path: root/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
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authorJon Pretty <jon.pretty@propensive.com>2017-11-08 11:17:53 +0000
committerJon Pretty <jon.pretty@propensive.com>2017-11-08 11:17:53 +0000
commit3f23cb5bca4ea8be889b714008a85141fe5e213c (patch)
tree8ba57fbf39c8f1892fc6b7adaf7810665e86de6c /core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
parent1207383551b429560ac05e124349b24ff8b6dfda (diff)
Added better scaladocs and provide default values
Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala b/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
index 1ad919f..a2c164e 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
@@ -4,68 +4,65 @@ import scala.reflect._, macros._
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import language.existentials
import language.higherKinds
-import language.experimental.macros
-trait Subtype[Tc[_], T] {
- type S <: T
- def label: String
- def typeclass: Tc[S]
- def cast: PartialFunction[T, S]
-object Subtype {
- def apply[Tc[_], T, S1 <: T](name: String, tc: => Tc[S1], isType: T => Boolean, asType: T => S1) = new Subtype[Tc, T] {
- type S = S1
- def label: String = name
- def typeclass: Tc[S] = tc
- def cast: PartialFunction[T, S] = new PartialFunction[T, S] {
- def isDefinedAt(t: T) = isType(t)
- def apply(t: T): S = asType(t)
- }
- }
-object Param {
- def apply[Tc[_], T, S1](name: String, tc: Tc[S1], deref: T => S1) = new Param[Tc, T] {
- type S = S1
- def label = name
- def typeclass: Tc[S] = tc
- def dereference(t: T): S = deref(t)
- }
-trait Param[Tc[_], T] {
- type S
- def label: String
- def typeclass: Tc[S]
- def dereference(param: T): S
-object JoinContext {
- def apply[Tc[_], T](name: String, obj: Boolean, params: Array[Param[Tc, T]], constructor: (Param[Tc, T] => Any) => T) =
- new JoinContext[Tc, T](name, obj, params) {
- def construct(param: Param[Tc, T] => Any): T = constructor(param)
- }
-abstract class JoinContext[Tc[_], T](val typeName: String, val isObject: Boolean, params: Array[Param[Tc, T]]) {
- def construct(param: ((Param[Tc, T]) => Any)): T
- def parameters: Seq[Param[Tc, T]] = params
-class DispatchContext[Tc[_], T](val typeName: String, subs: Array[Subtype[Tc, T]]) {
- def subtypes: Seq[Subtype[Tc, T]] = subs
- def dispatch[R](value: T)(fn: Subtype[Tc, T] => R): R =
- subtypes.map { sub => sub.cast.andThen { v =>
- fn(sub)
- } }.reduce(_ orElse _)(value)
+/** the object which defines the Magnolia macro */
object Magnolia {
import CompileTimeState._
- def generic[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = {
+ /** derives a generic typeclass instance for the type `T`
+ *
+ * This is a macro definition method which should be bound to a method defined inside a Magnolia
+ * generic derivation object, that is, one which defines the methods `combine`, `dispatch` and
+ * the type constructor, `Typeclass[_]`. This will typically look like,
+ * <pre>
+ * object Derivation {
+ * // other definitions
+ * implicit def gen[T]: Typeclass[T] = Magnolia.gen[T]
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * which would support automatic derivation of typeclass instances by calling `Derivation.gen[T]`
+ * or with `implicitly[Typeclass[T]]`, if the implicit method is imported into the current scope.
+ *
+ * The definition expects a type constructor called `Typeclass`, taking one *-kinded type
+ * parameter to be defined on the same object as a means of determining how the typeclass should
+ * be genericized. While this may be obvious for typeclasses like `Show[T]` which take only a
+ * single type parameter, Magnolia can also derive typeclass instances for types such as
+ * `Decoder[Format, Type]` which would typically fix the `Format` parameter while varying the
+ * `Type` parameter.
+ *
+ * While there is no "interface" for a derivation, in the object-oriented sense, the Magnolia
+ * macro expects to be able to call certain methods on the object within which it is bound to a
+ * method.
+ *
+ * Specifically, for deriving case classes (product types), the macro will attempt to call the
+ * `combine` method with an instance of [[CaseClass]], like so,
+ * <pre>
+ * &lt;derivation&gt;.combine(&lt;caseClass&gt;): Typeclass[T]
+ * </pre>
+ * That is to say, the macro expects there to exist a method called `combine` on the derivation
+ * object, which may be called with the code above, and for it to return a type which conforms to
+ * the type `Typeclass[T]`. The implementation of `combine` will therefore typically look like
+ * this,
+ * <pre>
+ * def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ...
+ * </pre>
+ * however, there is the flexibility to provide additional type parameters or additional implicit
+ * parameters to the definition, provided these do not affect its ability to be invoked as
+ * described above.
+ *
+ * Likewise, for deriving sealed traits (coproduct or sum types), the macro will attempt to call
+ * the `dispatch` method with an instance of [[SealedTrait]], like so,
+ * <pre>
+ * &lt;derivation&gt;.dispatch(&lt;sealedTrait&gt;): Typeclass[T]
+ * </pre>
+ * so a definition such as,
+ * <pre>
+ * def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ...
+ * </pre>
+ * will suffice, however the qualifications regarding additional type parameters and implicit
+ * parameters apply equally to `dispatch` as to `combine`.
+ * */
+ def gen[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
@@ -152,16 +149,18 @@ object Magnolia {
val result = if(isCaseObject) {
// FIXME: look for an alternative which isn't deprecated on Scala 2.12+
val obj = genericType.typeSymbol.companionSymbol.asTerm
- val className = obj.name.toString
+ val className = obj.fullName
val impl = q"""
- ${c.prefix}.join(_root_.magnolia.JoinContext[$typeConstructor, $genericType]($className, true, new _root_.scala.Array(0), _ => $obj))
+ ${c.prefix}.combine(_root_.magnolia.Magnolia.caseClass[$typeConstructor, $genericType](
+ $className, true, new _root_.scala.Array(0), _ => $obj)
+ )
Some(Typeclass(genericType, impl))
} else if(isCaseClass) {
val caseClassParameters = genericType.decls.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.asMethod
- val className = genericType.toString
+ val className = genericType.typeSymbol.fullName
case class CaseParam(sym: c.universe.MethodSymbol, typeclass: c.Tree, paramType: c.Type, ref: c.TermName)
@@ -188,9 +187,15 @@ object Magnolia {
val preAssignments = caseParams.map(_.typeclass)
- val assignments = caseParams.zipWithIndex.map { case (CaseParam(param, typeclass, paramType, ref), idx) =>
- q"""$paramsVal($idx) = _root_.magnolia.Param[$typeConstructor, $genericType, $paramType](
- ${param.name.toString}, $ref, _.${TermName(param.name.toString)}
+ val caseClassCompanion = genericType.companion
+ val defaults = caseClassCompanion.decl(TermName("apply")).asMethod.paramLists.head.map(_.asTerm).zipWithIndex.map { case (p, idx) =>
+ if(p.isParamWithDefault) q"_root_.scala.Some(${genericType.typeSymbol.companionSymbol.asTerm}.${TermName("apply$default$"+(idx + 1))})"
+ else q"_root_.scala.None"
+ }
+ val assignments = caseParams.zip(defaults).zipWithIndex.map { case ((CaseParam(param, typeclass, paramType, ref), defaultVal), idx) =>
+ q"""$paramsVal($idx) = _root_.magnolia.Magnolia.param[$typeConstructor, $genericType, $paramType](
+ ${param.name.toString}, $ref, $defaultVal, _.${TermName(param.name.toString)}
@@ -201,7 +206,7 @@ object Magnolia {
new _root_.scala.Array(${assignments.length})
- ${c.prefix}.join(_root_.magnolia.JoinContext[$typeConstructor, $genericType](
+ ${c.prefix}.combine(_root_.magnolia.Magnolia.caseClass[$typeConstructor, $genericType](
@@ -237,8 +242,8 @@ object Magnolia {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $searchType")
}.zipWithIndex.map { case ((typ, typeclass), idx) =>
- q"""$subtypesVal($idx) = _root_.magnolia.Subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType, $typ](
- ${typ.typeSymbol.name.toString},
+ q"""$subtypesVal($idx) = _root_.magnolia.Magnolia.subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType, $typ](
+ ${typ.typeSymbol.fullName},
(t: $genericType) => t.isInstanceOf[$typ],
(t: $genericType) => t.asInstanceOf[$typ]
@@ -252,7 +257,10 @@ object Magnolia {
- ${c.prefix}.dispatch(new _root_.magnolia.DispatchContext($genericTypeName, $subtypesVal: _root_.scala.Array[_root_.magnolia.Subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType]])): $resultType
+ ${c.prefix}.dispatch(new _root_.magnolia.SealedTrait(
+ $genericTypeName,
+ $subtypesVal: _root_.scala.Array[_root_.magnolia.Subtype[$typeConstructor, $genericType]])
+ ): $resultType
} else None
@@ -305,6 +313,41 @@ object Magnolia {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"magnolia: could not infer typeclass for type $genericType")
+ /** constructs a new [[Subtype]] instance
+ *
+ * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
+ * should not be called directly from users' code. */
+ def subtype[Tc[_], T, S <: T](name: String, tc: => Tc[S], isType: T => Boolean, asType: T => S) = new Subtype[Tc, T] {
+ type SType = S
+ def label: String = name
+ def typeclass: Tc[SType] = tc
+ def cast: PartialFunction[T, SType] = new PartialFunction[T, S] {
+ def isDefinedAt(t: T) = isType(t)
+ def apply(t: T): SType = asType(t)
+ }
+ }
+ /** constructs a new [[Param]] instance
+ *
+ * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
+ * should not be called directly from users' code. */
+ def param[Tc[_], T, P](name: String, typeclassParam: Tc[P], defaultVal: => Option[P], deref: T => P) = new Param[Tc, T] {
+ type PType = P
+ def label: String = name
+ def default: Option[PType] = defaultVal
+ def typeclass: Tc[PType] = typeclassParam
+ def dereference(t: T): PType = deref(t)
+ }
+ /** constructs a new [[CaseClass]] instance
+ *
+ * This method is intended to be called only from code generated by the Magnolia macro, and
+ * should not be called directly from users' code. */
+ def caseClass[Tc[_], T](name: String, obj: Boolean, params: Array[Param[Tc, T]], constructor: (Param[Tc, T] => Any) => T) =
+ new CaseClass[Tc, T](name, obj, params) {
+ def construct[R](param: Param[Tc, T] => R): T = constructor(param)
+ }
private[magnolia] case class DirectlyReentrantException() extends