path: root/docs/pages/7 - Extending
blob: 2eb7c93b69daee06bcc1ceedcf043a48cb5bc50d (plain) (tree)


























There are many different ways of extending Mill, depending on how much
customization and flexibility you need. This page will go through your options
from the easiest/least-flexible to the hardest/most-flexible.

## Custom Targets & Commands

The simplest way of adding custom functionality to Mill is to define a custom
Target or Command:

def foo = T { ... }
def bar(x: Int, s: String) = T.command { ... }

These can depend on other Targets, contain arbitrary code, and be placed
top-level or within any module. If you have something you just want to *do* that
isn't covered by the built-in `ScalaModule`s/`ScalaJSModule`s, simply write a
custom Target (for cached computations) or Command (for un-cached actions) and
you're done.

For subprocess/filesystem operations, you can use the
[Ammonite-Ops]( library that comes bundled with
Mill, or even plain `java.nio`/`java.lang.Process`. Each target gets its own
[T.ctx().dest]( folder
that you can use to place files without worrying about colliding with other

This covers use cases like:

### Compile some Javascript with Webpack and put it in your runtime classpath:

def doWebpackStuff(sources: Seq[PathRef]): PathRef = ???

def javascriptSources = T.sources { millSourcePath / "js" }
def compiledJavascript = T { doWebpackStuff(javascriptSources()) }  
object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def runClasspath = T { super.runClasspath() ++ compiledJavascript() }

### Deploy your compiled assembly to AWS

object foo extends ScalaModule {


def deploy(assembly: PathRef, credentials: String) = ???

def deployFoo(credentials: String) = T.command { deployFoo(foo.assembly()) }

## Custom Workers

[Custom Targets & Commands](#custom-targets--commands) are re-computed from
scratch each time; sometimes you want to keep values around in-memory when using
`--watch` or the Build REPL. E.g. you may want to keep a webpack process running
so webpack's own internal caches are hot and compilation is fast:

def webpackWorker = T.worker {
  // Spawn a process using java.lang.Process and return it

def javascriptSources = T.sources { millSourcePath / "js" }

def doWebpackStuff(webpackProcess: Process, sources: Seq[PathRef]): PathRef = ???

def compiledJavascript = T { doWebpackStuff(webpackWorker(), javascriptSources()) }

Mill itself uses `T.worker`s for its built-in Scala support: we keep the Scala
compiler in memory between compilations, rather than discarding it each time, in
order to improve performance.

## Custom Modules

trait FooModule extends mill.Module {
  def bar = T { "hello" }
  def baz = T { "world" }

Custom modules are useful if you have a common set of tasks that you want to
re-used across different parts of your build. You simply define a `trait`
inheriting from `mill.Module`, and then use that `trait` as many times as you
want in various `object`s:

object foo1 extends FooModule
object foo2 extends FooModule {
  def qux = T { "I am Cow" }

You can also define a `trait` extending the built-in `ScalaModule` if you have
common configuration you want to apply to all your `ScalaModule`s:

trait FooModule extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.11.11"
  object test extends Tests {
    def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"org.scalatest::scalatest:3.0.4")
    def testFrameworks = Seq("")

## import $file

If you want to define some functionality that can be used both inside and
outside the build, you can create a new `` file next to your ``,
`import $`, and use it in your `` file:

def fooValue() = 31337 
import $
def printFoo() = T.command { println(foo.fooValue()) }

Mill's `import $file` syntax supports the full functionality of
[Ammonite Scripts](

## import $ivy

If you want to pull in artifacts from the public repositories (e.g. Maven
Central) for use in your build, you can simply use `import $ivy`:

import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.6.2`

def generatedHtml = T {
  import scalatags.Text.all._

This creates the `generatedHtml` target which can then be used however you would
like: written to a file, further processed, etc.

If you want to publish re-usable libraries that *other* people can use in their
builds, simply publish your code as a library to maven central.

For more information, see Ammonite's
[Ivy Dependencies documentation]($ivy).

## Evaluator Commands

You can define a command that takes in the current `Evaluator` as an argument,
which you can use to inspect the entire build, or run arbitrary tasks. For
example, here is the `mill.scalalib.GenIdea/idea` command which uses this to
traverse the module-tree and generate an Intellij project config for your build.

def idea(ev: Evaluator) = T.command {

Many built-in tools are implemented as custom evaluator commands:
[all](intro.html#all), [inspect](intro.html#inspect),
[resolve](intro.html#resolve), [show](intro.html#show). If you want a way to run Mill
commands and programmatically manipulate the tasks and outputs, you do so with
your own evaluator command.