor for the typeclass being derived
- * @tparam Type generic type of this parameter */
-trait Subtype[Typeclass[_], Type] {
- /** the type of subtype */
- type SType <: Type
- /** the [[TypeName]] of the subtype
- *
- * This is the full name information for the type of subclass. */
- def typeName: TypeName
- /** the typeclass instance associated with this subtype
- *
- * This is the instance of the type `Typeclass[SType]` which will have been discovered by
- * implicit search, or derived by Magnolia. */
- def typeclass: Typeclass[SType]
- /** partial function defined the subset of values of `Type` which have the type of this subtype */
- def cast: PartialFunction[Type, SType]
-/** represents a parameter of a case class
- *
- * @tparam Typeclass type constructor for the typeclass being derived
- * @tparam Type generic type of this parameter */
-trait Param[Typeclass[_], Type] {
- /** the type of the parameter being represented
- *
- * For example, for a case class,
- * <pre>
- * case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
- * </pre>
- * the [[Param]] instance corresponding to the `age` parameter would have a [[PType]] equal to
- * the type [[scala.Int]]. However, in practice, this type will never be universally quantified.
- */
- type PType
- /** the name of the parameter */
- def label: String
- /** flag indicating a repeated (aka. vararg) parameter
- *
- * For example, for a case class,
- * <pre>
- * case class Account(id: String, emails: String*)
- * </pre>
- * the [[Param]] instance corresponding to the `emails` parameter would be `repeated` and have a
- * [[PType]] equal to the type `Seq[String]`. Note that only the last parameter of a case class
- * can be repeated. */
- def repeated: Boolean
- /** the typeclass instance associated with this parameter
- *
- * This is the instance of the type `Typeclass[PType]` which will have been discovered by
- * implicit search, or derived by Magnolia.
- *
- * Its type is existentially quantified on this [[Param]] instance, and depending on the
- * nature of the particular typeclass, it may either accept or produce types which are also
- * existentially quantified on this same [[Param]] instance. */
- def typeclass: Typeclass[PType]
- /** provides the default value for this parameter, as defined in the case class constructor */
- def default: Option[PType]
- /** dereferences a value of the case class type, `Type`, to access the value of the parameter
- * being represented
- *
- * When programming generically, against an unknown case class, with unknown parameter names
- * and types, it is not possible to directly access the parameter values without reflection,
- * which is undesirable. This method, whose implementation is provided by the Magnolia macro,
- * will dereference a case class instance to access the parameter corresponding to this
- * [[Param]].
- *
- * Whilst the type of the resultant parameter value cannot be universally known at the use, its
- * type will be existentially quantified on this [[Param]] instance, and the return type of the
- * corresponding `typeclass` method will be existentially quantified on the same value. This is
- * sufficient for the compiler to determine that the two values are compatible, and the value may
- * be applied to the typeclass (in whatever way that particular typeclass provides).
- *
- * @param param the instance of the case class to be dereferenced
- * @return the parameter value */
- def dereference(param: Type): PType
-/** represents a case class or case object and the context required to construct a new typeclass
- * instance corresponding to it
- *
- * Instances of [[CaseClass]] provide access to all of the parameters of the case class, the full
- * name of the case class type, and a boolean to determine whether the type is a case class or case
- * object.
- *
- * @param typeName the name of the case class
- * @param isObject true only if this represents a case object rather than a case class
- * @param parametersArray an array of [[Param]] values for this case class
- * @tparam Typeclass type constructor for the typeclass being derived
- * @tparam Type generic type of this parameter */
-abstract class CaseClass[Typeclass[_], Type] private[magnolia] (
- val typeName: TypeName,
- val isObject: Boolean,
- val isValueClass: Boolean,
- parametersArray: Array[Param[Typeclass, Type]]
-) {
- /** constructs a new instance of the case class type
- *
- * This method will be implemented by the Magnolia macro to make it possible to construct
- * instances of case classes generically in user code, that is, without knowing their type
- * concretely.
- *
- * To construct a new case class instance, the method takes a lambda which defines how each
- * parameter in the new case class should be constructed. See the [[Param]] class for more
- * information on constructing parameter values from a [[Param]] instance.
- *
- * @param makeParam lambda for converting a generic [[Param]] into the value to be used for
- * this parameter in the construction of a new instance of the case class
- * @return a new instance of the case class */
- final def construct[Return](makeParam: Param[Typeclass, Type] => Return): Type =
- rawConstruct(parameters map makeParam)
- /** constructs a new instance of the case class type
- *
- * Like [[construct]] this method is implemented by Magnolia and let's you construct case class
- * instances generically in user code, without knowing their type concretely.
- *
- * `rawConstruct`, however, is more low-level in that it expects you to provide a [[Seq]]
- * containing all the field values for the case class type, in order and with the correct types.
- *
- * @param fieldValues contains the field values for the case class instance to be constructed,
- * in order and with the correct types.
- * @return a new instance of the case class
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of `paramValues` differs from the size of [[parameters]] */
- def rawConstruct(fieldValues: Seq[Any]): Type
- /** a sequence of [[Param]] objects representing all of the parameters in the case class
- *
- * For efficiency, this sequence is implemented by an `Array`, but upcast to a
- * [[scala.collection.Seq]] to hide the mutable collection API. */
- final def parameters: Seq[Param[Typeclass, Type]] = parametersArray
-/** represents a sealed trait and the context required to construct a new typeclass instance
- * corresponding to it
- *
- * Instances of `SealedTrait` provide access to all of the component subtypes of the sealed trait
- * which form a coproduct, and to the fully-qualified name of the sealed trait.
- *
- * @param typeName the name of the sealed trait
- * @param subtypesArray an array of [[Subtype]] instances for each subtype in the sealed trait
- * @tparam Typeclass type constructor for the typeclass being derived
- * @tparam Type generic type of this parameter */
-final class SealedTrait[Typeclass[_], Type](val typeName: TypeName,
- subtypesArray: Array[Subtype[Typeclass, Type]]) {
- /** a sequence of all the subtypes of this sealed trait */
- def subtypes: Seq[Subtype[Typeclass, Type]] = subtypesArray
- /** convenience method for delegating typeclass application to the typeclass corresponding to the
- * subtype of the sealed trait which matches the type of the `value`
- *
- * @tparam Return the return type of the lambda, which should be inferred
- * @param value the instance of the generic type whose value should be used to match on a
- * particular subtype of the sealed trait
- * @param handle lambda for applying the value to the typeclass for the particular subtype which
- * matches
- * @return the result of applying the `handle` lambda to subtype of the sealed trait which
- * matches the parameter `value` */
- def dispatch[Return](value: Type)(handle: Subtype[Typeclass, Type] => Return): Return = {
- @tailrec def rec(ix: Int): Return =
- if (ix < subtypesArray.length) {
- val sub = subtypesArray(ix)
- if (sub.cast.isDefinedAt(value)) handle(sub) else rec(ix + 1)
- } else
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- s"The given value `$value` is not a sub type of `$typeName`"
- )
- rec(0)
- }
- * Provides the different parts of a type's class name.
- */
-final case class TypeName(owner: String, short: String) {
- def full: String = s"$owner.$short"
- * This annotation can be attached to the implicit `gen` method of a type class companion,
- * which is implemented by the `Magnolia.gen` macro.
- * It causes magnolia to dump the macro-generated code to the console during compilation.
- *
- * @param typeNamePart If non-empty restricts the output generation to types
- * whose full name contains the given [[String]]
- */
-final class debug(typeNamePart: String = "") extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
diff --git a/core/shared/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala b/core/shared/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5318aa2..0000000
--- a/core/shared/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-package magnolia
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.language.existentials
-import scala.language.higherKinds
-import scala.reflect.macros._
-/** the object which defines the Magnolia macro */
-object Magnolia {
- import CompileTimeState._
- /** derives a generic typeclass instance for the type `T`
- *
- * This is a macro definition method which should be bound to a method defined inside a Magnolia
- * generic derivation object, that is, one which defines the methods `combine`, `dispatch` and
- * the type constructor, `Typeclass[_]`. This will typically look like,
- * <pre>
- * object Derivation {
- * // other definitions
- * implicit def gen[T]: Typeclass[T] = Magnolia.gen[T]
- * }
- * </pre>
- * which would support automatic derivation of typeclass instances by calling
- * `Derivation.gen[T]` or with `implicitly[Typeclass[T]]`, if the implicit method is imported
- * into the current scope.
- *
- * The definition expects a type constructor called `Typeclass`, taking one *-kinded type
- * parameter to be defined on the same object as a means of determining how the typeclass should
- * be genericized. While this may be obvious for typeclasses like `Show[T]` which take only a
- * single type parameter, Magnolia can also derive typeclass instances for types such as
- * `Decoder[Format, Type]` which would typically fix the `Format` parameter while varying the
- * `Type` parameter.
- *
- * While there is no "interface" for a derivation, in the object-oriented sense, the Magnolia
- * macro expects to be able to call certain methods on the object within which it is bound to a
- * method.
- *
- * Specifically, for deriving case classes (product types), the macro will attempt to call the
- * `combine` method with an instance of [[CaseClass]], like so,
- * <pre>
- * &lt;derivation&gt;.combine(&lt;caseClass&gt;): Typeclass[T]
- * </pre>
- * That is to say, the macro expects there to exist a method called `combine` on the derivation
- * object, which may be called with the code above, and for it to return a type which conforms
- * to the type `Typeclass[T]`. The implementation of `combine` will therefore typically look
- * like this,
- * <pre>
- * def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ...
- * </pre>
- * however, there is the flexibility to provide additional type parameters or additional
- * implicit parameters to the definition, provided these do not affect its ability to be invoked
- * as described above.
- *
- * Likewise, for deriving sealed traits (coproduct or sum types), the macro will attempt to call
- * the `dispatch` method with an instance of [[SealedTrait]], like so,
- * <pre>
- * &lt;derivation&gt;.dispatch(&lt;sealedTrait&gt;): Typeclass[T]
- * </pre>
- * so a definition such as,
- * <pre>
- * def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ...
- * </pre>
- * will suffice, however the qualifications regarding additional type parameters and implicit
- * parameters apply equally to `dispatch` as to `combine`.
- * */
- def gen[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = Stack.withContext(c) { stack =>
- import c.universe._
- import internal._
- val debug = c.macroApplication.symbol.annotations
- .find(_.tree.tpe <:< typeOf[debug])
- .flatMap(_.tree.children.tail.collectFirst { case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s })
- val magnoliaPkg = c.mirror.staticPackage("magnolia")
- val scalaPkg = c.mirror.staticPackage("scala")
- val repeatedParamClass = definitions.RepeatedParamClass
- val scalaSeqType = typeOf[Seq[_]].typeConstructor
- val prefixType = c.prefix.tree.tpe
- val prefixObject = prefixType.typeSymbol
- val prefixName = prefixObject.name.decodedName
- val typeDefs = prefixType.baseClasses.flatMap { cls =>
- cls.asType.toType.decls.filter(_.isType).find(_.name.toString == "Typeclass").map { tpe =>
- tpe.asType.toType.asSeenFrom(prefixType, cls)
- }
- }
- val typeConstructor = typeDefs.headOption.fold {
- c.abort(
- c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: the derivation $prefixObject does not define the Typeclass type constructor"
- )
- }(_.typeConstructor)
- def checkMethod(termName: String, category: String, expected: String): Unit = {
- val term = TermName(termName)
- val combineClass = c.prefix.tree.tpe.baseClasses
- .find { cls =>
- cls.asType.toType.decl(term) != NoSymbol
- }
- .getOrElse {
- c.abort(
- c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: the method `$termName` must be defined on the derivation $prefixObject to derive typeclasses for $category"
- )
- }
- val firstParamBlock = combineClass.asType.toType.decl(term).asTerm.asMethod.paramLists.head
- if (firstParamBlock.lengthCompare(1) != 0)
- c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: the method `combine` should take a single parameter of type $expected")
- }
- // FIXME: Only run these methods if they're used, particularly `dispatch`
- checkMethod("combine", "case classes", "CaseClass[Typeclass, _]")
- checkMethod("dispatch", "sealed traits", "SealedTrait[Typeclass, _]")
- val removeDeferred = new Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case q"$magnolia.Deferred.apply[$_](${Literal(Constant(method: String))})"
- if magnolia.symbol == magnoliaPkg =>
- q"${TermName(method)}"
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- def typeclassTree(genericType: Type, typeConstructor: Type): Tree = {
- val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)
- val deferredRef = for (methodName <- stack find searchType) yield {
- val methodAsString = methodName.decodedName.toString
- q"$magnoliaPkg.Deferred.apply[$searchType]($methodAsString)"
- }
- deferredRef.getOrElse {
- val path = ChainedImplicit(s"$prefixName.Typeclass", genericType.toString)
- val frame = stack.Frame(path, searchType, termNames.EMPTY)
- stack.recurse(frame, searchType) {
- Option(c.inferImplicitValue(searchType))
- .filterNot(_.isEmpty)
- .orElse(directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor))
- .getOrElse {
- val missingType = stack.top.fold(searchType)(_.searchType.asInstanceOf[Type])
- val typeClassName = s"${missingType.typeSymbol.name.decodedName}.Typeclass"
- val genericType = missingType.typeArgs.head
- val trace = stack.trace.mkString(" in ", "\n in ", "\n")
- c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: could not find $typeClassName for type $genericType\n$trace")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def directInferImplicit(genericType: Type, typeConstructor: Type): Option[Tree] = {
- val genericTypeName = genericType.typeSymbol.name.decodedName.toString.toLowerCase
- val assignedName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass"))
- val typeSymbol = genericType.typeSymbol
- val classType = if (typeSymbol.isClass) Some(typeSymbol.asClass) else None
- val isCaseClass = classType.exists(_.isCaseClass)
- val isCaseObject = classType.exists(_.isModuleClass)
- val isSealedTrait = classType.exists(_.isSealed)
- val primitives = Set(typeOf[Double],
- typeOf[Float],
- typeOf[Short],
- typeOf[Byte],
- typeOf[Int],
- typeOf[Long],
- typeOf[Char],
- typeOf[Boolean],
- typeOf[Unit])
- val isValueClass = genericType <:< typeOf[AnyVal] && !primitives.exists(_ =:= genericType)
- val resultType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)
- val typeName = TermName(c.freshName("typeName"))
- val typeNameDef = {
- val ts = genericType.typeSymbol
- q"val $typeName = $magnoliaPkg.TypeName(${ts.owner.fullName}, ${ts.name.decodedName.toString})"
- }
- val result = if (isCaseObject) {
- val impl = q"""
- $typeNameDef
- ${c.prefix}.combine($magnoliaPkg.Magnolia.caseClass[$typeConstructor, $genericType](
- $typeName, true, false, new $scalaPkg.Array(0), _ => ${genericType.typeSymbol.asClass.module})
- )
- """
- Some(impl)
- } else if (isCaseClass || isValueClass) {
- val caseClassParameters = genericType.decls.collect {
- case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor || (isValueClass && m.isParamAccessor) =>
- m.asMethod
- }
- case class CaseParam(sym: MethodSymbol,
- repeated: Boolean,
- typeclass: Tree,
- paramType: Type,
- ref: TermName)
- val caseParamsReversed = caseClassParameters.foldLeft[List[CaseParam]](Nil) {
- (acc, param) =>
- val paramName = param.name.decodedName.toString
- val paramTypeSubstituted = param.typeSignatureIn(genericType).resultType
- val (repeated, paramType) = paramTypeSubstituted match {
- case TypeRef(_, `repeatedParamClass`, typeArgs) =>
- true -> appliedType(scalaSeqType, typeArgs)
- case tpe =>
- false -> tpe
- }
- acc
- .find(_.paramType =:= paramType)
- .fold {
- val path = ProductType(paramName, genericType.toString)
- val frame = stack.Frame(path, resultType, assignedName)
- val derivedImplicit =
- stack.recurse(frame, appliedType(typeConstructor, paramType)) {
- typeclassTree(paramType, typeConstructor)
- }
- val ref = TermName(c.freshName("paramTypeclass"))
- val assigned = q"""lazy val $ref = $derivedImplicit"""
- CaseParam(param, repeated, assigned, paramType, ref) :: acc
- } { backRef =>
- CaseParam(param, repeated, q"()", paramType, backRef.ref) :: acc
- }
- }
- val caseParams = caseParamsReversed.reverse
- val paramsVal: TermName = TermName(c.freshName("parameters"))
- val fieldValues: TermName = TermName(c.freshName("fieldValues"))
- val preAssignments = caseParams.map(_.typeclass)
- val defaults = if (!isValueClass) {
- val companionRef = GlobalUtil.patchedCompanionRef(c)(genericType.dealias)
- val companionSym = companionRef.symbol.asModule.info
- // If a companion object is defined with alternative apply methods
- // it is needed get all the alternatives
- val constructorMethods =
- companionSym.decl(TermName("apply")).alternatives.map(_.asMethod)
- // The last apply method in the alternatives is the one that belongs
- // to the case class, not the user defined companion object
- val indexedConstructorParams =
- constructorMethods.last.paramLists.head.map(_.asTerm).zipWithIndex
- indexedConstructorParams.map {
- case (p, idx) =>
- if (p.isParamWithDefault) {
- val method = TermName("apply$default$" + (idx + 1))
- q"$scalaPkg.Some($companionRef.$method)"
- } else q"$scalaPkg.None"
- }
- } else List(q"$scalaPkg.None")
- val assignments = caseParams.zip(defaults).zipWithIndex.map {
- case ((CaseParam(param, repeated, typeclass, paramType, ref), defaultVal), idx) =>
- q"""$paramsVal($idx) = $magnoliaPkg.Magnolia.param[$typeConstructor, $genericType,
- $paramType](
- ${param.name.decodedName.toString}, $repeated, $ref, $defaultVal, _.${param.name}
- )"""
- }
- Some(q"""{
- ..$preAssignments
- val $paramsVal: $scalaPkg.Array[$magnoliaPkg.Param[$typeConstructor, $genericType]] =
- new $scalaPkg.Array(${assignments.length})
- ..$assignments
- $typeNameDef
- ${c.prefix}.combine($magnoliaPkg.Magnolia.caseClass[$typeConstructor, $genericType](
- $typeName,
- false,
- $isValueClass,
- $paramsVal,
- ($fieldValues: $scalaPkg.Seq[Any]) => {
- if ($fieldValues.lengthCompare($paramsVal.length) != 0) {
- val msg = "`" + $typeName.full + "` has " + $paramsVal.length + " fields, not " + $fieldValues.size
- throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(msg)
- }
- new $genericType(..${caseParams.zipWithIndex.map {
- case (typeclass, idx) =>
- val arg = q"$fieldValues($idx).asInstanceOf[${typeclass.paramType}]"
- if (typeclass.repeated) q"$arg: _*" else arg
- }})}))
- }""")
- } else if (isSealedTrait) {
- val genericSubtypes = classType.get.knownDirectSubclasses.to[List]
- val subtypes = genericSubtypes.map { sub =>
- val subType = sub.asType.toType // FIXME: Broken for path dependent types
- val typeParams = sub.asType.typeParams
- val typeArgs = thisType(sub).baseType(genericType.typeSymbol).typeArgs
- val mapping = (typeArgs.map(_.typeSymbol), genericType.typeArgs).zipped.toMap
- val newTypeArgs = typeParams.map(mapping.withDefault(_.asType.toType))
- val applied = appliedType(subType.typeConstructor, newTypeArgs)
- existentialAbstraction(typeParams, applied)
- }
- if (subtypes.isEmpty) {
- c.info(c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: could not find any direct subtypes of $typeSymbol",
- force = true)
- c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "")
- }
- val subtypesVal: TermName = TermName(c.freshName("subtypes"))
- val typeclasses = for (subType <- subtypes) yield {
- val path = CoproductType(genericType.toString)
- val frame = stack.Frame(path, resultType, assignedName)
- subType -> stack.recurse(frame, appliedType(typeConstructor, subType)) {
- typeclassTree(subType, typeConstructor)
- }
- }
- val assignments = typeclasses.zipWithIndex.map {
- case ((typ, typeclass), idx) =>
- q"""$subtypesVal($idx) = $magnoliaPkg.Magnolia.subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType, $typ](
- $magnoliaPkg.TypeName(${typ.typeSymbol.owner.fullName}, ${typ.typeSymbol.name.decodedName.toString}),
- $typeclass,
- (t: $genericType) => t.isInstanceOf[$typ],
- (t: $genericType) => t.asInstanceOf[$typ]
- )"""
- }
- Some(q"""{
- val $subtypesVal: $scalaPkg.Array[$magnoliaPkg.Subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType]] =
- new $scalaPkg.Array(${assignments.size})
- ..$assignments
- $typeNameDef
- ${c.prefix}.dispatch(new $magnoliaPkg.SealedTrait(
- $typeName,
- $subtypesVal: $scalaPkg.Array[$magnoliaPkg.Subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType]])
- ): $resultType
- }""")
- } else None
- for (term <- result) yield q"""{
- lazy val $assignedName: $resultType = $term
- $assignedName
- }"""
- }
- val genericType: Type = weakTypeOf[T]
- val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType)
- val directlyReentrant = stack.top.exists(_.searchType =:= searchType)
- if (directlyReentrant) throw DirectlyReentrantException()
- val result = stack
- .find(searchType)
- .map { enclosingRef =>
- q"$magnoliaPkg.Deferred[$searchType](${enclosingRef.toString})"
- }
- .orElse {
- directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor)
- }
- for (tree <- result) if (debug.isDefined && genericType.toString.contains(debug.get)) {
- c.echo(c.enclosingPosition, s"Magnolia macro expansion for $genericType")
- c.echo(NoPosition, s"... = ${showCode(tree)}\n\n")
- }
- val dereferencedResult =
- if (stack.nonEmpty) result
- else for (tree <- result) yield c.untypecheck(removeDeferred.transform(tree))
- dereferencedResult.getOrElse {
- c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,
- s"magnolia: could not infer $prefixName.Typeclass for type $genericType")
- }
- }
- /** constructs a new [[Subtype]] instance
- *
- * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
- * should not be called directly from users' code. */
- def subtype[Tc[_], T, S <: T](name: TypeName,
- tc: => Tc[S],
- isType: T => Boolean,
- asType: T => S): Subtype[Tc, T] =
- new Subtype[Tc, T] with PartialFunction[T, S] {
- type SType = S
- def typeName: TypeName = name
- def typeclass: Tc[SType] = tc
- def cast: PartialFunction[T, SType] = this
- def isDefinedAt(t: T) = isType(t)
- def apply(t: T): SType = asType(t)
- }
- /** constructs a new [[Param]] instance
- *
- * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
- * should not be called directly from users' code. */
- def param[Tc[_], T, P](name: String,
- isRepeated: Boolean,
- typeclassParam: => Tc[P],
- defaultVal: => Option[P],
- deref: T => P): Param[Tc, T] = new Param[Tc, T] {
- type PType = P
- def label: String = name
- def repeated: Boolean = isRepeated
- def default: Option[PType] = defaultVal
- def typeclass: Tc[PType] = typeclassParam
- def dereference(t: T): PType = deref(t)
- }
- /** constructs a new [[CaseClass]] instance
- *
- * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
- * should not be called directly from users' code. */
- def caseClass[Tc[_], T](name: TypeName,
- obj: Boolean,
- valClass: Boolean,
- params: Array[Param[Tc, T]],
- constructor: Seq[Any] => T): CaseClass[Tc, T] =
- new CaseClass[Tc, T](name, obj, valClass, params) {
- def rawConstruct(fieldValues: Seq[Any]): T = constructor(fieldValues)
- }
-private[magnolia] final case class DirectlyReentrantException()
- extends Exception("attempt to recurse directly")
-private[magnolia] object Deferred { def apply[T](method: String): T = ??? }
-private[magnolia] object CompileTimeState {
- sealed abstract class TypePath(path: String) { override def toString = path }
- final case class CoproductType(typeName: String) extends TypePath(s"coproduct type $typeName")
- final case class ProductType(paramName: String, typeName: String)
- extends TypePath(s"parameter '$paramName' of product type $typeName")
- final case class ChainedImplicit(typeClassName: String, typeName: String)
- extends TypePath(s"chained implicit $typeClassName for type $typeName")
- final class Stack[C <: whitebox.Context] {
- private var frames = List.empty[Frame]
- private val cache = mutable.Map.empty[C#Type, C#Tree]
- def isEmpty: Boolean = frames.isEmpty
- def nonEmpty: Boolean = frames.nonEmpty
- def top: Option[Frame] = frames.headOption
- def pop(): Unit = frames = frames drop 1
- def push(frame: Frame): Unit = frames ::= frame
- def clear(): Unit = {
- frames = Nil
- cache.clear()
- }
- def find(searchType: C#Type): Option[C#TermName] = frames.collectFirst {
- case Frame(_, tpe, term) if tpe =:= searchType => term
- }
- def recurse[T <: C#Tree](frame: Frame, searchType: C#Type)(fn: => T): T = {
- push(frame)
- val result = cache.getOrElseUpdate(searchType, fn)
- pop()
- result.asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- def trace: List[TypePath] =
- frames
- .drop(1)
- .foldLeft[(C#Type, List[TypePath])]((null, Nil)) {
- case ((_, Nil), frame) =>
- (frame.searchType, frame.path :: Nil)
- case (continue @ (tpe, acc), frame) =>
- if (tpe =:= frame.searchType) continue
- else (frame.searchType, frame.path :: acc)
- }
- ._2
- .reverse
- override def toString: String =
- frames.mkString("magnolia stack:\n", "\n", "\n")
- final case class Frame(path: TypePath, searchType: C#Type, term: C#TermName)
- }
- object Stack {
- private val global = new Stack[whitebox.Context]
- private val workSet = mutable.Set.empty[whitebox.Context#Symbol]
- def withContext(c: whitebox.Context)(fn: Stack[c.type] => c.Tree): c.Tree = {
- workSet += c.macroApplication.symbol
- val depth = c.enclosingMacros.count(m => workSet(m.macroApplication.symbol))
- try fn(global.asInstanceOf[Stack[c.type]])
- finally if (depth <= 1) {
- global.clear()
- workSet.clear()
- }
- }
- }